Home » Arizona continues to get tough


Arizona continues to get tough — 18 Comments

  1. Because ridicule is easier than logical argument. Also, it is more to the point, as liberalism is about social acceptance, not reasoning.

    Truthers: believe that a sitting US president was involved somehow with a wide-ranging conspiracy involving hundreds of people covering up all these years, in order to encourage the US to get into wars said president had expressed no previous interest in, to obtain oil at an expensive price that he could have had at a cheaper price, and risk his political career in return for unspecified psychological advantages.

    Birthers: believe that a politician who has obscured large portions of his history also may have obscured an important personal document.

    Sure. Same thing.

    I write this as one who believes the birth cert is a non-issue and reasonably well accounted for. But the two issues are simply not equivalent.

  2. Well said, AVI.

    Phoenix Democratic Rep. Kyrsten Sinema said the bill is one of several measures that are making Arizona “the laughing stock of the nation.”

    I think it’s a perfectly sensible requirement. Hell, we’ve got to show a current utility bill showing residency to enroll our kids in the local school. Perhaps running for President is a wee bit more important than that?

  3. “Phoenix Democratic Rep. Kyrsten Sinema said the bill is one of several measures that are making Arizona “the laughing stock of the nation.””

    Laughing Stock? As in electing a hopelessly unqualified psycho as President on the basis of color and sexiness?

    Now we are all clowns.

  4. Glad to see that giving the police the authority to harass brown people (including legal residents and US citizens) for no reason is supported as “tough” by “small government” conservatives.

  5. With the lunacy running amok within this administration and a president bent on showing obeisance to dictators and tyrants while alienating our allies Representative Sinema is worried about Arizona being “the laughing stock of the nation”?


  6. Hey AJB –

    Effectively tying the hands of police to “Protect and Serve” for fear of crossing some arbitrarily defined PC line, or having their integrity questioned by any number of minority groups is preferable? Sounds like an excellent deal for those who like to hide behind those fascades, not so good for those who have to deal with or be victimized due to higher instances of gang violence or criminal activities.

  7. AJB: then perhaps you would like to assume financial sponsorship personally for ten illegal aliens?

    Haceme el favor de contestar, pues.

  8. The AZ bill is smoke and mirrors … or something. It doesn’t require any more than Obama has already given as evidence that he qualifies.

    What is truely needed is some “federal” element that would vett this issue which we do not have at this time. Maybe by 2012.

    The laughing stock is that we DON”T have that in place today.

  9. I don’t believe the birth cert has been accounted for, not in a fact or legal sense. In an exhaustion sense, yes, in that, unfortunately people seem without out the will to dispute it. Forgeries, exceptions that Hawaiin law makes, timeline, lack of proof: the preponderance of evidence does not indicate the matter is settled at all.

  10. Has anyone read Don Fredrick’s “The Obama Timeline?” How about the recent Lt. Col. who refuses to serve until the issue is addressed? Or consider Jack Cashill at the American Thinker?

    This issue has legs. Its defense consists of ridicule, legal actions, distortions, forgeries, and more ridicule.

    What is needed is an Emile Zola, J’Accuse!

  11. “This issue has legs. Its defense consists of ridicule, legal actions, distortions, forgeries, and more ridicule. ”

    It may have legs, but it lacks brains. The JFK Assassination, the Roswell Landing conspiracy, the Loch Ness monster, Anthropogenic Global Warming all have legs too. It doesn’t make them credible.

    I realize that amounts to ridicule but I find it hard to credit the birth certificate issue. Do I mind a law that requires presidential candidates to fork over their birth certificate? No. But enough already. Focus on the copius amounts of malfeasance and hypocracy; there’s more than enough to go around.

  12. In Texas, thirty five years ago, the ONLY people raising the issue of illegal entry were Latino. My family is mostly Celto-Texan, but we have been here since, in some cases, before Stephen F Austin, and there is a fair number of Cherokee and Mexicans to be found in our family tree. Most Anglo/Celto Texans only became concerned about illegal immigration about ten years ago. My long-term patient’s Mexican mother and aunts began to complain about how cheaply some people would clean a house. Duh! I began to see that the constant influx of cheap third world labor was constantly depressing wages, first for Blacks, and then for longer established Mexicans and Mexican Americans. Incidentally, there is considerable mutual disdain among all three groups.

    The most important thing, however, is the way that this issue illustrates the fragmentation of the Social Democrat paradigm. The people favoring the importation of cheap third-world labor are the people who hope to exploit that labor, and are Democrats. (You know, the defenders of the working man?) The people opposing the continuing unobstructed flow are working people who see the real problems, and know who is paying for this “generous” attitude.

  13. AJB, yes, I believe that’s the exact wording of the bill, too. “The Police shall have the authority to harass brown people for no reason.” We were trying to fool you, but I guess you were too smart for us, seeing through our ruse.

    Curses! If it hadn’t been for those kids I would have ruled the world!

  14. Jim Sullivan: You perfectly illustrated a programmed response to a very important subject. Enough already! That’s how I feel and you should feel given our Manchurian candidate. Instead of duplicating the progressive left’s own arguments, (who have anticipated your repugnance to conspiracy theories) buy Fredrick’s book and give it a good read. You can find quite a bit on his website: http://colony14.net/id41.html

    The problem isn’t the facts or evidence but finding a way to present the case to the Supreme Court. Read about Donofrio and his attempt. What is needed is a credible person who can find a way to overcome the problem of standing.

  15. I’d rather see a team of forensic accountants or whatever the proper term is prove the gross violations of the FEC laws during his campaign. Everybody knows Barry took 100s of millions from foreign donors. This might take out Biden as well since he was part of the campaign. –Have the case ready to go in January once the risk of President Pelosi has been removed.

    I’d donate money to fund an independent investigation into that. Sigh, I believe if we had an honest media they would have investigated and blown the story open well before Nov 2008.

  16. ps. Not to impugn the new media but I don’t know of any blogs that have the resources to fully investigate and publicize such things. I saw lots of screen captures of donating as Joseph Stalin etc back then. If the big media had even broadcast those stories we wouldn’t have the chicago thug in the WH.

  17. “You perfectly illustrated a programmed response to a very important subject. Enough already! That’s how I feel and you should feel given our Manchurian candidate. Instead of duplicating the progressive left’s own arguments, (who have anticipated your repugnance to conspiracy theories) buy Fredrick’s book and give it a good read. You can find quite a bit on his website: http://colony14.net/id41.html

    I’m aware of the timeline Curtis, and of the evidence. Back in the beginning, I was ready to grasp at the “Obama not a citizen” straw. But the evidence just doesn’t hold up. He was born in Hawaii, and he is a U.S. citizen.

    As for my repugnance for conspiracy theories, I’m actually kind of an officianado of them. There are some I acutally find credible, though a only tiny percentage. Back when I had time, I posted regularly on my blog about them. I’m not repeating the progressive/liberal line. I’ve just examined the issue and found it horse squeeze.

    In short: Programmed My Ass.

    There are plenty of other demonstrable, verifiable shenanigans to focus on.

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