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Now, <i>here’s</i> a comment… — 10 Comments

  1. If she’s HOT, then, by definition, she’s got something….

    As for myself….

  2. There can be no doubt that Obama hopes to get lucky and we get screwed.

  3. Maybe Valerie thinks SHE’S hot!

    On a more serious note, it occurred to me this morning that whoever put Valerie Jarrett in the White House to mind Obama will not like to see peaceful succession taking place in January 2017. Having invested so heavily in that trojan horse, they are not going to take kindly to having to replace her.

    But what if Huma Abedin is her intended successor? If that’s the case, will they let Jim Webb or Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders (how’s that for a farm team?) have the nomination? Doubtful. They’d have to come up with a new minder.

    Oh, and you thought it was the white-haired guys chomping cigars in the back room who decided who the nominee would be?

  4. She might be hot but somewhere, some guy, is sick and tired of her shit!

    I blame the voters.

  5. F,

    The name you are searching for begins and ends with an s with oro in the middle. Sometimes there is a vast left wing conspiracy.

  6. “She was HOT!!!!

    Khomeini [sic: Khamenei] isn’t. Why are we there?”

    We are there to get f**ked by both Khameni and Obama and the guy with the booby prize, Kerry.

  7. Funny to think about Kerry getting The Booby Prize. If you ever see a Booby trying to get airborne, all elbows, knees, and neck, ungainly, uncoordinated, unlovely and unlikely you can’t help but be put in mind of John Kerry.

  8. “Sometimes there is a vast left wing conspiracy.”

    The Democrats are the party of projection. That’s why they obsessively drone on about the “vast rightwing conspiracy” and the Koch Bros. bogeyman.

    The stereotypical picture of Republicans they paint in the media and entertainment has all the traits that they themselves try to hide from the public. Or else they truly believe what they project onto Republicans in order to justify their own behavior to themselves as simply “leveling the playing field”–like how the imagined Republican voter fraud in Florida in 2000 has led to rampant actual Democratic voter fraud since (not that Democrat voter fraud is a new phenomenon).

    That is the one area the Democrats pounced on after 2000. Whether they believed any voter fraud took place in Florida or not, they thought that having a Republican as election commissioner made it virtually impossible to overturn the stated result even if fraud was discovered. Therefore, using Soros money, they have been slowly and steadily getting Democrats elected to these relatively low-key election commissioner posts around the country, especially in the battleground states. While this plan was in its infancy in 2004 and wasn’t enough to help Kerry, you can bet it was fully operational in 2012.

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