Home » Irony, thy name is Obama


Irony, thy name is Obama — 51 Comments

  1. And four years later, he mocked Hillary because her health insurance plan required everyone to buy insurance. I’ve looked for this on video, but it’s been scrubbed. “My plan is different, because I don’t believe in forcing folks to buy things.”

    I’ve learned that whenever he makes a statement like this, he has plans actually in the works to do the opposite. He’s quite comfortable relying on his friends in the media to cover for him, and they’ve certainly come through.

  2. the constituency sides with what is SAID, not caring what is actually done… they assume what is said IS done… this is what changed a coworker of mine from leftist idiot to not left… i just said stop voting unless the OUTCOME is what is said without excuse, otherwise, your voting for A, but getting Z instead… vote for freedom, get slavery

  3. He did win an Oscar for it, Neo. The biggest, most exclusive Oscar there is.

    (He also won a Nobel Prize for it.)

    President Obama may, in fact, earn a place in the history books, as the quintessential example of a man who reached the top by talking, without ever actually doing anything.

  4. Someone wrote the speech & the robot Obama merely needed to deliver it. The speech writer was sure to highlight all the significant points that qualified history teaches would emphasize when instructing about the
    exceptionalism of America, stuff that us average voters hold near & dear & support. Things we want to see nurtured & maintained in this country.
    But the Leftisits know the important thing is to *get the prize* then do as they want. Obama with his disdain for America was the perfect *manchurian candidate*.
    Hope & Change. Knave not fool .

  5. What is clear, absolutely clear, is Ophilia, like all others of his ilk, bent gauche, are irony deficient; a prerequisite to all posturing and pretense — personal convictions radically contradictory, even antithetical. As Artfldgr notes, it’s what is said that counts. LibProgLeftists can never lose an argument so long as they stick to abstract political platitudes. There lies their self-righteous superiority. There lies the ignoble political process.

  6. We all already know this, but for the record I just had to list it.


    “we can say what we think, write what we think, without hearing a sudden knock on the door”

    Counterpoint: Nakoula Bassely Nakoula


    “we can participate in the political process without fear of retribution”


    “The other regents will soon learn about being audited by the IRS” (Commencement at ASU, May 2013)

    “True the Vote Founder: DOJ Scrutinized Us after IRS Filing” (Headline breitbart.com 5/14/2013)

  7. “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” Joseph Goebbels

  8. Cast
    Don Quixote: The leftists
    Pancho Villa: The not left
    The Giants on the hill: Obamas distractions
    “Destiny guides our fortunes more favorably than we could have expected. Look there, Sancho Panza, my friend, and see those thirty or so wild giants, with whom I intend to do battle and kill each and all of them, so with their stolen booty we can begin to enrich ourselves. This is nobel, righteous warfare, for it is wonderfully useful to God to have such an evil race wiped from the face of the earth.”
    “What giants?” Asked Sancho Panza.
    “The ones you can see over there,” answered his master, “with the huge arms, some of which are very nearly two leagues long.”
    “Now look, your grace,” said Sancho, “what you see over there aren’t giants, but windmills, and what seems to be arms are just their sails, that go around in the wind and turn the generators providing green power.”
    “Obviously,” replied Don Quijote, “you don’t know much about adventures.”

    ― Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Don Quixote
    “It’s up to brave hearts, sir, to be patient when things are going badly, as well as being happy when they’re going well … For I’ve heard that what they call fortune is a flighty woman who drinks too much, and, what’s more, she’s blind, so she can’t see what she’s doing, and she doesn’t know who she’s knocking over or who she’s raising up.”
    ― Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Don Quixote

  9. Reading neo’s highlights from Obama’s 2004 speech, the old saying came to mind; “The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake that, you’ve got it made.” Hippolyte Jean Giraudoux (1882—1944) French novelist, essayist, diplomat and playwright.

  10. Pingback:HISTORIC IRONY: Looking back at Obama’s 2004 nominating speech. “Reading it now I could almost wee… | CRAGIN MEDIA

  11. the guy told everybody in 2008 what his plans of destruction were. fundamental changes, didn’t agree with the Constitution, would destroy the healthcare system, raise energy prices, side with islam. yes he said it all ans why is anybody surprised. he told those who were listening he hated the country and wanted payback.

  12. A life long Republican, I called a friend in Chicago the night after Obama spoke at the 2004 Convention and said, ” I just heard the first African American who will become President of the United States. He gets it !”

