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Health care redux — 19 Comments

  1. You can also think of our rich as the people who try out the new techniques and provide something like start-up capital that allow affordable advances to make their way through the world. We recognize that we are leaving debt to the next generations, but we have to be careful that we don’t also leave them stagnation.

  2. dachas on the Don (or wherever dachas are)..

    the nicest ones were like my family home in Latvia. seized by the state, and given to the people of the state as vacation homes… dachas…

    “Archangel” was filmed in Latvia (and other parts in Moscow)…

    If you want to know more about Russia’s most ruthless dictator, Josef Stalin, see this movie.

    Arch Angel, is a superb mystery/thriller (based on the book) about a university history professor searching for answers to a very young female hired to work for Stalin during his reign. The story takes place in modern day Russia. The search for answers takes this professor and his party of three to a remote Russian city known as “Arch Angel”.

    This movie was largely shot in the free Baltic state of Latvia. It shows how bold the Balts are to allow this poke in the eye of the “great Russian nation” to be shot in their country. Even more so since Latvia has a large and agressive group of retired Soviet civil servants who have decided to retire there.

    thats from reviews…

    Latvia was the land which had a port to the open seas of the world. Riga was the only port that would not freeze. you wanted a beach front Dascha, you had to take it from the latvians.

    Latvia’s Soviet Holiday Heaven Finds A New Place In The Sun


    i have to cut things down to spot quotes so that its not too long… but remember, this is unknown history to the west.

    it also explains a lot as to why i and other certain european peoples know he history well. i

    it was our families property that they took, killed us, and then exiled us for

    “This is where general secretary Brezhnev would greet his guests,” says Victoria Tjamolova, a staff member at the Jantarnij Bereg (Amber Coast) sanatorium in the Latvian seaside resort of Jurmala.

    The private dacha, located in a secluded spot a few minutes‘ walk through pine forest from the main sanatorium is certainly fit for the leader of the Eastern Bloc.

    A clock with hammer-and-sickle pendulum ticks in the corner just as it did during the Brezhnev era 40 years ago and a portrait of Lenin stares down from the wall.

    Downstairs is a private cinema, upstairs is an office — complete with ‘nuclear emergency‘ telephones — and just around the corner is a lecture room with a podium ideal for practising those all-important speeches to the Communist Party congress.

    you may not know where the best ones were, but i do…

    “This sanatorium was built for the people who worked in the Soviet president‘s office and we still belong to the Russian president‘s office,” says director Oleg Baransky, whose business card bears the double-headed eagle of the Russian Federation.


    The third-largest resort in the Soviet Union after Yalta and Sochi, the Baltic resort was regarded as chic and “western”.

    Fifteen large sanatoria provided accommodation and invigorating treatments to 500,000 people a year brandishing “holiday vouchers” for their service to the state.


    “In Soviet times Jurmala was very special. People from Russia came here as if they were really going abroad,” says Gunta Uspele, director of Jurmala‘s tourist information centre.

    “Latvia seemed more like a part of Europe and people in the USSR thought of coming to Latvia like coming to France or Italy. The architecture, the food, the fashions were all much more modern. On
    the other hand people felt at home because everyone could speak Russian.”


    Sochi is another location…
    Stalin had his place there.


  3. by the way, the psychotic horror of Hostel even based some things on this man… even though we dont know it was him – Vasili Blokhin

    why bring it up? because it was another use of the Daschas… they were medical, they were payoffs and they were a place you went to, to meet blokhin..

    The condemned were joined by other Poles who had attracted adverse attention, such as Ludwig Helbardt, dying of stomach cancer in a Ukrainian hospital, who had written to Molotov asking to be reunited with his destitute family. Few suspected what was awaiting them. Many were distressed, some to the point of suicide, by being deprived of all mail from March, but when the trains were marshaled in mid-April some wrote in their diaries that they were going home, although they being returned to German-controlled Poland.

