Home » Illegal immigration, crime, and statistics


Illegal immigration, crime, and statistics — 51 Comments

  1. Increased risk is a given. However, the problem is more comprehensive than just illegal immigration. The issue is excessive immigration, legal and illegal, especially when people fail to assimilate and integrate, that leads to displacement, disruption, and stresses. The issue with illegal immigration, specifically, is that it also sponsors corruption and causes dislocation as a rule, not exception. There are also the issues for which it, “immigration”, compensates, both in America and abroad, including: reproductive dysfunction, abortion of American citizens, economic misalignment, social misalignment, political strategy, etc.

  2. We are being invaded by illegal aliens, not illegal immigrants. Criminals, including the vicious MS 13 gangsters, are spreading violence across most of our urban areas. For me the issue is not about statistics, its about the failure to enforce our laws and surrendering our sovereignty. I can think of no other nation that has such a cavalier attitude to illegal aliens. How many victims and how much treasure must we suffer before we as a society just say no.

  3. 1. Excellent work neo!

    2. Pew is sticking with that 11m number since 2006. That doesn’t make sense (no net gains?) given what we think we know. But that’s the whole point! We don’t know. These are estimates. Just like the CIA estimated that Saddam had WMD.

    In Ann Coulter’s new book she cites Street research with the number being 30m.

    3. Most criminal cases are in state court; not federal. Just yesterday the NE Supreme Court affirmed a murder conviction of some Brazilians. They killed a child and his parents and then dumped the bodies in the Missouri River. Some of the murderers were deported before they were arrested. Some were brought back to Omaha for trial. (One still at large.) But nowhere in the decision was it stated that they were all here illegally. I’m 90% certain they were not so identified due to political correctness in the judiciary, law enforcement and media. (Bodies of the adults were never found. One guy turned on the others in the middle of the trial.)

    4. The big point is this: These people have no legal right to be here. If they were in their home countries, none of these crimes would have happened in the United States. Zero! Kate would still be alive.

    All these excuses and rationalizations are pure double speak.

    5. I want to puke when I hear that we can’t deport 11m people. The hell we can’t! We put a man on the moon and won WW2. If we had the political will, it could be done. Mitt was laughed at with his self-deportation comment, but if the illegals didn’t have money and jobs they would be gone in two years or less.

    6. And there is a very strong case against birth right citizenship. It is insane to think that Chinese tourists giving birth in CA hotels have conveyed citizenship on their kids.

    The key thing to know is that for many years after the 14th Amendment was passed, Native Americans were NOT US citizens. They only became citizens many years later when a statute was passed.

  4. I started talking about death and rape squads some odd years ago. Most people couldn’t believe it, even if they wanted to. Where would these training programs crop up the Gestapo and Stazis to begin with, they would wonder?

    The thing is, how would Normal people even know how a Gestapo or Stazi unit is trained and created? Are they familiar with, educated in, or trained in how to create assassins, spies, and informants, via torture, blackmail, and mind control? Are they?

    If not, who they are to think that they would figure any of this out. It’s impossible. It’s like a pacifist becoming the world’s strongest warlord. It’s something that only happens once a century, perhaps. For most people, it’s impossible.

    Around 2007, I saw the evil of the Left and began looking through my sources to see what power and assets they wielded. There was a connection, a set of webs connecting them, that nobody else wanted to talk about. A few months before Ft. Hood 1, I called Hussein an amoral sociopath and so did some other people I knew. I considered what Hussein would do if he became President, and I created a hypothesis, merely to test it out intellectually, about Hussein declaring martial law and making the military obey by using a black ops squad to invade a military base and take the families hostage.

    Found familiar? People couldn’t believe what the hell I was talking about back then, let alone imagine it. Military bases are hardened, they told me, where would Hussein find enough guns to storm it? You’d have to presuppose an organization capable of offlining and disarming a US military base, from the inside out…. wouldn’t you. But they never thought of that did they now.

  5. Remember when Saddam Hussein opened up the prisons?

    Remember that? Know why he did it?

  6. The best article I’ve read by far about this issue is this one:


    Anyway, I think that for some reason conservatives in America are focusing the wrong issue. The big problem with muslims is not terrorism, the big problem with immigrants is not criminality. Those are just symptoms.