    As a child of the 60s who heard MLK speak in 1965, I encouraged all I knew to vote for Senator Obama for President. The time for racism and the excuses for failure because of racism would be over.

    It was all hype. He wasn’t qualified to become President and we now have experienced 28 years of mediocre leadership at the top. What a price we have paid as a society.

  13. I did watch it and remember it well. He was also acting on race relations, talking about bringing the country together and parental responsibility, blah blah…

  14. It was all Bill Ayers, wasn’t it. When he got too hot, Valerie found treacly John Favreau.
    Say what you want, Billy Boy got the words….

  15. “I encouraged all I knew to vote for Senator Obama for President. “ Rick Rodgers

    As a “lifelong republican” with presumably conservative tendencies, how could you not realize that it was “all hype”?

    His lack of qualifications, his history, his votes for infanticide and, his many other deficits were all over the internet and FOX.

    The “time for racism and the excuses for failure because of racism” were over LONG BEFORE Obama. Only deeply entrenched “white guilt” could explain someone thinking that racism had NOT long departed from the American norm.

    News flash! Since Hollywood’s stars have long been and arguably, still are America’s ‘royalty’ with only sports stars potential rivals, racist societies do NOT create and promote a black sports and entertainment elite.

    Willful blindness may prevent a charge of responsibility but it cannot absolve you of complicity.

  16. Thank you for this rare opportunity to comment on Obama’s 2004 speech to the DNC.

    As I focused attentively on both his appearance and words, I knew right away that he was an utter liar.

    It’s nice to be able to say somewhere at last, after more than a decade.

  17. All these nice comments are spoken on John Kerry’s behalf. They were never intended to be Obama’s intentions.

  18. It is appreciated, your attention to the deceptiveness, however, this is what I have never understood.
    In 2008 it was brought to the attention of those Americans who opted NOT to divert their eyes from it, information about Obama’s:
    1.) 22 year relationship with a hateful reverend and his “church” in Chicago. Obama was married by rev. Wright. Obama’s children were baptized by this man.
    2.) Dedication to Saul Alinsky and his teachings, his ideas, his methods of “community organizing”.
    3.) relationship with Bill Ayers, a unrepentant terrorist and radical who to this day is working to destroy the education system of America’s youth.
    4.) undisputed close ties to Rashid Khalidi, the former Director of Public Relations for Yasser Arafat’s PLO.
    5.) mentorship he received for years by known Communist, Frank Marshall Davis.
    …and many, many other controversial and highly questionable relationships, incidents, dealings with criminals, nefarious characters, ne’er-do-wells.
    I will never understand why this did not resonate with more Americans. Americans who would press for accountability and reconciliation prior to his taking the most powerful position as potus.
    I will never understand this.
    A speech in 2004? Political crap.
    Now, long-established relationships with hateful people, people who flirt with positions, or confirmed status, as enemies of our country. ENEMIES. Known Communists. Known terrorists. Known criminals. Known America-Haters.
    I will NEVER understand this.

  19. …and a man with no experience.
    Other than chiming in as a lowly state senator who made his mark not for writing legislation, not for taking difficult positions on strongly held convictions, BUT, for registering, “present” over ONE HUNDRED THIRTY (130) times.
    Great job, Liberals.
    Good going, Progressives.
    Cheerio, Leftists.
    And, not to ignore the yeoman’s job of our “Fourth Estate”, the mainstream media.

  20. @Clarityseeker,
    Some people ignored the warning signs because they didn’t want to see them.
    Also, there was a concerted effort to make Obama “cool,” and that worked.
    In other words, one of the main problems is that America has become deeply unserious. Many Americans no longer have the discipline to seek the truth, and are easily distracted.

  21. Geoffrey Britain:

    The art of manipulating perception and “opiates” to suppress people’s intellectual function. Unfortunately, both parties have engaged in this abusive behavior, but Democrats are especially brazen.

  22. Matt, with all due respect, you make it sound so simple. I was looking for something convoluted.
    Indeed, if it is as you suggest, I stubbornly maintain my comment; “I will never understand it.”

  23. @Clarityseeker what Matt SE says happened in my own circle, I asked the 4, 30 yr olds & 21 yr olds that I m
    related to why they voted for Obama & they responded that he was “cool” & “there is no such thing as Communists anymore”.
    The Lefts usual ploy of casting off any term that begins to get negative. I expect this will happen to
    *Common Core* soon, because now its basically a joke when someone makes a factual mistake they get accused of having a Common Core education.