    Some executions were carried out more humanely than usual by Blokhin and his men. In Kalinin (Tver), where the Ostashkov prisoners were killed one by one, each Pole was taken into the prison club room and his identity carefully checked, before being handcuffed and led into a neighboring soundproofed chamber and shot in the back of the neck. The bodies were then dragged through a back door, thrown into covered trucks and taken to the countryside at Mednoe, to the grounds used for the NKVD men’s dachas, a site chosen by Blokhin. A total of fifty executioners was used, Blokhin in his leather apron, helmet, and gauntlets taking a leading part. Each evening a body count was telegraphed to Merkulov in Moscow.

    of course the people on the left who are true believers writing horror stories, have a place to dip into… then point the truth to something else.

    Carefully note when they were in cattle cars… BEFORE hitler!! hitler copied someone WE NOW COPY!!!!!!!!!!

    The camps now had space for prisoners from Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia as Stalin had delayed his takeover of the Baltic republics until mid-lune 1940, when the Finnish war was over.

    The NKVD had few Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian speakers left, and the Baltic republics had few resident communists to collaborate with the new authorities.

    The Soviet occupiers needed many months to identify the nationalists, the intellectuals, the from the deportees, some 60,000 Estonians, Latvians, and Lithuanians owners who could be deported. Apart from the deportees, some 60,000 Estonians, Latvians, and Lithuanians were killed; only the outbreak of war halted the slaughter. Until then, western Russia’s railways were crowded with trains. One week before Hitler attacked, over 17,000 Lithuanians and the same number of Latvians left for Siberia, Kazakhstan, and the Komi republic; seven train-loads of Latvian and Lithuanian prostitutes went to Uzbekistan. On the previous night, from the territories grabbed from Romanla-Bessarabia and the Bukovina-another 30,000 were deported. Until June 20, 1941, Poles and nationalist Ukrainians were still being railroaded east.

    An Orthodox shrine rises on a Russian killing field

    “There is Golgotha in the Holy Land, where our Lord Jesus Christ suffered for our sins. All of Russia was Golgotha in the 20th century.”

    The names of the victims are engraved on plaques lining one of the fences around the field. The fence overlooks dachas that were built for KGB officials who enjoyed the park-like setting, the grounds of a prerevolutionary country estate.

    They took their work on vacation…

    The names of the victims are engraved on plaques lining one of the fences around the field. The fence overlooks dachas that were built for KGB officials who enjoyed the park-like setting, the grounds of a prerevolutionary country estate.

    I am still trying to find my grandfathers family…

    The scope of the killings staggers, not only in numbers, but also in the swathe it cut across society. Butovo’s victims ranged from peasants and factory workers to Czarist generals, Russian Orthodox hierarchs, German Communists, Latvian writers, invalids, even Moscow’s Chinese launderers (dozens of whom were executed as enemies of the people). Ultimately, many Soviet officials, including Yezhov and other NKVD officials who carried out the purges, were gunned down at Butovo and elsewhere as the revolution consumed its creators.


    On July 2, 1937, the Politburo of the Central Сommittee of Communist Party of the Soviet Union resolved to undertake a large-scale “operation for the repression of former kulaks, active anti-Soviet elements, and criminals”. On July 31, 1937, L. M. Zakovsky, chief of the Leningrad and Leningrad Region NKVD Directorate, received from Moscow a copy of Secret Administrative Order No. 00447 from N. I. Yezhov, the People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs, for immediate commencement of the operation. According to the plan for the Leningrad region described in the order, a “threesome” (troika) consisting of the chief of the regional NKVD Directorate, the regional prosecutor, and the second secretary of the District Committee of the Communist Party was required within four months of August 5 to sentence 4,000 people to execution by shooting (First Category) and to send another 10,000 to camps and prisons (Second Category)

    it did not matter if there were no criminals, or guilty, they picked them at random, or by past altercations that they remembered they didnt like.

