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Stunning disloyalty — 29 Comments

  1. The fact that Obama appears to have no real friends suggests he is not a likeable guy. Good relations with his advisers might have tempered their criticisms or at least the timing.

  2. Mr. Frank:

    And yet it was clear even before he was elected in 2008 that he had almost no friends (unless you count Rezko, Axelrod, and other pretty sleazy characters). Therefore that he was not likeable.

    That’s the thing that keeps puzzling me. It should have been obvious to anyone with any ability to judge character.

    And I don’t think that wanting to elect a black person accounts for the ignoring of the negative qualities that this particular black person was exhibiting.

  3. Milbank is making a plea for team spirit right in front of the ‘big game.’

    He’s a True Believer.

  4. The difference between Obama and a lot of these Democrats is that they genuinely care about the country. Whatever faults Dianne Feinstein has, she cares about the health and safety of the American republic and its people. I’m sure Leon Panetta does, too. They’re what I call old-school Democrats. Foreign policy is about protecting this country, not kowtowing to other coutnries. Obama, not so much. He and the other new Democrats really don’t relate to America and its historic values. They are much more concerned with PC crap than that.

  5. Stunning disloyalty to President Obama. Righteous rebukes to that reckless cowboy Bush. Once again the tribes, and all is tribal in these people’s worlds. Of course, I don’t think I have ever seen any steady thinking on Dana Milbank’s part.

    Neo, your response was exactly the same as my reaction upon reading this twaddle this morning. No wonder the people are in such an unsettled mood, it’s apparent that loyalty to country and its best interests is treated as a joke compared to tactical political loyalties. The tribes have trumped the nation.

  6. Jake:

    Yes, of course they’re preparing for a Clinton run. That’s what I meant when I said they were making sure they get the “positions they deserve.”

    But my point is: is that ALL they’re doing? Is it all self-serving politics? Just in the tactical sense, to trash Obama so strongly (and Panetta has said some very negative things about him) damages the Democratic brand. If Obama is bad, why support another liberal? Hillary Clinton may try to distance herself from Obama, but she is inextricably linked to his administration and in particular to his foreign policy.

    I happen to think that Panetta’s criticism was strong enough that it was motivated by actual patriotism and genuine alarm—as well as a desire to elect Hillary.

  7. Might it be that Panetta’s attack was because of Obama’s damaging of the Democrat’s brand? They’re worried at the moment.

  8. Don’t be a panty waste and become thought fodder. These people aren’t harshing on his mellow for any good reason. There is the self-serving aspect, of course. Mostly it is trying to distance the generic Dem party from the sinking ship. It is a mere, and typical, political ploy for a dead to the polls president. It is simply meant to try to convince the uninformed and otherwise fanyboy Dems and “undecided” voters, that they can still vote for the Dem party… because Zero isn’t it. It isn’t even just a leftist thing. Middle of the roaders, Republicans that is, have done that with outgoing presidents, of the two term variety anyway.

    It reminds me of when revisionists suggest, while still supporting somehow, leaders like Stalin and even Hitler (if the latter was dropped pretty quickly, since he lost). Don’t hate socialism/communism, they say, because of a few bad apples (even while they mostly support these very “leaders”). There is a “good” socialism/communism, just you wait and see, they say. Same game, different day.

  9. Doom:

    It has nothing to do with my evaluation of Democrats or liberals as to whether I support them, politically.

    But it’s the old argument as to whether some have good motives, or have good motives at least sometimes. Of course they do. Some. It makes no difference to me in terms of what I think about the policies they espouse.

    And I think the level of cynical analysis Milbank shows is destructive, as well.

  10. And I should add that Leon is a Santa Clara Bronco for BA and JD.

    He is at an age where he has the best interests of the country at heart. Maybe he wants to swing the Senate to the GOP and contain Obama.

    He is, of course, a Clinton loyalist but HRC would be BHO’s third term.

  11. Stunning?
    You can count on tell-all books from most key members of any given presidential administration like clockwork.

    What also will not be stunning is the next Bob Woodward inside scoop book about how the Obama admin works. He’s already done one, so I imagine he’s got another in the works.

