Home » Mark Steyn on the reaction to Garland


Mark Steyn on the reaction to Garland — 23 Comments

  1. While I may not have used the same word Ms Geller used, I don’t disagree with her statements. If only speech that passed a “test” is worth defending, then there is no free speech

  2. What Steyn alludes to, essentially, is Two Americas

    In a previous thread on this very subject Geoffrey Britain remarked, re free speech, that Islam and the Left shared an aversion to free speech and I agreed, noting the affinity was the basis of the alliance between the two ideologies. This alliance now constitutes the one side of the now two Americas.

    Commonalities between Mohammedanism/Islam and Communism/Brave New World Order (hereafter noted as Mo/Islam and C/BNWO:
    Mo/Islam: Dar—al—harb (war) and dar—al-islam (peace)
    C/BNWO: zone of war/peace (James Burnham in Suicide Of the West, Chapter 12)
    Mo/Islam: exceptionalist and exclusionary ideology based on spurious revelations
    C/BNWO: exceptionalist and exclusionary ideology based on spurious theories
    Mo/Islam: halal (doctrinally allowed), and haram (doctrinally forbidden)
    C/BNWO: PoCo (doctrinally allowed, and non-PoCo (doctrinally non-compliant)
    Mo/Islam: hermetically sealed from all influences that are ‘other’ than Mohammedanism, i.e, the ‘religion’.
    C/BNWO: hermetically sealed from all influences that are ‘other’ than Communism/Gnosticism, i.e., the Party and “useful idiots”
    Mo/Islam: Nothing outside the corporate umma, the person does not exist.
    C/BNWO: Nothing outside the corporate soviet, the individual does not exist.
    Mo/Islam: neither person, nor citizen, but brother as in “brotherhood”–ikhwé¢n
    C/BNWO: neither individual, nor citizen, but comrade
    Mo/Islam: utter Gleichschaltung, conformity down to the details of daily life.
    C/BNWO: utter Gleichschaltung, conformity down to the details of daily life.
    Mo/Islam: operates under the Prophet’s doctrine — once Islam, always Islam
    C/BNWO: operates under the Brezhnev doctrine — once Communist, always Communist
    Mo/Islam: inability to successfully participate in wealth producing societies…
    C/BNWO: inability to successfully participate in wealth producing societies…
    Mo/Islam: carefree and expedient reliance on contradictory assertions
    C/BNWO: carefree and expedient reliance on contradictory assertions
    Mo/Islam: lexicon ideologically redefined to mean something contrary to Webster’s
    C/BNWO: lexicon (Frankfurt School) ideologically redefined to mean something contrary to Webster’s
    Mo/Islam: grievance mongering as tactic and strategy (Islamic angst)
    C/BNWO: grievance mongering as tactic and strategy (H Marcuse’s archemedian points/levers)
    Mo/Islam: conquest, in the name of its own ideology, by either violence or insinuating itself institutionally
    C/BNWO: conquest, in the name of its own ideology, by either violence or insinuating itself demography
    Mo/Islam: non-congenitally anhedonic in all aspects of the pleasures of life excepting barbaric cruelty
    C/BNWO: anhedonic in all aspects of the pleasures of life — ‘no man may be content/happy until all are’
    Mo/Islam: antipathy to science, education, invention, art, music, beauty, creation
    C/BNWO: antipathy to science, education, invention, art, music, beauty, creation
    Mo/Islam: a war against God, inspired not by atheism but by vacuous pretenses and heresies
    C/BNWO: a war against God, inspired not by atheism but by having someone else in mind for the position

  3. Mark Steyn ought to be introduced to the Japanese (political-cultural) tic of “Belly Talk.”


    “Hara gei” (literally the art of belly talk or an ability to understand someone quickly and deeply often non-verbally ….)”

    — The Journal of Intercultural Studies (1978), accessed through Google.


    Even with this cite this Japanese tic is ENTIRELY distorted.

    As REALLY practiced, hara gei in Japanese political discourse, means to stay on the party line.

    Hara gei was in full flower during the Spring of 1945 — when Iwo was lost and Okinawa was down the chute.


    Macro Denialism.

