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On the Chapel Hill murders — 17 Comments

  1. It is impossible to understand the murder of 3 people over a parking spot. The killer is obviously a disturbed individual and his religion, or lack thereof, or political persuasion is of no consequence. His actions are what matter. Lock him away for the rest of his days.

  2. Add him to the long list of Liberal mass murderers,
    next in a long line of murderers with mass murder on their minds:

    — Nidal Hasan — Ft Hood Shooter: Reg­istered Democrat and Muslim.
    — Aaron Alexis, Navy Yard shooter — black liberal/Obama voter
    — Seung-Hui Cho — Virginia Tech shooter: Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff, registered Democrat.
    — James Holmes — the “Dark Knight”/Colorado shooter: Registered Democrat, staff worker on the Obama campaign, #Occu­py guy,progressive liberal, hated Christians.
    — Amy Bishop, the rabid leftist, killed her colleagues in Alabama, Obama supporter.
    — Andrew J. Stack, flew plane into IRS building in Texas — Leftist Democrat
    — James J. Lee who was the “green activist”/ leftist took hostages at Discovery Channel — progressive liberal Democrat.
    — Jared Loughner, the Tucson shooter — Leftist, Marxist.
    — Ohio bomb plot derps were occupy Wall St leftists.
    — Harris and Klebold, the Columbine Shooters — families registered Democrats and progressive Leftists.
    — Bill Ayers, Weather Underground bomber — Leftist Democrat.
    — Lee Harvey Oswald, Socialist, Communist and Democrat — killed Kennedy…

    His FaceBook page entries are at PJ Media

  3. Atheism and left-wing ideology… Any faith and left-wing ideology do not mix. Atheists have to be concerned with a predisposition to narcissism. The lack of a common religion or moral consensus only exacerbates the limitations of this simplistic philosophy. Other faiths have to be concerned with a predisposition to replace God or gods with mortal gods. The consolidation of capital and labor; the marginalization or evisceration of competing interests; the formation of monopolies by design; are a historical recipe for human and civil rights violations.

  4. I too agree with Cooke.

    “Lock him away for the rest of his days.” parker

    That would be an injustice both to his victims and the taxpayers. He unilaterally denied those three people their inalienable right to life and in doing so, he forfeited his own claim to that right. Society cannot with honor do less than to hold him fully accountable for his actions. Justice and honor require that society’s consequence be proportional to the crime. No amount of prison time can be equivalent to the taking from the victims of their very lives.

    Add him to the long list of Liberal mass murderers,” g6loq

    Technically true but the apparent implication is not, as no evidence has emerged to indicate that his liberal progressiveness was the motivation for his actions.

    “Any faith and left-wing ideology do not mix.” n.n.

    Any faith and socialism do not mix? What incompatibility in principle between a communal faith and a rejection of the concept of private property might there be?

  5. Responding to two threads in one comment; I’m all in favor of tattooing a Star of David on his forehead and dropping him over ISIS held territory.

  6. GB…

    Strictly speaking they are ALL anti-religions — as they promote man ABOVE God/ deny God.

    Alternately they are all neo-paganisms.

    Or, perhaps, macro-narcissism, a narcissism of the collective elites — or wannabee elites.

  7. GB,

    I oppose the death penalty for one reason, it usually costs society more than a life sentance given the long, dragged out appeals process. A small cell and meager rations and never standing under the open sky is relatively cheap even over a 50 year period. Plus, there is no ‘fame’ associated with a life without parole sentence, and zero legal fees. Let them languish in solitary confinement and go moon bat crazy. Or let the families of his victims carry out the execution. In my family it would be a dinner invitation with Iowa hogs.

  8. parker,

    The long, dragged out appeals process is certainly a factor in favor of your position. I discount it for two reasons; though serious, it is another separate issue and to be just, justice must be proportional. Cruel and unusual punishment has a flip side. Two months in the county lockup for rape would be unconscionable, so too with life imprisonment with conjugal visits, TV, exercise equipment and ‘three squares a day’ after having ended other’s lives. Some cannot stand imprisonment, many more adjust quite easily.

  9. Geoffrey Britain:

    Communal living and left-wing ideology are not equivalent.

    The consolidation of capital and labor; the marginalization or evisceration of competing interests; the formation of monopolies by design; are a historical recipe for human and civil rights violations.

    The difference is consent, motive, and outcome. While the difference may only be in degrees, the predisposition is observable. It stems in part from the way people reconcile the moral axioms of individual dignity and intrinsic value.

  10. Killed over a parking space – this is one reason why I always, always, let the other guy have a spot first, even if I was pulling in first.

    Some folks let things slide like water off a duck’s back. Others hold on to every, real or imagined, slight as if it demands retaliation on the magnitude of Armageddon.

    You just never know what lives within that stranger – a friend or a monster.

  11. Good list g6loq. This list is important because it goes against the Leftist narrative that it is conservatives who are prone to this type of violence.

  12. neo writes, “I’m with Charles C. W. Cooke on this one.”

    I fear that you and I and most of us here are operating at a distinct disadvantage. That the lefties eagerly, yea gleefully, tie these sorts of shootings to righties, offers them a distinct advantage, seen in the successful demonization of righties. True, it’s hardly the only way in which righties are demonized, and it’s hardly the only technique used to demonize righties. But it’s a key part of the ongoing, successful demonization of righties.

    You and I and most of us here go into battle with one arm tied behind our back. We are depriving ourselves of the weapon of deceit, which, when nurtured and cunningly implemented, blossoms into Big Lie propaganda. It’s a very powerful weapon, as I’m sure you and most of us here know from the experience of being on the losing end.

    But I can’t use it; it’s just not who I am. It’s not who you are and, I will venture, it’s not who most of us here are. We are fighting at a distinct disadvantage, and I hope it doesn’t turn out to be a critical component of our undoing. My fear is that it already is and will so continue.

    I don’t buy into the assurances of those who insist that eventually the truth will out, the the judgment of history will render the correct verdict, or something like that. I sure as h#ll wish I could buy into such optimism.

  13. MJR: We don’t have to draw the conclusion — just point out that he was a Leftwing nutjob, and leave it at that.

    Our leftwing pals might also be interested/appalled to know that Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church was a Democrat.


    Pass it on….

  14. Phelps! Ah!
    The thingy with the left is:
    they always accuse you of that they’ve been doing …


  15. The killer is a monster and the victims deserve our prayers.
    What I hope doesn’t happen is that CAIR et al try to use their deaths to push their islamophobia garbage. If they do I hope someone also mentions the people who have died in the US because of honor killings.

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