Home » The problem of the problem of whiteness


The problem of the problem of whiteness — 62 Comments

  1. The narrative keeps getting more and more complicated.

    As I am to understand it, I think, – how can anyone be sure of anything when liberal theory has to it more superpositions than Schrodinger’s cat — the obvious gorilla in the room is the one in the saddle on the high horse who carries in his saddlebags all the cultural and social dispensations allotted him by privileged whites that had elevated him to most privileged status by dint of his being sufficiently white while, simultaneously, reliably anti-white.

    The future is going to be hard.

  2. The concept of race has been scientifically debunked.

    “DNA studies do not indicate that separate classifiable subspecies (races) exist within modern humans. While different genes for physical traits such as skin and hair color can be identified between individuals, no consistent patterns of genes across the human genome exist to distinguish one race from another.”


    Moreover, geneticists had been saying this for decades prior to the Human Genome Project’s conclusive finding. The big question in light of this finding is why race obsession in the MSM and race hustling generally has only intensified. Perhaps a desire to capitalize on it before the public becomes aware?

  3. It’s all about victimization. An evil conspiracy of white male heterosexual patriarchal hegemonists, disenfranchise politically and deprive socio-economically the rest of the world, who are the ‘victims’ of this ‘oppression’.

  4. Re Critical Race Theory: there was a Ph.D. Dissertation written on applying Critical Race Theory to black female principals. The author of the dissertation was also a black female principal. The school district she was a principal didn’t renew her initial contract, and justifiably so- she was not a competent administrator. I concluded that her dissertation would be more accurately titled “Using Critical Race Theory to Excuse Incompetence in School Principals.”

    She is now a professor, suggesting that those who are not competent school administrators, teach others to become school administrators.

  5. Correction:
    “The school district where she was a principal didn’t renew her initial contract,and justifiably so- she was not a competent administrator.”

  6. Coincidentally, earlier today the Diplomad wrote a “defense of white dues.” The defense is written with a sense of humor, but makes a few serious points. For those of you lucky enough to be working outside of academia, you’ll be happy to know that Critical Race Theory has become the norm in some departments, and a diluted version commonly creeps into activities like new student orientation.

    Anyway, for a palate cleanser, try the Diplomad’s defense of white dudes at http://tinyurl.com/oeedxlb

  7. Think how much college tutions could be cut if these kinds of professors and departments were eliminated. Why should I pay higher doctor fees so the doctor can pay for student loans that fund these idiots?

    If people find this s**t interesting or helpful, let them buy the books.

  8. The envy, it burns.

    –Proud of my Anglo-Saxon heritage. And white men rock! 🙂 (There — I said it!)

  9. Banned Lizard at 4:10 pm
    “The concept of race has been scientifically debunked.”

    I realize that some scientists have made that claim but those claims are often more political than scientific. Anyone who has lived in Africa knows from personal experience that there are different races. The difference between white people and black people is undeniable.

    White people are probably among the least racist people on Earth, that’s why minority groups are allowed to prosper by trashing the majority like they do. Ceding moral superiority to less successful minority groups is unthinkable in China, Japan, Africa, the Middle East etc.

  10. Thanks for the Diplomad link, Cornflour! that was outstanding. He’s right: if White Christian Dudes are so awful, how come all these people flock to their countries?

  11. Just scanned the Vox (ugh) article. The usual racist attitudes about Caucasians, from nonwhites and self-loathing pale types.

    Amazing, innit? What other race would sit still for this relentless abuse, and even take courses in which we’re cast as the World Villains?

    Take the white dudes out of the picture, and there goes most of science, all democracy, all human rights, AND industrial civilization. (Thanks, guys!)

  12. The idea that “races” don’t exist is antiscientific codswallop brought to you by superposition liberals who love science only when they don’t hate it, i.e., when it proves the opposite of their favored contentions that they use to better indict those who will not comply with the sacred narratives. If race doesn’t exist, than neither do taxonomic “species” and “groups”. Start throwing out what you don’t like and eventually you’ll be hard pressed not to throw out the baby with the bath water.

  13. So…all of this “white privilege” talk is to invent racism where none exists to keep the racial tensions going, right? Makes it super easy to accuse others of racism by merely existing; they don’t have to actually do or say anything racist, they just have to be white.

    How about he just teach literature instead of race theory, and if he needs to categorize, use cultures instead of race? It’s not like there is a “white” style of writing. American literature is different from, say, Irish literature, etc. Also, there are whites in South America (of European descent), so would these be “white” writers or “Chicano” writers? He was doomed as soon as he picked race instead of culture.