    To comprehend just how fulsomely this hara gei/ self lies went: the average Japanese citizen, upon hearing the emperor’s first public speech, thought that America had surrendered to Japan. (!) The alternative possibility had been driven entirely out of political consciousness. (!)

    It took hours for the Japanese to mutter around to the truth: lesser officials followed up the emperor’s speech with how to conduct ones affairs in the days ahead, before the Americans landed. (!) That last bit didn’t jive with victory, not at all.

    This aspect of the radio broadcast surrender announcement has been expunged from all histories. You’d have to view video testimonies of Japanese survivors to get down to reality. It’s notable that there is not one video testimony that does not mention that they took the broadcast to mean victory for Japan. After all, it was just only days prior that the entire 3rd Fleet (USN) had been sunk with immense loss of life.

    By early September, that entire fleet had been re-floated and was sailing off of Yokohama bay! Who knew?


    Steyn is glaring straight at the MSM re-verb chamber.

    The code phrases — from the Charlie Hebo and PEN style books — ‘re-actualize’ contemporary events… new verbs for old.


    Dreams are intoxicating, addictive.

    Taken far enough they can destroy an entire world.

    Such was the under plot for Star Trek’s “The Cage” pilot.

    Roddenberry’s masterpiece is worthy of re-screening.

    Only now, the full irony of his vision is upon the West.

  4. Mark Steyn is an international treasure and arguably the finest Canadian export ever… were it still worth anything, the man would deserve a Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory Reporting. I pray for his health.

    “On Fox the other day, Bill O’Reilly was hopelessly confused about this issue. He seems to think that Pam Geller’s cartoon competitions will lessen the likelihood of moderate Muslims joining us in the fight against ISIS.

    Putting aside the fact that there is no fight against ISIS, and insofar as the many Muslim countries in the vast swollen non-existent “60-nation coalition” are going to rouse themselves to join the fight, it will be because the Saudi and Jordanian monarchies and the Egyptian military understand it as an existential threat to them,

    [But] put aside all that and understand that Islamic imperialism has a good-cop-bad-cop game – or hard jihad, soft jihad. The hard jihad is fought via bombings and beheadings and burnings over barren bits of desert and jungle and cave country in the Middle East, Africa and the Hindu Kush.

    The soft jihad is a suppler enemy fighting for rather more valuable real estate in Europe, Australia and North America, so it uses western shibboleths of “diversity” and “multiculturalism” to enfeeble those societies.

    And it does so very effectively – so that when a British soldier is hacked to death on a London street in broad daylight, you can’t really quite articulate what’s wrong with it; or that, upon the death of the ugly king of a state where Christianity is prohibited, the Christian ministers of Westminster Abbey mourn his passing;

    or that, when Australians are held siege in a Sydney coffee shop, the reflexive response of progressive persons is to launch a social-media campaign offering to battle Islamophobia by helping Muslims get to work; or that, when violent Muslims stage their first explicit anti-free-speech attack on American soil, everyone thinks the mouthy free-speech broad is the problem.

    This soft jihad goes on every day of the week, and Bill O’Reilly doesn’t even seem to be aware that it exists.

    “Stay quiet and you’ll be okay:” Those were Mohammed Atta’s words to his passengers on 9/11. And they’re what all the nice respectable types [Bill O’Reilly] are telling us now.”

    IMHO no other writer today comes even close to Mark Steyn’s wit, incisive commentary or derisive contempt for those who are no longer our countrymen (TWANLOC).

    They have always been with us, these TWANLOC for every generation has its portion. Samuel Adams spoke of them; “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom – go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”

    “If ever the Time should come, when vain & aspiring Men shall possess the highest Seats in Government, our Country will stand in Need of its experienced Patriots to prevent its Ruin.” Samuel Adams

  5. You do realize that Muslims find our soldiers uniforms offensive? Certainly the ones in war zones, but also here at home and in England, where they decapitated a soldier for wearing his uniform off base. I have relatives that are in the service and they can not wear their uniforms off base in the US due to the fact they might offend Islam. Ms. Gellar certainly went over board to offend the sense of our peaceful Muslims neighbors. But the fact is that the average Muslim does not desire for his non-Muslim neighbors to live, not matter what they do, except maybe convert. Also, women exposing their faces offends Muslims and they will cause harm to a woman if possible (I have been in Egypt and seen this attitude toward the Western tourist). The fact is that we are at war with Islam. Not extremist, not terrorist, but everyday, “moderate” Islam.