  24. We have real enemies in the world. These enemies must be found. They must be pursued. And they must be defeated.

    He meant every word of that. But, he was talking about Republicans, conservatives, and constitutionalists, though, and not anybody else.

  25. Do you ever get the idea the Democrats were playing the long game here and setting Obama up for 2008? I’ve believed, for a long time, the Democrats actually wanted Obama to be Hillary’s Vice-President but the primary voters fooled them and put him out there as the Presidential candidate. Once they settled on the First Black President and any criticism was racist, the rest was history.

    I expect the Democrats to pull the same thing, if Hillary runs. They’ll nominate Julian Castro for her vice-president and talk about the first woman and first Hispanic. I don’t think it will work, but I do know they’ll try any optic to win the Presidency again.

  26. That quote from Goebbels hit the nail on the head. I suspect he had far more influence on dear leader’s education than Saul Alinsky (who everyone knows everything about but no one has never read).

    Obama owes his election to the most immature electorate in history. 70 years of incredible prosperity and relative peace has produced a nation of adolescents who select Presidents like a child craving a flashy toy he sees in a store window. Content be damned, it’s the appearance, self-esteem and today’s fashion that matter.

    What will happen when the real world intrudes harshly? Will Obama be able to charm his way out of a series of unfortunate events?

  27. “What will happen when the real world intrudes harshly? Will Obama be able to charm his way out of a series of unfortunate events?” Bob from VA

    Nah, he doesn’t need charm any more. Instead, he’ll bluster out of both sides of his mouth, basically saying to those with ears to comprehend; ‘it’s just America’s chickens coming home to roost…’ Maybe, he’ll even draw another red line.

  28. I reserved judgement on Obama early on, perhaps a bit more skeptical than our esteemed blogger but still wondering if he really understood the import of what he was saying. It gradually became clear that he did not, but I didn’t see what I would consider incontravertible proof of his phoniness until news came out (not in the MSM of course) of the Annenberg challenge. $120 million down the toilet and not even an inkling that there is something wrong with that. So proof was out there long before his election to POTUS. The only thing that has surprised me since has been the depth of his incompetence due to a rigid inability to re-examine stock leftist assumptions in his thinking (which was good news when it made him incompetent at being a tyrant).

  29. @spencer, we are of the mind that the Left agenda is applicable to the entire herd, & goals ostensibly intended for John Kerry in 2004 are interchangable
    with goals of 2008. 2012 Barack Obama.

  30. M. Rad:

    The first time I ever heard of Obama, or heard him speak, was shortly after he declared his candidacy for the 2008 presidential race. Within a very short time of first hearing Obama speak, I noticed a number of things that made me very very wary and skeptical. By the time the 2008 election rolled around I felt he was a leftist, a liar, a racemonger, and a narcissist.

    As I wrote in this post, I did not see his speech during the 2004 convention. So I’m not describing my changed feelings from when I first heard the speech in 2004, because I didn’t hear the speech in 2004. What I’m describing is going back and reading that speech in its entirety for the first time recently, knowing what I know now, and finding what he said to be highly ironic in the light of everything that’s happened since.

  31. “…I encouraged all I knew to vote for Senator Obama for President. The time for racism and the excuses for failure because of racism would be over.”
    –Rick Rodgers

    Everyone who voted for Obama because he is black is a racist. Every. Single. One.

    Just out of curiousity, Rick Rodgers, when speculation was rife that Colin Powell would run for President in 2000 (and he probably would have won if he had), what if anything did you do to encourage him?

    One last point, you can console yourself that despite your horrible misjudgement of Obama “the excuses for failure because of racism” are over. Not only did a black get elected over a more competent, more patriotic white man, the black candidate also got re-elected over a more competent, more patriotic white man.

  32. And to this do and on into the future, academics, opinion leaders, intellectuals, and talking heads will speak or write about their mystification about Obama who isn’t doing what he said he would do or who isn’t doing what a president ought to do.

    Because they are too stupid to learn lessons from Obama’s deeds.

    Stupid or in on it, there’s no third way.

  33. Previously a lifelong Democrat, born in New York and living in New England, surrounded by liberals on all sides, I’ve found myself slowly but surely leaving the fold and becoming that dread thing: a neocon.

    So you’re the idiot that gave us this Progressive Black nationalist for a President.

    In other words, you’re the neo-con that gives neo-cons a bad name.