    People were arrested for their biographical particulars – for their political past or their social or national origin – and on the basis of denunciations and spurious interrogation reports. Savage torture became a routine interrogation practice. By December 1937, the quotas for arrest and sentencing had all been met or exceeded. Show trials of “enemies of the people” took place in the region. In 1938, the terror continued with renewed force.

    so dont think that by changing your ways today you can change what will happen to you. your lifetime, and the history, and all that you write now, will be evidence later.

    One should realize that our desire to move KSM to a civilian court is how you merge military and the police by removing distinctions….

    In the post-Stalin period the Leningrad KGB Directorate created on the basis of first-hand recollections a so-called Diagram of the Dacha with Times and Numbers of Interments, indicating the burial places of 19,450 people. The Diagram has an approximate, provisional character, however, necessitating further research.

    vacation homes from hell…the Daschas were not just nice places. but the niceness of the places helped to hide things from local peoples.

    same thing with our health care!… so there is another more historical aspect to wanting to control medicine. its a power

    On May 24, 1959, Pravda carried some remarks by Khrushchev on the communist world of the future. What would it be like when the “permanent revolution” had, at last, achieved its central objectives? Would there be a new kind of human being, living a radically different kind of personal and social life? Khrushchev was not an unqualified optimist, and he had a degree of candor that may have been responsible for his abrupt demise. There might still be trouble, he admitted, in the fully realized communist society. He spelled out one kind: “A crime is a deviation from the generally recognized standards of behavior, frequently caused by mental disorder.” There would always be, alas, what he went on to call “disease” and “nervous disorders.” And those so afflicted would, inevitably, do things that are unwarranted and deserve rebuke or worse. They would commit “offenses which are characteristic of people with abnormal minds.” Some of those people would, of course, turn on the world around them, try to criticize it, when in fact they are themselves in trouble, but are unable, or unwilling, to appreciate that such is the case. The Soviet leader was both philosophically resigned and admonishing:

    To those who might in the future start calling for opposition to Communism on this “basis,” we can say that now, too, there are people who fight against Communism…but clearly the mental state of such people is not normal.
    During the 1960s, and up to the present moment, the Soviet government has done its best to deal with the sad anomaly–mental anguish in the midst of a developing utopia–which Chairman Khrushchev indicated to be a continuing trial for communism. By 1971 the West had begun to learn rather a lot about the willingness of Russia’s bureaucrats and psychiatrists to fight social deviance head on, so to speak, along the lines suggested by the outspoken Khrushchev. Ward 7, an autobiographical book by Valery Tarsis (1965), could perhaps be dismissed as a somewhat overwrought account. Written in vivid, emotional prose, the book was the first full-length account of psychiatric punishment. Tarsis was a short story writer, a translator, a prolific essayist. Perhaps he was a cranky, all too articulate intellectual who, even if he wasn’t actually insane, had made a nuisance of himself in various ways–and so been locked up.

    this was the point of adorno’s authoritarian mind…you can see them moving toward this definition with the tea party protestors.

    you can see it even more in the UK…china and russia still use the practice…


    [edited for length by neo-neocon]

  4. Artfldgr,

    I once knew a law school professor whose best lesson about how to argue before the Supreme Court was:

    “If you have tried your best AND made your point, sit down and shut up….. but….. If you have tried your best AND FAILED to make your point, sit down and shut up.””

  5. I tell you now drgr something true. If your comment extends beyond BEYOND one and a half screens I will always ALWAYS scroll completely past it and read NONE of it. Thus all your effort, should it extend beone ONE AND A HALF screens, is utterly lost on me and makes NO IMPRESSION whatsoever.

    This is a shame since you have, often, interesting information and interesting points…. but once you go over ONE AND A HALF SCREENS you cease to be interesting and become simply BORING.


  6. Vanderleun, I guess a lot of people thought the same of Solzhenitsyn’s writing. No one reads him either. Did us a lot of good, eh?

  7. artfldgr: Have you had the(horrific)pleasure of reading Martin Amis’s, “Koba the Dread: Laughter and the Twenty Million” ?