  14. @ Banned Lizard

    >> “The concept of race has been scientifically debunked.”

    I’m sorry, but this is bullshit.

    Race cannot be scientifically debunked because race is not something to prove, but to define.

    Inside one species there’s is not natural boundaries. Since any member from one species can procreate with another one, you can always find middle points in the genetic pool.

    There´s no such a thing as a “german sheperd dog race” in nature. It’s something we artifitially define: a german sheperd is what we define as a german sheperd.

    There’s no such a thing as “yellow” in nature. Yellow is what we define as yellow. And yellowish colours is what we define as yellowish colours.

    There’s no such a thing as “United States” in nature. The boundaries of a country is the boundaries you define. Of course, some boundaries can be blurry (California, does it belong to USA or to Mexico?), but you know for sure that Beijing is not inside USA.

    And there’s no such a thing as “white race” in nature, since white race is what we define as white race. There’s nothing to debunk since it’s a definition.

    Dear god…

  15. there sho’nuff is a white culture and, despite its disgusting periodic aberrations, it is categorically superior to any other. That is the result of testing the (ahem) Theory.

  16. So much of this white privilege meme is, IMO, actually an anti-competition movement. In a competitive society excellence tends to rise to the top. Getting to the top or even half way to the top is hard. We see the star athlete/dancer/creative genius/ successful businessman, but we don’t see the hours of work, sacrifice, and failures these successes entail. The left calls it unfair – I call it the nature of humanity. Equal opportunity is what we need, but they want equal outcomes.

    The fact that Caucasians have made such great advances in wealth creation and living standards are not due to taking advantage of other races. Yes, geographical facts, which shaped cultures have played a big part in that success. (See Thomas Sowell’s book, “Race And Culture: A World View.”) The development of culture in Western Europe lead to the development of democratic governance, separation of church and state, and the principle of private property backed by law. That is what has led to success, not race. However, with the explosion of information available to so many there is now no reason why; with the application of hard work, dedication, and sacrifice; other cultures cannot emulate or even surpass the achievements of the Caucasian race.

    Being white doesn’t automatically give one a leg up. Take the profession of pilot. You have to be fortunate enough to be physically qualified – good health, good eyesight, and quick reflexes. Then there are the hours of schooling, testing, training flights, check flights, and the process is never ending. You could lose your license by failing a physical or failing a check ride or by causing an accident. The demand for excellence is never ending. It is no gift because of your race. I flew with a black Naval Officer. He was a hard-eyed realist. Like most pilots he never let up in his quest for excellence on the job. Everyone who worked with him knew he could hack it, race be damned. And that’s the way it used to be and ought to be.

    The next time you see a white bum/alcoholic on the street go ask him what happened to his white privilege. Go to a bankruptcy court and ask the white bankruptcy filers what happened to their white privilege. Ask the white aero-space engineer who got laid off by Boeing and is selling shoes to keep some money coming in what happened to his white privilege. There is no white privilege. There is getting an education, obeying the law, working hard, trying always to do your best, and saving/investing for the future. But that, no matter your race, will not guarantee you success, but it sure puts the odds in your favor.

  17. It’s all about destroying the cultural and personal confidence of those designated “white” for the purposes of this practitioners of this variety of mummery. Nothing more, nothing less.
    If an individual set about coldly and deliberately destroying the self-confidence, the self-assurance in their own abilities of a single child, it would be called abusive and be a matter for Child Protective Services.
    But since it is a certain segment of the educational/cultural establishment, aimed at a whole ethnic group … well then, no biggie at all.

  18. I got into an argument, which I lost with a nutty sociology prof back in the 1970’s. She was trying to say there were no real differences in people, only prejudices. I tried to make the point that self identification with ethnic groups is what race seems to actually mean to most people. That is why even today Germans know they are Germans and not their neighboring French and each knows they are superior to the other, in their bones.

    Mix in color with this identification and it gets even more difficult to explain how a very dark skinned person can come to the US from India and become very successful while it appears that the ethnic self identification of other dark skinned people seems to hold them back.

    And yes their is a dominate culture of well educated, well spoken people who seem to always see to have an advantage in life and most of them are white with European roots.

    The cultural ethic differences are real and they are strong and most people feel most comfortable within their own group and life is hard and not fair, etc. etc. etc.

    As far as fixing the problem, I don’t even know how to really define what folks are trying to do, much less what workable solutions might be possible.

  19. In states like Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, and Utah where there are effectively no blacks, is whiteness a problem? Is there a white advantage? Why is it that the areas with large black populations are areas of poverty, violence, disease, and poor academic performance? Not a lot of whiteness in the ghetto.

