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Obama’s denial — 33 Comments

  1. There’s another point worth mentioning in the story of Rebekah Erler and her husband: they didn’t survive because of a government program that Obama provided. They survived by cutting back and by giving up vacations. Listen to what Obama said about them. They did it on their own!

  2. I think what people are missing, or at least many commenters, are that he is speaking to beliefs, not voicing what he knows.

    its a form of big lie that relies on a certain percentage of people taking what is said as verbatim truth, regardless of what is said, because they do not skeptically validate such at all, but blindly follow authority.

    an extreme example would be: “If hitler says jews are animals and subhumans responsible for our problems, then thats what they are and we will do what he says is needed.”

    it really is psychologically appealing in that if the speaker is right, they are also right, if the speaker is wrong, they are absolved. no losing position.

    Obama described the world as he wishes it were, not as it actually is.

    no… he is speaking the way it is and ptting the burden on you to prove it isnt, which is what socialists do in terms of argument. they tend to want you to do all the rhetorical work of either side by projecting the burden on to the other. if obama says pink horses fart candy, who does the burden of proving otherwise, and sweeping those who do not accept it aside?

    he is also playing “heads i win, tails you lose” in that when its a sunny day, its his fault, when not, its someone elses.

    this is the point of the social part of socialism, and the reason why they study the science created by marx, because if you know these things, you can take advantage of our biological weaknesses against us for use, much like madison ave does when attempting to sell people things.

    after all, women bath in fruit to be young again… this is akin to bathing in what wild primates thing is wealth!!! it actually gets quite silly if you can take a step back, realize that none of it really works (except maybe the hemoroid cream paring down wrinkles), and that every new item has a different mix of sympathetic magic behind it (with knowlege knowing that women dominate the sympathetic pagan witchcraft magical thinkin area of our society… dont believe me? then you havent noticed what stuff they sell women that wont sell to men)

    Prominent Victorian theorists identified “associative thinking” (a common feature of practitioners of magic) as a characteristic form of irrationality. As with all forms of magical thinking, association-based and similarity-based notions of causality are not always said to be the practice of magic by a magician. For example, the doctrine of signatures held that similarity between plant parts and body parts indicated their efficacy in treating diseases of those body parts, and was a part of Western medicine. This association-based thinking is a vivid example of the general human application of the representativeness heuristic

    Edward Burnett Tylor coined the term “associative thinking”, characterizing it as pre-logical, in which the “magician’s folly” is in mistaking an ideal connection with a real one. The magician believes that thematically linked items can influence one another by virtue of their similarity

    i suspect that the reason women get into this kind of thinking a whole lot more has to do with the fact that under feminism, every wacko is validated, and god help you if you point things out.

    note that liberalisms major army of voters that tip the scales is consistently women, and even more so entitled women, who always feel so special that they see nothing wrong in the state recognizing how important they are, and that they should get free everything, ranging from housing, ebt, daycare, high pay for just being themselves, and on and on!!!!

    from drinks in a bar, to free mulligans, entitlement thinking and magical associations rule the roost now that men are absent from it!

    So all obama is doing is appeailng to the psychological profile of this group…

    because the self agrandized entitlement persona is the easiest to bribe… and will not fact check that which it believes validates its position…

    Since the middle 1980s, entitlement programs have accounted for more than half of all federal spending. Taken together with such other almost uncontrollable (in the short run, that is) expenses as interest payments on the national debt and the payment obligations arising from long-term contracts already entered into by the government in past years, entitlement programs leave Congress with no more than about 25% of the annual budget to be scrutinized for possible cutbacks through the regular appropriations process. This very substantially reduces the practicality of trying to counteract the ups and downs of the overall economy through a “discretionary” fiscal policy because so very little of the budget is available for meaningful alteration by the Appropriations and Budget committees on short notice.

    his report of how wonderful things justifies their being entitled and voting for him, and so, they feel they get more and so, believe that what they get is deserved!!! (and not a problem) and his reporting that they did no harm in acquiring, asuages all doubt and guilt for entitlements.

