Home » Baltimore: too much, too little


Baltimore: too much, too little — 63 Comments

  1. “… people will realize that the great majority of the problems in Baltimore’s inner city are generated by the criminals in the community rather than the police who are trying to control them. ”
    = = = = = =

    But, you see, the “criminals in the community” BELONG to “the community”. The folks all know Marquellus, and wish he’d stop hangin’ with the riff-raff; but “he’s a good kid at heart”, and just any day now he’ll start “turning his life around”; besides he’s a good son and turns over a chunk of his heist money to his momma, which lets her buy some nice things for the younger kids (which she could never afford just on the EBT). She’d be lost if he went to jail.

    Multiply that by a couple-hundred. What you get is:

    “Dang, y’all shouldn’t be doing stuff that brings the PO-lice here … but you belong to us, so we won’t snitch or anything. Just, please do that gang turf-wars stuff on some OTHER block so the bullets don’t fly past OUR heads.”

  2. I doubt that the residents of Baltimore will take any rational lessons from the “no police = more crime” event they are participating in.

    They will drive the city into the ground like Detroit. That’s just the left at work. Nothing matters but that they are in control. No amount of pain, death, or suffering matters.

  3. Hey West Baltimore, you wanted to the police out so you got it. Now control your sons.

  4. Honestly? Create a perimeter, build a fence and guard it, only allow food in. Offer exile for those who wish to leave, shackle them onto buses, to ports, and pay some nation $10k per head to take them, wash hands of them. Done.

    To my mind, it has come to this.

  5. I sincerely hope that, unjust as it may be, the people of Baltimore, esp West Baltimore, get it good and hard and for a long, long time.

    You can’t fix stupid but you can beat it to a pulp.

  6. Neo said:
    If this entire episode has any redeeming value, it may be that more and more people will realize that the great majority of the problems in Baltimore’s inner city are generated by the criminals in the community rather than the police who are trying to control them.

    Not a chance. It’s whitey, the government, and big corporations. If Wal-Mart and McDonald’s would pay more, all would be good.

  7. I agree with Harold, 95% of the residents will not connect the dots. They have become accustomed to a lifestyle based on welfare, victim hood, and resentment provided by the leftist soft slavery machine.

  8. In ancient times civilized people built walls to keep the barbarians out. In current times it is the thin blue line of the police. Take away police and prisons, and things get ugly fast.

    The problem is intractable. The average IQ in the ghetto is about 80. That is adequate for agricultural work and hard labor, neither of which is needed in a modern economy.

  9. “The Baltimore situation has been mishandled from start to finish by the authorities, especially the mayor. ”

    Yes. What I’d like to know is how involved was the WH in all of their decisions. An NYT article about Obama’s Martha’s Vinyard vacation revealed that while he was out golfing, Valerie Jarret was back at the vacation house having daily calls with Ferguson and Missouri authorities. Seeing that Baltimore also ceded control to the rioting mobs, I suspect Valerie was managing this situation behind the scenes as well.

  10. Doom Says: 3:55 pm
    “Honestly? Create a perimeter, build a fence and guard it, only allow food in. ”

    Good idea butit will only work if you include Obama and all the rest of the race hustlers including almost the left establishment inside the fence. Since the Muslims and the left are conspiring incite violence against the local police you would also need a better fence for the rest of the country along the borders to keep out the radical Muslim jihadis.

  11. Route all of the 911 calls for help to the local chapter Blood/Crip/Whatever gang hangout and wait for them!

  12. @vanderleun: What you are suggesting reminds me of “The Dosadi Experiment” by Frannk Herbert, where they essentially did that to a whole planet. Needless to say, it does not turn out well.

    Letting the system crash and burn does seem fitting, but it will only make things worse. I don’t have a better suggestion because not only have the folks in the inner city been trained to believe that they are helpless unless they turn to crime, it’s achieved an intergenerational Jung-like status… it is wired into culture of poor inner city.

    How do I know, since I know about as much as that place as I do about the weird fish that live at the bottom of the ocean? I hear what the politicians on the Left are broadcasting 24/7/52: Nothing that’s bad that happens to you is your fault… it’s always because someone is trying to keep you down. To some extent they are right, but it is _they_ who are keeping them down.

    At the end of the day, I cannot understand how anyone who buys into the modern liberal narrative can believe humanity ever survived until about 50 years ago, because according to their logic, it shouldn’t have been possible.

