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You may notice… — 23 Comments

  1. Trump can’t win for one simple reason.

    The country just won’t stand for another Joe Biden hairstyle in the White House.

  2. vanderleun:

    Joe Biden’s and Trump’s hairstyles are exceedingly different.

    No one has hair anything like Trump, except Trump.

  3. Depressing. The Republicans are coming across as egos on parade, with Trump the biggest of them all.

  4. Ann,
    Most Republicans think Trump is a joke. I don’t think he is representative at all. And after all, the Dems have a candidate who thinks switching to the metric system is a national priority.

  5. Keep in mind that the big issue here is a Republican woman (Fiorina) or a Republican Hispanic (Rubio, Cruz) ascending to the presidency or the vice-presidency. The great sting is not that the Republicans do it, but that the Democrats don’t get to do it first.

    IMO this takes quite a bit of air out of the Dem’s sails. The implied message: “We’re the only party where a Black can become president. If you’re black you should be voting Democrat! We’re the only party where a woman can become president. If you’re female you should . . . .” ad infinitum, ad nausaum.

    Interesting, though, that the Bernie Sanders message does not seem to follow type: “We’re the only party where a Jew can become president . . . .”

  6. Just watched her appearance on The View. She does very well. I even forgive her for her first comment, which was that she’s been a “Whoopi groupie” for 20 years.

  7. If being a Goldberg groupie is Carly’s worst fault, I’m in.

    Compare that to Hillary’s long-running, multi-million dollar bribery scam topped off with exposing State secrets to every email hacker in the world.

    Hillary Clinton must be defeated.
    Carthage must be destroyed.

  8. The Donald is a gifted Idiot. Lives for sucking ‘Attention’ ions out of the air. When he loses the nomination(by far), please God, don’t let him do a 3rd party run(aka Perot in ’92)and guarantee Hillary’s election. Would be a calamity and unforgivable.

  9. The Donald being an intelligent man has likely decided it’s a win win for him. He doesn’t strike me as a person who thinks in terms of public service for the sake of it. Whatever he’s up to, there’s gotta be something in it for him.
    And whatever it is, this is free marketing for the next big thing. Maybe it’s a play for Secretary of Commerce? It WOULD be fun to see him negotiating trade deals with Saudi princes, the Chinese, and so on. Not to mention personally firing half the people in the Commerce Department.

    And may God bless you for not writing about Jeb Bush.

  10. No to Trump. Please just go and do what you do, but out of sight.

    Maybe on Bush. I do believe that there is more to Jeb than the popular narrative admits. He is edging into my top 3.

    I really do like Carly Fiorina at this point. I would rather have her balance the ticket than either Rubio or Cruz. As I have noted before, I expect that she will face some particularly vicious attacks. I really don’t care for Rubio for some reason. I like Cruz better, but not as President. Both Rubio and Cruz need to demonstrate some real leadership in tough jobs–run for Governor or fill a serious cabinet post– then come talk to us. I feel sort of the same way about Dr Carson.

    It is exciting to see the talent that the GOP is bringing to the fore. I hope that the side shows; e.g. Trump, Christie, Paul, etc. don’t obscure it.

  11. Jeb & Trump aren’t going to win the nomination. Jeb had no clue so many people would jump into the race. He waited too long to announce, so he looks like ‘another one’ after Rubio, Cruz, etc.

    Still find it interesting that one man who rates high in the polls who hasn’t announced – Walker.

    I’m a big fan of Carly Fiorina’s right now. Her ability to speak the conservative message is amazing. She also has a way of turning the press on its ear, pointing the finger and the dems, and looking smart & classy.

  12. I cannot stop watching Carly. I found the view segment fascinating, as much for Carly as for the blatant respect she got, and deservedly so. Who knew the mind-numbed robots of the left could be so polite and even admiring?

    I would have expected The View to be the start of her personal destruction by the left, and was amazed it was not.

    I expect the start of the personal destruction will begin soon, and the first soviet article will be the signal of what we will be hearing hour by hour, day by day, week by week, until she is rendered ineffective. What will the angle be?

  13. The “Whoopie groupie” comment came across as charming and it is not implausible that some folks are attracted to WG’s style.

    And wow! Whoopie really really really tried to get in a killer gotcha, but her body language and her forgiving niceness toward Carly undermined the whole attempt. Whoopi actually seemed to like Carly. Hmmmm ….

  14. I think Carly may have reached some women today. They are slowly hearing about Hillary’s money scams and the Blumenthal Libya e-mails might get some notice. Carly doesn’t quite fit into any of the niches the left has carved out for conservative women. If they are committed to voting for a vagina, they may be intrigued by one that also has a brain.

    If nothing else, Carly has set a standard for campaign issues that need to be raised. She is not going to be part of any circular firing squad. If other candidates act more like her, we may get a situation where Reps can come together on priorities for the general election.

  15. I also am not interested in discussing Jeb or Trump. Boring or irrelevant.

    Fiorina is rapidly rising, and her appearance on the View was shrewd. Her flattery of Goldberg, whether true or not, disarmed her. The venue let her make inroads into the center-left.
    As a Republican, she’ll never be fully accepted by the left but I have a hard time seeing her be Palinized. She makes too much effort to reach out, as opposed to Palin’s (well-placed) disdain for the left. The only question is whether Fiorina gets coopted, as happens so often in D.C.
    Honey vs. vinegar.

  16. Actually, I’ll be surprised if Jeb! doesn’t get the nomination. I can easily him see doing what McCain and Romney were able to do. Win a plurality because the conservative vote gets split between so many other candidates.

  17. The View is in the Land of Hard Hard Questions? As best I recall, since I don’t watch garbage, it features female leftists like Whoopie who are a nearly rabid species. Being hostile is different than asking Hard Questions.

  18. Ms. Fiorina needs to be asked her opinion of H1B visas and about her history of out-sourcing while at HP. She was despised there for several reasons. As my sister-in-law who worked under her said, “she walked over many dead bodies to become CEO.”
    Were I choosing to fill a VP slot she’d be the last one considered – unless I wanted a female version of Dick Cheney conniving and maneuvering in the shadows.

  19. Something that’s bound to be a big problem for her is that although she laid off 30,000 workers at HP, she walked away after being fired herself with a $21 million severance package. That’s mentioned in this in-depth piece on her at Bloomberg.com that’s worth a read.

  20. Wow, we sure have a lot of people here focused on the Big Issues: Hair style; boring; irrelevant; female; hispanic; balancing the ticket by sex and race. Sounds like a bunch of couch potatos. Pass the Fritos, I doan like heem or her or whatever.

    Then there are the data miners: H1-B, Carly’s severance package and she fired (!) people. Like Romney! Double wow. Not litmus, but inclined that way.

    As far as I’m concerned, the more Fiorinas and Trumps the better, and Carson with them. There are four (4) “sitting” governors and four (4) “sitting” US Senators in the GOP race.
    We’re just perpetuating Progressive elitism by going with the sitters, the anointed ones who know better because they “have experience.” How about judgment?

  21. Obama, fiend or fool, has greatly weakened the US and shredded the alliances we may soon need, whle our enemies are taking strategic advantage of his incompetence and cowardice. The next President is going to face a very, very tough world.

    Given that — I would hope to God that our next President could have “walked over many dead bodies to become CEO.”

    We don’t need a wimp, or a liar, regardless of chromosomes.

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