Home » Democrats: hey, let’s give illegal immigrants the vote


Democrats: hey, let’s give illegal immigrants the vote — 32 Comments

  1. It’s like the idiots can’t connect the dots. What are they teaching again in US public schools?

  2. Are they those compassionate conservatives we kept hearing so much about a while back?

    Most of them are Republican staffers, political groupies, and DC residents.

    It’s the 5th column next to the other 5th column, perhaps.

  3. The concept of citizenship is very difficult and elusive if you’re a Democrat.

  4. An additional factor in support for illegals being given the ‘right’ to vote; fear of being labeled a racist.

    “Twenty-one percent (21%) of Republicans RINO collaborators … agree.”

  5. We find ourselves in a post meritocracy — just to be is enough – from universal suffrage to unconditional suffrage. What could be next? Some NGO will cast our ballots for us?

    Citizenship counts for nothing. Voting has devolved; it is now an exercise in lunacy — as in repeatedly banging one’s head against the wall because it feels so good when the session is over. It’s as if, when, in April, the great ship was violated by an iceberg in the North Atlantic, the passengers immediately took to arguing over the next day’s activities and entertainment itinerary.

  6. Who are they? They are the RINO’s running the party. The ones some of us get mocked or dismissed for warning about.

  7. KLSmith:

    No one’s mocking anyone for being against RINOs. Nor are such people being dismissed.

    Nor is anyone suggesting RINOs be voted for in primaries. The real question is whether to vote for one if one is nominated. That’s what the argument is about—you know my position on that, and it has not budged one iota. I continue to believe that a RINO, if nominated, is almost always better than the Democrat, and that those who either abstain from voting under such circumstances or vote for the Democrat are facilitating greater leftist power over this country.

    Again, that is neither derision nor dismissal of those who dislike RINOs.

    But no RINO members of Congress were consulted for this poll. These “Republicans” are random people called by phone, who identify as Republicans. I would like to know their characteristics. For example, are women overrepresented? Obviously those supporting voting by illegal immigrants are not conservatives—that almost goes without saying! But I’d like to learn more about them.

  8. Does anyone think for one minute support would be as high as it is among Democrats if it could be demonstrated conclusively illegals would consistently and in all locale vote at least 50%+1 Republican? Would it even break 10%

    We know why Democrats want this. It has nothing to do with any lofty notions of compassion or fairness. Power and hegemony, pure and simple. The will to power explains most policy positions of most progressive Democrats (the small minority of true believers aside).

  9. Ackler:

    It’s not either/or, IMHO. Most Democrats probably think that fairness and more Democratic voters are almost the same thing!

  10. How can people want to give the vote to someone who hasn’t taken a citzenship test and may not be able to understand the debates? This makes me think we need to send a lot of people to remedial history class.

  11. Illegal aliens are already voting in good numbers thanks to Motor Voter. Easy to scam. If they can get fake SS numbers, they can figure out how to vote.

    HRC surely has a major sub rosa division of her campaign lining up illegals to vote. Why do you think she said she would issue an unconstitutional order an grant them all citizenship? This is her plan to win. An extra 10M votes in a few key states locks down a victory.

    Hillary Clinton must be defeated.
    Carthage must be destroyed.

  12. Ok so blacks and women citizens had to live here for a couple hundred years without that privilege , so maybe they might remind their preferred party leaders that it wasn’t that long ago they were not willing to hand give it to half the citizens of the country.
    I’m not holding my breath that will happen, but one day when their political class is not needed to provide a majority, it might occur to them their loyalty was misplaced.

  13. Neo: good points, and I was not alluding to you. Not sure how much faith I would put in Rasmussen polling now that Scott R isn’t running things.

  14. expat:

    You ask, “How can people want to give the vote to someone who hasn’t taken a citzenship test and may not be able to understand the debates?”

    My answer: they identify with them.

  15. What I find difficult to understand is the support for illegal aliens (criminals) by blue collar union workers. Cheap illegal workers lower wages and displace them.

  16. I recall reading about those Chicago get togethers with
    Bill ayers & his fellows where they *kicked around* the idea of having the *entire world* vote for the US president ! Why should such a powerful office be just chosen by US citizens ? Didn t they also want familial wealth (eg. Ford, Rockefella, Hilton, (Gore now, LOL etc)
    to be *surrendered* when the current holder dies ?
    After all the offspring didn t build that bank account, those assets, why should *they* be entitled to it !

