Home » Obama the Great will settle the Middle East conflict


Obama the Great will settle the Middle East conflict — 14 Comments

  1. funny funny..

    if they deal, their mutual advantages and games dry up

    so whats funny?

    the people who manipulate and such and play games to their advantage, even if its harmful, are upset that two others who manupulate and such and play games to their advantage wont stop.

    its like the person who says, we should denude the planet of all these extra people we dont need

    to which i say: You first…

  2. Progressives look to an imaginary future as a guide to current policy. They know what the future should look like and the only reason we’re not there already is because of the prejudice, ignorance, and self interests of the past. Everything is perfect in their imaginary future. There’s no bigotry, no poverty, and no irreconcilable conflict – there is “social justice”. We’re 6 billion, happy humans all living in harmony. Kumbaya.

    So, if you keep this in mind, it explains everything since January 20, 2009. Healthcare reform, cap & trade, Obama’s recently announced policy of when nuclear weapons will be used, and negotiating with Russia to reduce nukes. Screw freedom. Obama’s creating a perfect world and he’s allowing you to live in it. Why would anyone doubt that he can impose peace between two groups who have basically been at war for the better part of 60 years without consulting them?

    Too bad it’s all a progressive Utopian fantasy.

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  4. Progressives are secular to a fault. That makes it difficult for them to understand conflicts with religious components, including the one we are in with radical Islam.

  5. I wouldn’ be surprised if there was a measure of Superior To Bush complex involved. The Won bought into the line that Bush had neglected the problem when he infact only waited till a possible opening came about with Arafat’s death. But since Obama is so much smarter than Bush, he figured he could just wave his magic wand and the world would heal.

  6. I’ll be interesting in seeing how he plans to stop arms smuggling by the Palestinians into Israel. Does anyone here remember the Karine-A? There have been several other ships like that as well, which the American papers fail to report, of course.

    Note to idiots: if “Palestine” becomes independent, Israel WILL HAVE TO destroy it before it destroys Israel. I wonder if any members of our peerless administration have thought about that.

  7. Promethea wrote”Note to idiots: if “Palestine” becomes independent, Israel WILL HAVE TO destroy it before it destroys Israel. I wonder if any members of our peerless administration have thought about that.”
    rhetorical question, right?

    Barry Rubin, super duper mid east expert, has a detailed essay on this matter over at Rubin Reports.

    His blog, as are numerous others including this one, are all racing against time by trying to keep up with the really stupid things Obmessiah is doing. It’s hopeless, the man is too fast for any of us. We need some sort of dedicated supercomputer.

    Obama-super dope? Able to smash through buildings in a single stumble, equipped with special x-ray vision that enables him to see things that are not there, more powerful than common sense, can stop logic and principles with a single blow. Look in the sky, it’s a bird, it’s a plane, no it’s super messiah!

    I’m getting some rest now.

  8. This is going to be sweet.

    Just what exactly is he going to do? How is he going to ‘impose’ a solution? As, imposing a ‘solution’ presupposes a certain ‘logic’;

    So, Obama ordains that the Palestinian/Israeli conflict is childish and that the ‘adults’ are simply going to have to step in and solve it, once and for all. (snicker, snicker)

    He puts together his plan, undoubtedly privately threatening the Israeli’s to, he thinks, ensure compliance, then lays it out for the Palestinian’s and Israeli’s and directs them to sign.

    The most likely outcome is that neither side will find it acceptable, so they both tell him to stuff it.

    Remember that it doesn’t matter what his plan is, it’ll never be agreed too. If it’s enough to satisfy the Palestinian’s, it’s national suicide for the Israeli’s. The majority of the American public will see it that way. And, on this, the Dems will be split, with a slight majority supporting the Israeli’s. Which means Obama won’t be able to follow through on his threats. Repubs will have a field day and Obama is going to do this 5-6 months before the mid-terms…

    But if it’s reasonable for Israel, the Palestinians will reject it. Obama of course, can’t threaten them because they’re the ‘victims’. In which case he looks ineffectual. The very last thing any President can afford. Ah, shades of Carter, once again.

    Barack Obama, the gift that just keeps giving.

  9. Obama, Richard Epstein who knew him says, has to be in control. Obama was impossibly rude to John Lott at the U. Chicago, when Lott was just trying to make the new guy welcome, because Obama said “You’re the gun guy. I don’t believe in guns.” End of conversation.

    Obama has an Israel/Palestine peace agreement on his little list. Israel is the country that has moved in response to hope for peace, therefore Obama is demanding that Israel do what he says. He may not say it that clearly, but if Israel does not jump to attention, they’re on his bad list. Obama’s arrogance does not include being disagreed with.

  10. This is so related to your post about econ policy above. The guy just KNOWS stuff. 🙂

  11. Scott Says:
    April 8th, 2010 at 3:21 pm

    Progressives look to an imaginary future as a guide to current policy. They know what the future should look like and the only reason we’re not there already is because of the prejudice, ignorance, and self interests of the past. Everything is perfect in their imaginary future. There’s no bigotry, no poverty, and no irreconcilable conflict – there is “social justice”. We’re 6 billion, happy humans all living in harmony. Kumbaya.

    I think you described the “progressive” world view very well.

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