    Yes, race does exist. When police find a human skeleton in the woods, they call in an anthropologist to determine the age, sex, and race of the victim.

  20. @ OldTexan

    Indeed, the existence of prejudices shows that there’s differences between races (cultural or genetic, that’s a different story. I think it’s mainly cultural, anyway).

    Prejudices are the judgements you do in absence of further information. And you do it based in the average of the features you can notices at first sight. For example: it’s less likely (on average) to have problems with a suit-dressed man than with a hooked one. So, if you meet one in a lonely street, you’re likely to have prejudices against a hooked one.

    If there was no difference between races or cultures, there would be no prejudices.

  21. Stereotyping is actually an empirical generalization based on observations. It’s a normal way to make sense of the world. Pick the tall guy for the basketball team. Later on you can see if he can shoot.

  22. Academia is possessed by a profound craziness these days. The old Marxists and Communists were deluded, but they were not crazy in the way the academic left is. If I were to diagnose the cause, it would run something like this: God is dead -> Communism & Fascism, Communism & Fascism are dead -> crazy bewildered zombies eating the brains of children. It is all driven by the human need for “religion”.

  23. White Americans are probably the least racist people on Earth. That wasn’t always the case, of course, but it has been for the last 40-50 years or so. We supported and passed legislation like the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts, and even affirmative action, in an attempt to remediate past wrongs. It was “white guilt” more than anything that enabled the election of our first black President.

    What have we whites gotten in return? Relentless demonization, and it’s only getting worse. School curricula that obsess over slavery and segregation fuel black resentment, and the invasion of Hispanics from Mexico and Central America is trumpeted by an outfit that explicitly calls itself “The Race”.

    Politicians who say “all lives matter” are heckled and shouted down by those who insist that only black lives matter.

    White taxpayers have spent upwards of a trillion dollars in Great Society programs, yet we are still faced with angry demands for “reparations”.

    White people who use deadly force in self-defense against black attackers are hounded out of their jobs and forced into hiding.

    The media breathlessly predicts that whites will become a minority in another generation, as if that were an inevitable fact of nature. It is not. It is deliberate government policy, apparently. Consider what happens more or less everywhere that whites become a minority. It isn’t pretty, and it’s understandable that most white people are not looking forward to it.

    Now the federal government wants to forcibly relocate Section 8 housing into peaceful white majority suburbs. This is guaranteed to increase crime and violence in neighborhoods that have not known it.

    The educational system brainwashes students with the notion that the achievements and wealth creation by white people are the result of a mysterious “white privilege”, and not a culture that values reason, honesty, and hard work.

    Every other race and culture on Earth is taught to be proud of their history. Only whites are taught to be ashamed. Which is a sick joke, because the white race and only the white race is entirely responsible for creating the modern world. If not for us, all of the other races would still be living in pre-industrial times.

    The ideals of the “melting pot” and “color-blind society” were great, but they are as dead as the dodo. America is being balkanized into mutually warring groups; a zero-sum society where if one race gets a bigger piece of the pie, another race gets screwed.

    White people are going to have to become explicitly racially conscious. We have no choice. If we don’t, we will be annihilated.

    This is the world the progs have created. It is going to get a whole lot worse.

  24. As someone who was fitted by nature for an academic career in literature (though I took another path) and who has something close to reverence for the old ideals of scholarship and intellectual integrity, I am incensed and sickened by the fact that this person is officially an English professor.

    I recently read James Burnham’s Suicide of the West, and I urge everyone to do so. Especially you, Neo, if you haven’t already. Many of its specifics are dated, but the anatomy of liberalism as the ideology of Western self-destruction is sharper than anything similar that I’ve encountered. This attack on white people–which clearly is what it amounts to–by a white person is part of that general impulse toward cultural suicide.

    As far as the specific problem of race is concerned, there is a scriptural passage applicable to the people who actively promote this kind of racial divisiveness: Hosea 8: 7–“For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.”

  25. One hundred years ago, Americans had many family members die in epidemics or of simple diseases, 80% of us lived below what we now call the poverty line, children went hungry, few people got beyond 6th grade – and all this in the richest country in the world.

    In short, we had real problems then.

  26. heh:

    The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon
    by Rudyard Kipling

    It was not part of their blood,
    It came to them very late,
    With long arrears to make good,
    When the Saxon began to hate.

    They were not easily moved,
    They were icy – willing to wait
    Till every count should be proved,
    Ere the Saxon began to hate.

    Their voices were even and low.
    Their eyes were level and straight.
    There was neither sign nor show
    When the Saxon began to hate.