    Stop calling yourself a ‘neo-con” and just call yourself a “progressive” which is what you are. Nothing is more infuriating than watching liberals try to re-brand themselves every generation in order to appropriate the credibility of people smarter than themselves.

  34. I should have added ” Nothing is more infuriating than watching liberals try to re-brand themselves every generation in order to appropriate the credibility of people smarter than themselves – and whom they called “racists”, “nazis”, “stupid” and all other manner of empty-headed vitriol for no other reason than Progressives never had a coherent counter-argument.

    Conservative: “Barack Hussein Obama is a Socialist and a born-and-raised Muslim pretending to be a Christian.”

    Progressive: ” Ummm…ummm…umm RACIST!”

  35. When it comes to politicians, always look at their deeds. Pay no attention to their words.

    Obama’s true nature was revealed when he took his first job as a lawyer. It was with a law firm that made a speciality of defending slum lords with roach and rat-infested apartments. Some of those slum lords remain his friends right up to the present.

    That’s all you need to know to understand Obama. He is evil to the bone.

  36. Geoffrey Britain: As a “lifelong republican” with presumably conservative tendencies, how could you not realize that it was “all hype”?

    His lack of qualifications, his history, his votes for infanticide and, his many other deficits were all over the internet and FOX.

    it was easy… he just ignored “the international” being played at the rallies, the large columns and leni riefenstahl type imagry, the faux venets trying to equate him with the holy host, the fawning, his inability to talk without someone else writing, the juvinile F finger nose scratching, the playing with his nose like a cocaine addict, the gay men who suddenly died post bathouse, choom gang, the lifelong company he kept, the russian language class that his parents met at, the lying to get free financial aid as a student, the OBVIOUSLY doctored birth certificate with wrong numbers and scanned layout with letters that have halos, the connections to soros, etc.

    it was THAT easy…

  37. In past generations we could likely have counted on the majority of large number of knowledgeable voter’s perceptions to be true, and for them to set things right; not so today.

    We are living at the confluence of several historical, political, and economic trends–some deliberate and planned, some not– that have changed the perceptions, knowledge base, and character of a large percentage, perhaps a majority, of the U.S. population, the “audience” of voters, and not for the better.

    Communist theoretician Antonio Gramsci’s generation’s long “long march though the institutions/culture”–like Sherman’s march through Georgia–has been a huge success, leaving the cultural and social wreckage or transmogrification of the traditional order we see all around us.

    Perhaps most effective has been the Gramscian attack against, infiltration, and takeover of our educational system, which has been churning out ever more deliberately undereducated, mis-educated, propagandized, blinded, and blinkered “graduates” for several generations now. These graduates, with their warped perceptions, deliberately limited knowledge base and meager or non-existent analytical skills, now form a large fraction of the audience.

    The similarly infiltrated, subverted, and taken over “Entertainment Industry” and the MSM create, maintain, and keep the Gramscian world view and narrative alive, and on track.

    Then, as noted above, there has been our extraordinary run of seven decades of relative peace and unprecedented prosperity, backed up by no major invasion of our homeland since the British did so in the War of 1812, and no major war on our soil since the Civil War of the 1860s, all of which has lulled us to sleep and dulled our survival instincts.

    We are enormously and profoundly changed since the days sof our founding.

    Add to the mix the human tendency to be lazy, to want things to be easy, and our tendency to want free stuff and you can see why old Benjamin Franklin, realist that he was, remarked:

    “When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.”

    Many of us now, perhaps unconsciously, believe that all those bad things that happened to other peoples and countries in other times and places–the revolutions, the invasions and wars, the dictatorships, the famines, and the whole catalog of misery and calamity–if we even know of them– “Can’t Happen Here.”

    Oblivious, they believe we live a “charmed life,” and that no radical changes are needed.

    Can we right our “Ship of State” and turn it back on the right course and in the right direction?

    Well, if enough of us even know and understand the concept of the “Ship of State,” if enough of us see that there has been a mutiny, that the ship is in bad repair, is listing perilously hard to port, and that we are headed in exactly the wrong direction.

    If enough of us remember the correct direction to steer in, and also want to navigate back to our homeport.

  38. So you’re the idiot that gave us this Progressive Black nationalist for a President.

    Terry: if you’re referring to our hostess, you’re dead wrong. She was against Obama in early 2008, if not sooner, and wrote about it quite extensively… right here. Have a look at the archives.