    The big problem is the lost of the core values that makes a society great.

    I’m spanish, so I’m not that far from hispanic culture (though we have our differences, in general we get along quite well). And I love my country, but it’s bloody disaster: only two f*cking Nobel prices of science in our whole history. We would have never been able to reach the Moon or to bring the industrial revolution.

    That could be your future.

  7. I should be clearer on 6. The Native Americans and their children were born on US soil but they were not “born under the jurisdiction of the United States” because the Indians had their own separate nations.

    Same deal with anchor babies born to illegal aliens.

    Deport them all.

  8. Yann:

    You are so right. If it wasn’t for oil, the Muslims would be riding around on camels and just cutting off each other’s heads.

    Not racist; just factual.

    And for the Latin countries, there is no good reason why Brazil, Mexico and Argentina remain economic disasters to this day.

  9. To me, the ‘ape’ issue is a red-herring the sanctimonious use to hide behind whining that “it’s not that many,” when the fundamental point is “they shouldn’t BE here, in the first place … people aren’t spending thousands and waiting in line for years so some can sneak in – over & over and claim education and benefits they do not legally deserve.
    The obvious fact that they prove they aree willing to skirt and circumvent our laws, to begin with, should be sufficient to remain “unsurprised” when they break other laws, like driving w/o license, insurance, while intoxicated, and those who buy identity cards with social security numbers of actual citizens are ALL “illegal” … and often found in the ‘rapist’ and thieves and muggers, as well.
    When will enough be enough? Illegal is just that — Mexico requires following stringent rules — but they’re exempt here? WFT?

  10. Michael:

    Couldnl not agree more with you.

    But the Left plays the race card all day long.

    And most illegal aliens are good and hard working people but they can’t allow one single rollback of the infrastructure that supports them. That’s the sympathy card. And we conservatives are MEAN to want to send them back to their shithole countries. I say Mexico and Central America (and all other Third World countries) need to fix themselves.

  11. The Left is moving to colonization with this. Remember when they complained about the evils of white man coming to America?

    That’s not a complaint about colonialism, they were either projecting or they were criticizing your way as the wrong way. They will get the ‘Right way’ down, Empire 2.0

  12. Illegal aliens threaten the legal Hispanic community. The claim that illegals should not be deported to get legal Hispanics to co-operate with authorities is ridiculous. They are protecting the very people who threaten and terrorize. Who is going to report or communicate with the police if they know the illegal is simply going to skip town or be deported temporarily only to come back and kill them? It is asinine circular reasoning.

  13. Elliot

    Trump knows that. That’s why he says he will win the Hispanic vote. Unless, of course, the issue is conflated to be all about race.

  14. @Cornhead

    Yeap, you’re right. Some latin american countries have a great potential.

    But for some reason they never rise. Same for Spain, which is labelled in Europe as the ethernal promise.

    But latin american people get along quite well with westeners. One example: here in Europe, expatriates use to gather in different groups, joining similar people.. Muslims join other muslims, for example, and so on. The “western circles” use to be composed by europeans, northamericans, aussies, latin american and some chineses.

  15. For some reason winning the Hispanic vote always translates to pandering. Yet, we are frequently lectured that Hispanic families share conservative values. So, why does anyone have to pander to the Hispanic vote? Announce your values, demonstrate your values, and presumably those who share them will vote for you. The only way to get the rest is to give them something that other people pay for.

    There is a nice walking trail near me in SoCal and I walk it most every morning. I seldom hear English spoken between other walkers. Spanish, or an Asian language. (These are presumably legal immigrants, in a middle class environment, who can greet me in English, but do not use it among themselves). I simply do not see how a society can be strengthened if a very large percentage of the population cling to its former language, and by extension, culture. Illegal immigration is a travesty; but, immigration policy needs to be reviewed in entirety to define what we want to accomplish.
    As to statistics. Who believes them any longer? Most are produced by government agencies or University “researchers”. Both have agenda, and neither are particularly trustworthy.

  16. Most violent offenses are not federal crimes: murder and rape are charged at the state level in the vast majority of cases, because you need a hook for federal jurisdiction (e.g., murder for hire across state lines is a federal offense, but if a state line isn’t crossed it is a state crime).