    It was not preached to the crowd.
    It was not taught by the state.
    No man spoke it aloud
    When the Saxon began to hate.

    It was not suddently bred.
    It will not swiftly abate.
    Through the chilled years ahead,
    When Time shall count from the date
    That the Saxon began to hate.

  27. Assistant Village Idiot Says:
    July 25th, 2015 at 10:28 pm
    One hundred years ago, Americans had many family members die in epidemics or of simple diseases, 80% of us lived below what we now call the poverty line, children went hungry, few people got beyond 6th grade — and all this in the richest country in the world.

    In short, we had real problems then. Here:
    WA thelastminstrel
    Someone asked a Catholic priest who had managed to stay active in Castro’s Cuba; “What effect had the Revolution had on the ordinary people?”
    He replied that it had made them better human beings; the shared deprivation, impoverishment and persecution made them ignore the trivial things that did not matter and cherish the qualities of character that were the only constants you could depend on; loyalty, generosity of spirit, faith, the will to keep on living and hope in a hopeless looking future.
    Americas problem stems from the fact that most people don’t have to struggle just to stay alive. We have time and energy and resources to be discontented.
    I think Robert Service summed it up nicely;
    “We bore the famine worthily, but we lost our heads at the feast.”

  28. G6loq:
    Sorry, but the idea that a Communist revolution makes people “better” is offensive and absurd on its face.

    What was it that reporter said in the 1930s? How wonderful it was that everybody was equally shabby?

    I really don’t have much respect for Catholicism. Mankind didn’t truly begin to progress until the Protestant Reformation. Without that, the United States would have been impossible.

    Catholicism teaches people to wear their chains with honor and dignity. Protestantism teaches people to throw off their chains.

  29. rickl, I share your prejudices.

    However, Catholicism works better with our base natures as female and masculine species. And Catholicism permits our contradictory sensual natures to co-exist with the higher aspirations in life.

    Protestantism works to make us guilt-ridden, frozen, and utopian.

    Thus, in certain regards – and here, it’s the psycho-cultural dimension – this is a case of ‘pick your own poison.’ Or maybe, ‘be careful what you wish for’ – you may not like it.

  30. I can see that memories fade, after 10,000 years.

    1) The current White race is an amalgam of R1a, R1b, I, (with a sprinkling of J) haplogroups.

    2) Virtually the ENTIRE barnyard hails from R1a, R1b home turf.


    { Dog and pig are so ancient, who knows? … Fowl domestication and aquaculture appears to be strictly an Oriental achievement. These are the only races that have any legacy of domestication. — The chicken is native to Southeast Asia. { The Polynesians can’t be ruled out. }

    [ Cats == Egypt; Pharaonic age. ]

    In particular, domestication was entirely introduced — with Africa being perhaps the last place on Earth for the DOG. }

    Even the WHEEL is considered to be an invention that rolled in from the steppe. That’s consistent with a device that would not need any road construction thereabouts. { In Japan, road construction was deemed so uneconomic that wheeled transport was not adopted — millennia after it was known. }

    So the impact of the White races goes much, much, further back into history than the industrial age.

    And, as a coda, modern beekeeping started in Britain in the 19th Century. It’s had as much an impact on agriculture as nitrogen fertilizers. Crop yields go straight to He!! without bees in their millions.

  31. I’m so relieved that I went to college just before racialist stuff really got a full head of steam in academia.

    Then, too, I was a Chemistry major. Toluene may be disagreeable, but it’s not particularly racist, at least not in my experience.

  32. rickl Says:
    July 26th, 2015 at 1:43 am
    Sorry, but the idea that a Communist revolution makes people “better” is offensive and absurd on its face.

    I agree. Sorry I should have emphasized the part of the comment that truly caught my eye:
    Americas problem stems from the fact that most people don’t have to struggle just to stay alive. We have time and energy and resources to be discontented.
    I think Robert Service summed it up nicely;
    “We bore the famine worthily, but we lost our heads at the feast.”

    I other words, too good for too long.
    Hell, we don’t even fight the communist within any more and as to the Catholics … Pope Francis. Nuff said ….

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  34. “Then, too, I was a Chemistry major. Toluene may be disagreeable, but it’s not particularly racist, at least not in my experience.”

    Ahh but it is! You haven’t been around academia to hear the recent calls about how all science was built by old white guys, therefore is flawed. Toluene is the way it is because a white guy defined it as such, a black scientist from Africa would probably define it differently, and it wouldn’t be poisonous either.