  8. The problem I have with preventative medicine is that it is the kind of medicine that is most likely to lead to micromanagement and control of people’s lives. We’ve decided, for example,–and I don’t quarrel with the evidence for this–that obesity is a risk factor for numerous diseases and syndromes. Once you’ve socialized the costs of health care, you’ve managed to justify telling everyone what they are permitted to eat. And it won’t stop with simply trying to control obesity. Once you’ve admitted the principle of prevention trumping freedom, all sorts of “risk factor” medicine–which is not actually medicine at all–will be practiced, diminishing freedoms across a wide, and expanding, front. Now, people are free to support this if they wish, but let’s be clear about what it is we’re looking at. In addition, the truth is that there’s no way beyond statistics–which famously can be used to show just about anything anyone wants them to show–to know when anything has been prevented. So it becomes a sort of numbers racket.

    Instituting screening programs in the name of prudence, on the other hand, is not preventative medicine. The point is, instead, early detection–of diseases and conditions that are at an earlier, allegedly more treatable, stage. I, myself, believe that the best practice is to go to the doctor when you’re actually sick, or have some problem. There are certain screenings that have been shown to be valuable, but constantly going to the doctor in the name of preventing future illness is a waste and a burden, I think. I’ve read some studies (sorry, don’t recall the sources at the moment) that back this up.

  9. This is a shame since you have, often, interesting information and interesting points…. but once you go over ONE AND A HALF SCREENS you cease to be interesting and become simply BORING.

    And this is why despotism wins:

    The counter revolution is too boring and grounded in reality to be interesting enough to keep someone’s attention long enough for them to learn DETAILS. They would rather play at something else.

    You think your going to counter a 100+ year old refined ideology by being ignorant?
    That your superior intellect is enough that you can out think them on your feet?

    Another reason why despotism wins:
    The relative opinions of those who have ideas and self confidence have more veracity and relevance than actual history, facts, experience, and practice.

    That is, all ideas are equal, so:
    No experience counts.
    Or rather, experience counts for naught

    Do you think that the burden is as the liberals say, to the teacher to make the subject interesting so that the student wants to learn?

    Can you see the latest Bruce lee or Chinese kung fu flick following that system?
    Sounds remarkably what the liberals changed western ed to.

    The master has to run around entertaining the kids like a clown in order to have students. The students don’t have to sacrifice time, energy, or anything to learn. Its all the burden of the other to force them through hedonism to learn what they find hard and too big.

    Sounds brilliant! No?

    You realize that your missive basically says:
    Lie to me or else I won’t listen to you… your boring then…

    Remember the man telling the truth in honor is limited with what he can work with
    If what he has is ugly, that is all he has.

    But one willing to lie has everything, including the imagined to entertain you with.

    How far has removing the burden from the student and placing it all on the entertainer gotten us?

    What have you learned that you really didn’t like once you didn’t HAVE to?

    Do you really think that learning 75 years of missing history and methods can be given to you in a paragraph and not let you call me some name to discount me?

    And there in lies the biggest problem..

    As an example.. I have often posted links to life stories of those who lived under this. Pretty much the only one that gets discussed is Anne. Attempts to bring up the whole spectra (as a point in education) is always met with some form of social approbation, or its ignored. The one thing that isn’t done is read it. is it because she is jewish? Most say no… but when you see things like this http://centropa.org/ over and over, and know that these others are relegated to the trash heap as not being a part of history, then you start to think differently. (even now I expect to have someone say something because I said something and didn’t toe the line they say doesn’t exist. however, cross that line enough and your sure its there, and that they intend there be no room for others).

    Since 2000, Centropa has interviewed almost 1,300 elderly Jews still living in the 15 countries between the Baltic and the Aegean (from Estonia and Russia to Greece and Turkey), but we never use video nor do we focus primarily on the Holocaust. Instead, we collect and digitize family snapshots–tens of thousands of them. We spend between six to twenty hours with each respondent, asking them to paint for us a picture of the world they grew up in–as well as the world they rebuilt for their families after the war (we also dutifully record everything our respondents wish to share with us about the Shoah).

