Home » They’re starting to be afraid of Tom Cotton


They’re starting to be afraid of Tom Cotton — 16 Comments

  1. This is very interesting. He is my new senator. I had no idea people would pay so much attention to him, I was so focused on happily getting rid of Pryor who I have always considered a nepotism senator.

    Of course, he has a southern accent so they will not be able to help calling him dumb. We’ll see how that works out for them.

  2. Actually, a Harvard degree is a mark against him, in my book.

    I am sick to death of the Ivy League cabal that is running the country. Despite what they seem to think of themselves, they are not the best or the brightest. They are merely the best connected.

  3. Heather Digby Parton: “All the aging hawks can rest easy. The mantle of bloodthirsty warmongers has been passed to a new generation. And unlike the veterans of yore, this one makes no tepid disclaimer that war is hell or that it should ever be avoided. He straight up wants more of it. And with the GOP on a national security tear these days, he’s sure to be a big hit with the base. There’s nothing they love more than a politician spouting cretinous foreign policy nonsense and ignoring all evidence that challenges their worldview.”

    ‘Bout sums up the progressive view. SOP for how they go after those who don’t know their place or who their betters are. Right out of Alinsky. I trust that Cotton has a mind like a steel trap and a spine of stainless steel. He will need it.

  4. rickl:

    I would never hold a person’s degree or lack thereof against him/her.

    What is important is what the person says and does.

    The degree doesn’t tell you much. I can’t imagine why anyone would hold Cotton’s degree against him, if they look at his resume, listen to his words, and approve of both.

    Actually, I can imagine why, but I don’t think it’s valid.

    For most liberals, however, his degree is a credential that needs to be undone and negated by phrases like “Sarah Palin.”

  5. They can try it, but I don’t think the Sarah Palin thing will stick. With Palin it was pure elitism and sexism. His Harvard education can’t be undone and he’s the wrong sex. But I agree with your overall point, they are looking hard to find something on both Cotton and Walker.

  6. “They’re” is your Libtard voting family member, neighbor, colleague, acquaintance, disembodied celebrity.

    All politics is local. Make it local.

    Blame the voters.

  7. Cotton has a finely calibrated BS detector and calls it like he sees it without hesitation. That makes progressives wet their undies. They fear straight shooters. Shoot straight and never back down.

  8. I think Heather Digby Parton can read the polls, and so knows it’s not just the Republican base to whom Cotton appeals — and that most Americans are far, far closer to Cotton’s “let ’em rot” than they are to what her ilk thinks about terrorists.

  9. JJ,

    Heather Digby Parton is the kind of person who is nonplussed when confronted by the actual law and policy, fact basis of OIF.

  10. Here’s one way it will go: “Sarah Palin with a Harvard degree.”

    I know the above was intended to disparage Senator Cotton, in addition to Sarah Palin, but my take on it is that if a Harvard grad, by definition one of the intellectual elite, is in agreement with Sarah Palin, her ideas can’t be that bad.

    As a graduate of flagship State U’s, what is important to me is not where someone graduated, but what they say, think, and do. I also realize that not everyone at a given institution follows that institution’s social norms. Just because Tom Cotton is a Haavaad grad, and many Haavaad grads consider themselves one of the annointed, doesn’t mean that Tom Cotton follows that Haavaad norm.

    Of the Haavaad grads I have known, some are insufferable asses, and some are not.

  11. Remember how the media LOVED John McCain? Maverick?

    Then he became a serious player for the Republican nomination. Suddenly, on no evidence other than some rumors that were heard by somebody who claimed to be friendly with somebody who claimed to know something the New York Times had McCain diddling some media consultant.

    Remember that?

  12. Amazing how after all these years Sarah Palin *still* lives rent-free in what passes for libs’ “brains”.

  13. Gringo: “Just because Tom Cotton is a Haavaad grad, and many Haavaad grads consider themselves one of the annointed, doesn’t mean that Tom Cotton follows that Haavaad norm.”

    Ivy League military veterans are a breed apart. Ivy League combat veterans are rare.

  14. Eric,

    Check out Matterhorn by Karl Marlantes. Marlantes went to Yale and was a Rhodes Scholar, then went into the Marines and did a combat tour in Vietnam. Incredible story and book.

  15. G Joubert,

    Thanks. For 9/11-generation Ivy League veterans, there’s no better example than this group: http://milvets.columbia.edu/ . Better yet, they’re mostly enlisted veterans, so they were formatively American soldiers, Marines, sailors, and airmen before becoming Ivy Leaguers.

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