    Further, we have been told that when we teach Schrodinger’s eqn. we are perpetuating the “system”, and we must now teach the sociology and history of science to highlight minority contributions, rather than the actual science.

    Of course this is all coming from totalitarian minded humanities types, who 2 seconds later admit they avoided science as much as possible as students. BUT, they are a powerful voice and are pressing the issue…watch out.

    Watching denial of reality is an amazing thing.

  35. Critical race theories are consistent with the Democrat platform. In 1850, the Demoncrats developed a theory of the superiority of the white race and used it to harness political control over Republicans, other Southerners, and various other competitors. It was considered a legitimate cultural truth that the black “race” was born to work in the fields and that the white aristocrats were to be elevated to enlightenment with their free time (cause they owned land), while the inferior black race was consigned the role of family dogs. Of course Southerners obedient to the Demoncrat law, treated their slaves well, wouldn’t you treat your dogs well? Individuals like Robert E Lee or other Southerners, didn’t necessarily agree with such theories about the Proper way of life for a Southern gentlemen. But their opinions were drowned out given how slaves could contribute to the voting power of a slave owning state. The more slaves an owner had, the more influence they had over the Lees and the Jacksons.

    The point is, after some rewriting, the Demoncrats shifted their critical race theory to be about whites being the problem.

  36. One hundred years ago, Americans had many family members die in epidemics or of simple diseases,

    People called them Democrats back then as well.

  37. if White Christian Dudes are so awful, how come all these people flock to their countries?

    They would reply, because WCDs ripped them off and ripped off the world, and they come here to reclaim what’s theirs.

  38. rickl Says:

    I really don’t have much respect for Catholicism.

    I can understand that. But do not sell short the monks who transcribed much of what is now considered the heritage of Western Civilization written thought, from the Greeks to the Romans and more. Without those transcriptions, we would all be the poorer.

    But then again, no one expects the Spanish Inquisition.

  39. G6loq – that’s Rutgers, as in tax-payer funded state school in New Jersey.

    It is not only the stupid, bigoted ideas that are disturbing. But, the tax payers are financing it. MY taxes are paying for her to put me down.

    While I do understand the need for tenure, as in protecting the academic process from the political process; there needs to be some limits drawn. After all, if it were a white male who made a blanket statement about all blacks or all women tenure or not he would be out.

    On the one bright side, reading those comments there are hysterical!

  40. On the one bright side, reading those comments there are hysterical!
    Glad you saw them! I viewed them as an ‘Easter Egg’ within the post … :)))

  41. And there’s no such a thing as “white race” in nature, since white race is what we define as white race. There’s nothing to debunk since it’s a definition.

    Which is why Hussein is considered black, Clinton is black, Hussein is Jewish, and a white girl is considered a black leader in NAACP.

  42. The problem with whiteness is that people keep appropriating white culture with its ancient liberties of individual rights, representative government, private property and free market capitalism. To be honest, that is Anglo-Saxon culture that is now English-speaking culture but still people keep appropriating it.

    I suppose it is a good thing that the culture, unlike most others, doesn’t depend on race, ethnicity or even religion. As long as the religious are willing to throw off the dogma demanding the oppression of women, the suppression of individual rights and collectivism.

  43. “Take the white dudes out of the picture, and there goes most of science, all democracy, all human rights, AND industrial civilization.”

    Only in the English-speaking countries, i.e, the Anglosphere were all the pieces of the steam engine invented/developed. Other countries did have parallel development of some elements, but only in the English-speaking countries were all the components for a complete engine developed. Granted many of those inventor/developers spoke English with a heavy accent of their native language, much like today.

  44. While different genes for physical traits such as skin and hair color can be identified between individuals, no consistent patterns of genes across the human genome exist to distinguish one race from another.”

    this is not true. .
    its just that one narrative has to contradict another narrative or else…

    you can identify races by genomes…
    if you couldnt, you could not do population migration studies based in DNA…

    What Science Says About Race and Genetics
    Analysis of genomes from around the world establishes that there is a biological basis for race, despite the official statements to the contrary of leading social science organizations. An illustration of the point is the fact that with mixed race populations, such as African Americans, geneticists can now track along an individual’s genome, and assign each segment to an African or European ancestor, an exercise that would be impossible if race did not have some basis in biological reality.

    now the floodgates to exterminating those with capitalistic genes (like jews and christians) will become a movement… is THAT valid? no, but they can sure use whatever favors whatever they decide to twist or warp…