    I think centropa is great… so don’t think that I don’t
    But I also think that its sad too… for fates were shared…

    did you follow ANY of those links to read the larger documents on the other side?

    Yes? Then I am sorry that my post was long for you!


    Then you’re partly responsible for such long posts, just as students in a class are responsible for learning the subject if they don’t want the subject brought to them in class and done there.

    I can easily refer to a common history, if you read and make it common.

    (ergo the force behind Hitler as a comparison. We don’t have soviet russia, or Chinese histories to refer to, like they do. we only have the one they gave us, and that one has been ridiculed to the point it cant be used. So in actuality we have none. And cant have any because its BORING… )

    I will tell you something..

    You can learn from history past
    Or you can learn from the history you live
    Failure to do the first dooms you to the second.

    (and that’s my words speaking — not a quote)

    And the failure of the first to be interesting enough for you to bother and be entertained is why you and all the others are going to learn the same lesson the hard way. regardless of whatever arguments that people bring up, because if they are not grounded in reality, and in history, the same history they are copying, its just a bunch of people titillating themselves in guessing who is right.

    Getting upset at me for trying TOO HARD, and then ignoring me when i try too soft, is the tactic of balancing on a razor blade to satisfy someone that really doesn’t want to be satisfied!

    Like the liberals you have decided that your life is more fun and full of pleasure if you only learn what’s fun and presented for your amusement.

    I don’t think that wahts happening to us is very amusing.
    I think its serious

    So I put aside my amusements to drum up history I know in detail so that I could help edify those who have never known.

    The response? you wasted your tiem artful, we want to be entertained…

    Bring on the dancing girls, bring on bread and circuses and damn the future
    (unless saving it is fun)

    By the way..

    I wasn’t born to amuse you or any one else to be listened to.

    You either think that what I have is valuable, or you don’t

    But I will note one thing.

    ALL the members of my current family were the few who saw and understood what was happening. The others died with the other millions who were not able to see what was happening. In many ways, we survivors are the better thinking people of a mass of others caught in a trap that succeeded in exterminating them.

  10. by the way, the way this panned out reminds me of the prols in the green movement

    they want to have meaningful debates and discussions, but physics, chemistry, and engineering are BORING…

    so in essence they are angry they cant participate, and blamethe state for not letting them. but in truth, they have very little to put in, as they dont know much. they wont admit this, for then they have to admit no one is keeping them out but themselves… and why? because the keys to entry of meaningfulness is to know the boring stuff.

    one reason i often have something interesting to say is that i have learned so much boring stuff, i start to generate lots of interesting things that many who wish to be entertained are entertained by.

    its a funny effect that i have noticed since i was a child.

    people enjoy being out thinked…
    they love the magician, who amazes them
    they want the guy who can qwip and amaze them
    they want bright points and advert propaganda over facts and debate.

    all the while, they defend their ignorance to defend this pleasure.

    the same way a person who loves magic doesnt want to know how the tricks are done. they stop being magic and then become boring.

  11. “This is a shame since you have, often, interesting information and interesting points…. but once you go over ONE AND A HALF SCREENS you cease to be interesting and become simply BORING.”

    And this is why despotism wins:

    The counter revolution is too boring and grounded in reality to be interesting enough to keep someone’s attention long enough for them to learn DETAILS. They would rather play at something else.

    What is true is that better ideas require better arguments and better headlines and better short slogans. You have to take the tools of the totalitarians and turn them against them.

  12. What is true is that better ideas require better arguments and better headlines and better short slogans. You have to take the tools of the totalitarians and turn them against them.

    sounds great from someone that dont know the tools.

    the problem is that using the same tools corrupts the user. they become what they are fighting against. or havent you noticed what we have become?

    their tools are lying and disinformation, and so your idea is to use lying and disinformation to remove lying and disinformation. their tools are to destroy culture, so lets destroy the culture more to save it, right?

    what you say is completely UNTRUE…

    its what they teach now, and PROVES my point that we demand entertainment over truth.

    asserting a blind truth does not make it so. listen to your own words.

