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Let’s talk… — 11 Comments

  1. My guess is that somehow the Clintonistas will turn all of this in their favor. “Poor Hillary, the target of the Right Wing, just as Bill once was.”

  2. “Oh, let’s not and say we did.”

    What difference does it make?


    She has no qualifications. And no integrity.

    Wait a minute. That ought to make her a shoo-in…

  3. Before we are done, Neo, you will have to talk about Hillary. She will not give you a choice. (Nor will any of the rest of us have a choice.)

    Come to think of it, that could be a rallying cry for Republicans this cycle — Hillary Clinton, the anti-choice candidate! (It’s true. She doesn’t like it when Other People have choices. If you want to hear her speak, you have to pay exorbitant fees to hear her explain that she’s broke. If you want to attend a Hillary rally, you must be pre-vetted. If you meet with her, you will not be allowed your cell phone. And so on.)

    She probably thinks of herself as “pro-choice”. But she’s about as anti-choice as any candidate we’ve ever seen.

  4. The fact that we will have to see and hear from Hillary for the next 2 years, and possibly the next 6 or 10, is depressing and demoralizing. The fact that she may actually win is a sad commentary on how far we have descended as a nation. I heard a radio show (can’t remember which one) where they did man on the street interviews. It was actually woman on the street. When asked why they supported Hillary, the women said it was time for a woman to be president. That’s it. No mention of her qualifications, other than possession of female organs. The lack of seriousness in our nation is downright scary. We have some real problems, yet the electorate is treating the Presidential Election like an American Idol contest. I’ve said before and will say again, we are truly screwed.

  5. I’m glad Carly Fiorino is taking her on. Now we need to figure how to get her attacks some more publicity. The left can’t use the war on women thing against Carly. She started out as a secretary and worked her way up. No coat tails needed.

  6. “Let’s do and then deny it. That’s more Clintonesque.”

    Another Clinton trick: avoid talking about it again and again, and then later declare it Old News.

    Hillary:Old News.

  7. People truly get the government they deserve. If Hillary is elected, knowing everything we already know about her (and some we suspect), America will suffer for it.
    The only question will be one of magnitude.

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