  17. Progressives don’t like national boundaries. They are citizens of the World and their will to power is transcends such arbitrary imperialistic limits. (They need foreign votes and foreign funds to dilute the common sense of Americans.) They lure their corporate cronies with the dream of cheap labor and browbeat their drone horde of Low Information Voters with accusations of racism and nationalism. And, yeah, the RINOs want cheap labor for their corporate cronies, too.

  18. @ AMartel: More like “progressives” don’t like rules and standards unless it’s their own “personal” rules and standards.

  19. Most Democrats probably think that fairness and more Democratic voters are almost the same thing!

    Which doesn’t matter because they will think what they are told to think. It may be Z now, but it can be A, B, or C later on depending on what orders they get.

  20. They are citizens of the World and their will to power is transcends such arbitrary imperialistic limits.

    Most of the empires of the world had the idea of being a citizen that expanded to the world. Which meant they had to conquer the world to turn barbarians into citizens. Thus the Leftist alliance is one of the most imperialistic and expansionist regimes to come out of the Western Enlightenment.

  21. No mystery, really. The “progressives” have decided to take seriously Bertolt Brect’s comment:

    “… the people
    Had forfeited the confidence of the government
    And could win it back only
    By redoubled efforts. Would it not be easier
    In that case for the government
    To dissolve the people
    And elect another? ”

    A process well in hand.

  22. Crazy isn’t so crazy when it works. Then the people who called it crazy, becomes the clowns.

  23. Just realized the 21% and the 30% gets you to the magic number for winning without your base. So, I guess these will be the voters the Republicans are betting on when they bid adios to their base. Helping the Democrats preserve Obamacare will be the final nail for a lot of the base.

  24. People in power follows what works. Since the Democrats have been allowed to get away with using slaves for elections and politics for so long, most other people will become to emulate the Democrat machine one way or another. They have no other ways of competing. They aren’t as strong or as integral as Sarah Palin. They aren’t as wise or smart as Cruz or Bush II. They have no other ways left to them, especially as they pay off the Democrat blackmail extortions.

  25. By “in power” I refer to those individuals that have stolen or acquired the power of the people, which is not to say they have become masters of their own lives. They merely have power because people, as retarded and fallen as they are, like to follow Leaders around in life.

    It is not the actual power itself. They have the power to destroy humanity or Americans not because Ted Kennedy and Robert KKK Byrd were exceptional humans with exceptional self control, discipline, and virtues. They have the power to destroy because human serfs gave them such power. No serfs, no power.

  26. What amazes me is that these Republicans don’t see that the whole point of mass immigration and granting them voting rights is designed to ensure that their party will never win another election.

    In fact, all they need to do is look at how this played out in the UK, whose Labor party pulled the same stunt over a decade ago. There were even memos found spelling out this exact strategy for using increased immigration to dilute the conservative vote. And how has that benefited their country? While there was just a voter backlash, they’ve had to travel farther down the road to destruction than us in order to prompt it.

    It’s like watching a slow-motion suicide of our country. So sad.

  27. What I find difficult to understand is the support for illegal aliens (criminals) by blue collar union workers. Cheap illegal workers lower wages and displace them.

    Lawyers, union workers, teachers, and LEos have no power over their fellows and certainly not over their union bosses.

    The various blue collar unions used to be anti immigrant worker due to what you noticed, but the Left hijacked them several decades ago. What the Left conquers, they do not let go, nor will anyone they control, be allowed to exercise free will ever again.

  28. It’s like watching a slow-motion suicide of our country. So sad.

    There’s a tombstone of a union soldier who had a curse laid against the Democrats for being the source of America’s problems, on his tombstone.

    Imagine watching your country be destroyed by your so called fellow patriots, for several hundred years or decades. Ignorance is bliss.

  29. Reform may have been feasible against the power of the Left decades ago. But as people demonstrated their ignorance and weakness of will in 2008, before Hussein was even elected, and then 2012, my assessment shifted. It was no longer feasible for reform to do the trick, because the Left had out accelerated the process via their initial war stocks.

    Death is the only power great enough to kill this Hydra of a monster.

  30. }}} Or are they thinking at all?

    Welcome to the age of the LIV, aka the mental product of PostModern Edumacashinal System

    Again, forget Hitler — if I’m going back into the past to kill some Mother F***er in their crib, it’s Horace Mann.

  31. Illegal Aliens having the right to vote?? Pathological Bullshit. Insane. Any Republican for such a detestable violation of this country and its constitution is Doubly Insane/Loathsome.

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