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Democrats forever — 43 Comments

  1. The author has left out the violence part. Just like the “revenuers” of old disappearing in backwoods areas of the South, government bureaucrats would discover many no go areas of the country. In recent presidential elections, Republicans have won 80% of the counties. I don’t think people realize how many good ol’ boys and guns are out here.

    Imagine what Iran would look like if all those pissed off youth had guns.

  2. No party, no matter how powerful at first, can maintain a dictatorial reign over a country whose populace opposes it. America is not like North Korea, where free thought is essentially a novelty after centuries of indoctrination in obedience, or Zimbabwe where the populace is given a scapegoat for their problems in the form of the specter of British colonialism. America has championed the idea of rebelliousness, from the age of rock n’ roll to the digital age. We are a “low power” culture, a culture where freedom is valued above obedience, and that is what makes us mighty.

    If there’s one thing Americans hate, it’s the Big Guy, the Evil Empire, the Murder, Inc.’s of the world that stand out as the big gorillas in the jungle that is the political landscape. We root for the little guy, because we like to think that we’re better than those gun-tradin’, Ferrarri-driving jerks who take our money. Liberals recognized this trait early on, and instead of attacking the ideas of conservatives like Cheney and Limbaugh they portrayed them as being the avatars of those Murder, Inc.s and Evil Empires.

    Now, the liberal elites are in the same place conservatives were before the Left dropped the hammer. It’s a fantastic opportunity for the Republican Party, the point where America’s Democrats are in a place where they can get a taste of their own medicine. In order to win 2010 and 2012, Republicans need to tap into that well of rebelliousness that the Democrats managed to during the Bush years. And it won’t be terribly hard;People are already starting to realize that they’ve been swindled, and that the change that they were promised has some dire side-effects. They’re ready. The question remains, is the Republican party ready?

    – G

  3. I’ve always thought the Democratic Party was less a party organized around political principles than a tribe organized on the principle of Us against Them. You either belong to the tribe or you don’t. And you make constant war on those who don’t belong.

  4. It’s not over yet

    so neo has made up her mind to kill people if the situation requires it?

    if not… then its over… since they are.

    It is easy to correct the prevailing misconception. One can usually tell what offenses against the commonweal the liberal Democrats are committing by what accusations they make against others (into which they project their own tendencies).

    i said that this is a tactic… not projection.
    just map out the points and see where each reasult rides…

  5. I think he is right. There is a chance we can recover, but the odds are better that we won’t.

    I do not doubt even for an instant that what he says the Dems are doing is right. I think they are worse even. However, there is NO WAY they could succeed unless the American Spirit had already been severely wounded, perhaps even defeated.

    I guess I should be more clear: I don’t think there are enough decent Americans left for America to be America. If there were, would Obama, Pelosi and Reid be where they are at all? With the majorities they have?

    Worse, would the PC Totalitarianism be infused on every level and nook and cranny of American life, from big business to small, from elementary school to MIT – and every possible place in-between?

    The day Americans stand up and fight for their rights, is the day we win. But I don’t think they will anymore because they aren’t there anymore. Not enough anyway.

    What are Americans doing? I ran into an acquaintance today I hadn’t seen in a year. He is an architect. He got laid off about 10 months ago. He’s trying and trying but people aren’t hiring because firms aren’t building due to lack of financing and uncertainty, etc., etc. So he works in a Pet Store. He’s the guy who does the Organic Pet Food stuff (since he knows organics). The Pet Store business, he says, is booming. So-called Americans can’t get enough high quality food for Fifi and Fido. Neither can they find the will or desire or gumption to build a building to make stuff in.

    When we have the guts to build buildings to make stuff in once more, and to kick into the gutter the little tyrants and big tyrants who stop us every day, then we’ll be back.

    Not until then. Never again until that happens.