    I opposed Obama in 2008 because I thought he was a lightweight, someone who talked purty but had never actually accomplished anything — and I suspected that he was a pathological liar. Neo used that as a starting point and did far more research than I had been willing to do — and, for example, uncovered the dirty Chicago politics that got him elected in Illinois.

  39. All of the material quoted is vintage Obama, and completely consistent with the dreck we’ve gotten from him ever since. Any moderate or conservative who found the ’04 nomination speech to be inspiring or indicative of the emergence of a capable leader was shockingly naive.

    “That our votes will be counted . . . at least most of the time” was a clear reference to Florida ’00 and shows that he was all about throwing red meat to the base under cover of polite words.

    “John Kerry believes in an America where hard work is rewarded. So instead of offering tax breaks to companies shipping jobs overseas, he offers them to companies creating jobs here at home.”

    Rubbish. John Kerry has never believed that hard work should be rewarded. His personal path to success was to marry rich woman and then pretend to be of Irish descent so he could play well in Boston. The whole thing about ‘tax breaks for companies shipping jobs overseas’ is consistent left wing agitprop. They keep using it election after election despite the fact that no such ‘tax break’ exists.

    “Held hostage to the profits of the oil companies”

    What does that even mean? Nothing. But it gives a little thrill to those know-nothings who hate ‘evil corporations.’

    Obama’s speech in ’04 — just like every speech since — was a web of lies, misrepresentations, straw men, demagoguery, platitudes and insincere posturing. He was and is a fraud, and he was speaking in support of a fraud and a fool.

  40. Just a couple of random comments. As I was not following politics closely back then I did not know of Obama before he seemingly popped up out of nowhere in time for the 2008 election. I wondered how anyone with so little actual accomplishment with a somewhat oddly shady past could even be put up as a presidential candidate. I know people who voted for him for the sole reason of wanting to be a part of history: electing a (half) black president. I thought, “That’s technically racist – you voted based on skin color alone. Given two candidates, you voted for the one with dark skin, because he has dark skin, vs the one who did not have dark skin.” Of course they didn’t see it that way. But it was another year or two when events started to make me suspect actual evil intent, vs random stupidity and inexperience.

    We are surrounded by simpletons who actually believe in perceived intent instead of actual outcome. That’s how Obama gets away with saying one thing while blatantly doing the opposite, or pursuing policy that is guaranteed to fail. Obama says it, they take away what they want to believe from it, and whatever ends up happening doesn’t change what Obama said and what they believe. You end up with the ridiculous situation we have now where Obama and his administration breaks things left and right but those who choose to believe in him blame things breaking on the actions – or at this point, sometimes just the mere existence – of political enemies.

  41. I saw that speech, I recalled he looked cock sure and like he never worked a day in his life.
    He was also introduced by the media announcer as born in Kenya but raised in the US but my memory sometimes misfires.

  42. Dark Helmet:

    Good description.

    As I said, I didn’t see or hear the speech at the time, so I have no idea how I would have reacted to it in 2004. I didn’t hear of Obama until he was a candidate in 2008, but rather quickly I grew to distrust him.

    I wrote a two-part series about the process here.

  43. Walla Dalbo

    Can we right our “Ship of State” and turn it back on the right course and in the right direction?

    Well, if enough of us even know and understand the concept of the “Ship of State,” if enough of us see that there has been a mutiny, that the ship is in bad repair, is listing perilously hard to port, and that we are headed in exactly the wrong direction.

    If enough of us remember the correct direction to steer in, and also want to navigate back to our homeport.

    ACA rationing care and speeding up end of life is to prevent that… which is why its so critical…. when the fit hits the shan, the people will naturally gravitate towards those who would know and act accordingly. but if they no longer exist… their memory gone… then what?

  44. Terry:

    So you’re the guy who doesn’t pay close attention to what people write.

    I started this blog in 2004, a couple of years after my political conversion (a process which had begun with 9/11 and taken about 2 years). I never supported, liked, or trusted Obama, and I certainly didn’t vote for him. In this post, I wrote that I didn’t hear his speech in 2004 and never heard of him till he declared his candidacy in 2008, and nothing I wrote here indicates a moment of support for him.

    As I wrote in this comment, this post is the first time I actually looked at that speech, and I find what he said there ironic in light of everything that’s happened in his presidency.

    If you’re actually interested in the evolution of my opinions about Obama, read this 2-part series I wrote in July of 2009. Quite a while before the 2008 election I distrusted Obama and considered him a leftist, a liar, and a narcissist.