    Meanwhile, a lot of people in Baltimore are suffering. Many of them aren’t directly to blame for the problem, but most of them are at least indirectly to blame for buying into the liberal illusion and putting them in charge.

    Despite 100+ years of evidence of leftist rule always leading to ruin, disaster and savagery, they keep doing the same things over and over, somehow believing that this time it will work. Baltimore, Philadephia, LA, de Blasio’s New York, Detroit, San Francisco… the results eventually end up the same every time.

    Right before the 2008 election I read a short column by Ted Nugent, the thesis of which is that if you are going to vote for Obama, you are voting for exactly the same kind of people that have been running Detroit for the last 50 years, and what they did to Detroit, once one of the finest cities in the country, they will eventually do to the nation. Although a simplistic statement, I can see no flaw in its reasoning, and no way to deny its truth. It might not have done any good, but why couldn’t, oh, I don’t know, John McCain or Mitt Romney have made such a blunt, but accurate commentary. Why do we* always have to front candidates who just don’t seem to want it very bad?!

    * I say, “we” although for the last 10 years I have not liked the idea of identifying as a Republican. There is no conservative party of any import, so I would really have to consider myself an independent. And this goes to another question I have… how long to conservatives keep throwing “good votes after bad” to coin a phrase? It’s been more than a generation since the Republican party could honestly say they weren’t simply the lesser of two evils. I’m tired of choosing evil.

    (p.s. I did think Romney was a much better candidate than John “He Just Needs A Hug” McCain, and he would have made a fine President in my mind, but I feel he just didn’t fight hard enough for it. Unfortunately, his nice guy persona, which I believe is sincere and laudable, cost him the election.)

  13. Banging your head against the wall of the leftist plantation does not break down the wall, it just makes one senseless to the reality in front of ones`s face. My give a damn is busted, suffer the consequences and either learn the reason of why you suffer or continue wearing the chains of your voluntary servitude.

  14. Although there is a certain level of satisfaction to seeing the buzzards come home to roost; on reflection one can see cause for genuine concern.

    The vacuum will be filled. Never fails. Someone suggested, let the Bloods, Crips, etc police the neighborhoods. Guess what? They will. It does not require an over active imagination to visualize urban jungles ruled by “War Lords.” May already be the case in some failing cities, rapidly turning into wastelands. How long before attention turns to the suburbs where the spoils are?

    Far fetched.

  15. So far comments are sometimes interesting.. what usually happens in articles on this subject is that every smart alec, etc. shows up to state the obvious. at some point the press or censor doesn’t know what to do or leave most of it, when the tone doesn’t go the way they want and there are way too many of the same kinds of posts, the comments disappear and there is no way to comment any more.

  16. Neo: “Anarchy was allowed to take hold”

    what else would you expect them to do? come on in and make it look like a police state and create those images, and voila, instant selma II. the mayor and all will not be seen for their race, they will be seen to be part of the “system” and the system does what it does as its always done, etc. They then can call nationally for a change in the system, or……

    Would you have sent the dogs and turned on the hoses?

    or are you forgetting that their queen is protected by a bishop and a rook on the side?

    all the other bs for the past few years as to attitudes and so on is the conditioning needed to create the situation where your damned a lot if you act, your damned a bit less if you dont…

    Because the Soviets subsidized the game. Chess has long been popular in Russia–Czar Ivan IV is thought to have died while playing a match in 1584. After the Bolsheviks took power in 1917, it became a national pastime. Soon after the revolution, Vladimir Lenin’s supreme commander of the Soviet army, Nikolay Krylenko, laid the foundations for state-sponsored chess: He opened chess schools, hosted tournaments, and promoted the game as a vehicle for international dominance.

    From 1948 the soviets won every chess match every year till 1995 when the USSR “collapsed”. only four years did they not win in all that time and that was when bobby fischer played

    There has been a lot of practice around the world for a very long time on how to create such situations and do so in a way in which the only way to handle it was removed from the table of options a long time before there was need to handle it. what happened in the middle of last century, was in some ways preparation for what is happening now and the impotence the current state has with dealing with it (which another kind of state would have no problem handling it at all).