    So the federal prison survey is a small fraction of the problem.

  17. Oldflyer

    I would like to see research on how much money are society spends on translation.

    And there is no way we can have a country that is split on language lines.

  18. Cornhead: “And for the Latin countries, there is no good reason why Brazil, Mexico and Argentina remain economic disasters to this day.”

    They are all countries with the potential to be wealthy. What’s holding them back? Argentina and Brazil – the Latin American version of socialism. Mexico – Oligarchy. Governance is the difference. Only Chile has broken out in Latin America, but the leftists there keep trying to drag it back toward the bad old days of Allende.

    We have no idea how lucky we are to be living here if we haven’t been in other countries that are struggling under Marxism, oligarchy, kleptocracy, theocracy, or tribalism. For countries that are poor in resources (farmland, minerals, energy, timber, etc.) like Greece or any number of Pacific islands , socialism just drives a nail in the coffin.

    The progs use of words such as, “undocumented immigrant,” is an attempt to evade the truth that these people are ILLEGAL. Their presence in the country is a crime. Immigration laws have not been enforced by the Federal government since the 90s. Primarily because when the Bracero (manual laborer) program was ended in 1964 the farmers still needed workers to get their harvests in. Since then employers have used illegals not only in farming, but in meat packing, chicken processing, construction, and any other area requiring seasonal manual labor.

    In 1985 I was living in Carlsbad, California and saw the problem up close and personal. We had illegals living in box cities (shanty towns built of cardboard and wood) in the many arroyos that are eroded into the terrain between San Diego and Camp Pendleton. For the most part they were clean and well behaved, but some weren’t and I could see that California was headed in a bad direction. For that reason I left California in 1988 and never looked back.

    We need to close the border, ban sanctuary cities, set up a new Bracero program (the old one worked pretty well from 1942 to 1964), and then have a debate about what to do with the illegals without criminal records who are here and have been here for many years. My preference is that they never be given a path to citizenship. I would agree to something where they must pay a penalty before they can get a green card that allows them to work as long as they stay crime free and pay taxes.

  19. Sky:

    That’s the thing—it’s very difficult to find statistics for state prisons, which definitely would yield a lot of the information we’re looking for. I gave up trying after a while, but I’d love to find it.

    Even then, I wonder if an illegal immigrant is charged with multiple crimes and one of the crimes is illegal entry, and the others violent crimes like assault or rape, does the federal charge of illegal entry sometimes cause him to be sent to federal rather than state prision?

  20. On 2nd thought, Jimmy J’s guestworker idea will just stem the tide a while, as the guest workers will have chilluns that will be citizens. The bracero program worked perhaps because it was not ten million Mexicans, and was seasonal instead of full-time.

  21. although there definitely seems to be some actual fire here (20-25 percent of the prison pop is pretty bad) some of this seems like political games. Somewhat similar to how the gun control people work. Jump on any shooting and say ‘more gun control’. Jump on any crime by an illegal….

    There are more differences (such as the border could be closed and we could make it hard to live here illegally so people leave; whereas gun control doesn’t seem to actually do anything positive)…. but its the basic strategy of how to pound on an issue and keep it in the news.

  22. I can tell you that any legal immigrant is likely to be low on the crime board. Even minimal vetting cleans most out. This is not true of refugees. Their presumed risk of persecution preempts other concerns until their hearing so they are let out into society. In the past refugees like Cubans and Vietnamese were the most highly skilled and motivated. So crime was low until Castro emptied the prisons.

  23. Frog: “On 2nd thought, Jimmy J’s guestworker idea will just stem the tide a while, as the guest workers will have chilluns that will be citizens.”

    The Braceros did not bring family along. They came to work for a time and then went home. That could be one of the provisions of a guest worker program – no dependents allowed in the U.S. The family stays in Mexico, providing a reason to return when the work visa expires.

    We also must do something about the law that allows children of aliens who are born on U.S soil to become citizens. As is known, Chinese are coming here to have their children to obtain the prize of U.S. citizenship for use at a time of their convenience. That is not necessarily a favorable thing for our country. Immigration is about allowing in people who bring a work ethic, skills, and a desire to integrate, not about being a refugee camp for all the dysfunctional countries in the world.