  6. I think Professor Gaski has it exactly right. One of the basic Saul Alinsky strategies is to OVERLOAD THE SYSTEM so that the system gives in to you. No one will be able to check the legitimacy of all the voters once “universal registration” is enacted (and it is indeed illegal to thoroughly check a voter’s legitimacy in some states, most notably California). It’s all part of the plan.

  7. “We are a “low power” culture, a culture where freedom is valued above obedience, and that is what makes us mighty…”

    Correction, we were a low power culture.
    Whether we still are or not remains to be seen.

    There are more than a few who are in lockstep with the ‘progressive’ plan. Many are lawyers and judges. They practically own the university system. Just to name a few. Our mainstream media is run by them and they swung the last election.

    After massive legal and illegal immigration, which unlike the past has not been assimilated, after decades of dumbed down education, where our history is not taught, where our form of government is not only not taught, but disparged, where many have never heard of those who fought and died for freedom, after decades of Gramscian damage, after decades of class, race identity group politics whether we are still free in mind and spirit remains to be seen.

    Rest assured there will not be any actual take over. Instead there will be a continual dripping away of our freedoms until the trnsformation has been completed without a shot being fired and the kids will be too stupid to know that there ever was any difference. As for any retro-grade ‘bitter clingers’ there will be ostracism, harrassment and even, if they persist, jail. The media will do their part to make sure the picture whows a frustrated, racist, violent, crypto-nazi. Think Ruby Ridge, Waco and Rainbow Farm.

    Don’t leave out the crass opportunists, who seeing a opening will be in the forefront of denouncing anyone who isn’t sufficiently progressive. The Nifongapproach.

    And the same corrupt moneygrubbing whores who brought you the S&L debacle in the 80’s, the dot com bubble in the 90’s and the almost fatal financial collapse in this decade will be there too. they’ll all be ready to step in and assume their rightful roles as your new bosses. After all they are ‘the people.’

    Let’s not forget the union thugs, thugs are plentiful and cheap. They will flock to whatever banner they perceive to be the best for them.

    Giles, I hope you are right, but I fear those who value security over freedom outnumber us. Perhaps I’m wrong, time will tell

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  9. Wow, and the guy’s bio at the bottom of the article says he’s a lifeling Democrat.

    Scott Brown is our hope. He set a goal of raising $500,000 by midnight tonight in his “money bomb” today. Instead, he hit the $500,000 mark at almost exactly 4:00 (eastern), and now he’s up to a total of $625,000.

    He’s raised $125K in the past 50 minutes. People from all around the country are donating. Donate if you can. We need this man to win.

  10. Following the party template is a religion, and the devil, the other side, is not going to dissuade them.

  11. I agree with Neo that its not over yet. I’ll quote two of the commenters to Mr. Gaski’s article:

    carbonyes says

    Not ready to put the R.I.P. on America yet. Even though the listed scorched earth policies are an attempt to ensure permanent residency of the Democrats in D.C., there is a powerful ground swell of conservative patriotic Americans who are not about to let Obama and the leftist elitist steam roll over this nation and impose their diabolic maniacal schemes.

    Carol Brown said:

    This piece lays out the dire straights we are in. But, the author throws in the towel at the end. Is that what a patriot does? We have men and women putting their lives on the line to protect and defend this nation. Can we, at home, at least not put forth our most heroic effort to do our part to reclaim America? Do we truly just cave? Do we really just wave the white flag and surrender in defeat? I have to believe that this author, despite his willingness to kiss our country good-bye at the end, has fight in him, too. Otherwise, why write the piece? You want to get the word out, then let’s get the word out. Forward this (and other great pieces) to people. Copy it and hand it out to people. Post it on community bulletin boards, leave some in the local laundermat. Call anyone and everyone who you think may have even a shred of interest and engage them. Organize a protest. Hammer away every day and get others to join you. None of us can claim ignorance. So what do we do with our knowledge? We act.

    So long as there are people like these, then its not over yet.