  45. Off topic & on a charming & hopeful note those of us with a religious persuasion might want to Google
    Religious icons on the space station
    Gotta love those Ruskies, I thought their Commie founding fathers bragged about engineering the first Atheist Nation on earth.
    Anyway there they are smiling unabashedly in front of their shrine, with Christ, & the Madonna, some catholic obviously donated a crucifix as well.
    So if Russia survived all the abuse heaped on it
    all those years we can too !

  46. In President Obama’s latest move using executive authority to tackle climate change, administration officials will announce plans this week to impose new regulations on the oil and gas industry’s emissions of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, according to a person familiar with Mr. Obama’s plans. The administration’s goal is to cut methane emissions from oil and gas production by up to 45 percent by 2025 from the levels recorded in 2012

    burn it… burn all of it

    CH4 + 2(O2) –> C02 + 2(H2O)

    voila… instant solution…

    ultimately water is the reason why methane is bad as it will react with OH and make the same thing as burning. however, given the regulation, burning it at the source WILL be what they do

    hows that for IRONY…

  47. Kerry believes in energy independence, so we aren’t held hostage to the profits of oil companies or the sabotage of foreign oil fields…
    As Neo points out, Obama was being deceptive. He was simply reciting a speech, not stating anything that he actually supported. To help document how the above statement was an example of Obama BSing us, I present the following.
    During the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama considered domestic drilling to be unnecessary:

    There are things you can do individually, though, to save energy. Making sure your tires are properly inflated – simple thing. But we could save all the oil that they’re talking about getting off drilling – if everybody was just inflating their tires? And getting regular tune-ups? You’d actually save just as much!

    No need to drill for gas or oil. Just inflate your tires and get tuneups. Utter ignorance. It is certainly not the attitude of someone with a positive attitude towards domestic drilling for gas and oil.
    Obama in 2012: WEEKLY ADDRESS: An All-Of-The-Above Approach to American Energy:

    Now, some politicians always see this as a political opportunity. And since it’s an election year, they’re already dusting off their three-point plans for $2 gas. I’ll save you the suspense: Step one is drill, step two is drill, and step three is keep drilling. We hear the same thing every year.

    Well the American people aren’t stupid. You know that’s not a plan — especially since we’re already drilling. It’s a bumper sticker. It’s not a strategy to solve our energy challenge. It’s a strategy to get politicians through an election.

    That is a straw-man argument. Look at George W. Bush. Obama would undoubtedly label good ol’ Dubya as the paradigm of the so-called “drill, drill and only drill” approach in Obama’s strawman argument. Governor Bush supported and helped push through a bill through the Texas legislature which supported wind energy. Result: Texas has the most wind energy production in the country.

    From Obama’s 2012 address:

    You know there are no quick fixes to this problem, and you know we can’t just drill our way to lower gas[oline] prices.

    Summation of Obama in 2008 and 2012: drilling is not necessary, and it won’t work. Further summary of Obama in 2008 and 2012: when it comes to energy, he doesn’t know from nothing.
    Also from his “All of the Above” statement in 2012:

    Now, we absolutely need safe, responsible oil production here in America. That’s why under my Administration, America is producing more oil today than at any time in the last eight years. In 2010, our dependence on foreign oil was under 50% for the first time in more than a decade.

    That increase in domestic production has come about with no thanks to the Obama Administration. None of the increase in domestic production comes from leases on government-owned lands.

    The Obama Administration’s reaction to the Macondo/BP blowout shows its indifference to hostility towards domestic drilling. A panel of experts recommended that drilling in the Gulf continue after the blowout, with good reason. BP violated a slew of industry accepted practices in blowing out the Macondo well. [Truly a company that correctly billed itself as Beyond Petroleum, as in beyond accepted petroleum industry practices. Not just at Macondo. either. I heard some stories from somone who retired from BP.] Follow those accepted practices, and you shouldn’t have such a problem. Shut BP down- yes- but not the others. But Interior Secretary Salazar, undoubtedly with the approval of President Obama, shut down drilling in the Gulf, falsely claiming that the expert panel had recommended such a shutdown.

    Summation: Obama’s 2004 statement about energy was simply something for him to recite, not something that reflected his opinions on energy. Deceptive? Hell, yes.


  48. Jacques Brel predicted the rise of Obama in the ’60s:

    “If I could be for only a moment,
    If I could be for one moment each day.
    If i could be for just one little moment —
    Cute, cute, cute in a stupid-ass way!”

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