    “better ideas require better arguments”

    is this true? that a better idea without a better argument has no place? what your also saying is that an unfalsifiable idea is better as it can address all arguments even contradictory ones.

    marxism is unfalsefiable, as is agw…

    how did the better argumetn game go there?
    did the better ideas win by right of combat?
    that they had better arguments?


    can you couple bad ideas to superior arguments?

    you have fallen into one of the mental detail traps of their line of thinking. you ahve internalized it so that you dont even know your employing it.

    that if marxists can formulate their arguments really well, they can sell the product to people that dont want it.

    if hitler could formulate his argumetns and wrap them in charisma, he can package hell as heaven and get the good too fall in line.

    so your retort is to tell me to get with their program. you ahvent learned the deatils of how it works!!! why it works… what thoughts do they have to induce to you to get you to sidestep your own common sense.

    better ideas require better arguments and better headlines and better short slogans.

    your are crying for the surface to be whats underneath… your are crying for a better front, and do not care abouit substance.

    while i know that this isnt true when one would ask you, and you would not like it shown ,but its true in what you just said.

    better ideas require better arguments and better headlines and better short slogans.

    if i package feces right, i can sell it to someone that believes that statement above and they will not only take it, they will love it and eat it and try to share it.

    You have to take the tools of the totalitarians and turn them against them.

    you cant

    the tools of sociopaths make sociopaths of those that decide to use and employ them

    sociopathy is one of the only mental conditions that one can LEARN. that is one does not ahve to be born a sociopath. one can become an effective sociopath by learning and not shunning the meta state that they cultivate.

    that is, a sociopath moves their mental position above the people they interact with. this makes their body a machine for them to manupulate as a tool to get others to act. its the god of olympus feeling that one can control people and things aroudn one by playing games. i am very familiar with their thinking, as i have had more than one try to turn my thinking to their way, like a serpent on a shoulder. (comes out like what a wonderful time we can have if you could share this)

    this is why they are surface not substance. a person not actually living the moments, is a person who never learns to be in the moment in a real way. they are constantly learning how to perfect controlling the puppet that is their own body. this is the prive they pay for that empty feeling that cant be filled.

    and once you adopt that mode of thinking, its nary impossible to turn back. its too tempting to use it all the time to get your way. guilt is the emotion that tends to get us back on track… as sympathy too. both are missing in pyschopaths, and sociopaths.

    lets list out the tools of totalitarians and see if they can be used by those who are not battling for the same control…

    conspiracy to coordinate outcomes
    winning by other means (like going after family)

    so your idea is that the good people of the world buck up and become sociopathic and employ those things that we think are immoral.

    guess what?

    thats the whole reason for the CIA.

    so that the whole population doesnt have to be that way… and the soviet style answer? make the whole population be like that, so here is no way to clean it up.

    so to recap.

    you want me to lie to you to manipulate you into the proper action like totalitarians.

    sorry, i have morals…
    otherwise thats what i would be doing…

  13. better ideas require better arguments and better headlines and better short slogans

    I decided to spend a bit of time grabbing some examples of how your methods were employed.

    you probably dont know about
    “Der Stuermer” Kiosks. they had lots of catchy motto’s that reflected what the people came to beleive after previous years of hinting all the time.

    you know, like whites, christians, and jews are oppressors.
    here is a link to an image of one:

    Die Juden sind unser ungluck
    The jews are our misfortune

    here is anotehr example of using catchy phrases to win the debate without debating. its quite famous

    Arbeit Macht Frei- “Work Shall Make You Free”

    it appeared over th gates to Auschwitz..

    [and for those who still think that jews were the canary in the coal mine:
    From the beginning, concentration camps were an integral feature of Nazi rule. In March of 1933, the first concentration camp was established at Dachau to house opponents of the Nazi regime including communists, socialists, liberals, some clergy and anyone considered disloyal to the Reich. Dachau became the model for the entire concentration camp system. Theodor Eicke, the second commandant at Dachau, introduced a system of brutal disciplinary regulations and punishments for prisoners. Dachau was also a place where a whole generation of SS camp officials were trained, including Rudolf Hoess.

