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Jordan fights back — 17 Comments

  1. Bush invited families of dead troops to the White House, where he would meet with them, iirc.

    I can’t remember if I’ve heard anything about Obama doing anything similar.

  2. The Sotloff and Foley families also made the mistake of being openly critical of the Obama Administration. The Sotloffs with regard to the White House doing “little to secure the freedom of Islamic State captives,” and the Foleys with regard to being threatened “with prosecution if they paid the demanded ransom”.

  3. “They ended up killing the last american hostage, a woman…”

    … or so says ISIS. Do you believe what ISIS says? Think about it.

    The barbaric execution of Lt. al-Kasasbeh has backfired on them. Instead of cowering in fear, the atrocity has roused support within Jordan from ordinary citizens to wipe out ISIS as un-Islamic. ISIS now had a problem with what to do with Ms Mueller – the last remaining hostage and a female at that.

    They don’t want to turn her loose, because then they lose face. And they don’t want to be shown killing her in the same barbaric way as they have the other hostages, so claiming that the Jordanian airstrikes killed Ms Mueller provides a convenient solution to the problem of what to do with her.

    It would be interesting to find out how many ISIS fighters died in the same building. (Even if it was knowable, that is not the sort of fact that gets reported by today’s feckless media.)

  4. I am wondering if she has been dead for some time and they are just using this as a way to resolve what to do with her …

  5. Krauthammer, one of the pundits I usually agree with, thinks ISIS is trying to provoke Jordan and then destabilize the monarchy. This is an issue for the rulers of every Arab nation. The muslim brotherhood and similar jihadist organizations infest their nations like fleas on a third world stray dog. I understand the king’s outrage, but only tens of thousands of boots on the ground can defeat ISIS.

  6. If ISIS can be weakened enough, then the Iraqi army and the Kurdish militia can provide the necessary boots on the ground. The question is whether or not ISIS can be weakened via air strikes to the point where the Iraqis and the Kurds can push ISIS out of Iraq.

    Of course, if that happens, then ISIS will probably fall back to Syria, which will make it difficult to directly go after the organization.

  7. The king of Jordan makes Obama look like a real piss ant. Maybe that is why he is slow to meet the needs of Jordan.

  8. Gosh, Obama did find time to give a political speech in front of the caskets of the four slain in Benghazi billed as a ?memorial service”, making their families mere props in his big lie about the attack. And who could forget Joe Biden’s crass comments to Charles Woods about his slain son at this same event?

  9. Jordan’s execution of their captured ISIS jihadists is a futile gesture, as it will not intimidate ISIS. Since it gives the jihadist what they desire, martyrdom, paradise and 72 virgins… for as always, rewarding someone does NOT lessen the behavior that got them their reward.

    The key to lessening jihadist recruitment and thus, those available to terrorize… is to remove the reward. You gain leverage over an enemy by credibly threatening what they value. Since what jihadists value is entrance into paradise, anything which threatens their entrance into paradise has potential importance to us.

    Using their own beliefs against them is the key to credibility, as when it comes to credibility, it only matters what they believe. Allah has declared that an unclean Muslim cannot enter paradise and contact with any part of a pig, even if accidental makes that Muslim profoundly ‘unclean’ until they go through a special Islamic cleansing ritual. So by their beliefs, contact with any part of a pig with no cleansing ritual before death means no entrance into paradise.

    When those countries upon whom ISIS and other terrorists declare that captured terrorists will no longer receive an ‘honorable’ execution such as hanging, but instead will be drowned in a clear acrylic vat of pig’s blood… the paradigm will start to change.

    A sentence of immediate castration followed by drowning them naked in a clear acrylic vat of pig’s blood. Televise and record it and upload it to a special website. Put the ‘fear of Allah’ into them.

    Use their own beliefs against them and make the risk too high. Recruitment will drop through the proverbial bucket and desertion will skyrocket.

    You don’t win a gunfight with a knife.

  10. The propaganda start well with king Abdullah II lead the fight by himself in hours and start targeting ISL sites!

    It’s very surprising that Jordanians had knew very accurately ISIS ground sites and been waiting for the king himself to hit them?

    With this propaganda report comes out writing a message in Arabic on a plane-mounted missile before the air assault using chalk to write that will hits the ISIS sites

    The question is how and why these sites not been hit or targeted by 60 countries air power lined up to fight ISl?

    if these sites been known by King of Jordan Why not been targeted by western pilots or air fire?

  11. The call to prayer rang out across the streets of Ma’an – its long, loud, lilting cry signalling the eve of the Muslim religious holiday of Ramadan. Inside the white-marbled mosque the imam’s sermon was one of forgiveness. His words broadcast outside fell on the ears of young children as they handed out cakes to passersby in the sunshine. It was a scene of tranquillity in this southern Jordanian city, a very normal Friday. That was until the worshippers began to leave the mosque. At that point a crowd of men, some in military camouflage jackets, others bearded and wearing long black tunics, burst into defiant cries. Shouting “Allahu akbar” – God is great – they unfurled a large black flag bearing the symbol of the jihadist militia, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). Strengthened by their victories in Syria and Iraq, where they have seized control of the north of the country, ISIL and its followers are now also gaining purchase in Jordan. Foreign diplomats and the Jordanian government have this week expressed fears over the ability of the country, a crucial Middle East ally of the West, to remain stable, with extremist factions operating along two of its borders.

    Black flag of jihad finds new home in Jordan
    JUNE 28, 2014

  12. Aren’t modern Kings supposed to be playing golf while their people do the job of fighting enemies and supporting the public?

  13. Bush invited families of dead troops to the White House, where he would meet with them, iirc.

    Most of Bush II’s visits to the military member families were without press coverage, because the press was toxic and it wasn’t a political decision.

    Hussein would love to be able to take shots of that, but he’s too busy playing other games

  14. Ymarsakar…Good points. President Bush made regular(no press)trips to Walter Reed Hospital to spend time with our wounded warriors. And, speaking of stand-up behavior, it was GWB who showed up at Ft. Hood on the night of the day of the mass murders in order to bring comfort to our wounded and their comrades and stunned families. He sped there from Dallas in Secret Service vehicles.

    The Boy King got there..what…a week later? ‘Nuff said.

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