  24. SLR:

    And your point is what?

    If there really IS an issue with crime and illegal immigrants—which the statistics seem to be indicating, as far as I can tell, although it is very hard indeed to get meaningful statistics—is it necessary to wait till it’s not in the news in order to bring it up? Of course a single incident doesn’t actually mean much (I agree with that), but if it is symbolic and perhaps representative of a larger, real, and very serious problem, it gets people’s attention for the larger issues.

    Let me also remind you that Trump made that speech before the murder of Kathryn Steinle.

  25. Stop Mexico from taking 50% of the cut from the wages and they won’t want to send workers to the US as often.

    It’s pretty simple, if they wanted to fix the issue, they could. They don’t. And Democrats cook the crime books often in their city fiefdoms.

  26. I came up with my own Immigration Plan about ten years ago. It is without question the best plan that would have the best outcome for America and for Immigrants. It’s hypothetical of course, but as far as any hypothesis can be true, this one is rock solid take it to the bank true.

    My plan is as follows:

    1. There shall be, starting as soon as possible and continuing until complete a one-for-one trade involving illegal immigrants and liberal democrats.

    2. That is, we should offer a path to rapid citizenship for all illegals who are here working and who want to work, only stipulating that they pass a grade school level class on the US Constitution, American History and English. America always loves, desires and welcomes hard-working religious type people of the same sort who made it what it is in the first place.

    3. For each such new citizen one liberal must renounce his or her citizenship and be deported to Mexico or any other nation or big Island on earth – out of America – for the rest of their lives and forever. They will each be given $500,000 to get them by. They may never return. Ever.

    4. FACT: America improves as a Nation 100% over night.

  27. Valiant effort of getting the statistics, Neo. Whether it’s 1/3 or 1/4 of our federal prison inmates are illegal immigrants, that is just too much.

    Beyond violent crimes, it’s rare that you ever see the media or politicians addressing the fact that coming here illegally sets one on a path to break other laws – identify fraud, tax fraud, etc. While I’m sure it makes them feel good to babble on about most of them just wanting to work hard and make a good life they are likely having to break these laws to do so. This breeds a culture of lawlessness that has contributed to what Victor Davis Hanson called the Two Californias. There’s the California whose legal residents follow the laws, pay taxes and fines, obtains proper licensing and permits, shows up to court and so on. Then there’s the other California that operates lawlessly outside of the established systems, running roadside and back alley business that neither pay taxes or meet the applicable business codes, and are generally ignored by the authorities because they know its useless to fine or summon to court an individual who will easily disappear into the shadows.

    I imagine there are no statistics for that sort of law-breaking because our local and federal government authorities would rather look the other way than get bogged down in the rampant, petty lawlessness that cumulatively is rotting our country from the inside.

  28. The Beauty and the Beast?

    My sources have informed me that facebook and other Leftist controlled social media, have cut off advertisement for weapons of any kind, including swords.

    When the Islamic Jihad brings their guns, bombs, and machetes to hack off heads in public like France and Britain, anyone think the Left will allow you any weapons to fight against that?

    Why would they allow their enemies to have weapons to fight their allies?

  29. Does it really matter how many illegal immigrants are criminals? One criminal is too many. Not having a process for vetting who is coming into your country is a huge mistake. Not only are we allowing criminals into the country unnoticed and untracked, we are allowing the under-educated into this country. I read somewhere that the majority of hispanic illegal immigrants coming into the U.S. don’t have a high school education. Most are getting by with an 8th grade education. Is this the kind of immigrant we want to be entering our country and joining the workforce?

    We are the greatest country in the world. The way we remain that way is by scrutinizing who we let in, only offering citizenship to those who prove that they can take care of themselves and who have at least a high school education. Doing anything less is a huge disservice to the current underclass in America and only pushes them further away from being self-sufficient and off of the ‘government dole.’

    Illegal immigrants and under-educated immigrants are depressing wages across this country and excluding teenagers and young adults from getting that ‘first job’ that leads to a better life and a work ethic that follows them the rest of their lives.