    The minute that they actually act to shut it down, a few more die, then people will yell about how black lives matter less than some cheap product in the CVS they protected…

    the system would kill a black man or woman to protect a bic lighter…

    So i wonder, what would anyone actually have them do that could be done without facing the real chance of the above happening? with professional agent provocateurs among the population like in Ferguson (where they are protesting they didnt get paid for their protesting). who may make it happen if the conditions for getting away with it ripen.

  17. As so many others have said – what on earth did folks think would happen?

    The cops are damned if they do and damned if they don’t.

    Several of my friends are cops (thankfully in the Jersey suburbs – so it isn’t as bad) and I keep telling them I wouldn’t blame most cops if they sort of went on strike. Why stick your neck out for folks who will blame you for every move?

  18. ConceptJunkie Says: Despite 100+ years of evidence of leftist rule always leading to ruin, disaster and savagery, they keep doing the same things over and over, somehow believing that this time it will work.

    and thats where you made your error ConceptJunkie… you are wrong, their system DOES work. You think they care about the people they rule over? so its not for them it works, its for the rulers that the system works for.

    if you look to length in office, power, inability to be removed, etc… its like having tenure with a lot more money and status and such with it.

    Lenin ruled until his death
    Stalin ruled until his death
    Mao ruled until his death
    Chavez ruled until his death

    the point is that the ruling class remains permanently the ruling class, and do not have to do dog and pony shows, explain themselves, and so on, any more.

    They would rather rule to death a hell of their own making than rule a heaven temporarily and have to find other employment without the power they had and never having it again….

  19. “It proves that measurement is everything. At the quantum level, reality does not exist if you are not looking at it,” said Associate Professor Andrew Truscott from the ANU Research School of Physics and Engineering.

    The ANU team not only succeeded in building the experiment, which seemed nearly impossible when it was proposed in 1978, but reversed Wheeler’s original concept of light beams being bounced by mirrors, and instead used atoms scattered by laser light.

    veddy interesting but spooky…

  20. “What else did the rioting people of Baltimore expect?”

    Maybe we should ask the professional rioters on Soros’ payroll.

  21. Riot against police, attack them as they go about making arrests, demand that authorities indict six of them for actions and/or oversights that in any other climate would probably be considered either merely doing their duty or mild oversights that unfortunately led to the death of a man in custody, and what do you get?

    While the bold may very well be true, I have not seen where we know enough to say we know the facts. That may just be my ignorance.

    Another point: just because the police in general may be unfairly attacked and falsely used for vicious political ends, does not mean they are innocent.

    The situation is far more complicated than that (generally) and may be the most complicated domestic situation we (Americans) are facing.

    By “complicated,” I mean not as simple as 97% of the population makes it out to be, regardless of how they make it out to be.

    There is something very sick and distorted about law enforcement nowadays at every level and in many jurisdictions (the federal jurisdiction very much included.)

    Ignoring the Constitution, deeming it trivial and beside the point, is not just an Obama administration thing. Law enforcement has been thoroughly politicized and emboldened to ignore the Constitution and respect for citizens, especially citizens who are easily demonized.

    Part of the problem is a daily entertainment-retributive aspect our society has adopted, the satisfying emotions of condemnation. Hyperbole, but germane:


    The police do not and cannot serve to protect us from the barbarians. That is almost entirely a cultural function. Whether more drug dealers feel emboldened to kill each other because the police are currently feeling it is in their union interests to let them do so has almost zero relevance to the rest of us.

    A lot of careful thought, caution and prudence is needed to assess what is going in with law enforcement. It is all viciously and deliberately muddled by the left. But that is what they always do.

    The rest of us (IMO) need to keep in view the Constitution and the necessity to be wary of government force.

  22. The rest of us (IMO) need to keep in view the Constitution and the necessity to be wary of government force.

    Be wary.

    Many more of these bookmarked.

    I blame the voters.

  23. “At the quantum level, reality does not exist if you are not looking at it,” said Associate Professor Andrew Truscott from the ANU Research School of Physics and Engineering.

    So, how exactly did the sun or the earth exist (at the quantum level) before there were people to look at them?

    How does looking into the quantum level create something (that you are now looking at), that just before you looked… didn’t exist?

  24. “Another point: just because the police in general may be unfairly attacked and falsely used for vicious political ends, does not mean they [all] are innocent.” Tonawanda

    I included [all] on the assumption that, that was your meaning. If so, no one here is saying that all cops are innocent. Even the cops admit to there being bad cops.