  6. I thought about buying a koran today, p*ss*ng on it, and then pouring a quart of bacon grease on it, and striking a match. I think ‘thought crimes’ in a gun nut rabid manner at least once a week about the prophet and allah. Please come and try to kill me you towel wrapped too tight savages. Steyn and Geller, and others like them are warriors, we need to ridicule islam 24/7. There are no moderate muslims, only muslims afraid of other muslims who represent islam as taught by their twisted prophet.

  7. david7134: No, we are not at war with Islam.

    Islam, on the other hand, is at war with us.

    Ms. Geller is heroic in fighting back, using the potent weapons of humor and ridicule. May she live long and keep fighting… and may she not be alone in her fight.

    Geoffrey Britain: thanks for using one of my favorite Sam Adams quotes! It’s a beauty, and deserves to be repeated often.

  8. The concept of the moderate Islam is the concept of the people back home, the jihadis is the soldier who goes off to fight. there is no modern case for a full society of warriors and nothing else.

    however, the idea that people at home would not be aligned with those that fight is a common Vietnam like condition in the west, but not so elsewhere…

    the German citizens were the moderates of the German army

  9. Rush : LOL “…Where do we draw the line, I asked poignantly, in what aspects of Islam we will respect and others we will ignore. When it comes to pictures of the cartoon drawings of the prophet, we will absolutely obey the demands of militant Islam and we will not only refrain from drawing cartoons, we will condemn and seek to destroy anybody who does. But MSNBC, CNN, TIME magazine, the New York Times can readily, happily promote gay marriage and gay rights all day long, and the Muslims are supposed shut up about it?

    Why, on the one hand, do we respect their wishes when it comes to cartoon renderings of the prophet Mohammed and ignore their wishes and ignore what they claim upsets them and angers them when it comes to gay marriage? Therefore I have an idea. I know that many of you out there run businesses that if a gay couple, a married gay couple came in and asked for your service, you would deny it on the basis that you disapprove, your religion does not sanction the approval of gay marriage.

    My idea for you is quite simple. Don’t use that as the excuse anymore. Let’s say that you own the ABC wedding cake bakery. The only thing you do is you bake wedding cakes. And as such, militant gay activists target your bakery. They’re gonna take you out, they’re gonna take you down, they’re gonna walk in there, they’re gonna tell you they’re gonna get married, and of all the bakeries in the world, yours has been recommended to them because that’s all you do, therefore you must be better than anybody else at baking wedding cakes.

    Instead of telling the gay couple that you refuse to bake the cake for their wedding because you disapprove of homosexuality, you should now say you are not going to bake a cake for the gay wedding because you fear Muslim backlash….”

  10. I would never say ” I respected Islam” maybe “Don’t you know what can happen?” lol

  11. That mohammed atta story is hair raising.

    But it’s also amazing that she would be so willing to help an obvious nutcase, even without knowing that it was a terrorist. But then again, maybe not: government types are giving away our money, not theirs.

  12. The press makes a lot of noises to indict Geller in “provocation”, as if it is always a bad thing to do. But what is more effective in ratting out a secret, hiding enemy than provocation? Just ask Tzarist Russia’s security service – this was their most favorite tactic to defeat revolutionary underground.

  13. Atta meets U.S. Department of Agriculture loan officer Johnelle Bryant:
    “He also remarked about the lack of security in the building, pointing specifically to a safe behind Bryant’s desk. “He asked me what would prevent him from going behind my desk and cutting my throat and making off with the millions of dollars in that safe,” said Bryant, who explained that there was no money in the safe because loans are never given in cash, and also that she was trained in karate.”

    Perhaps this is the reason the MSM and our politically correct leaders bow to the “Religion of Peace”. They do not want to annoy crazy people that have no problem with violence to reach their goals.

    LONG LIVE the yeast that tries to leaven the rest of the flour, Geller, Steyn and Neo. As for the rest of the BUT boys/girls, they have already given up their freedom for a bit of temporary truce from conflict.

    Although a little off topic, I wonder if the thoughts of this writer on why Baltimore burned could also be the reason for the desire not to offend by the MSM.
    Adults understand their responsibilities, children/teenagers do not.

