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Open thread for discussing… — 38 Comments

  1. Biggest concern: Republicans take control, but not much changes. I very much fear this . . .

  2. If the Reince Priebus technology push the last two years doesn’t result in a victory, instead being another Romney style project Orca, the Republican Party is going to come apart. This is after all just technology.

    I am hoping that Libertarians vote for the good of the country (Republican) not their Randian ideology.

    So I am cautiously optimistic.

  3. I have no jitters. The election is less important than most people think. The Republicans may or may not win the Senate, , but even if they win the Senate, they will never have effective control of it, since there will always be, on any closely contested and important vote, some moderate Republican who will sell his vote to the Democrats. IN fact, Obama may get more out of a Republican Senate than he ever got out of a Democratic Senate. Harry Reid entirely shut down Senate business. But with Congress no longer divided, there will be Republicans, especially in the Senate, who will be eager to show that they can work with the President. By passing comprehensive immigration reform, for example. (That’s amnesty to you and me)

  4. Alinsky tactics need an enemy.

    Obama and the Dems have been using the GOP and the GOP controlled House for that role.

    If the GOP takes full control of the Legislature Obama and the Dems will have a bigger target for their tactics.

  5. So Republic, Democracy, Obolanation, Obamanation, or Abomination?

    Choose one of the above. Btw, the Republic died long ago.

  6. A Republican Senate will keep Obama’s imperial tendencies in check, when it comes to the future/upcoming bad deal with Iran.

  7. At my age I wonder if I will live long enough to see the Republicans control the Congress and the Presidency at the same time, and hopefully start undoing some of the damage. The pundits keep talking about getting to 51, but what I want to know is, how many seats do we need to win to have a shot at holding on to the Senate in the 2016 election?

    When is the last time that the Presidency flipped from one party to the other, and the Senate flipped the other way in the same election?

  8. Harold,

    Not all “Libertarians” are “Randian.” I’m nowhere near Randian, if by that term you mean a disciple of Ayn Rand, but my some measures I might be thought a libertarian-minded man. And as the Republicans still remain the lesser of two evils, they get my vote.

  9. I don’t know how much difference this election will make but it might be a step in the right direction since I think a lot of folks who bought the big bottle of snake oil tonic the Democrats have been selling are discovering they just bought a bottle of distilled water with a little food color added and there is no cure for what ails them.

    I think we are all sailing in uncharted waters at this time and I am hoping that common sense will prevail as this election and the next in two years play out. My recommendation is to avoid making assumptions that the good old days will return because that is not likely to happen, whatever the good old days were.

    Using the sailing analogy I hope as the breezes pick up that we find a good steady hand at the helm with enough courage to keep full sails up and really move us in a new direction and perhaps discover that the world is round and not flat and actually accomplish something good.

    Like ‘bof’ above I don’t have a lot of years left and I would like to see our country become a nation of people who are proud to live here together and look forward to a brighter future for their children with some real optimism.

    I voted last week and here in my part of Texas I don’t think there will be any surprises. Good luck America and I look forward to Wednesday morning when the dust settles, I hope.

  10. “When is the last time that the Presidency flipped from one party to the other, and the Senate flipped the other way in the same election?” – bof

    To answer my own question, that sort of happened in the 2000 election, when George W. Bush was elected President, while the Republican Senate majority turned into a tie, later broken in the Democrats’ favor by a defection. That seems to be the only time.

  11. There is only one way forward.

    More people need to understand PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

    Without personal responsibility we will have the lowest labor participation rate, the highest rate of food stamps and a generation of me me me! !

  12. It doesn’t matter what we vote with a nation of lying, stealing, cop beating, vote stealing, lazy, pot smoking, swisher sweet taking, not caring about the IRS information sharing with other government agencies, loving the obamacare sex change operation for everyone, spend a trillion dollars on climate change, low information voters who run government, academia, Hollywood, and play in the streets all night while good people CAN’T donate to small government candidates for fear of being beat physically.

  13. This election is about bho, nothing more and nothing less. It may be, I hope, a wave of rejection of all things messiah. What the gop does if it takes the senate and widens its house majority is an entirely different discussion.

  14. I am worried that the establishment GOP and Chamber of Commerce types will go for some sort of amnesty.

    I am worried that Obama has saved a bunch of crap until after the election.

    I am pleased that all the deluded people who thought Obama was the Messiah in 2008 are having their hopes crushed and ground into dust. I feast on their salty tears, and say: “I told you so!”

  15. Not jittery or especially excited. My opinion from a week ago still stands. Republicans will take the Senate, and beyond the bare minimum of six seats. They will net seven or eight, depending on Kansas. I think Perdue will take it outright in Georgia, but Louisiana will go to a runoff. However, the GOP will have at least 51 without Louisiana, significantly lowering the stakes and the amount of time, money and fraud Dems. are willing to sink into Landrieu. Ergo, she will go down in flames on December 6 bringing the GOP caucus to either 52 or 53.