  45. Lizzy Says: He was doomed as soon as he picked race instead of culture.

    actually race is NOT about color, the original word, coined by trotsky in the history of the soviet revolution, revered to slavics and their love of their culture…

    ie. the slavics did not want to give up their culture and have it rewritten by the soviets, and so they were racists, a new term coined by trotsky

    so the whole point of this is to make whites so ashamed of their culture they become ruderless and moldable as US black population is.. and women population…

    if you havent noticed the one group that is not as influenced by advertising, and fads is white males… women will wear their underwear out of their own clothes, blacks will dress as thugs so they cant get a job, etc.

    all of those are things that show how easily socially manipulated they can be… with women leading the pack, or do you think convincing them to murder their babies and fight to protect that a proposition that women 100 years ago would find acceptable?

    throuhg women, the modern nazis didnt have to make ovens and camps, they just had to send the women to school where whateer they are told they become, withotu muich protest. then they exterminate their family, destroy the economy that they want to work in, and hate their historical mates to the point of what? self extermination? oh, while at the same time, thinking that without children families and so on, they are the future of it all.

    you let me know which group in our society can be convinced to do all that and be happy while also answering that they are extremely miserable.

  46. Yann Says: Race cannot be scientifically debunked because race is not something to prove, but to define.

    So yann, if i tried to call myself chinese to the chinese and i did not have epicantic folds right, would they believe me? how about the inability to process alcohol in half the population? here is one, would the japanese be even MORE unacepting?

    basically leftist rags say it doesnt exist…
    but then contradict taling about whiteness

    medical information lays out that not only does it exist, but you can track it as people married and had children and they married… because of somthing called Single nucleotide polymorphisms… not all groups have them, and many groups have combinations in the areas that are not protein active that show details.


    Most American Indians (91 per cent) have blood type O. The front teeth (incisors) of American Indians often display a characteristic shovel shape.

    Pacific Islanders have skin of various shades of brown. The eyes are dark brown or black, with some obliquity and incidence of epicanthal fold. The nose is usually short and the hair is black, lank, and long. Pacific Islanders are mostly dolichocephalic, but some have mesocephalic (medium) or brachycephalic (wide) skull proportions. The most common blood types in Pacific Islanders are A (50 per cent) and O (42 per cent).

    Steatopygia, a high degree of fat accumulation on the buttocks, is most common in native southern African populations. This distinctive characteristic, most noted in females, appears to be an adaptation to varying cyclic nutritional opportunities for hunter-gatherers. The front teeth (incisors) of Blacks often display a characteristic flat, spatulate shape.

    The breakdown and absorption of lactose, the major sugar in milk, requires the enzyme lactase. Although babies are normally capable of producing lactase in sufficient amounts, more than 80 per cent of non-White humans lose this ability after about age two. Lactose-intolerant adults can suffer from abdominal cramps and diarrhea when they drink more than a little milk. Lactose tolerance apparently evolved in Whites as an adaptation permitting adult consumption of milk following the domestication of cattle about 6,000 B.C.

    [artfldgr: this comes from their having cows in the north, as you could store hay, feed cows, and live on milk… this was a way to live through the harsh food poor winters… its also why the caucasian race dominates cheese making]

    Dravidians tend to be of relatively tall stature. Their skin ranges from brown to almost black. Eyes are dark brown or black. Dravidians generally possess a dolichocephalic head with a long, narrow face and well-developed forehead. Hair is black or dark brown, straight or wavy, long. The nose is straight, long and narrow. The most prevalent blood types among Dravidians are O (37 per cent) and B (33 per cent).

    Asians have black, straight, hair, scanty on the body and face, but long on the scalp. In cross section, Asian hair is circular. Male pattern baldness is relatively rare. The head is brachycephalic or mesocephalic, the skull usually devoid of prominent brow ridges. The most prevalent Asian blood types are O (38 per cent) and B (30 per cent). The front teeth (incisors) of Asians often display a characteristic shovel shape.

  47. Jimmy J. Says: The development of culture in Western Europe lead to the development of democratic governance, separation of church and state, and the principle of private property backed by law. That is what has led to success, not race.

    Athenians created democracy
    the private property thing came from judaism and christianity in their reverence of the individual
    the law didnt back that for ages

    and there is no separation of church and state, that is communist… there was only the mandate that the state would not pick religions and put one up like the church of england. this is why there are prayers in congress and all taht and that only the communist left is trying to impose a rule that does not exist.

    they have done so well, you think that what they practice is backed. but it isnt.

  48. Ymarsakar Says: Critical race theories are consistent with the Democrat platform. In 1850, the Demoncrats developed a theory of the superiority of the white race and used it to harness political control over Republicans, other Southerners, and various other competitors. It was considered a legitimate cultural truth that the black “race”…..