  12. I believe it was de Tocqueville who predicted the America would not so much fall into dictatorship as our freedoms would be subject to bureaucratic approval. I trying to remember what someone who read him said. In short a dictatorship of the bureaucrat like they have in Europe.

  13. Calm down everyone. Things are not as grim as they may seem. Besides the valid points which Giles made, here are a few other salient points to consider:

    Opposition to giving illegals the vote is going to be stratospheric. Wanting to pass it and being able to pass it are two very different things.

    All immigrants do not vote. There’s no reason to suppose they would vote in any greater numbers than any other group does.

    Of the ones that do vote, they are spread across the US. The reason that’s important is because the Presidential election is decided by electoral college votes, NOT by popular vote.

    With that in mind, of the estimated 11.5Million illegals in 2006, most are concentrated in democratic ‘blue’ states, states which already give their electoral vote to the democratic candidate. Of the immigrant states that are ‘red’ states, the numbers of likely voters among the illegals are arguably insufficient to swing those states to the democratic candidate.

    That’s according to ProCon.org

    Finally, just look at the opposition numbers to health care, of the 58% opposed, 33-35% are independents or moderates, as likely to vote for a Reagan as a Clinton.

    Moderates and independents will be no more accepting of the far left abrogating their franchise, than they would if the far-right attempted it.

  14. “All immigrants do not vote. There’s no reason to suppose they would vote in any greater numbers than any other group does.”

    Ah, but who will use the names of the illegal immigrants to vote? If they do not care to go down to the polls on election day … will there be some kindly taskmaster and guardian who will see that the appropriate votes are cast for the appropriate person?
    That’s the worrisome bit, actually.

  15. The mistake the anti-Chavez parties of Venezuela made was to boycott an election they presumed to be unwinnable. Bad call, there, as Venezuela had a lot of smaller elections that went to the supporters that help Chavez maintain his stranglehold on power, despite the will of the people. He’s already elected himself President-for-Life, by simply calling for repeat votes on his right to rule forever until eventually he managed to win by a greater margin than actual voters. Enough anti-Chavistas in the legislature could have put an end to that after he lost the first vote.

    We must be careful not to make the same mistake. We must continue to vote against the US’s continuing transformation into a one-party country, even if all hope seems lost, because until we are actually being herded onto the trains bound for “re-education” camps that nobody returns from, there is still something more we can lose if we don’t exercise that right.

    Personally, I’ll be voting Republican, rather than Independent. It takes more than just a good idea to make your voice heard, and their system may be decrepit and in need of repair, but it’s still better than trying to build a whole new party apparatus from scratch.

  16. Artfldgr Says:

    “It’s not over yet

    so neo has made up her mind to kill people
    if the situation requires it?

    if not… then its over… since they are.”

    This country will rally in the face of adversity. As for Artfldgr’s comment, consider this:

    – take the food from a man’s family and there will be revolution.

    – take a man’s means of earning a living and there will be revolution.

    – suppress a man’s rights to defend himself and his family and there will be revolution.

    We as a country have the Constitution and Bill of Rights in our DNA and they can not change that.

  17. I agree that it’s not over yet. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

    (Sorry, couldn’t help it.)

    Anyway, we are now starting to see the real reason for the 2nd Amendment. The Founders had studied history and human nature, and were under no illusions about the tendency of governments to become tyrannical. An armed citizenry is the last line of defense; the ultimate check and balance. That could end up being the difference between the United States and other nations which have gone down this path.

    On the other hand, the American Thinker article and this thread are depressing. I might turn off my computer early tonight and opt for some light escapist reading instead. I just bought a book about the Battle of the Marne in 1914. 🙂

  18. I’ve maintained for quite some time that we’re witnessing a coup. I also believe that the hard left doesn’t understand the majority of Americans and made a major mistake by staging this coup attempt prior to disarmament.

