Home » Key Iran deal documents…


Key Iran deal documents… — 17 Comments

  1. And they’re only the most important parts of the surrender! (Ours, or rather Obama’s, to Iran):

    One of these side deals concerns inspection of the Parchin military base, where Iran reportedly has conducted explosive testing related to nuclear-warhead development. The Iranian government has refused to allow the IAEA to visit this site. Over the last several years, Iran has taken steps to clean up evidence of weapons-related activity at Parchin. ADVERTISEMENT The other secret side deal concerns how the IAEA and Iran will resolve outstanding issues on possible military dimensions (PMDs) of Iran’s nuclear program. In late 2013, Iran agreed to resolve IAEA questions about nuclear weapons-related work in twelve areas. Iran only answered questions in one of these areas and rejected the rest as based on forgeries and fabrications.

    Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/421461/congressmen-discover-secret-deals-iran-agreement

  2. As well congressional hearings on Illegal’s violence against American citizens was not provided with any actual *crime figures* even though those were
    subpoened (sp) ?

  3. I’m shocked! Shocked to learn that key Iran deal documents are missing from the information submitted to Congress.

    Just the latest in the dog and pony show for the rubes…

  4. It’s all nonsense now. The sanctions have been lifted by the UN and the Mullahs will get their money and trade deals operating with the Europeans. The Germans and French are all lined up and ready to go right now as are the Russians. Once those deals are up and locked in they will kick the inspectors out. Then, surprise, they will announce that they have nuclear weapons ready to go. Two years at the outside.

    Who’s going to stop them?

  5. Burn baby burn, global warming will become flesh melting in selected locals. The upside is we will have an excuse to nuke the site from orbit.

  6. Speaking of Iran:

    This man needs to be president!

    Two or three months ago I agreed with neo that Cruz did not seem to have “it.”

    Oh boy, does he ever; must watch:


    As previously cited, his interview with Katie Curic:


    I have a genuine sense of euphoria after watching this brilliant human being.

  7. Just to add another thought about the videos linked in previous comment:

    Isn’t Cruz essentially doing what Trump is doing, but doing it in a far more appealing, reasonable, disarming way?

    IOW he has solved the riddle of doing what we (the non-left) want a leader to do in a way which inspires confidence and respect?

    Another thought: and isn’t this what Carly is doing also?

    Wow, Cruz and Fiorina, one can dream.

  8. Washington, as well Iran, are threat to my family’s existence.
    The deal with Iran is another one of those back room deals Cruz talks about. This time, The Corker Bill, was a deal to give cover for Democrats in order to protect the cartel. I refer to it as the Washington Protection Clan.
    They cloak themselves in the back rooms of Washington and figure out ways to assure they’re power and privilege remains no matter who is in office.
    Geoffrey Britain has it exactly right, in my judgement, its a dog and pony show and Fox News, sadly, participates in the show.

    By the way, Allen West gave a great speech on Iran July 22nd. https://youtu.be/iaHe9PBnFdA

  9. Tony Badran: Parting Ways

    Barack Hussein Obama makes an ally of Iran.

    There is one thing, and one thing alone which Americans should understand about their President’s “Iran deal”, but which they are never told in plain and simple language. Not by the administration, of course, because they know the Americans would surely rise up in hatred against the Iran deal if they understood it. Not by the political opposition to the administration either, because, it seems, these people are too foolish to understand it themselves. Yet the truth of it is not complex, not in terms of discovery, nor in terms of explanation.

    It is, however, quite momentous. It is quite the change. It is as well, potentially quite the danger to the future safety and prosperity of the American nation, its people, and to the former American allies who will bear much of the brunt of slaughter, injury and injustice to follow. Why will no one speak?

  10. The Left has been allied with Islamic Jihad for some time now. The cooks and paranoid crackpots may have thought otherwise.

    Of course, back before the evidence was unearthed, those same people might have been called reasonable mainstream and opinions.

  11. It worked with Obamacare. Why won’t it work with this deal?

    Dems told us that Ocare had to be passed before we would know ALL of the deal.

    Well now we see the same thing. Here’s the deal and after you pass it we’ll show you the rest … well maybe!

    But last but not least …. opps that classified … we can’t even tell congress that.

  12. I am by far no expert on foreign policy, but from the very beginning the BO foreign policy seems to have had the overriding goal of advancing Iran’s interests. In that respect, the policy has been coherent and consistent.

  13. Most of the things “Congress” is told, is told to the committee chairs. Which essentially means out of 100 Senators you think were representing some Americans, only about 1-3 make the key decisions because they have access to the information and have the power to do so. The other 97% are kept in the dark, as usual.

    That’s why “democracy” is a joke. It’s an oligarchy already.

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