  3. Feminism: A hierarchy of entitlement

    Betty had a degree in psychology but it seems she missed the lectures on Maslow. Either that, or she was unable to grasp the concepts because he avoided “crippled, stunted, immature, and unhealthy specimens” like her when he chose subjects to construct his theory.

    but the whole movement of the left has been to validate the crippled, stunted, immature, perverse, etc…

    so, what did SOTU did? he validated the entitlement crowds actions!!!! this crowd thinks that if they get more largess from the state, the state is taking them seriously… and so they vote for those who will give them what their husbands and the patriarchy failed to… and that is self actualization… and they voted FOR this and now need to have such validated… it would not serve for him to negate this with reality, as women are not based in reality…

    dont believe me? then your not watching society from a neutral place…

    without this sectors actions being validated, the left loses all its power

    or as marx said:
    “…[G]reat progress was evident in the last Congress of the American ‘Labour Union’ in that among other things, it treated working women with complete equality. While in this respect the English, and still more the gallant French, are burdened with a spirit of narrow-mindedness. Anybody who knows anything of history knows that great social changes are impossible without the feminine ferment. Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex (the ugly ones included).”
    ― Karl Marx, Selected Letters: The Personal Correspondence 1844-1877

    In The Feminine Mystique Betty Friedan’s problem is that, after providing her with the first four levels in the pyramid, men hadn’t given her the fifth.

    Second wave feminism was kick-started on the premise that housewives who had safety, security, resources, family, health, sexual intimacy (if they wanted it), confidence in their bundt cake baking skills and interior decorating choices, and peer respect from the PTA committee, were horrendously lacking that top tier on the hierarchy of needs called “Self Actualization.” Betty proposed this callous lack of concern for women’s self-expression meant oppression from the evil patriarchy.

    they made womens self expression equivalent to making everything political, and so, his speech validated womens choices in totalitarianism…

    noite, of course not all women are like this, but the exceptions prove the rule… women from eve and the apple onward are infinitely more bribable and think betraying others for personal gain is moral or can justify it in some pseudo moral way. how else would you get them to side with the state over their mates and doom their children to poverty?

    here is a quote:
    Eliel: What was you and your husband’s initial reactions to it?

    Lisa: Neither of us batted an eye. I tease sometimes that I hope one of my boys turns out to be gay because it will increase my street cred as a liberal, hippie mom.

    society will bribe her with status if her childs gender focus is modified with social standing… she is willing to experiment on her own children, and play games with them to aquire this

    sandra fluke tried to get college women to side with the state for free birth control…

    as far as sell outs go, they sure dont ask for much in return for losing freedom, self determination, families, etc.

    you want society? they will sell it cheap and neutralize the votes of their mates… they did so in germany, when there werent enough men after WWI to negate their vote, and they are doing it in the US when their voting against their families and mates for freebies put obama in office.

    all he is doing is pretending to validate their choice!!!!
    they will not check details… to do so would cost ego…
    and ego is a price too high to pay for that would cut off the narcisistic supply that validated the internally doubtful

    Romney: ‘Obama Won Because He Bribed His Voters With Gifts’….

    Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup’s History
    Obama wins women’s vote
    President Barack Obama won the two-party vote among female voters in the 2012 election by 12 points, 56% to 44%. Romney won among men by an eight-point margin, 54% to 46%. That total 20-point gender gap is the largest Gallup has measured in a presidential election since it began compiling the vote by major subgroups in 1952.

    Women have supported the Democratic candidate in each of the last six elections. Men favored the Democrat in only two of the last six — 1992 and 1996 — and in only four of the 16 elections since 1952.

    so in reality, who is the SOTU speaking to?

    the dems have bribed women since second wave feminism with more and more entitlements… so many that women have no idea of how many programs, entitlements, affirmative actions, and so on that exist for them… why? because if they did, they woudl then have to accept they are being bribed and then dont deserve all that free stuff!!!! ie. the more they deny they get anything, the more they get

    he is just closing the deal…

    this is so broad that our economy has a huge number of unemployed because men like me cant start companies, get funding, etc… its all geared to women, and so much so banks and others wont even give you a side glance…

    how do you take over society?
    bribe women, and tell them sweet little lies they want to hear… they are addicted to it, and will defend it marrying the state to keep it coming.