    GOP gains in Montana, South Dakota (Sorry Holder), West Virginia, Arkansas, Louisiana, Colorado, Iowa, Alaska. Democrats gain nowhere. Pseudo-Democrat Greg Orman may or may not win in Kansas.

    Scott Brown loses in a heartbreakingly close result. Maybe even going to a recount. Were he facing the NH electorate 20 years ago, he would win, easily. Alas…

    Colorado is much closer than expected due to the burgeoning Latino vote and the growing number of trendy liberals migrating from Cali. But, Gardner pulls it off. However, Hickenlooper is re-elected.

    As to other governors, Scott Walker wins by a close, but significant margin. Corbet loses, of course. Scott may lose…hard to say. Deal wins, Haley wins, Snyder wins, Abbott wins (duh!). Baker beats the hapless Coakley in MA, Foley takes CT, LePage pulls off a narrow win in Maine. Hutchinson wins in AR. Brown beats Hogan in MD, but it’s much closer than expected. In another heartbreak, the corrupt hack Quinn pulls out a victory in Illinois, further leading one to conclude that state is beyond all hope. In NM, Martinez humiliates King by such an overwhelming margin it spills over to the Senate race; Udall still wins, but by a smaller margin than expected (giving Democrats extra grief on election night). She is immediately catapulted into the fray as a darkhorse presidential prospect (and certainly a top VP contender).

    In the House: GOP gain of 8-15.

    In the end, despite some significant gubernatorial loses, a good night for the GOP. The knives will start to come out against Obama, particularly among the hardcore Clintonistas. His approval rating will drop to about 35% for at least a month or two. But by next year, the Democratic establishment and the MSM (largely interchangeable) will be back in full stride, blaming the GOP Congress for all that is wrong with the world and exonerating/extolling President Lightworker.

  16. I have been reading that Brown & shaheen is too close to call, they have my GPS location (so. NH) & i am getting frantically bombarded with vote Shaheen
    propaganda worse than it has ever been before now?
    What is up with that?
    I have never once clicked the stuff either, & in fact HAVE clicked a couple of Brown stuff, 1 a video from Amb Bolton & Romney endorsing him. Brown stuff stopped popping up 5 days or so ago.

  17. From flyover country, I sense rino Brown may win. He’s far from a real conservative, but he’s been attacking on the 2 domestic issues that matter most: illegal aliens and the rube goldberg nightmare aka messiahcare.

  18. I think GOP will take 8 seats or so; I don’t care about the details.
    This election is ANTI-OBAMA, not pro-GOP. The problem is that the establishment GOP (GOPe) wants to view it as an affirmation of their anti-conservative jihad.
    I don’t think they’ll pursue amnesty, though I can’t be sure. Ebola and EV-D68 seem to have soured the public on that.
    After that, though, I don’t expect them to do much: the things that the remaining Senate Dems don’t filibuster will be vetoed by Obama.
    The GOPe doesn’t have a courageous vision, so you can forget any bold initiatives. I think Cruz would like to nudge them, but McConnell will be resistant. I expect Cruz to hunker down more than in the last two years.
    So in the end, we will end up with a lot of procedural moves that *could* move the ball incrementally if they came from someone with a vision, but will be wasted motion instead.

    This is all a good thing, because like Obama, the problem isn’t our leadership. It’s that there are too many people who thought electing the leadership was a good idea. These people need to wake up, and the only way to do that is to show them that the GOPe is headed by cowards, morons and shills.

    If we can get almost ANY Republican elected in 2016, we may then have enough breathing room to clean house.

  19. Parker he also zeros in on Shaheen signing Carl Levins letter of Shrew Lois Lerner, requesting she go after *groups* with anti leftist leanings. That is a serious burr under the saddle of most NH rites.
    We really are a *none of my business * what my neighbors politics are, kind of citizenry.
    It is getting tougher & tougher to hold onto that with all the transplants from NY NJ & Mass moving here.
    (Sigh) I hope against hope that *new media* will somehow save individual rights before it is too late.
    I wish Fox would run a good daily show like Beck had educating people about the Constitution & the sovereignity of the people. He really helped the Obama push back in 2010, he educated many who never had a decent US History background or he at least galvanized people to do something !
    I read that Oreilly had a hand in stopping Beck.

  20. I agree & wish these old guard GOP would dry up & blow away, they are just Statists like their Left counterparts, but they stubbornly cling to power like
    Pelosi, Shumer etc
    It will be good if Colo get rid of the senile old white guy Mark uterus, barely knew of him but found his
    *ick* factor as bad as Mc Conell & that icky Thad Cochrane creep !!!
    On a more pleasant note handsome Tom Brady is BETTER than homely Peyton manning !!!