    I am grateful to be living in a small town that is not overrun with immigrants b/c they are still plentiful jobs for teens in this area. Thank goodness!

  30. Lizzy:
    Wonderful point, needing endless repetition:

    “coming here illegally sets one on a path to break other laws — identify fraud, tax fraud, etc.”

  31. Donald…Ohhh, Donald…Donny Boy…Don-Don: So many ions to suck outta the air, eh bro?? So much LOOK AT MEEEEEEEEEEEE…to be done. So much damage to be wrecked upon the befuddled Republican Party, eh Donny? EgoMANIAC way understates your Sucktion Needs for air, print, cyber, lens attention, right Little Doofus?

    Your Democrat Friends are loving it. As are you. In a huge and serious time, we get your Clownship, you Malignant Narcissist Puke.

  32. K-E:

    Does it really matter how many illegal immigrants are criminals? One criminal is too many.

    Exactly. Every population has murderers, abortionists, rapists, etc. in its numbers. Each nation, community, etc. needs to accept responsibility for the dysfunctional and deviant in its jurisdiction. There is no justification to exchange one American life for an alien life. The native population and legal immigrant population already present an overwhelming challenge to control the progress of corruption and dysfunction in society.

    Illegal immigration is not only a violation of Americans’ civil rights, but is also a violation of human rights for every American who is murdered, aborted, raped, etc. Its amnesty confirms the conditions that motivate mass emigration from second and third-world nations, and creates a progressive (i.e. unreconciled) incentive for continued violation of human and civil rights, both in America and abroad.

    Both Parties are responsible. The Democrats more so for their principles and strategies that exploit democratic leverage and compensate for their policies (e.g. selective-child).

  33. Man who entered US illegally arrested in Michigan on kidnapping, sexual assault charges

    Rapists. Kidnappers. Child molesters.

    Contrary to defenders of human and civil rights violations, including human and civil rights advocates, it only requires one dead, raped, or molested American to confirm the elevated risk posed by an alien population.

    Perhaps America can accept the alien murderers, rapists, molesters, and all. And, in exchange, will send native American murderers, rapists, molesters, and perhaps a few others to ensure an equitable trade.

    That said, whether the the issues caused by human dysfunction and deviancy are realized in America or abroad, they will need to be treated either here or abroad. There is no moral justification to shift this inevitable burden and responsibility.

  34. neo-neocon Says:

    “And your point is what?”

    Trump is good at politics. Conservatives should relearn the game.

    Also nice they have the facts on their side… but in general; you have to pick a renewable resource sub issue (such as crime… there always will be crime….) to keep your main issue (illegal immigration) in the news…

    The media probably only reported on Trump’s claims to attack him for them… but oops.. the public noticed the ‘new shoes’ instead.

  35. OT: Post is up at Ace’s place about “menticide,” or the rape of the mind and spirit. There was a link to this book, written decades ago by a WW II resistance fighter and psychiatrist, The Rape of the Mind.

    Makes for desperate reading.

    I went in to the gym last Monday to work out with the gay trainer who now coldly hates me for not enthusiastically endorsing homosexual “marriage.” (Saying “I know you must be very happy” was not enough, apparently.) He was cool, precise, and quite correct with me; nothing I could fault him on, but the Big Chill is on. At around 8 this evening I texted him to confirm our time tomorrow, but (another precedent) he hasn’t texted me back.

    This seems trivial but it puts a knot in my stomach. Because his attitude is that, as a Christian, I’m no better than a kay kay kay member, and can now be treated as such: shunned and slandered behind my back. I confided to a fellow believer, and she warned me that he may well be saving a retaliation for me at the end of our sessions (I bought a package and there are about 4 left; honestly, I want another trainer, or even a refund and to leave the gym, it’s so uncomfortable). The trainer has already said, with considerable venom, that he can’t wait for churches to have their tax exemption yanked; also, he barked to me that “all religions are meaningless!” I, of course, am supposed to accept this hostile talk without protest.

    The Klemperer diary (WW II) details the beginnings of discrimination by the National Socialists, not only against the Jews, but against Christians as well. Not as bad of course, but I think what the Nazis did to German Christians is what we’re going to have to brace for here, and it sickens me.