    It’s the institution that’s under attack. There are 17,985 state and local law enforcement agencies in this country and currently the Left and media are smearing them all.

    “What I Learned After I Killed a Criminal”
    Don’t believe the lie that America’s police officers are heartless beasts.


  25. are generated by the criminals in the community rather than the police who are trying to control them.

    Is that supposed to be a clever way to cover up the criminals in charge of the city and the police?

    Detroit has private security which is a lot safer, more effective, and less trigger happy than the ones employed by Democrat tax dollars confiscated at the point of a gun.

    It just takes awhile for private mercenaries and security contractors to fill the gap.

    Also anyone that thought leaving Iraq would put that kind of insurgency behind them, guess again. Insurgency 2.0 coming to a city near you. You ain’t never going to get rid of it, because all the techniques used to counter insurgency could only be tested by the military in Iraq or other foreign nations like Afghanistan.

    By allowing the Left to destroy American research into COIN, it makes impossible for Leftist control of cities to be disrupted via COIN. So now the civilian LEOs get to experience how difficult it is to fight a war… at home.

  26. Don’t believe the lie that America’s police officers are heartless beasts.

    That’s basically the defense offered to excuse Democrat behavior, that they weren’t naturally bad. Regardless of what their intentions are or are not, if they obey evil authority, then they are the problem, not the solution.

    The idea that one can prove evil by pointing to someone’s intentions, is a sign that a person has made the mistake of placing too much import on intentions. Intentions which you can’t prove one way or another.

  27. Police in New York City have apparently been told to be, literally, “hands off” with troublemakers. Guy who came into our gym threw change into the face of the girl on the desk and cursed her, then threw over some merchandise racks, and ambled on into the gym, ignoring the manager’s request to leave.

    Cops finally came (20 minutes later); went over and talked to the dude, but when the manager said he wanted to know the guy’s name, the cops said, “We aren’t allowed to ask for his ID, or to touch him. We can only ask him to leave.”

    So there’s that. But when Obama’s Dept. of Injustice takes over all the local police departments, we’ll truly have “no justice, no peace.”

  28. “Escape from New York” comes to mind.

    Except: a huge amount of effort and love and ingenuity went into building this amazing city — why in hell should we abandon our cities to the barbarians?

  29. The friendly park rangers were also considered to be kind hearted forest people. Until the hammer was laid down and the order declared that they shall put the rod to the veterans and the citizens. Then look what happened. Funny and ironic how they transformed, into what they always were.

  30. why in hell should we abandon our cities to the barbarians?

    For the same reason idiots think they could abandon Iraq and it wouldn’t come back to haunt them.

    There’s a tendency for high technological civilizations to think warriors at a lower tech level can’t hurt them.

    Waco 2 is now being considered a massacre, because the only ones killed were veterans and bikers, not police or bystanders. And the ones killed, were killed by SWAT head shots. Reminds me of WACO 1 or rather Ruby Ridge.

  31. The ‘hoods may become, maybe already are like the Muslim banlieus in France, no-go places for cops,firemen. The banlieus are clearly governed internally. Muslim women are not as assertive as our esteemed black single mommas that have a few male pups to herd, so it may be preferable to be a single black female in a ‘hood than a married Muzzie in a banlieu.
    The downside to self-rule in the ‘hoods is the (generally agreed) low IQ of the denizens.
    On the whole, I say go for it. Self-segregation is a sound solution. I don’t want them, they don’t want me, so we’re both happy.

  32. what on earth did folks think would happen?

    The Left would tell people what to do and they would do it. Which is exactly what the police did later on.

  33. Black lives matter, but it is the first 20 some years of those lives that are important. When you spend those years not cooking for your kids because you can’t peel a potato, your kid won’t learn to like healthy foods. When you spend those years letting them hear the acting white BS, you are telling them not to go to a museum or a library. When you have never taught your boys how to do simple things around the house, you are denying them the satisfaction of accomplishment. When you feel that you owe them the latest sport shoes rather than teaching them how to spend their money wisely and think ahead, you are teaching them that it’s all about me, me, me now, now, now. When you let them think that having sex with the cool guy is more important than trying to find someone who will be there for you when you are older and need a mastectomy, you are confining them to childhood for the rest of their lives. When you don’t bother exposing them to what real poverty means, they will always compare themselves to the 1% and never find hapiness in a warm house, running water, a family and friends. And when you tell them there is a top-down fix to all the challenges they will face, you are denying them the chance to use their ingenuity to make things better from the bottom up. And when you let them believe all those top-down promises that politicians make, you are lying to them. Kids can tell when you lie, and they will never respect you. And they may get themselves killed at 18.

