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Obama says… — 23 Comments

  1. Well and beautifully stated, N-Neo!! From January 20, 2001 to January 19, 2009, we had at the Oval Helm Israel’s Greatest Friend. Tough Guys like Bibi and Tony and Nick Sarkozy loved, trusted and hugely respected Mr. Bush. And the Bad Guys hated and RESPECTED him.

    Barack the Boy King is Hated & Despised by the Tyrants, but never, Never Respected. Nor Feared. A beacon of mirth for the Butchers.

    Are we not Blessed?

  2. The linked article was at the Huffington Post. I read some of the comments. Appalling.

    I never go there. I should. One needs to know what the enemy is “thinking.”

  3. In any given foreign policy situation, especially middle eastern, ask yourself, “What is the polar opposite of what any US president since at least Nixon would do?”, and that’s what Obama does. This has to be by design. And it’s made the entire world an unsafer place.

  4. G Joubert…

    Barry is not doing the polar opposite of Jimmah…

    The out of the closet anti-Jewish bigot.

    Lest we forget: without Jimmah — the Ayatollah of rack and ruin wouldn’t have gotten to first base — on balls.

    [ And balls alone, come to think of it.]

    Jimmah should’ve stayed with lusting instead of trusting…

    The West generally, and the MSM most especially, keep projecting rationality upon entirely fanatical True Believers.

    Such disjunctive world views — virtual worlds, if you will — were last seen during all prior military conflicts.

    We are not destined to all get along.

  5. Not even Carter actively aided and abetted Israel’s enemies, nor threatened to.

  6. One must ask, how could any of this come to be at a time in history when so much information is readily available?

    Hmmm… self inflicted.
    I blame the voters.


  7. That’s rich.

    Wonder when he’ll get around to expressing his disappointment in Iran’s Supreme leader Ali Khamenei calling for “Death to America” yesterday.

  8. blert & Joubert…Your exchange on Jimmah reminded me instantly of my ‘Mugging by Reality'(Thank you, Irving Kristol) to Neoconservatism which began on January 20, 1981, Inauguration Day for Ronaldus Magnus. The Iranian Mullahs released the American Hostages who’d been captive since late 1979. I’d(Gasp!!)voted for Cawtah twice, but never again did my vote go to a Democrat. Then, President Reagan approved of Libyan jet fighters being shot down as they tried to intimidate American F-14s over the Med. Then…I LOVED this…he had jets attack Khadafi’s residence and—YES!!—killed some of his family.

    Much later when another American President with Warrior Juevos defeated Sadaam Hussein, the same Khadafi of Libya voluntarily made his Nuke Program open to inspections and turnovers. Baaaa-Daaaaa-Bing. Hhhmmmmmmm…. Despots can spot a set of Big Steel Cojones. Conversely, as in our Boy King’s case, they can take the measure of a silly-unserious-blathering moral coward.

    Are we not Blessed??

  9. Neoconscum,

    You give the boychild too much respect by calling him Boy King. Please use lower case letters only. The boychild punk narcissistic messiah desires scorn and a total lack of respect which precludes use of upper case letters. 😉

  10. parker Says:
    March 22nd, 2015 at 9:33 pm

    … and a total lack of respect which precludes use of upper case letters.


  11. Will shall extend to the current pResident all the courtesy and consideration accorded to the previous President.

  12. Those at Snopes are leftist dopes.

    Decide for yourself:
    Controversial comments

    I have more weird stuff bookmarked. He went native somewhere along the way. The Orientalist disease of the faux sophisticate …

  13. Snoops isn’t infallible. Ann, your slip is showing.

    I was glad to see McCain, of all people, berating Hussein for having a “tantrum” over Bibi’s election. Of course his reaction is far more dangerous than a tantrum, but ridiculing BO on a personal note is a lot more effective at cutting the ground out from under him (as the Leftists well know: they always belittle their opponents, often to great effect).

    Meanwhile, we’re dealing with a polity 80% of whom that thinks warning labels should be put on “foods containing DNA.” Dumber than a box of rocks. I hope Ted Cruz knows how to get through to them.

  14. On Snopes – the few times I’ve consulted Snopes I wasn’t too impressed with their sources or research. While I don’t know anything about their politics, I did note that the majority of the sources they consulted were editorial pages from predominantly left wing publications.
    Being naturally skeptical, I followed their sources and didn’t find any solid basis to come up with true or false conclusion. What I did find was the same kind of information you could get from a Google search and a summary opinion of opinions, mostly from left leaning media.

  15. Just in time for the elections…
    Obama making things less safe is not just for locals

    If you believe that the U.S. aggressors were preparing to land in Crimea in the winter of 2014 in order to help the Ukrainians kill all the Orthodox Russians there, and that only the pre-emptive military operation under the command of President Vladimir Putin saved them, then you are “one of us”

    if you think that the United States was not planning a military operation in Crimea last year, that it did not “have its eye on” the peninsula and that NATO never did and still has no plans for it as a theater of war, then you are officially a heretic

    The “true believer,” like the loyal Soviet citizen before him, honestly believes that nuclear weapons are necessary in the “struggle for peace.”

    The “heretic,” however, finds such talk of nuclear war extremely upsetting. “Russia declares its readiness to wage nuclear war in the complete absence of any threat,” they say. “What a nightmare!”

    [basically it will be a war to stop the western godless neo soviet liberals from imposing nazi type totalitarian fascism… but hey! we been working hard to ignore them since the 1990s… right? ]

  16. “I did note that the majority of the sources they [snopes] consulted were editorial pages from predominantly left wing publications.” starlord

    It seems to me that is fairly conclusive evidence of their politics. “If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.”

  17. Geoffrey Britain – agree, but there’s also the possibility they’re just a little lazy, and my use of the site isn’t enough for me to draw that conclusion myself.
    Either way, giving them the benefit of the doubt about their political mindset doesn’t change what I think about about their research.

  18. The Snopes couple lives in San Fernando valley and started up their extremely leftist Snopes AFTER having established themselves in the blogosphere as hyper-active commenters going back years and years.

    They obviously can live off their passive income.

    They practice Internet politics seven days a week.

    Their avowed purpose with Snopes was to attack the Bush administration and its defenders — in the beginning.

    Subsequently, other leftists have used them as a thesaurus of leftism.

    And the rest is screed.

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