  4. You too can gain economic favor if you sell your soul to the Demoncrat machine. Lots of people have.

  5. Cheer up everyone, its always worse before the dawn. I mean that as an inherent optimist and one who prepares for the worst. 2015 into early 2016 will be an ‘interesting’ time. Hang onto your hats and hike up your skirts as tumultuous days await us on so many fronts.

  6. While feminists declare sexism against women by men makes the female life miserable, studies show that sexism is subjective. It’s only bad when it doesn’t feed a woman’s sense of entitlement. In a study called The Allure of Sexism: Psychological Entitlement Fosters Women’s Endorsement of Benevolent Sexism Over Time, 2 it was found that women themselves are quite content to cultivate a narcissistic environment which treats women as superior and caters to their needs.

    and the feminine hitler and the feminine obama does the same for them… which is why the later copies the former…

    It’s indisputable that many women wish to have a fulfilling career but what women really want is to know that their career is optional. It’s so much more fun when you choose to do something instead of doing it because you have to meet a need at the bottom of the triangle.

    and thats what he is offering… and his SOTU speech says that we are doing so well, we can offer free college, and daycare, and women can choose to work or stay home with EBT…

    obama is the state sugar daddy they have been waiting for… and his expressed status of the state validated their choice in him…

    its a variation of, happy wife, happy life… if momma aint happy, nobody is happy

    his race group is the other group he panders to, but in a different way as he gets more out of them by denying them and telling them they have been cheated.

  7. [womens mags and feminist rags are lining up saying the same thing i am pointing out.. so before you call me nutters, write to their editorial staff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]

    President Obama Delivers Feminist State of the Union


    Obama took childcare and paid leave out of the “women’s issue” ghetto and moved them into a separate, more serious category: economic issues

    ….that’s why he felt emboldened to make his speech a truly feminist one.

    He spent a good chunk of time early on in the address talking about things like more affordable childcare, paid parental leave, and paid sick leave.

    “In today’s economy, when having both parents in the workforce is an economic necessity for many families, we need affordable, high-quality childcare more than ever. It’s not a nice-to-have – it’s a must-have. It’s time we stop treating childcare as a side issue, or a women’s issue, and treat it like the national economic priority that it is for all of us.”

    He went further on feminist issues, making reference to the Paycheck Fairness Act, which Senate Republicans blocked for the second time late last year. Obama rebuked them for blocking further progress on equal pay for women, saying, “Congress still needs to pass a law that makes sure a woman is paid the same as a man for doing the same work. Really. It’s 2015. It’s time.” Damn skippy it is.

    Finally, during the last part of his speech, when he was calling on Republicans and Democrats to stop their excessive partisan bickering, he mentioned the importance of women’s access to health care. “We still may not agree on a woman’s right to choose,” Obama said, “but surely we can agree it’s a good thing that teen pregnancies and abortions are nearing all-time lows, and that every woman should have access to the health care she needs.”

    [and men? who cares!!!!]

    Maternity Leave, Equal Pay And Affordable Childcare Spotlighted In President Obama’s State Of The Union Speech

    In Major Win for Women, President Obama Pushes for Paid Sick Leave

    sure looks like the feminist narcisist crowd heard the message and dont think or arent told its delusional…

    This Year’s State of the Union Had a Historic Emphasis on Women

    President Obama’s 2015 State of the Union address placed an unprecedented emphasis on the central role women play in the economy, with more focus on social policy for women than in any State of the Union address in history. President Obama was also the first president to deliver a SOTU address that recognized lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people.

  9. Artfldgr…
    Women from eve and the apple onward are infinitely more bribable and think betraying others for personal gain is moral or can justify it in some pseudo moral way

    For a second there, it kind of sounded like a fable written centuries upon centuries ago somewhere in the Middle East was being used to help characterize broad behavioral certainties of 160 million 21st century American females.

    The appealing-to-entitlement argument seems sound enough, but it plays on a political weakness, not a biological one.

    But this is just the opinion of one (conservative) dame speaking, so who knows.

  10. FDR – “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

    Obama – “The only thing we have to fear is reality itself.”

  11. If ‘feminatzis’ were the only threat to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness I would breathe a sigh of relief. Out in flyover country the so called war on women is a source of laughter for 80% of voters. Stop paying attention to the weirdest aspects of feminism and deflate their balloon. They rely on your attention to bolster their base and recruit new zombies.