    Really? why do you piss into the well instead of getting your facts straight?

    please let me know how you can have “race” theory when the term race was not in use until trotsky coined it? trotsky was born in 1879… and he invented the term in 1930

    Славянофильство, мессианизм отсталости, строило свою философию на том, что русский народ и его церковь насквозь демократичны, а официальная Россия — это немецкая бюрократия, насажденная Петром. Маркс заметил по этому поводу: “Ведь точно так же и тевтонские ослы сваливают деспотизм Фридриха II и Ñ‚. д. на французов, как будто отсталые рабы не нуждаются всегда в цивилизованных рабах, чтобы пройти нужную выучку”. Это краткое замечание исчерпывает до дна не только старую философию славянофилов, но и новейшие откровения “расистов”.

    “Slavophilism, the messianism of backwardness, has based its philosophy upon the assumption that the Russian people and their church are democratic through and through, whereas official Russia is a German bureaucracy imposed upon them by Peter the Great. Mark remarked upon this theme: “In the same way the Teutonic jackasses blamed the despotism of Frederick the Second upon the French, as though backward slaves were not always in need of civilised slaves to train them.” This brief comment completely finishes off not only the old philosophy of the Slavophiles, but also the latest revelations of the ‘racists.'”

    very hard to work on a concept of race before race was invented, wouldnt you say so?

    prior to that it meant
    late Old English, from Old Norse ré¡s ‘current.’ It was originally a northern English word with the sense ‘rapid forward movement,’ which gave rise to the senses ‘contest of speed’ (early 16th century) and ‘channel, path’ (i.e., the space traversed). The verb dates from the late 15th century.

    the online etymology dictionary guesses its from italian, but they dont get the first use was not in italy

    “people of common descent,” a word from the 16th century, from Middle French race, earlier razza “race, breed, lineage, family” (16c.), possibly from Italian razza, of unknown origin (cognate with Spanish and Portuguese raza). Etymologists say no connection with Latin radix “root,” though they admit this might have influenced the “tribe, nation” sense.

    Original senses in English included “wines with characteristic flavor” (1520), “group of people with common occupation” (c. 1500), and “generation” (1540s). Meaning “tribe, nation, or people regarded as of common stock” is by 1560s. Modern meaning of “one of the great divisions of mankind based on physical peculiarities” is from 1774 (though as OED points out, even among anthropologists there never has been an accepted classification of these).

    so prior to the communists it was not used in terms of color of skin or culture.

    as for critical race theory, you cant drum that up until AFTER hitler kicks out the Frankfurt school, and they come up with critical theory… or rather, the social versio of economic marxism…

    Critical race theory (CRT) is an academic discipline focused upon the application of critical theory, a critical examination of society and culture, to the intersection of race, law, and power Critical race theory is often associated with many of the controversial issues involved in the pursuit of equality issues related to race and ethnicity.


    Critical theory is a school of thought that stresses the reflective assessment and critique of society and culture by applying knowledge from the social sciences and the humanities. As a term, critical theory has two meanings with different origins and histories: the first originated in sociology and the second originated in literary criticism, whereby it is used and applied as an umbrella term that can describe a theory founded upon critique; thus, the theorist Max Horkheimer described a theory as critical insofar as it seeks “to liberate human beings from the circumstances that enslave them.”

    and Max Horkheimer, and theodore adorno, and all those ilk, uncluding herbert marcuse, were the founders of the frankfurt school, which hitler ejected and who then came to the US to columbia college in manhattan… where their ideas spread communism (Which is why hitler kicked them out)

    so your so off point your not even wrong

    The phrase is generally attributed to theoretical physicist Wolfgang Pauli, who was known for his colorful objections to incorrect or sloppy thinking Rudolf Peierls documents an instance in which “a friend showed Pauli the paper of a young physicist which he suspected was not of great value but on which he wanted Pauli’s views. Pauli remarked sadly, ‘It is not even wrong’.”

    This is also often quoted as “That is not only not right, it is not even wrong,” or “Das ist nicht nur nicht richtig, es ist nicht einmal falsch!” in Pauli’s native German. Peierls remarks that quite a few apocryphal stories of this kind have been circulated and mentions that he listed only the ones personally vouched by him. He also quotes another example when Pauli replied to Lev Landau, “What you said was so confused that one could not tell whether it was nonsense or not.”

  49. Artfldgr:

    See this. Also this.

    And if Trotsky invented the term in 1930, what’s D.E.B. Du Bois doing using it in the 1920’s to refer to Marcus Garvery’s work?:

    Du Bois wrote a series of articles in The Crisis between 1922 and 1924, attacking Garvey’s movement, calling him the “most dangerous enemy of the Negro race in America and the world.”

