Home » Khamenei the “conservative” weighs in, post-Iran-deal


Khamenei the “conservative” weighs in, post-Iran-deal — 10 Comments

  1. Same thing Chuck does to cover his own guilt. The Left likes to pretend, even to themselves, that Islamic Jihad and the Leftist alliance are enemies. Just as they pretended that the Nazis were opposite the Soviets, and were enemies.

  2. “….and, in response, President Obama released a reply to the Grand Ayatollah which said in part, ‘Uuuuummmmmmmmm…Yummy, Yummy.. Sooooooooooooooo Yummy eating up the massive fecal matter Mr. Khamenei is serving soooooooooooo generously to me and mine!! Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm….Yuuummmmmy…!'”

  3. I remember well when the Soviet Union was disintegrating, the ossified communist old order were the conservatives. These anti-capitalist, anti-USA, died-in-the-wool statist jerks on the left were the conservatives.


    Translation: left/freedom-loving goood, right/repressive baaaad.

    “And”, quoting Uncle Walter, “that’s the way it izzzz.”

  4. The homo revolution in the US despise Christians and Republicans for being “conservative”, for trying to cherish, maintain, and uphold the institutions of marriage or other cultural artifacts.

    Even as the Left supports Iran, they are self righteous enough to tell themselves that it is the Iranian conservatives, Christian conservatives, American conservatives, that are stepping on them. They transfered the emotion, their guilt and anger, from one field to another. The Left controls the trigger.

    It is one part of the mind control theory being worked on now. This is not merely one hypnotist’s work. This is the work of an entire mind control organization, the Leftist alliance, that they have done over an entire century.

  5. Blahr.

    In my 5:22 pm, I hurriedly tried to be cutesy and ended up being less than coherent.

    The idea was supposed to be that for the mainstream media, without regard to the actual left-right orientation of the players, if it was liberating and forward-looking, it was left -slash- progressive; and if it was enslaving and ossified, it was right -slash- conservative.

    And that’s how dedicated Soviet communists became conservatives.

    And *that*’s the way it izzzzz . . .

  6. The mullahs are Classically Right Wing in their politics.

    As Right Wing was known when the term originated during the French Revolution.

    The American Revolution preceded that of the French — and, though technically Reactionary — the Revolution was an attempt to go-back-to-the-status-quo–of the earlier 1750s.

    (At that time Americans had things clicking right along, rapid expansion, low taxation, and a mother country that mostly ignored her.)

    But the US Constitution PROHIBITED the Right Wing from even getting started.

    The TORIES that had just been ejected to Ontario, Canada had been the Right Wing in American/ Colonial politics.

    They not only lost the conflict, the very basis of their politics was banned forever… in the US Constitution, as amended.

    The 1st Amendment prohibits any state religion. This is THE core desire of any Right Wing government.

    Further, the US Constitution prohibits any peerage, however framed. It was the peerage/ nobility that was the bane of EVERY Old World polity, from ancient Greece onwards.

    So, in the European sense, America can’t have a Right Wing government.

    The ultimate Right Wingers — are the Saudis of Arabia.

    That’s what a classically Right Wing government looks like.

    Curiously, every government known to man was a Right Wing government — up until, pretty much, the American Revolution.

    State sponsored religions — and a general hectoring of the population have been the norm for just about forever.

    It’s interesting to witness with Barry & Co a reversion to a state sponsored religion: Gaia’ism.

    And, who can look past the chronic hectoring WRT personal values and behavior coming from the WH.

    Barry is totalitarian in his heart.

    Get a load of the (Google exectutive constructed) Mother of all Databases that Barry is building out.

    ( NY Daily Post )

    It will permit Big Momma to hector and harass every suburb of the nation.

  7. In June 2006 an Iranian newspaper (the Iranian daily Jomhuriya Eslami ) carried the text of a speech delivered by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei in Tehran’s main mosque:

    “We Iranians intend no harm to any nation, nor will we be the first to attack any nation. We do not deny the right of any polity in any place on god’s green earth to exist and prosper. We are a peace-loving country whose only wish is to love, and to let live, in peace.”

    The news report on this speech noted the crowd some 7,000 in number, expressed their unanimous support for the Supreme Leader’s words by repeatedly chanting a refrain, “Death to America! Death to Israel!”

    Chanting ‘Death to America! Death to Israel!” has been the way Iranians applaud for over a quarter-century. When the soccer team from Isfahan scores a goal against the soccer tea m from Shiraz, its fans cheer wildly: ‘Death to America! Death to Israel.’” When anything happens, good or bad that is the occasion for this favorite refrain.

  8. The Constitution also does not favor “separation of Church and State”, but rather to bind the government from establishing a Church and restricting individual rights. Unfortunately, we ignored The Constitution, and established a cult under the pro-choice doctrine anyway, that is infamous for its propensity to violate human and civil rights. Along with a social complex that establishes five classes: control, superior, normal, tolerated, and rejected, which was recently confirmed with the oxymoronic “equal” equality ruling. You have to give credit to Iran that they resist following Western civilization down the rabbit’s hole.

  9. When the US gov allied with Leftist fanatics and global warming cultists, that “wall” came down, and with it, the US social compact.

    Religion wasn’t protected from gov. Gov wasn’t protected from religion. Homo marriage is the after result, but not the end result.

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