Home » Another British aid worker beheaded by ISIS


Another British aid worker beheaded by ISIS — 23 Comments

  1. Yep. As I said before, you can expect a steady parade of atrocities for the near future.
    Maybe ISIS will eventually run out of westerners to behead.

  2. Our peace operations in Iraq were and in Afghanistan have been intrinsically characterized by “altruistic people whose motives are nothing but good” and “trying to help others”.

    Yet, because folks like Neta Crawford at the “Costs of War” project who blame our peace operations for the costs caused by the terrorists are cited as moral authority, people have become muddled about good guys and bad guys, who is which, what’s to blame, and what all should be done about it.

  3. While I am glad and welcome the remarks of Saudi Arabia’s grand mufti (and may we see an avalanche of such public opinion) we should not forget Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem at the time of Hitler who encouraged him to engage “the final solution”. I’ve just come from a manicure appointment where I was having a nice conversation with another client and the news came on about the beheading and she stated that ISIL is not Islam. I said, “yes, it is”. And lo and behold she said she is a Muslim and that is not Islam. No where in the teachings does it call for that behavior. I said, I understood that the fundamentalists such as ISIL believe that it does. She further demurred, offering that ISIL kills other Muslims. I pointed out that Muslims have been killing other Muslims since Mohammed died. I then said I was a Catholic and many Christians think I am not a Christian, but none of them want to kill me because of it. A noticeable silence permeated the salon at that point. This notion that ISIL is not Islam is palpable. For those that pray, prayers for our military are needed.

  4. I wonder how much aid will be coming from the west after these kind of attacks. Personally, I wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire, and sincerely wish I had my own personal Hellfire-equipped drone.

  5. And why do they feel it is ok to murder UK and US citizens? Because they know Obama won’t do anything about it.

  6. people have become muddled about good guys and bad guys, who is which, what’s to blame, and what all should be done about it

    The horror of beheading, though, is very easy to grasp, and I’m sure has done a lot to remove that muddle from many minds.

  7. Ann,

    A lot of those minds, though, have been convinced that the US military is cause or at least inflamer rather than cure.

  8. And lo and behold she said she is a Muslim and that is not Islam.

    Her controllers have told her to mouth these things.

    But she would never say that “I’m an American, and I know the President isn’t American”.

    She’s got her own chain of command going on and obeys orders. But she would not question her own superiors on this matter. The idea that one Muslim gets to tell the upper level Muslim agents closer to Allah what to do isn’t…. acceptable dogma to people. And they know it, they just pretend otherwise.

  9. Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Aziz al-Sheikh:

    The thing is, Saudi Arabia just arrested a bunch of Christians in a town there. And they have never been heard from since.

    So he may dislike ISIL’s extremism, but that’s no to say they lack Allah ness when it comes to treating unbelievers and heretics.

  10. Ann said in a comment above that,“The horror of beheading, though, is very easy to grasp, and I’m sure has done a lot to remove that muddle from many minds.”

    I honestly wish that were true. It probably is for some. Unfortunately, many are still muddled, even in the face of such blatant evil.

    Far too many have swallowed the Kool-aid and are now blinded by moral-equivalency and leftist cant. Not to mention an outright refusal to face the reality (and gravity) of today’s situation.

  11. Many people didn’t watch him get beheaded, just right before. So it doesn’t penetrate. It’s like the 9/11 images. They don’t want to show the “real deal” because that might trump the Left’s propaganda about a government agency planning the tower collapse.

    Although these days, if such agency exists, it would be run by Leftists. Back then, probably the same.

  12. While I would term ISIS as worse than feral…

    In a brutal way ISIS is illustrating the folly of do-gooder-ism in the Muslim Middle East.

    For, if you didn’t already know it, ISIS is not kidnapping these souls.

    Others are. Then they’re SELLING the victims to ISIS.

    Those capturing them, at retail, are as often as not, tied into the very crowds that they are attempting to help.

    This was also seen a generation ago in Afghanistan. Brown found out that Westerners (CIA agents) had to be ransomed back from the muj that those very agents had supplied with weapons.

    Those million dollar pay-days were just too much to turn down.

    OBL’s crew, in particular, — up in the northeast — were known to work this ‘line of business.’

    For obvious morale purposes, the CIA HAD to pay large to get their agents back out. They promptly changed their friends and enemies list.

    The kicker with Muslims is that the Koran and the craft of Mo’, himself, all sanction this behavior.