    “… the Beach Boys’ endless summers ended and it was back to school to prepare for real life. The endless summers in the Ghetto never end where real life is one long “class cut.” There is no school; no rules and no responsibilities. ”


  14. Beverly Says:
    May 12th, 2015 at 12:47 am
    That mohammed atta story is hair raising.

    But it’s also amazing that she would be so willing to help an obvious nutcase…
    She wanted to be “sensitive” to his cultural framework.
    “Sensitive” pronounced the Michael Savage way…

  15. G6loq: As noted in the last paragraph of your cited article:

    Another way to put this is that a great power risks defeat when it lacks figures like Aeschylus, poets who can feel the enemy before they face him in battle. Competition and war are not driven by mathematical equations but are a clash of minds and wills, fears and desires, often only loosely connected to the material capabilities at hand. In the geopolitical competitions that we are facing and are likely to face in the future, do we have our own Aeschyluses?

  16. MikeII Says:
    May 12th, 2015 at 12:56 pm

    Conundrum … normal people go about existing, meanwhile you don’t choose your enemy, your enemy chooses you …
    Ci vis pacem, para bellum <— now a cliché since we had it so good for so long. 70 years since 1945 that is…

    Ci vis pacem, para bellum, that is why the TWANLOC are such a problem.
    TWANLOC must go. Time for a divorce ….

  17. jon baker, there is a better way to handle the issue..

    1) Thank them for their patronage, and agree to do the work in the same manner and level you do for others, you will not judge them (as scripture asks of you)

    2) inform them that in such matters, you donate a percentage of profits towards organizations that support your view, and will make a donation “in name” for them out of that. (part of repentance – “an attempt to make restitution for the wrong, or in some way to reverse the harmful effects of the wrong where possible”)

    3) put an ad in the paper thankig them for the support they give to such organizations, making sure to celebrate their generosity, and for picking your business, and informing the public that thanks to them, X amount of dollars this year was raised for [insert list of organizations] – [confession is also a part of repentance – contrition]

    and thats that…
    i will pretty much guarantee that you wont get much business of that sort and if you do, no problem…

    federal law says you cant discriminate in terms of working and doing things and saying no, but it does NOT dictate what you can or cant do with the remunerations from such transactions. ie. do the work, but dontate a portion of the money to the charity of your choice… or how you feel, or believe, even if your forced by Ceasar to act…

    What you do with your money after service is your business…
    (other than taxes)
    Once something is paid for the purchaser has no right to say where the money goes, what its used for, etc. unless such a point was agreed upon in the terms of service

    your advice will not fly in a court that wishes to prosecute you for the refusal of service to a protected class… this is especially so now that the court refuses to accept their own doctrine of something not being discriminatory if one has other options in terms of business service.

    people that follow your advice may end up in big trouble with the court because your advice hinges on refusal… Something the court says you have no right to for any reason, religious or not…

    there are other things you can do as well, but they require posting your services and applying them equally

    ie. they have to select from the common stock of figurines you have based on sales, and if they want something else than what you have in stock, they can provide it and pay a fair handling fee to take care of it and store it.

    IF you hire people who are younger than 18 to help, then you should also have a contract that indemnifies the requestor to all legal issues that parents of said employee may object to that stem from event participation (given you have no right of refusal) – this applies to all weddings..
    (this is a good idea for all weddings in terms of what people at the wedding may or may not do in front of underage employees)

    then there are various decorations that you can have for your business that are used to advertise that your a christian business and faithful. this should appear on your literature, and things like your trucks…

    Matthew 19:4-6

    4 And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,
    5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?
    6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

    i suggest NOT using 1 Corinthians 7:2
    2 Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.

    though using 1 Corinthians 7:3 would be ok
    3 Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband.

    Mark 10:6-9 is good given that part of it is in the classic vows
    6 But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.
    7 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife;
    8 And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh.
    9 What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

    Unless your hoping for beatification and eventual upgrade to saint, your not going to get much out of refusal to comply and punishment for said refusal…
    god will still be with you, but thats about it… being with you doesnt mean intervening to protect you from the consequences of man…

  18. The feminists have many people whipped. But then that is true for the Leftist alliance, of which the feminists are merely one small member in.

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