  12. No, I have to say that I think Artfldgr is on to something in spite of his ranting on and on (5 comments, 4 interminably long). He’s right about certain aspects of abusive feminism and right about the statistical support of single women for the democrats. The issue is of course more complicated than Art is willing to admit but that doesn’t obviate many single mother’s willingness to bankrupt this country and to exchange liberty for security.

    What Artfldgr pays scant attention to is the heads up Obama has provided of the primary focus and strategy of the democrats in the 2016 Presidential campaign. It will be all about “Maternity Leave, Equal Pay And Affordable Childcare” which Obama’s State Of The Union Speech just spotlighted. Those trumped up issues and the FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT! will compose their strategic themes in 2016.

    For many low-info voters, most strongly liberal voters and all leftist voters, that will be the start and end of their considerations.

    Obama’s only concern after 1/2017 will be that his ‘legacy’ continue to be advanced. The democrats are counting on no ‘wild card’ events, such as another 9/11 upsetting the apple cart and spoiling their planned 2016 strategy. Given the international situation, that might appear to be quite a gamble but given Obama’s track record, what choice do they have but hope for little change in that arena?

  13. Obama wants “Maternity Leave, Equal Pay And Affordable Childcare.” He acts and talks as if the government is going to provide those things. Nay, nay. Only employers will provide those things. He intends to use the force of the government to require them to provide them.

    What a joke. What about small business people, such as my daughter? If she takes a day off, she loses income. She hasn’t taken a vacation in five years because when she leaves there is no income. She can’t afford to be sick – being sick means no income. There are millions of small business people in this country in that same boat. Obama’s premise is that all businesses can afford all these nice bennies. He’s an economic idiot! And an arrogant fool. But we all know that. That’s why none of us watched the SOTU and are seething with frustration today.

  14. J.J.:

    Stop seething! Have a slice of tart apple with a nice Alsace Riesling and a bit of port salut cheese. It’s the only way to beat Obama and his crew of Grindocrats.

    For they are the Roseanne Roseannadanna party. With them


    There are insufficient black people at the Oscars or coaching in the NFL. Every coed gets raped during her college years. There are guns everywhere and first-graders carry them in the same backpack pouch they use for sugary drinks and the only reason they don’t use them is they all have ADDHD and PTSD whereas they may or may not be LGBTQWERTY and require the Grindocrats protection from Homophobia, Islamophobia, and Robophobia (DANGER! DANGER!).

    Oh, and put your feet up and some pleasant music on.

  15. “but surely we can agree it’s a good thing that teen pregnancies and abortions are nearing all-time lows” — Obama

    Does this mean that Obama now believes that human life begins at conception? Is this why the narrative has changed to emphasize a “rape culture”, which would enable exploiting the morally ambiguous “rape” loophole?

    This is what liberals don’t understand. They tell Islamic terrorists that murder is unacceptable in a civilized society, but then they commit murder (by lethal injection, decapitation, and dismemberment) of wholly innocent human lives, their own unwanted or inconvenient children. The Islamic terrorists want the same rights as women in a liberal society. They want the “choice”.

    Along with redistributive change, the abortion rite is the opiate our president has delivered to women and men in order to suppress their conscience.

  16. If I’m an enemy of the USA and/or the West in general , I’m watching this preening little shit and thinking theres not going to be a better oppirtunity to really do something terrible.
    We’ve never had a person this inept, or determined to help them succeed, depending on your Obama psychological evaluation.

  17. Obama was elected President in the 1st place by lying about Iraq. It’s proven. If the SOP worked for the big one, why change?

  18. Eric, 12:15 am — “If the SOP worked for the big one, why change?”

    SOP for the POS, huh?

  19. W.r.t. reality as displayed by the Netanyahu invite (you gotta cover that Neo) Boehner deserves accolades from all for inviting Netanyahu to address Congress. In one chess move he interfered with our dictators unilateral rule, reminded his egoship that he is less popular than the head of a foreign government whom he despises, and may have his latest effort to undermine American strength and help evil disrupted (or at least annoyed a tad).

    I wonder what Congressional reaction will be if Obama prohibits Netanyahu from entering the country?

    For once someone should say something good about Boehner.