  34. The Mayor and DA need to lose their next elections. But they won’t.

    Chicago is way worse. I only hope the Obamas move back and personally experience the reality that they did nothing to fix and, in fact, made worse.

  35. Chicago is way worse. I only hope the Obamas move back and personally experience the reality that they did nothing to fix and, in fact, made worse.

    Chicago’s ongoing score card: Hey Jackass.
    The Obamas are moving to Hawaii.

    Nobody will be held to account.
    Repubics will continue to self-deal while Conservatives send each other well articulated e-mails while being demonized by pompous, sanctimonious, condescending, holier-than-thou, hypocritical domestic enemies …

    I blame the voters.

  36. Baltimore’s mayor and DA are minor symbols of the greater decay, Cornhead. They “lead” in order to stay on top. They are cast in the Sharpton mold. If gone, they will be replaced by roaches just like them.

    There must be a truce between the black rulers of Baltimore and the white liberal power structure that is Johns Hopkins University and its medical center (the medical center probably generates more revenue than the rest of the university). Maybe not a truce but a power-sharing. Not unlike the power-sharing between the Left and the Muslims, coming soon to all of us.

  37. Ah, yes; the wisdom of the people, which closes today’s AP story on Baltimore:
    “Veronica Edmonds, a 26-year-old mother of seven in the Gilmor Homes, said she wishes the police would return, and focus on violent crime rather than minor drug offenses.
    ‘If they focused more on criminals and left the petty stuff alone, the community would have more respect for police officers,’ she said.”

  38. Artfldgr says: and thats where you made your error ConceptJunkie… you are wrong, their system DOES work.

    Of course. I’m speaking from the point of view of the citizens looking to improve their own situation through the elections. _They_ should know better, but it’s clear they don’t.

    To some extent, the system is rigged against them, and against all of us, and true reform is becoming more and more difficult and less and less likely. (*cough*Article V*cough*), but the truth remains that too many people are buying into the leftist lies and that number is increasing, not decreasing, at this point in history.

    >“It proves that measurement is everything. At the quantum level, reality does not exist if you are not looking at it,”

    This is not the only interpretation of quantum mechanics, although it remains popular. Regardless of how we view it, it’s weird and nonintuitive… and spooky.

  39. It looks to me like much of what we’re seeing is a consequence of community organizing on a national scale.

  40. It looks to me like much of what we’re seeing is a consequence of community organizing on a national scale.

    In other words Cloward-Piven.
    TWANLOC running wild using low IQs as their canon fodder.

    There might not be any 3 percenters to get you out of the muck this time. Might have to do it yourself.
    Can you, would you?

  41. Stage Left:
    Reverend Wright appears, fully robed, head held high——to deliver what he believes to be his finest sermon to the fine folks of Baltimore:

    “We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back to our own front yards. Baltimore’s, er, scratch that—–America’s chickens are coming home to roost,” he told his congregation.”

    Fade to black…

  42. It’s going to be a long, hot summer in Charm City and my daughter lives there with her head in the sand, unfortunately.

    My feelings: if you live in a One Party City, get the hell out.

  43. …and only because Reverend Wright and his pabulum is revered so mightily by those on the Left, it bears repeating that Baltimore is simply a “victim” of everything whitey has thrown at them:

    “The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing ‘God Bless America.’ No, no, no, God damn America, that’s in the Bible for killing innocent people,” he said in a 2003 sermon. “God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme.”


    And the citizens of Baltimore prefer to look for blame outside of those conditions created by the very people they’ve elected to represent them for decades.
    Immature zealots with hate-filled agendas
    All to the detriment of a civilized construct.

    Baltimore is essentially transforming itself into a Tribal environment; one which is more familiar, more comfortable, more tolerable than the notion of living under some fabricated white man’s creation.

  44. My feelings: if you live in a One Party City, get the hell out.

    Get out? Hell no! ZUMBA!:
    Julian dropped $60,000 tax dollars to turn an old printing room at NYC Police Headquarters into a Zumba dance studio…..just the latest oddball idea from Michael Julian, who recently lost his post for trying to arm cops with baby oil to deal with protesters and breath mints to clean up their foul language. He suggested that officers spray protesters who link arms with baby oil to slide them apart…
    See pict of the effete pillow biter here.
    $60K for the Zumba room upsets you? You’re lucky you don’t know how much the guy was paid!

