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Halloween — 17 Comments

  1. Hey anonymous from portland. Don’t worry. We don’t even have Helloween here. Every year I see Halloween images and people talking about it everywhere on the internet. I would love to see what it is like, just once. 😉

  2. That’s not an excuse for why the parents can’t upgrade their self-protection and give a role model for the kids…

    They’re not arming the kids, they’re not arming themselves, just who do you think they are arming… politicians?

    They are physically and mentally weaker and clumsier

    Ya, people who don’t exercise their maturity or martial talents, tend to get ‘physically and mentally weak’

    You don’t understand discipline and the power gap. Children will learn violence and how to be irresponsible regardless of whether you think this that or the other will happen.

    Children are only children because society treats them as such. Ages 12 to 18 are not responsible for much of anything, least of all their own protection.

    It’s a cultural issue. And most of it is motivated by distrust, lack of will, and the incorrect idea that making children mature earlier somehow is a negative thing. Much of anonymous’s arguments are based upon that incorrect world view.

  3. They aren’t arming their children for the simple fact that children can’t handle all the knowledge and weapons adults can. Children are not “little adults.” They are physically and mentally weaker and clumsier, more likely to turn any of their weapons against innocents than attackers, and most likely to simply have whatever weapons they wield taken from them by some adult who can outthink and outdraw them.

  4. If the streets are more dangerous, you’d think people would be arming their kids with wisdom, weapons, and steel. In that order.

    But they aren’t… so all they are doing is isolating their children from the real world, a world that they don’t seem to like nor know how to deal with.

  5. Good thing my laptop already has a smart drive reader in it.

    Eventually we’ll have to come up with a way to shanghai the computers into doing all this work for us.

  6. Hello Neo!

    As to transferring photos from camera to the computer – it’s fast and easy if you don’t do it the way the camera manufacturers tell you (via the special wire that goes from camera to computer.)

    Here’s what to do:

    1. your camera uses some sort of memory “card” or “stick” to hold the digital images, which are just ordinary “j-peg” (.jpg) image files – just like the ones that grace any website.

    2. Figure out what kind of card or stick you have – it may be Compact Flash (“CF”) “SD”, or one of several other kinds. It’s in your camera manual, and often says on the card.

    3. Go to BestBuy, CompUSA, or Circuit City,etc, and ask for a “Card Reader” that will accept your card. I recently bought one for my daughter for 15 bucks that reads *nine* different kinds of cards!

    4. Back at home, plug the card reader into a USB port (small, rectangular connection point) on you PC or Mac – if you have a PC that you bought in this century (or any Mac), it should automatically recognize the card – it sees it as just another drive – like your “C:” drive, floppy, CD-ROM, etc. – you’ll see it show up in your file manager program (Windows Explorer for PCs – I don’t know what the Mac equivalent is called.)

    5. Insert the card into the reader – on a PC, in a few moments you’ll get a window that pops up with a bunch of choices – one of which is something like “view the files” – choose that one.

    6. There are your photos! (you may have to dive down through one or two levels of folders). Just copy the files from your card onto your hard drive or burn them to a CD-ROM or DVD.

    I just leave my card reader permanently plugged into my PC, so if you do that, there are only 2 simple steps after the first time.

    Best regards,

  7. The continuing march of technology has made individual people more powerful – and dangerous – than ever before. This fact is reflected in our culture, in many ways… not the least of which is that people are unwilling to let their children run free in their own neighborhoods, lest they stray into the domain of some individual who will do them harm.

    Now only public places that are carefully policed, inspected, and audited, are considered relatively safe.

  8. I find that the poster on the telephone poll identifying the neighborhood pedophile tends to ruin the the holiday sprit as well.

  9. What a delightful sharing of present day memories being made. How lucky for the kids in your neighborhood that they, too, will have some good old days to look back on. Gosh darn, but trick or treating was fun for those of us who grew up during the fifties. There was only pretend stuff to be scared of and we roamed the neighborhood until the grownups starting turning the porchlights off.

  10. Hey, anonymous 5:19,
    My God that was a most depressing
    Halloween story I’ve ever heard.
    Thanks…I think.

  11. I want to tell you how lucky you are that kids still come to your door.

    Here in Portland, OR (well a suburb) no one comes by. And they haven’t for years. Every year (for the last 6 I lived here) I have dutifully gotten my bag of candy and turned on my light, and waited. If I was lucky 2-3 small groups of Mexican kids showed up. But at the end of the night I was left with a huge bowl of candy and sense that something very important to my childhood had died for this generation.

    I mean I live on 2nd street. I am right downtown (of the suburb, which used to be a town in its own right). I am 4 blocks (5 minute walk) away from Main St. If you are going to door-to-door trick-or-treat this is where you should go. At least you would have come here in the 50s or 80s (my time).

    Finally this year they opened a Starbucks downtown (of the suburb). Since no one was going to show up anyhow, I left the bowl on my doorstep with a note and walked to the Starbucks. Apparently, this is where trick-or-treating occurs now. The downtown was filled with kids going from business to business. Enjoying their safeâ„¢ Halloween experience.

    I walked back to my house looking at the dark empty streets. Several houses had the lights on and from the windows I could see people waiting with bowls. In fact, one guy tried to lure me across the street. Begging me to come over with a friendly “Trick-or-treat.”

    I wonder how many people in town are like I was. They have no idea where the trick-or-treaters are. Sit there in their houses waiting for revelers that never come and feel like something important has died.

    And, in many ways it has died. We aren’t bound together in a community of neighbors anymore. But, as they go from business to business, at least it isn’t forgotten.

  12. That’s quite a descriptive story.

    Heh, and with “word pictures”.

    Quite a bit of nostalgia. Lends it a grave and “ancient” atmosphere, that of the post that is.

    Along with shadowy, cheerful, and mysterious characters resounding under that gloom and doom music. It makes quite a description.

  13. First thing first- if there were only 7 pieces of candy left, you did NOT buy the correct amount.

    I would also like to add that when I was trick or treating, I had to come home when the batteries in the flashlight gave out. My dad never bought Eveready’s- nope. We used Lucky Mothers Star Horse batteries from some mysterious Asian country that gave out 90 minutes after dark.

    I’m still dealing with the trauma, because of the battery issue and the reality that my aunts always gave us leftovers wrapped in aluminum foil. Week old meatloaf as a Halloween treat? I still won’t talk to my mothers sisters.

    Anyway, give back the camera- the word images are just fine.

    You really need to consider podcasting.

    Garrison Keilor, look out!

  14. Things have indeed changed in the Halloween world since my [our] childhoods. Only a few actual neighborhood kids come to our door…for some years now the main trick or treaters are the more disadvantaged kids who load up in their families pickup trucks and cruise the more affluent neighborhoods.

    I used to be somewhat disturbed by this but now enjoy seeing them and I have to say that in the majority they are well behaved, say “thank you” and seem genuinely appreciative for the opportunity to have fun and score some goodies.

  15. Q and A: Brick throwing
    I know a question that many of you have is, “When is it proper to throw a brick at someone?” Hopefully this list will help:

    It is acceptable to throw bricks (soaked in lighter fluid and set on fire) at these types of people:

    People who have backpacks with wheels on them.
    People who ask you what time it is.
    People who drive too slow. (These people also usually have at least 2 political bumper stickers from the 80’s)
    People who try to force thier opinions on you. (such as telling you how old they are.)
    People who make a point to act like someone that they arne’t. (Actors are an exception to the rule, unless they advertise a new type of lawn fertilizer.)
    People who breathe indoors.
    People with mullets, skullets (A balding man with a mullet.), or guys with ponytails.

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