  21. I wish there were some way to make corrections. Let me try again.

    Worry won’t do any good at this point. Everyone needs to vote and then just chill.

  22. Illuminati: the Preview bar below the Submit Comment bar allows you to check/edit your comments. Preview first and if it’s correct, then submit. but we know what you meant!

  23. I’m simply astonished at both the demoralization I see… and the zany notion that the GOP can reverse Soetoro from the legislature.

    The key to policy during the waning years of Barry and America — Caligula redux — is to make de jure amnesty impossible.

    It must be obvious that Soetoro is never going to protect the nation.

    What’s essential is that Barry can’t grant citizenship or true amnesty.

    And that McConnell discovers that he can’t grant citizenship either.

    For some crazy reason, the GOP leadership thinks that Big Business is in their corner. As IF.

    Big Business, these days, and for the last eighty-years, is fulsomely Democrat.

    Spread the word: J.P. Morgan and J.D. Rockefeller are long, long, long, gone.

    The Democrat party glues together the patricians and the illegal aliens, the snobs with the embittered, those that want the ancient to be now — again.

    It’s the party of neo-feudalism.


    The sane must take satisfaction with blocking Soetoro.

    Even THAT would be quite the improvement.

    Lest anyone forget: the salami technique takes time.


    In the meantime, all and every should make an effort to spread the word about the Cantor effect: amnesty schemes are career enders.

    While Silicon Valley is massively Democrat, perhaps prolonged unemployment will school the software set.

    While generally very high in IQ, programmers are staggeringly naive inre politics, history, and all the rest. It’s the price they pay for nerding out.

    You’ll witness a LOT of that in academe.

    Loathe to admit it: most professors are political sheep. Savant idiots — almost to a brain.

    They DO like the Democrat party’s pretensions to sophistication. Naively, they take such airs at face value.


    Lest any forget: Barry has set the nation on a course for Detroit.

    This means that America MUST crack up. It’s happened through out time — across all societies. We’re not quite that special.

    More than you might bear to think: we’re being done in by patronage.

  24. Will Republicans go after the lawlessness or will they just try to smooth things over. My bet is on the latter unfortunately. The establishment types are just that stupid.

  25. Germany has moved closer to getting its first state governor from a party with communist roots as the 25th anniversary of the Berlin Wall’s fall approaches. Germany’s main center-left party, the Social Democrats, said Tuesday a party ballot in eastern Thuringia state showed 70 percent favoring negotiations to join a regional government led by Left Party candidate Bodo Ramelow

  26. A classic comment on this year’s elections (following the Hollywood Reporter’s rather hostile interview of Sharyl Attkinson published 11/3):

    “Are you more likely to be diseased or beheaded now than you were 6 years ago?”

  27. “Are you more likely to be diseased or beheaded now than you were 6 years ago?”

    Speaking of beheadings, Jihad John has been very quiet lately. I wonder why? Is it because the next in line is so very sincere in his conversion and even big wigs in the global jihad have asked ISIS to spare him? Is it because the overall beheading campaign caused the bombs, sporadic as they are, to drop? I find their lack of recent activity to be suspect. Anyway – I am not sure what will happen if GOP wins big except for this: the media will begin demonizing them tomorrow and will lay the ground work for a democrat rout in 2016.

  28. TWITCHY has an excellent report of liberal harassment of Ernst, (a group of hecklers showed up)
    she was rescued by miitary bros who shouted them down with, JONI, JONI,

  29. Hubby & I just got back from polling place
    brisk traffic, vehicular & otherwise
    I gave the thumbs up to conservative sign holders
    as I exited, & got a “Thank You”

  30. ” … cautiously optimistic.”

    Yes, at best.

    If the client class becomes alarmed over supposed threats to their government issue feedbags, it could be another story.

  31. Just got back from voting for Governor of Wisconsin–Scott Walker. I have been surprised how close the election here appears to be. His opponent, Mary Burke, has few qualifications, yet the poles are close . . . Lots of nasty negative tv ads on both sides. Burke will get the Milwaukee and Madison votes, so it will take a lot of voters from small towns and rural areas to make up for that.

  32. I dimpled Absentee chads here in Winter Park, Florida, to keep the smarmy, cringe inducing, unctuous Charlie Crist OUT of the Gov’s residence. And, AGAINST his Lord & Keeper John Morgan, Scheister at Law, getting State Stoning(Cough)”Medical” MaryJane passed.

  33. Anybody know if Senate hearings have more teeth than House hearings? Do they have additional power?

    Same question for joint Congressional hearings.

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