  19. Anyway, we are now starting to see the real reason for the 2nd Amendment.

    Me too. I used to be a resolute proponent of gun control, but for some time now I’m glad wiser heads prevailed. All the people killed by guns in the meantime were paying dues for our liberty. Anyone considering imposing his will on us by force has to reckon with a large populace that has guns and is likely to use them if riled. That has to be a sobering thought.

  20. No, driver, it’s not over yet. It’s barely even begun. As Churchill said, “This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. It may, however, be the end of the beginning.”

    I’m not sure we’ll win. But I’m pretty sure we’ll fight.

    Tatterdemalion, I think our biggest potential seduction may be to fall into “third parties.” What we need to do with the Republicans is something akin to what these guys have done with the Democrats: Take the party over. Third party action is nigh unto loss.

    rickl: I like to escape, too, betimes. Hogwarts is nearly always a good place to go. Another, which I’ve discovered recently, is in George MacDonald Fraser’s Quartered Safe Out Here. It rings pretty clear to me because my Dad fought in the South Pacific.

    Steve: Yes, as we’ve said before. Rope. Torches. Pitchforks. Tar. Feathers. Rails. And so forth.

  21. I have a great deal of hope myself. Real hope, not the Obama brand.

    There’s a large community of former military out there, especially the SF community that has taken notice of the shape of things. It gives me hope.

    Whenever I hear libtards mocking our armed forces, I’m reminded that America has some of the best trained and educated military men in the world. They remember the Constitution. They remember their oath to it, even if they are nominally civilians now.

    All is not lost.

  22. Talked about this with some Lib acquaintences — worried that their politicians will lose. Thought the Inside the Beltway politicians are so far removed from reality that they think the American people will not remember all of this by the November elections. . . think all of us out here are too busy watching American Idol and get bored with news once the headlines work their way out of the news cycles. . .In otherwords, if you are not an insider in DC, you are stupid.

    I am fearful of the chaos that would be brought about with a Universal Registration — All the extra registrations that could be falsely used.

    However, the feds cannot over ride the 10th amendment. Registration is at the state level — at least unless the 10th amendment is dissolved in some corrupt manner.

  23. I have thought, and said, for a long time now that my damned destructive Boomer generation is responsible for so much that is awful in this country. I’m starting to think, upon reading the comments here and elsewhere on-line, that those of us of our generation who didn’t lose our minds to leftism might turn out to be responsible for so much that is wonderful in it, or at least for the continuation of such. It’s not coming easily, but we’re willing to fight for that which is worth the having, that’s what I say.

  24. Goeffrey (?in) Britain is much too complacent. If we heed him, it is all lost. Let’s sharpen our pitchforks instead.

  25. “We have four boxes with which to defend our freedom: the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box.”

    Pray the ballot box works next fall. Really. Pray.

  26. Naw. Not gonna happen.


    …in the worst case scenarios being discussed here: we’ll fight. War even. Massive civil disruption. Dead bureacrats and politicians everywhere. Make that little battle between the North and the South look like a mild drunken soccer brawl.

    The right to keep and bear arms wasn’t only meant for personal protection (only a damn fool academic milquetoast is loony enough to believe that): it was meant to depose tyranny.

    And it’s not only about guns: you can’t do war without troops. Does anyone seriously think arugula eating members of the Academy are going to magically morph into the Waffen SS? Do the Dem’s seriously think they’re going to get the cooperation of the US military? Or any but the most corrupt police departments?


    Unlike the Civil War, there’s not equal numbers of guns nor troops in this situation: any party idiots planning something like this really, really haven’t thought it through at all. Typical academic utopianists with their heads stuck in la-la land.

    They’re doin’ politics. We’d be doing guns.

    If the excrement ever hits the rotating blades, they’re meat. Depend on it.

  27. It’s nice to know what we’re up against, but Gaski [perhaps only seemingly] missed the fact that his conclusion represents a self-fullfilling prophecy which is also a part of the “Progressive” strategy needed to “win”. It is in fact necessary for the Progressives to create their controllist Utopia:

    It’s over, America. We are now living under a proto-dictatorship in the United States. In less than a year, the full reification of it will be apparent to all. Have a nice day. R.I.P., U.S.A.