    There are COUNTLESS tales from Syria wherein Muslim neighbors known a lifetime INSTANTLY turn on their Christian neighbors and raze their hovels to the ground.

    All of this is, again, based upon Islamic doctrine.

    The West has to STOP sending aid to Muslim nations, especially food aid. It’s the true source of the relentless surge of unmarried Muslim males into Western Europe — and now, America.

    They have stopped farming, herding and much else.

    Now the youth is following in the footsteps of jihad.

    Muslim nations can NEVER get their economic and cultural act together, ever. That’s what a millennia of history tells us.

    Islam engenders poverty, hatred, war and deceit.

    Mixing it up with retail conflict is entirely wrong as a long term strategy. It simply does not work.

    Pulling up the draw bridges and eliminating food subsidies would go a long way towards bringing back peace and civility.

    However, as long as Putin and Soetoro are determined to spew weapons across the Muslim Middle East like Zardoz, there can be no peace.

    It’s notable that the Iraqi Army is STILL abandoning massive quantities of pristine military hardware to ISIS. The Long War Journal reports that a battalion of M-1 tanks was abandoned/ captured within the last few days. (!)

    Yet, STILL we never hear of any heavy tanks or howitzers being hit by Hellfire missiles — its primary function. Instead, our President is ceasing the purchase of this munition!

  13. I’m not sure where all this will end. Here in the USA, the apathy and indifference about this sort of pure evil compared to the indignation and spite which can easily be generated by any words or behavior that can twisted into seeming politically incorrect — well, I despair.

    Things are going to get worse.

  14. Sharon W hit the nail on the head in this passage:
    “She further demurred, offering that ISIL kills other Muslims. I pointed out that Muslims have been killing other Muslims since Mohammed died.”

    When knowledgeable Muslims and Obama claim that ISIS is not Islamic the only thing they reject about ISIS is their practice of killing other Muslims. Everything else ISIS does, including beheading infidel people like Alan Henning, raping women and using them as sex slaves and slaughtering their husbands and brothers is standard Islam. Their perfect man (the Muslim substitute for the Christian’s Jesus) did all those so no honest Muslim can condemn ISIS for doing exactly what Mohammad did.

    Muslims who claim that ISIS is not Islamic know that most Christians and Jews will not recognize the distinction. When this Muslim woman woman spoke up she knew those things but hoped to deceive the other customers about the true nature of Islam, takkiya.

    The Saudis are saying the same thing Sharon’s Muslim woman said but they are speaking to other Muslims and are deadly serious. The Saudi royalty know that ISIS will murder them if it ever gets the opportunity. Since they want to keep their own necks the Saudi royalty are trying to convince other Muslims that it is un-Islamic for ISIS to kill fellow Muslims.

    The Saudis are correct to the extent that Mohammad their perfect man didn’t murder other Muslims since his authority in Islam was completely unchallenged. However, because Mohammad didn’t leave Muslims a formula to choose a caliph after he died, war and murder among Muslims is inevitable since that is their only resource to work out the power structure whenever a power vacuum arises within the ummah. This struggle for power very early in the history of Islam is the source of the schism between the Sunni Muslims and the Shias.

  15. Beheadings and the like make the “more rubble, less trouble” viewpoint more and more attractive.

  16. It continues to be a mystery why anyone outside of the military or State department goes to any middle eastern country. It is also a mystery why the US continues to let Muslims into the US.

    We need to open up drilling for oil and gas EVERYWHERE. States should have no say in offshore drilling. In short order we wouldn’t need the middle east.

  17. The mystery isn’t really a mystery. It’s just a Leftist alliance op. If people don’t know the true nature of the Leftist alliance and what power it has in the US, then it might appear mysterious all these foreign and domestic policies.

  18. Kassig’s parents (Caucasian by the look of them) were on TV tonight, pleading for their son to be released.

    Unnervingly, the mother was dressed in muslim garb. What is up with that? If the Nazis had taken their son, would the father have worn an SS uniform to make a plea?

    And they’re trying to appeal to the monsters to be “merciful,” which is wrong on so many levels: mercy is extended to the guilty, non? and this young man was doing good deeds among the heathens.

  19. Beverly…

    Kassig is said to have converted to Islam and to have adopted a Muslim name.

    This may be a case of Raqqa Syndrome.

  20. Beverly:

    The parents of hostages such as Kassig are undergoing such profound stress that they will do just about anything they think might work. So whether they dress in Muslim garb or anything else, I will not judge them harshly.

    However, I think asking for mercy would only inflame ISIS more.

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