    By 1939, major SS camps existed at Buchenwald, Flossenbuerg, Mauthausen, Ravensbrueck, and Sachsenhausen. While all “enemies” of the Reich were imprisoned, the percentage of Jews in the camps increased dramatically after the pogrom, known as Kristallnacht. in November 1938.
    weisenthall institute

    We hear the stories and we assume that there was no 5 year period in which lots of others were the focus… when they ran out of those… then the beuracracy needed more bodies to grind up… and the polity needed enemies.

    you see.
    they werent going to debate
    they were going to force the issue. they were going to make it look exciting. snappy slogans. designed outfits. posters, and monographs.

    The Lleader is always right
    [“Der Fé¼hrer hat immer Recht”]

    The common good before the private good
    [“Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz”]

    If I demand sacrifice from the people, even to the utmost, I have the right to do so, for I am just as ready today as I was in the past to make any personal sacrifice!

    [“Wenn ich vom deutschen Volk Opfer, und wenn notwendig, alle Opfer fordere, dann habe ich einen Recht dazu, denn auch ich bin heute genau so bereit, wie ich es fré¼her war, jedes persé¶nliche Opfer zu bringen!”]

    [the slogans below all came with images, but i cant post images]

    Workers of the world UNITE!

    We’ll execute the plan of the great works

    “Thousands” of hands are raised voting “yes.”

    and when you hear terrorist messages, and things like that remember this:
    Be paranoid about “Enemies of the People”, “Sabboteurs” and other evil elements trying to sabotage happiness in the Soviet paradise. It’s a good cover for future cases of indiscriminant persecution. Party had warned you, now if you see someone being arrested you would know why

    Ballot box announces: “For the Motherland, for Stalin, for World Peace, for Communism.”

    “Giving beyond expected.” .

    “Soviet Union (CCCP) is the first brigade of proletariat of the entire world.”

    raise a generation, selflessly loyal to Communism

    Every day life is getting better


    No matter the actions,
    Killer Hitler can’t hide his failures,
    At Rzhev and Stalingrad.
    To deceive people
    He invented the “Lies Machine Gun”.
    Which volleys lies nonstop.
    The Machine talks nonsense at full speed,
    But still cannot suppress the truth
    As it is the truth that bellows at river Don,
    And it can be heard on Volga too.
    In Africa the truth is rumbling.
    The “Lies Machine Gun” fires in vain.

    solo el pueblo
    salva al pueblo

    O Muerte

    if we actually decided to do that, we would be put on an equal footing with them. we would have been sucked into their game of games, and would have abandoned our positions!!!!!!!!!

  14. Neo said:

    Socializing anything, including health care, tends to lead inexorably to wider availability of a more mediocre service. I am reminded of the drab high-rises of eastern Europe under the Soviets, the norm of tiny apartments shared by multiple families, the hackneyed art, the lack of variety in the stores, the dullness of reduced expectations for everyone.

    So true. Whenever I need to be reminded of the downside of government run anything, I think back to the food provided by my old high school cafeteria. The taste-less patties of soy (and maybe some meat) that passed as hamburgers, the bland generic canned veggies (the ones with the carrots cut into little tiny orange cubes), the similarly bland instant mashed potatoes, the dethawed and heated generic fish cubes . . .

    The tater tots werent too bad, and its hard to mess up hot dogs.

    In any case, would anyone want to eat at such a restaurant all the time, whenever they went out? Would anyone really want health care dispensed in such a “one size fits all” fashion?

  15. drgr, thank you for making my point so clearly:

    “they werent going to debate
    they were going to force the issue. they were going to make it look exciting. snappy slogans. designed outfits. posters, and monographs.”

    Do you want to win against these people by using effective weapons or do you want to continue to bring your table knives to the propaganda gunfight?

    I direct your attention to Bill Whittle and Iconography:


    You’re problem is that you understand well how complicated it all is but don’t know how to K.I.S.S.

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