  12. Four years ago it would have been stunning, it’s not like these folks couldn’t see where things were going. How come there were no resignations? But better late than never, I suppose.

    Dan Milbank is a journalist, he has probably never met a confessed patriot and wouldn’t have any idea what might motivate such a person.

  13. The idea that politics isn’t about the ethical conduct of the nation and its survival, when that got separated the Left was already winning.

  14. Frankly, I hope I live long enough for all the really juicy tell-all books published by insiders to this administration come out. Not just the *ss-covering memoirs by the top echelon in an attempt to prove that everyone was wrong but them – but the memoirs by low-ranking support staff. I’d be tempted to pay full-price, even – to find out what the White House house-keeping staff experienced and thought of the Obamas. Here’s hoping that there is some modern Procopius, dipping a pen into a vial of acid social observation, ready to give us the new Secret History.

  15. Dana Milbank? I think I read something he wrote several years ago. Then I realized that I had wasted several valuable minutes when I could have been reading the comics.

    Having said that; I will repeat what I have said here and there previously. I have no great respect for Panetta. I consider him a political hack, who will walk the extra mile–to further the interests of Leon Panetta.

    Panetta and H. R. Clinton, simply powerless pawns on Obama’s board; or they would now have us believe.

    My opinion of Panetta is still influenced by knowledge that at the time that the VA was turning away wounded warriors, Panetta as SECDEF, insisted that he have a DOD jet transport–one of those configured for VIP travel–to take him to and from his home in Monterey, Ca every weekend. Pelosi demanded another one to whisk her back and forth between DC and San Francisco when she was Speaker. They are the type of public servants who feels completely entitled to slop at the public trough in grand style.

  16. “isn’t it also possible that the “disloyalty” to the president that Milbank refers to as “stunning” is also motivated by some degree of loyalty to the US, the world, and its people?”


    Okay, yes though with a qualifier. Their patriotism is to the ‘blue’ tribe. As far as they’re concerned the red tribe are worse than any external enemy, as Ben Affleck the other day, once again affirmed. For such as they, politics does NOT ‘stop at the water’s edge’ and that is what makes them TWANLOC. They have absolutely no loyalty to the concept of America or to any American who is not of the blue tribe.

  17. You have show loyalty to get loyalty as a president. Watching this particular president show no hesitation to throw his own subordinates under the bus, I think Panetta is simply doing the smart thing and tossing Obama under the bus first.

  18. The Blue Team is throwing Barry Soetoro under the bus.

    A Google pilot is now in charge.

  19. Fun fact: Leon Panetta started out his political life as a Republican, a John Lindsay Republican, granted, but a Republican nonetheless. He even worked for Nixon for a while before resigning because, he says, Nixon wasn’t pushing civil rights hard enough.

    Wikipedia has a pretty good account of his political pilgrimage, for those who are interested in the details.

  20. Sgt. Mom: ” I hope I live long enough for all the really juicy tell-all books published by insiders to this administration come out”

    Yes, I agree, something along the lines of:

    Dereliction of Duty: Eyewitness Account of How Bill Clinton Compromised America’s National Security

    I hope that I am wrong on this; but, sadly, such reading about the Obama years might be a look back at what greatness America has lost. Or, in the very least, stories about missed opportunities.

    You can bet that if Obama writes his memoirs after leaving office he will throw everyone under the bus, blame Bush and Fox News, and cry that Americans are all still racists at heart.

  21. Disappointed. No news from Leon other than the fact that DoD recommended all sorts of sanctions and other things against Russia and Obama did nothing.

  22. Charles
    You can bet that if Obama writes his memoirs after leaving office he will throw everyone under the bus, blame Bush and Fox News, and cry that Americans are all still racists at heart.

    You betcha. The only question being how long the blame line will be.

  23. I also am inclined to suspect that all these memoirs are building the Clinton platform and putting as much space as possible between Hillary and Obama. I wolud be willing to bet that her campaign will call her a “moderate” and argue for a return to sensible middle ground. Watch for others to fall on their sword over Benghazi so that Hillary C is exonerated.

  24. Let’s hope there are some patriots left.

    There are some left. DC is getting em killed in Iraq and Afghanistan as we speak. Soon to be Africa too, maybe.

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