    Now, perhaps he was meaning something different than the word “race” later came to mean in the political sense. Certainly the word has become freighted with so many layers of meaning by now that I doubt he used it in the exact same sense we do. And the left has certainly exploited issues of race and redefined them politically over the years.

  50. Yarmarskar… it dont matter now if you think i am worth your time or not… answering and insuring what you write whether you care or not, is now worth MY time… ENJOY!!! have a lot of fun with it, but you got my attention, and now you have it, and there aint a darn bit of nothing that would change that once you have me focused on you… watch your facts and ignore me if you want…

    and for neo. that quote came after in books about the period
    Du Bois wrote a series of articles in The Crisis between 1922 and 1924, attacking Garvey’s movement, calling him the “most dangerous enemy of the Negro race in America and the world.”

    The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers, Vol. X …
    By Marcus Garvey whnich covers the time between 1920s and 1940s almost up to the 50s.

    the book they were taking the quote from was “A Lunatic or a Traitor, ” The Crisis 28 (May 1924] – that same edition also had articles in abortion/eugenics “Intelligence Tests and Propaganda,” The Crisis, 28

    The CRISIS is the official publication of the NAACP. It is a quarterly journal of civil rights, history, politics, and culture and seeks to educate and challenge its readers about issues that continue to plague African Americans and other communities of color. For over 100 years, The CRISIS has been the magazine of opinion and thought leaders, decision makers, peacemakers and justice seekers. It has chronicled, informed, educated, entertained and, in many instances, set the economic, political and social agenda for our nation and its multiethnic citizens.

    a better example might be
    The First Universal Races Congress met in 1911

    however, i said the term RACIST was not coined till later, not the term RACE

    in fact you can find the etymology of the word RACE, from the 16th century

    “people of common descent,” a word from the 16th century, from Middle French race, earlier razza “race, breed, lineage, family” (16c.), possibly from Italian razza, of unknown origin (cognate with Spanish and Portuguese raza). Etymologists say no connection with Latin radix “root,” though they admit this might have influenced the “tribe, nation” sense.

    the same etymology says this as to RACIST
    1932 as a noun, 1938 as an adjective, from race (n.2); racism is first attested 1936 (from French racisme, 1935), originally in the context of Nazi theories. But they replaced earlier words, racialism (1871) and racialist (1917), both often used early 20c. in a British or South African context. In the U.S., race hatred, race prejudice had been used, and, especially in 19c. political contexts, negrophobia.

    however, trotsky usage of the word is 1930

    now… is that ok?

  51. Artfldgr:

    Actually, I was referring to this comment of yours, and to the following statements within it, which say that Trotsky coined the term “race” in 1930:

    Ymarsakar Says: Critical race theories are consistent with the Democrat platform. In 1850, the Demoncrats developed a theory of the superiority of the white race and used it to harness political control over Republicans, other Southerners, and various other competitors. It was considered a legitimate cultural truth that the black “race”…..

    Really? why do you piss into the well instead of getting your facts straight?

    please let me know how you can have “race” theory when the term race was not in use until trotsky coined it? trotsky was born in 1879… and he invented the term in 1930

    That was the statement to which I was responding, plus this one in that same comment of yours:

    very hard to work on a concept of race before race was invented, wouldnt you say so?

    You go on in your comment to discuss the origin of the word “race” and of the term “critical race theory.” My comment occurs right under that comment of yours, and that was the one to which I was referring.

    I see, however, that after the Russian quote that you offered in the same comment (I assume it’s from Trotsky), there is an English translation that does mention the word “racist.” But I was referring to your remarks in that same comment.

  52. race as a political concept is what i should have said, not race as a concept in total…

    good catch…

    i should have ALSO been more careful in following my reference from trotskys work… which predates the etymology listing from nazi germany.

    though the word as the WEST knows it is from Nazi Germany… the terms racialist, and others did exist, but not the term RACIST…

    the later stuff in the post was also valid in that the ideas that came forth are credited often to south america, but seldom to the franfurt school.


  53. Stronger and more intimidating people have tried to get a reaction out of me, for the purposes of their own entertainment, before. Falling for Art’s bait would be an insult to the people of the past, in my thinking.

    Besides, if Art wants to fight, he can take on the lower Leftist feminist challengers on the internet. The sky is the limit on those. There’s no point in me going along with Art Ful Dodger just because he wants to aggravate and pick an argument. Unless of course, there’s a reason Art Ful Dodger avoids such people.

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