    I think the “less than a year” claim means Gaski doesn’t really believe what he’s saying, because the way things are shaping up against Obama and Progressivism, that’s absurd. And the little rhyme:

    Have a nice day

    really doesn’t fit, either. Gaski can’t be advocating fatalism. I think he’s instead trying to get people to see the problem, in order to get us to define the other side of it and figure out what can be done about it, instead of disasterizing and panicking. Dr. Sanity mentions some healthy things healthy people do when confronted with a big problem, and we can do it, and better than Progressives, who seem to not even possess this capacty. We can anticipate and plan based upon analyzing reality, step by step.

    There are enough real Americans to stop them. And the Progressives, including the Obama Adm., have no idea what they are dealing with, because they specifically deny reality. That fact is almost certainly a very big weakness. They don’t even understand Islamofascists, can’t support the Iranian dissidents, and are unable to support Women’s rights in other countries. They don’t like Cowboys, Heroes, Christians, Jews, the Founding Fathers, the Military. They don’t like strong Women – or strong Blacks, for that matter. They fear them all, which reveals a gigantic weakness and is the source of a pushback. Palin and Limbaugh, etc., are big, but by now they are really only the tip of the iceberg.

    The latte’ Commies/Progressives don’t have much of the right kind of content to their character. I don’t think that alot of them have any “stuffing” at all. They aren’t even strong, effective Communists. Otherwise they wouldn’t be causing so much trouble for themselves by their acts as the majority party in Government.

    Gaski also didn’t mention the fact that “Progressive” astroturfing obviously can’t hold a candle to Teapartying. Progressives are generally feckless and mostly like to complain abouit everything, while we Teapartyers are not feckless and don’t rely upon complaining.

    Politicians, including Dictators and Theocracies, do not like strong demonstrations, which was just proven by the Teaparties and Town Hall meetings. They haven’t seen anything yet.

    If it comes to it, they will not like large strikes and tax protests. But they don’t control the Military or the Police to the extent that they can rely on them to adequately defeat demonstrations, strikes, and tax protests. I doubt that the Military and Police hold much affection for Progresives/Communists.

    There are enough “Teapartyers” who will not obey the Progressive’s wishful stereotype, which itself shows how off-base they are and it is, and more will be “created”, but this time for real. Here again, Obama and his “Marxisant” Communists simply do not understand reality. They don’t even want to.

    And what exactly has Obama done that has not only not worked the way he, enc., expected but has also instead resulted in the creation of real problems, multiplying almost exponentially on a daily basis, leading also to increasing disaffection of the populace as indicated by Polls.

    Many people didn’t vote for McCain because they wanted what’s happening to happen. Many rank and file Democrats are regretting their vote.

    There’s almost no way the Obama Adm. can stop doing what is not working and is increasing the disaffection. His Adm. is effectively locked into the Fantasyworld.

    Cap and Tax is not going to happen and the EPA isn’t going to get very far, if anywhere at all in trying to regulate CO2. That b.s. is over even if the AGWers don’t know it. The fact of the scam might even spill over into a more general distrust of the Administration’s stated intentions.

    If we work right now to defeat or severely disable the “Healthcare” Bill, using any reasonable tactic we can think of, Obama and his Regressives will have been dealt a critical wound they might not recover from.

    It’s not even close to being over. It just depends on how much we like freedom.

  28. Gadski’s article is accurate, it is not over yet but it could be. The most important things that can be done now are recognize what is happening, vote, and encourage everyone you know to vote. These elections have been very close yet less than half of all eligable voters vote. These next 2 elections are crucial and will not be one without a major increase in conservative turn out.
    Talk of revolution is bold and exciting, but nothing would turn this Nation into a third world country faster than a civil war, with multiple splinter groups and no borders. We are not nearly the unified people we were in 76.
    The key is to win the battle now at the ballot box.

