Home » The fix is in on the doc fix…


The fix is in on the doc fix… — 12 Comments

  1. Looks like they took it down pending democrats denying its authenticity. What was it?

  2. Steve H: yes, I had hardly seen it and written this than they took it down. It was a memo supposedly sent out to Democrat operatives and spokespeople about the doc fix, and how if you acknowledged a doc fix was a planned part of HCR, it would mess up the CBO scoring. So don’t answer questions about it. It was not a long or detailed article, as I recall. But it quoted a few sentences from the supposed memo.

  3. Cap’n Rusy: yes, that’s it.

    But I actually believe that it is likely it’s not authentic. As I said in the update I added at the top of the post, I was originally a bit hedge-y because something seemed a little fishy about it, although I’m not sure what. Something made me wary for some reason, and I still am.

  4. Contrast the Axelrod quote with yesterday’s Juan Williams comments on Fox all stars segment. The increasingly Obama lapdog Williams had virtually nothing to say except what this means to the Obama Presidency and how despirate the WH is to save it.

  5. Are they stark raving mad? Or do they think we are? Or both?]
    Neither. They think we are a bunch of rubes who can be repeatedly conned.

  6. They know that we will not rise up because when the time was right for Lenin, no one rose up (or very little). since then this has been reversed as something to rely on when you make your audacious grab for things. by the time there is enough done at one time to raise ire, its a fait accompli. and thats what they know…

    we dont get annoyed at not being paid attention to as we used to… if we did, they wouldnt be in office now.

  7. Let’s examine this dispassionately. It just might be possible that the effect of Obamacare on Obama has never been discussed in the White House. So what is the evidence?

    (1) Obama cannot speak with words “I” or “me” without prefacing them with “I” or “me,” and ending such sentences by observing: “But enough about me; what do you think about me?”

    (2) Obama told his own party that they would not face electoral disaster in November, because unlike past electoral disasters, “you have me.”

    (3) On the occasion of receiving the democrat nomination to run for the presidency, Obama modestly observed that history would record that event as the moment that the seas stopped rising and the planet began to heal. OK, OK, so it’s not as flashy as parting the Red Sea, but it’s still pretty good.

    (4) After receiving the Nobel Peace Prize for the stunning accomplishment of actually being in office for several days, Obama admitted that he had done nothing at all worthy of the prize (+1 point). He then accepted the prize for having done nothing at all worthy of receiving it (-500 points).

    (5) After receiving a historically significant, highly personalized gift from the Queen of England, a pen made from the timbers of a ship that played a real role in abolishing the slave trade, Obama reciprocated with the most significant, meaningful, thoughtful, self-effacing gift possible: An iPod loaded with (infected by?) his speeches.

    (6) While running for president, Obama caused to be made, and stood behind, a pseudo-presidential great seal of Obama.

    (7) After winning the election, Obama established The Office of the President Elect, complete with all of its ephemeral trappings. That no such office exists and is, at best, extra-constitutional, apparently bothered every other president-elect in history, but not The One.

    (8) Obama has given narcissism a bad name.

    (9) Obama has given arrogance a bad name.

    (10) In fact, if you look in the dictionary under “narcissism” or “arrogance,” you find Obama’s picture, with a halo, of course (who the hell, by the way, allows anyone to depict them with a halo? And let’s not get started on the New York Times depicting Obama superimposed over a cross, just in time for Easter! Nurse! My blood pressure medication…).

    Well, I trust I’ve made my point. A man like Obama could not possibly have been so self interested, so self-involved, so utterly lacking in empathy, so utterly politically tone-deaf as to stoop to consider how the most venal, crude, thuggish, deceptive, ugly, unconstitutional, vile (excuse me while I look for a thesaurus….aw, never mind) exercise in historic governmental transparency and deficit cutting ever conceived might affect him or his presidency.

  8. Why do i feel this healthcare bill is like the extravagant last meal for the condemned man?

    Went out to a sports bar last night. The whole time i was thinking what a surreal video it would make for our descendants to see some day. Turn of the century Americans all cheering it up. Food and drinks in such abundance. And on the smallest tv (out of at least 50 tv’s) was network news on with its little talking point banners about how much HCR was going to improve America and save us all a bunch of money.

    The only feelings i could conjer up was that of being just a little bit pissed at not hanging on to my own blissful ignorance of childhood at the age of 50, and take my eyes off that g*d d*mn tv screen and the incredible suffering of American families i knew it foretold.

    I don’t pray much. But i’m going to pray today that this bill does not pass.

  9. It may be a blessing that the fight for America’s soul is beginning before the Dems get more people in the government free goodie line. Right now about 40% of Americans want the government to take care of them. Throw in a big amnesty bill and it’s game, set, match. The liberals over reached on this one, and most (55%) are pissed. This next election is huge.

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