    NYC, land of the Crook, home of the Twit voter …

  45. Baltimore Burning.

    If only Robin Williams were alive to artistically portray just how hilarious it is…
    The Left understands art.

  46. Baltimore’s situation is analogous to anti-Second Amendment, anti-“Stand Your Ground” arguments: proscribe people’s right to self-defense, leave the criminals to run amuck. Extrapolating from exceptions to reach absurd conclusions.

  47. This is not the only interpretation of quantum mechanics, although it remains popular. Regardless of how we view it, it’s weird and nonintuitive… and spooky.

    It makes a lot of sense, when one looks it from a willpower stand point.

  48. Geoffrey Britain Says: i can answer your question but your not going to like it… 🙂

    its a long back chain through time… ie. what you see causes the effect to happen back in time so when your looking at it, its there without any delay or such…

    but this is supposedly not an effect that happens on the macro level, though intuitively you think it should, but at the quantum level, lots of things are not intuitive and quite the opposite.

    another experiment that i cant find the link for, basically used photons emitted from a star… the effect still held sway, implying that the photon had to know (in your time reference) how it was to be measured 100 million light years later (in your time reference going backwards).

    then again, a positron is an electron moving backwards in time… 🙂

    i could go on an on as to this stuff…

    but to your question to really bring up the creepies… if your material body and all others follow the same rules, then what part of you has this power to see a universe and all its implications over billions of years resolve in an instant you look? your soul?

    even more interesting if it was a macro effect, couldnt fossiles and things be embedded in the reality as it has no time going backwards just the illusion of it…

    ask me another day and i may play with the idea that your really just a 2d holographic projection on the inside of a spherical time space…

    lots of fun stuff there..
    maybe one day, i might put out the idea i came up with to explain this duality in a way that was more intuitive and did not have to crop up the time thing…

    its really cool… and i predicted that if it was correct, you would have spiral waves from photons, which they discovered a few years after my theory… potentially proving it… but alas, i am a nothing nobody with no friends, partners and such in a world that could not care about a person with aspergers knowing lots of high order math they study since childhood getting into bronx science… so i cant have that kind of idea, i cant also have a solution to big data, and so on…

    i learned that today, when you want to do something liek that, better not do something that everyone else cant solve, they wont beliee you solved it either… ie. your never as great as a mind that solved things that they dont know, by vitrue of their knowing you, you cant be that good because they know you.

  49. The mayor and DA have dug themselves a hole. They can’t bad mouth the cops at this point or it will get worse. They can’t suck up to the cops or their voters will be pissed. A few days ago the mayor was critical of the police commissioner. That was dumb. In fact, both the mayor and DA strike me as lightweights.

  50. “Don’t believe the lie that America’s police officers are heartless beasts.”

    “That’s basically the defense offered to excuse Democrat behavior, that they weren’t naturally bad.” Ymarsakar

    A demonstrably false analogy.

    “what you see causes the effect to happen back in time so when your looking at it, its there without any delay or such…” Artfldgr

    How disappointing, I’d thought intellectual masturbation to be beneath you.

  51. No, just one that GB can’t do much about to offset. Any more than Republicans can do anything concerning Leftists, virtual or next door.

  52. such in a world that could not care about a person with aspergers knowing lots of high order math

    You decided to be around Leftists thereby allowing them to steal stuff from you. Not because you’re a victim of Asp, but because of your own decisions. The fact that you don’t want to take responsibility for yourself, is why you remain a victim.

  53. Artful, are tachyons the things that can switch polarity from anywhere to anywhere, without regard to the intervening distance?

    Actually, if you could tell me, I probably couldn’t understand it….

    /English major

  54. Tachyons were said to be faster than light.

    If information can be said to be quantum entangled, including the space and time data, then an unstable particle may borrow or take in the information of the particle’s twin, on the quantum level. Just as an atom trades some electrons in return for stability.

    Could this make things like Tachyons travel faster than light via quantum mechanics? Hard to say. It’s certainly a different way of looking at physics.

    One way of looking at it concerned causality as being just another information that particles can exchange in return for stability. A causality conductor.

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