  29. Mike:

    Talk of revolution is bold and exciting, but nothing would turn this Nation into a third world country faster than a civil war…

    Mike, I’m actually optimistic about being able to beat the Progressives and recover America from them. But if the other measures don’t work to keep us free from Obama and Co.mmies – and therefore not in fact a third world country as a result of their tactics and intentions to begin with – there is going to be some kind of real war, and that’s about all there is to it. It’s not “exciting” or romantic.

    It’s simply the last resort, and making it a definite possibility actually helps to see what the proxies for war are. These Totalitarians are also going to have to shut down the internet, talk radio, and Fox News. They are going to get more grief than their Fantasyworld knows of. Because it denies reality, the Progressives don’t know the real factors involved. Obama’s Adm. itself thinks it can just dial it in.

    “Better dead than red.” Because Freedom is real.

  30. “I doubt that the Military and Police hold much affection for Progresives/Communists.”

    I think you underestimate how awesome it is to be a member of the police in a police state. All Communist revolutions had their military component, drawn from trained military and police officers drawn to the promise of being able to exert absolute power over a people they saw as lazy and corrupt, and not noticing or caring about how corrupt they were being in betraying the oath to serve the public rather than rule them. Dissatisfaction can take all variety of turns, and the only chance any side in a real civil war has is to get the majority of the trained fighters in the country working for them. The critical component of this, in turn, is to not be the ones who turn weapons against our fellow citizens first… then you go from “decent person” to “murderous criminal” in the eyes of the reliable soldiers who remember the oaths they took, and make it seem less of a no-brainer which side to join when the time comes.

    Even another loss at the polls won’t be a good time for civil war yet. It sounds callous, but many people will have to die of starvation and rationing and even police actions before it will be time to make war.

  31. I am not persuaded the US Military will come down on our side, should it come to that. The troops probably would, but the commanders? Command is obviously critical.
    I wish we could know what the Colonels and Generals in the Pentagon and elsewhere are saying in private.

  32. This author seems to think that the Dems can steal the elections that they need, but what if there is a massive slide back to the center/right with the upcoming elections, similar to what happened when voters rejected Carter for Reagan?

    They can’t steal ALL of the elections…

    I still think we’ll be seeing a lot more damage in the months/years to come. Remember he has only been in office for one year. Sigh.

  33. While I have been concerned about the fascist directions to which the Obami have been intent on leading us, and the apparent lack of concern of the Obami with regard to the growing dissent as exemplified by the tea parties, I am coming to believe that this is a singularly insular group that is becoming more and more divorced from reality. I strongly suspect that their news intake is limited to the old liberal media sources, such as CBS, NBC, ABC the NYTimes, the AP, and maybe a few other sources. I don’t think they have the time to go elsewhere for news. Certainly not FOX. They most likely view themselves as news makers and watch for their reflections in the MSM. They appear on the usual Sunday news shows, like Meet The Press, which the rest of the world dismisses as irrelevant. I wonder if any one of the Obami even reads the daily intelligence reports.

    Only a few weeks ago Obama was (unbelievably) giving himself a B+ for his accomplishments in office and stating that this would rise to an A (or A-, I forget which) when the healthcare bill was passed into law. The rest of us are debating whether he gets just an F or an F-. There is a big disconnect here and is only explainable if the Obami had such a disdain for the rest of us that our opinions did not concern them in the least. After all, haven’t they already demonstrated that they are smarter than we and know what is best for us.

    I will never be able to figure out why Obama allowed Reid and Pelosi to enact an economic stimulus bill that was devoid of any stimulus. After all, the calendar runs for all of us and, at some point in time, you have to demonstrate results. But, there is no embarrassment there.