  20. “Boehner deserves accolades from all for inviting Netanyahu to address Congress.”
    I was really heartened by this proposal. I hope Bibi will channel Churchill and give the speech of his life. It would be fitting, as even the WASPs in my family will admit, grudgingly, that Bibi may just be the Churchill of our times.
    BTW Some credit Churchill’s mastery of language to his deep appreciation of the Anglican liturgy, which explains why some of his imagery and phraseology resonated so deeply with the public.

  21. @nolanimrod That was funny
    You might what to add into it something I read on
    Twitchy, “Anybody like me? experiencing Negro
    fatigue ? “

  22. “Boehner deserves accolades from all for inviting Netanyahu to address Congress.”

    As one of those who has continually trashed Boehner, I have to give him props for this move…truly brilliant. And more fun to watch the administration scurry around. It’s the first time in the last 6 years I can remember those POS’s truly being off balance.

  23. I got paid maternity leave because I had been paying for disability insurance for years. My son won’t be burdened with student loans because I’ve been investing in a 529 since he was born. Again, Obama takes from those of us who plan and save and gives to those who do neither.

  24. “Boehner deserves accolades from all for inviting Netanyahu to address Congress.” Bob from VA

    I’d be happy to do so if it weren’t a useless gesture.

    Boehner is on board with creating political pressure on Obama to get tougher with the Iranians. Which would be meaningful if either Obama or the Iranians were negotiating in good faith. Which they’re not.

    The Iranians are buying time and Obama has created political cover for himself until the Iranians get the bomb. Once again Boehner and the GOP are playing ‘checkers’ proven by their acting on the assumption that Obama actually wishes to stop Iran. Obama’s ‘defense’, that congressional ‘interference’ will derail the talks is the perfect ploy to provide political cover for congressional democrats, so that Boehner’s efforts go nowhere.

    While Obama is playing chess, pretending that stopping Iran is his goal. But Obama has already accepted Iran achieving nuclear weapons capability and did so years ago. SecDef Hagel in his Senate nomination hearings, inadvertently let slip that Obama’s strategic policy regarding a nuclear Iran will be one of ‘containment’.

    Both Obama and Kerry know that Iran getting nukes will set off a nuclear arms race, lead to nuclear proliferation into unstable, third world regimes and jihadist states and, eventually get into the hands of terrorist groups. Kerry is on record saying so. They also know that predictable sequence is not ‘containable’ once the foremost terrorist supporting regime in the world gets their hands on nukes.

    Netanyahu once again addressing Congress will not effect the agreement Obama and Iran have already covertly worked out. As at that level, the end agreement is determined before the announcement of ‘negotiations’.

    The negotiation ‘process’ is simply a dog & pony show for the rubes until the Mullahs get their hands on nukes.

    Nor will Netanyahu speaking to Congress awaken it or the public to Islam itself being the problem, especially since the Israelis (including Netanyahu) aren’t willing to admit the truth either.

    Now, will you join us in the opprobrium Boehner richly deserves for his traitorous support for Obama’s amnesty?

  25. GB, Boehner knows, as does everybody else, that Obama’s just stalling for time to let the Iranians get the bomb. The Iranians make no secret about it — everytime Barry or his flunkies announce “progress is being made,” the Iranians say, “You stupid Americans — we never agreed to any such thing!” But Barry doesn’t care, he just keeps on truckin’.

    If Boehner passes a bill increasing sanctions (or even restoring the ones that have been taken off)
    on Iran, that will show he’s serious. I think he will, even though we know Obama will veto the bill. The only question is, are there a few Dems who will vote for their country and not their party to override the veto? On that, I’m as pessimistic as you are.

    BTW, the same applies to amnesty.

  26. Obama described the world as he wishes it were, not as it actually is.

    In MUCH more surprising news:
    Dog bites mailman

  27. Every coed gets raped during her college years.

    18 year olds are legally authorized to appear in porn films as “models”.

    When tracking this issue, it’s difficult to get hard data since you have to collect it personally given that other organizations refuse to.

    I wonder how many are “raped” on casting couches for porn agents, and then feel guilt afterwards during normal consensual sex as their PTSD kicks in, with their only relief being the rape counsels. If they were looking for “money” from lawsuited up lawyers, that would be different, but it doesn’t look like the co eds have thought that far.

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