    If you aren’t Christian and aren’t familiar with Jesus’ teachings, quite explicit, about marriage, see the gospel of Matthew, Chapter 19: he says that man was created by God as male and female, for the purpose of marriage; and that the only grounds for divorce is infidelity. No wiggle room. So, to be blunt, churches that have decided (like my Episcopal Church) to cave in to political, financial, and social pressure and endorse homosexual marriage have decided to put the word of Anthony Kennedy above the one they supposedly believe is the Son of God.

    This is a VERY huge breach of faith. Sorry, no way around it. He said what He said.

    I can’t believe we’ve gotten to this point. I feel like I’ve lost my country already; now they’re trying to drive my faith underground.

  36. Not to throw another log on the fire, but a FY 2014 USSC report shows 36.7% of federal sentences are categorized as illegal immigrants. I suspect if you would include the 85% of illegals that fail to show up to their initial immigration hearing, the % would be higher. Sorry I can’t write anymore as I have to go to my job where as a working ant I support where grasshoppers.
    If you want to read more check here:

    The most recent data, from a FY 2014 USSC report, shows illegal immigrants represented 36.7 percent of federal sentences, so numbers listed in this article, if anything, understate the problem which continues to grow.

    Read more: Family Security Matters http://familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/trump-is-right-illegal-alien-crime-is-staggering-in-scope-and-savagery#ixzz3fm8tiFZ6

  37. Let’s lock down the border so no one comes through. Then we won’t have to worry about criminal statistics.

  38. I’m telling everyone that the idea of children of illegal aliens or tourists born in the United States are automatically citizens is legally dubious. It has never been squarely presented to SCOTUS.

    And as we know, the constitution grows as times change.

  39. Beverly:

    That’s such a dreadful situation with the trainer. Chilling, ominous.

    About that book, however, see this, which I wrote in 2008:

    Just to show you what a strange child I was (as though you needed a demonstration), when I was about ten years old I sent away for a copy of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (hardcover, natch), as well as a great little cheerer-upper called The Rape of the Mind. The latter was about brainwashing. Good training for a future blogger specializing in the mental gymnastics involved in political decisions and mass movements. It seems my course was already set back then, although I certainly didn’t know it.

  40. Beverly Says:
    July 13th, 2015 at 2:43 am
    I went in to the gym last Monday to work out with the gay trainer who now coldly hates me for not enthusiastically endorsing homosexual “marriage.”

    My dear wife with a Mennonite gene would ask:
    What did you expect?
    Once, shame on him, twice … etc.
    All this has been so clear for so long but yet so may choose to ignore it ….

    Do not keep Liberal pets, do not be any Liberal’s pet.

  41. Beverly Says:
    July 13th, 2015 at 2:43 am
    I went in to the gym last Monday to work out with the gay trainer who now coldly

    and, I blame you the sentimentalist voter on that one …
    Gym training is a business transaction, politics in that context should be shunned and then shunned some more. Careful who you do business with …

    These ‘businesses’ are in for a surprise.
    Wind of folly, power of the Frankfurt school, effectiveness of Gramscian methods and processes… if you let them that is.

  42. Beverly , he only picks on you because you haven’t learned how to hate them. True hate will evaporate his little tantrum with a mere glance and presence.

    Wannabe fanatics like them only respect the forceful aura of a better fighter and believer. They don’t like weak horses, they don’t respect them. They pick on the weak, for self pleasure.

    Do you know why humans don’t like to hate others of their own free will? Because they are afraid, they are afraid the world will exile, shun, or negate them. They are afraid that if they attack a human being, the human being will attack them and cut them off from the resources needed to survive. Once you ascend beyond that human limitation, being afraid of the world matters less and less. It doesn’t really matter if everyone in the entire world hates you or not. It only matters whether you can deal with it and what your Willpower decides is right.

  43. In the case of Christians, that would be their faith and God, not their willpower so to speak. Their free will, but only free because of God’s command or powers of creation.

    G6loq , in war I only respect and recognize results. In that vein, the arch villain VoxDay has more going for him than people in America that merely like to talk about defeating Democrats. Some people in this world actually are smiting and crushing Demoncrats.

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