    By the way, given what has been coming out the last few days with regard to the offer by Obama to Hillary joining his team if she could only rein Bill’s sexual appetites in, Bill threw the Democrat party a big Christmas kiss by advising to one and all that the backlash he faced in 1994 was because Hillary’s healthcare bill did not pass. It would go away, he advised, if the bill had passed. So, the Dems have been even more eager to line up and vote for this terrible bill. Only now are the consequences becoming apparent, as the party is quickly losing its grip on power. And, Bill gets to rid himself of some of the Dems that lied to his face about supporting Hillary and secretly supported Obama, like Reid. For all his faults, Bill grew in the office and even started to act presidential. The Republican Congress helped. I don’t think Obama can allow his ego to admit that he does not know it all so he is absolutely unable to learn anything (but golf). I think he is exactly the same person we inaugurated last January, with the same agenda and the same silly ideas on how to abase our country in order to assure world peace.

    On Sunday, for the first time in years, I flicked the remote through the various MSM shows and heard one of the liberal newsies assert that the Republicans today are just like that Hoover guy who never lifted a finger to stop the depression. Obviously they don’t know their history. It was Coolidge that never lifted a finger and we all benefited as a result. Hoover pushed for passage of and signed into law the Smoot Hawley Act after the 1929 crash, raised taxes on the wealthy, and otherwise did a lot of damage to the economy. Roosevelt even ran as a free trader against Hoover, whose policies were already very unpopular, but then immediately adopted Hoover’s policies. Those Dems never tell the truth.

  34. I have read and re-read this post and comments and have concluded that there is great hope and opportunity that lies ahead.

    The question is not what we can do… but what each of us is willing to do, willing to sacrifice and if it comes to it, for the sake of our families, will we be willing to risk our lives for freedom.

    A time may come soon where we will be forced to make these decisions. And should that time come – will we stand behind our beliefs and words and accept our dates with destiny?

  35. And now we understand the genius of our founding fathers. All these immigrants will pump up the votes in BLUE states. Some D’s who would have won by 2-3% will now win by 8-9%.

    It won’t make a bit of difference out where most of the R’s live.

    Do you really think illegal immigrants will have a support system in
    rural Iowa? Or Montana? NOPE. So the pols in California will continue to bankrupt themselves while their taxpayers run for
    Arizona and Nevada.

    Even the govinator will be left scratching his head.

  36. Some good thoughts here, but something has been left out of the equation. Dare I say “God”? There are those of us who still believe He is ultimately in charge and certainly has the power to see this turned around, if it is His will.
    Nothing is ever a done deal.

  37. Do the Dem’s seriously think they’re going to get the cooperation of the US military? Or any but the most corrupt police departments?


    interpol has complete immunity from american law..

    One week ago, President Obama quietly signed an executive order that makes an international police force immune from the restraints of American law.

    so i guess they did something you didnt think of, so your conclusions that you made the way you make them is an invalid process.

    that is, unless your better than them (in reality), not being able to think of a means, is not a testimony that there is no means. its only a testimony that to people of your ability, there is no means.

    this is the exact position a person playing a much better person at chess finds themselves. they think they have the situation, then suddenly find themselves in checkmate trapped.


    because no matter how hard they looked they couldnt see the things that break their theory, but instead, using our neo modern methods, tend to only see confirmational information.

    while we all bias things, degree is key.

    being off by 1 mm at 100 yards is a bias, but your still a marxman… being 1 yard off at 100 yards is a bias, and you are quite the opposite of a marksman.

