Home » Well, I guess…


Well, I guess… — 20 Comments

  1. You’ll know that the dictatorship is running ahead of schedule if they send air force and army assets to Connecticut to bring in Joe Liebermann on the Sabbath.

  2. It’s as though Obama is having noses thumbed at him from two directions at once. On the one side we have Iran with it’s temptation to test the currently weak US administration taking over an oil field in Iraq and sending its hackers to take down…. (ta-dahhh!): ___ Twitter (oh, how scary, those malodorous mullahs). And on the other hand we have God, with Michael putting his foot down on the AGW demon and blowing a briskly white blizzard down on the Dope-an’-hate-em summit. On the one hand I’m fairly nervous about the Islamofascists. But, on the other, I am giving thanks that God still has a good sense of humor.

  3. It was said by a news man reporting from Roanoke, VA that this will be the first snow of more than 2″ in D.C. since 1982. Nothing to see here. Move along folks.

  4. I hope that enemies who are emboldened with this Foolish Zero in office will use some judgment and keep in mind that such an idiot can easily be replaced with a Tough Guy like Dick Cheney, General Petraeus, or other hard man.

    So, Evildoers, don’t count your chickens until they’re hatched, etc. etc.

    Don’t be an idiot like Hitler, Tojo, or others who thought the U.S. could be suckered.

    This is just friendly advice from a well wisher who doesn’t want to see you blown up, but would do it personally, if necessary.

  5. “…the first snow of more than 2″ in D.C. since 1982…”

    Is this guy serious? Or seriously lazy? Or stoned on the AGW myth? All of the above? Debunking this one would be a simple matter of making one phone call to the station’s DC affiliate. I’m sure he could find someone there who remembered recent blizzards. Or if he’s not comfortable talking to other people, he could do a Google search with the terms “blizzard” and “DC”. I lived in the DC area for a number of years, all of them after 1982, and can speak from personal experience that snowstorms with accumulations of much greater than 2″ were a regular occurrence. In fact, I remember a big one, the Presidents Day Blizzard, in 2003, shortly before I departed the U.S. for the warmer climes of Australia and Southeast Asia. (No, this blizzard didn’t play any part in helping me make that decision. That was already a done deal. The snowstorm merely helped confirm it).

  6. Blizzard forecast for NYC tomorrow. Grinning from ear to ear here.

    We’re gonna have a white Christmas! And PeLousy had to skedaddle back to DC on account of the nor’easter! Would that she could break her scrawny neck on an icy sidewalk. Quelle hag. And that creature, Reid: where did it come from?

    In a very angry mood here: having heard that Ben Nelson, the “conservative” Democrat, is going to back the Socialized Medical System bill after all. Apparently, the Dimwits have promised him the moon and a few other things, and like they did with that Louisiana bitch, they’ve bribed him with OUR money to collude in this rape of the Republic.

  7. Neo: It IS quite fitting that they be snowed as much of constituency has. It will be more fitting if the power goes out and they are left in the cold and dark.

  8. Gordon Brown must have jumped into the air and clicked his heels together in joy when learning that the Chinese snubbed the Blame Duck, TWICE, at the climate summit.

  9. It started snowing in the Philly area shortly before dawn and it’s coming down steadily now. The latest forecast I saw ranged between 12 and 20 inches. And it’s heading your way, Neo.

  10. Well, I remember … well I remember the year that the NY Tristate area had not one but thirteen snowfalls of over a foot. It got so that the one or two eight inch snowfalls hardly disturbed anything. And some of the piled-up mountains of snow didn’t finish melting until April.

  11. With the way the sun spots went away just in time to foul things up for the totalitarians kind of makes you think that god has a interesting sense of humor

  12. Thanks vanderleun i will read it

    [i was reading recently history from ukraine on stalin and the history of whether oil production is only biotic, or is there also abiotic sources. interesting stuff though the whole area is fraught with a lot of bs given the power, money, and of course politics due to them]

  13. “Quelle hag. And that creature, Reid: where did it come from?”

    Ha, ha, ha, thanks for the great laugh to start my morning Beverly!

    Clearly demonstrating that Mother Nature and Santa are clearly in cahoots…

  14. Waltj,
    Obviously, the news caster had not done his homework. Why do I even listen to these talking heads? Certainly need to check their work before I quote them. Yeah, I Binged D.C. Snow and got the various levels of snow, snowiest, least snowy, etc. etc. The big snow storms were all over the place. No discernable pattern that I could see. Many occurred back in the 30s. WAPO says it is a record amount for December; Here: http://voices.washingtonpost.com/capitalweathergang/winter_storms/

    The storm does not seem to be holding up the graftand bribes that are being used to get to 60 votes on the Senate Healthcare bill. Nebraska will not have to pay its share of the MEDICAID coverage – EVER. Whatta deal! Grifters, crooks, and flim flam men; that’s what they are.

  15. “We plan…God laughs.” Ain’t it so !

    Further, I see that the White House itself has been hit by a dandy blizzard. But, hey, the Arctic will be dissolved in 7-years. This well known by Al.


  16. thanks vanderleun for an interesting read. much too much to comment on, but a good read. thanks
    [and if you think i am long…] 🙂

  17. Hey, Y’All…We’re even experiencing some of that notorious Global Warming here in Central Florida. Yep, it was in the low forties last night and high thirties tonight !

    BRrrrrrrrrrrr…Anyone seen the pics of some football stadiums today? Please, Gawd, let me kick the trap on Gore’s gallows!

  18. Mr or Mrs Webmaster i just had a alert from my firewall when i opened your website do you happen to know why this occured? Could it maybe from your ads or something? Thanks, really odd i pray it was harmless?

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