    Interpol’s property and assets are no longer subject to search and confiscation, and its archives are now considered inviolable. This international police force (whose U.S. headquarters is in the Justice Department in Washington) will be unrestrained by the U.S. Constitution and American law while it operates in the United States and affects both Americans and American interests outside the United States.

    what was it you said?

    oh yeah


  38. Unlike the Civil War, there’s not equal numbers of guns nor troops in this situation: any party idiots planning something like this really, really haven’t thought it through at all.

    au contraire mon frere.. they HAVE thought it out.. the problem is that you cant conceive of it, so you assert that it isnt.

    how much military studies have you had (self study counts). how much history? how much of the darker back history we dont talk about? how abotu just the histories of coupes? this is the reason for relativism and the self confidence movement… to give a person the hubris to act as if they know everything even though they havent spent much time at all studying or reading about the subject.

    they have something that the socialists call special knowing. its how feminists knew before medicine what we would find biologically (ok they are completely wrong, but hey! truth isnt real or matters, its how good it SOUNDS to your FEELNGS that counts in the hall of ideas).

    we have an open border with mexico that one can bring nuclear weapons through a tunnel and you think that over the past 40 years people havent been moving material and disbursing it around the country?

    Notes in the Archive describe extensive preparations for large-scale sabotage operations against the United States, Canada, and Europe in the event of war, although none were recorded as having been actually carried out beyond creating weapons and explosives caches in assorted foreign countries. This information has been corroborated in general by GRU defectors, Victor Suvorov[54] and Stanislav Lunev. These operations included the following:

    A plan for sabotage of Hungry Horse Dam in Montana.

    A detailed plan to destroy the port of New York (target GRANIT). The most vulnerable points of the port were determined and recorded on maps.

    Large arms caches were hidden in many countries to support these planned terrorism acts. Some were booby-trapped with “Lightning” explosive devices. One such cache, identified by Mitrokhin, exploded when Swiss authorities tried to remove it from the woods near Berne. Several other caches (probably not equipped with “Lightnings”) were removed successfully.[57]

    FSLN leader Carlos Fonseca Amador was described as “a trusted agent” in KGB files. “Sandinista guerrillas formed the basis for a KGB sabotage and intelligence group established in 1966 on the Mexican US border”.[58]

    Disruption of the power supply across New York State by KGB sabotage teams, which were to be based along the Delaware river, in Big Spring Park.[56] An “immensely detailed” plan to destroy “oil refineries and oil and gas pipelines across Canada from British Columbia to Montreal” (operation “Cedar”) was prepared; the work took twelve years to complete.[59]

    by the way, how many operatives do you think can be stationed in the US given our canadian border, and mexico border? 10, 100, 1000, 10,000? if they moves 1000 a year in, they would ahve more than 40,000 people in the US… and some of them are multigenerational… that is their children are also part of it.
    how many do we have stationed in their closed countries that are still totalitarian and dont have open borders?

    by the way, Sejna said that they moved the suitcase nukes into the US. there are also stores of biological weapons they have smuggled in. the nukes they planted in europe were removed!!! [and you can see fotos of the nuclear points along the borders that the west has to keep the other military out!]


    most of our focus is on Strategic nuclear weapons…however most of the big problems are not with strategic weapons (ie ballistic missiles with high yeilds).. the big problem for globalists, is TACTICAL nuclear weapons. and russia has a huge amount of those!!!!

    Thus far, only the United States and the Soviet Union/Russian Federation are known [1][by whom?] to have possessed nuclear weapons programs developed and funded well enough to manufacture miniaturized nuclear weapons.[2] Both the United States and the Soviet Union have acknowledged producing nuclear weapons small enough to be carried in specially-designed backpacks during the Cold War, but neither have ever made public the existence or development of weapons small enough to fit into a normal-sized suitcase or briefcase.

    ah… but if you take a look at a picture of little boy, you realize that they could put it on a cart, and wheel it through a tunnel from mexico to the US.. .or they could bring them in over alaska border by submarine drop off… move through canada.. then into the US over open borders. despite the subject its not nuclear science.

    [edited for length by neo-neocon]

  39. I would also agree with Neo and disagree with Gaskin. It’s not over yet for America. Whatever the Dems may be doing just to get their way won’t last forever. Americans are not fools who can be lead like sheep to the slaugher. There’s always that innate desire to resist and to fight for what is right.

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