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Open thread — 27 Comments

  1. I’d like to think Neo Neo is just taking a little time off, possibly to stock up on ricotta squares and tabouli at Market Basket. In any case, we always miss her, even for a little while.

    (By the way, I agree with you Cornhead, but I know you did not expect a good speech. From Obama? At the UN? That’s like expecting something good when the doctor says, “Bend over.”)

  2. I am in awe of Neo’s deeply informed, logical expositions of vitally important issues we face, in our neighborhoods as well as as a country. I don’t know how much traction she is getting with opinion leaders, though. I hope it is a lot and growing. Does she ever get published in letters to editor in NYT, WSJ or WaPo? I hope so. This blog is by far my favorite source for: 1. What news is important; 2. What are thoughtful opinions about that news; 3. Celebrating the Arts that I am often oblivious to. How can we help her brilliant wisdom reach a wider audience?

  3. “In the euphoria, the delight of seeing all these cruise missiles taking off and dramatic footage, all the analysts are missing one really big thing: these strikes last night were designed to limit terrorist casualties; these were not serious, manful strikes, I’ll give you the evidence. Why did we go in at night? There was no air defense threat. We could’ve done it in broad daylight. If you wanted to kill terrorists you would’ve hit those headquarters, those logistics sites at 10 or 11 in the morning when they were crowded with leaders, staff officers, flunkeys, etc. Instead we hit empty buildings at night. We knocked down antennas, we blew out windows. That is not the way to defeat terrorists who behead Americans. We should’ve gone in in the morning, gone in heavy and killed… acres and acres of dead terrorists. That is tactical success – Lt. Col. Ralph Peters (out of context and assembled)

  4. Alan F, 1:17 pm — “I am in awe of Neo’s deeply informed, logical expositions of vitally important issues we face, in our neighborhoods as well as as a country.”

    I am privileged to second Alan F’s motion. Do what you gotta do today, neo, and don’t even think of us. Given all that you freely bestow on us, you are *quite* entitled to days off.

  5. Barry’s speeches are ALWAYS ‘head-turners’… for HIM.

    BTW, any UN speech cures insomnia.

    I’m surprised that someone has not yet availed themselves of such a therapy.

    Possible side effects: ennui, nihilism, suicide.

  6. Artfldgr asks a very pertinent question that I have not heard discussed. I did vaguely wonder about that, but did not have his answer. I think Artfldgr’s comments are very good. The answer to his question is that Obama is very concerned about his base and other liberals turning against this. They are bleeding hearts, or worse, who wrongly think the bombing should appear to avoid collateral human damage. We do need to target the flunkeys as well as the officers.

  7. Interview with Walid Shoebat.


    Brilliant explanation of the goings-on from Algeria to Indonesia and the entire Middle East…not to mention Russia.

    SOme interesting things:

    1. The keyword is Caliphate.
    2. Turkey and Iran are the major players.
    3. Russia might be the defender of Civilization here – at least the only ones who will fight the caliphate and want to retake “Constantinople”.
    4. Obama is a de facto enemy of the USA. Best case is he does not understand the history and the big picture (possible). But shallow ignorance and gullible PCism is his basic excuse if that is the case.
    5. Liberals see Islam as their friend.

    Things are going biblical/apocalyptic. Scary out there. We need to regain our senses as America ot it may be too late.

  8. MollyNH Says:
    September 24th, 2014 at 1:28 pm

    she left us to our own devices, paper airplanes everybody !!!!”

    Let’s cut out early and hit Taco Bell on the way home. You gotta ride?

  9. CDC is forecasting 1+ million ebola victims in 4 months, aliens from over 100 nations crash the border, and the global economy is on the verge of a major (2008 was a mere speed bump) correction. Meanwhile the boychild apologizes at the un for the thugs of Ferguson, MO. Those outside metro areas, like me, need to stay focused on local issues: water, food, seed saving, and reloading ammo. In metro areas, have a plan. My daughter, son in law, and grandchild in Chicago have an evacuation plan to get to my son in law’s family hunting cabin in southern Wisconsin. From there they make their way to the rally point in Minnesota.

    I know this sounds paranoid/survivor syndrome to many, but in my world its better to be prepared than to face disaster with nothing in your pocket than spare change and lint. This is the way I was raised and I never doubted mom, dad, and my extended familiy.

  10. Neo stepped out and you want to play with paper airplanes?

    Na, get out the real Jello – Jello shots for everybody!

    But everybody be cool – we don’t want to mess up Neo’s house while she’s out.

    P.S. Let’s make sure we save some shots for her when she gets back.

  11. Speak of the devil: Comrade Zero is in my neighborhood right now, just around the corner at the end of my block, in the restaurant Estela. There are dozens of cops and scores of Secret Service guys, barricades, dogs, etc. They shut down all but one lane of Houston St. going east, and have the Peasants behind barricades on the far side, so they can be kept away from “royalty.”

    I stopped to take a couple of cell phone pix of the SS, and one of the cops started yelling “Ma’am! Ma’am! Keep moving — one direction or the other!” — and I wasn’t even within view of the restaurant where The Precious was eating.


  12. I have said this before and I will say it again.

    I have in mind Eric who talks about doing things.

    And I also have in mind non-Leftists who say a lot except for doing things in the here and now.

    The Democrat Party is obligated to pay huge reparations to black people in this country.

    I realize non-Leftists will get hung up ridiculously on absurd details, like who is black, who gets the reparations.

    Let the Democrat Party answer those sorts of questions.

    The Catholic Church is still answering questions about stuff which happened centuries ago, and rightly so.

    The Catholic Church is the continuing legal entity still answerable for those things.

    The Democrat Party is the continuing legal entity answerable for the most vile and repugnant many decades which have blotted this otherwise unique nation, unique for its humanity.

    The details are astonishing. Just to cite one, emblematic, FDR opposing anti-lynching laws.

    FDR opposing anti-lynching laws.

    Amazing. What if Taft had opposed anti-lynching laws? Imagine what we would still be hearing.

    Black Americans are NOT natural Leftists. They have been propagandized into it. The Left is brilliant at that sort of stuff, black v white, man v woman, gay v straight, rich v poor. They do not care about actual human beings, they care only for their selfish ego.

    The non-Left understandably hates propaganda. The non-Left is a fact based pov.

    So, this suggestion is not congenial to the non-Left.

    The Democrat Party must be assailed daily with the demand to pay reparations to black people. From highway supervisor to president.

    Every Democrat TODAY literally benefits from the historic hatred of black people, from the daily use of the word nigger by Democrats, to the turmoil and violence which supported their party for 150 years.

    I realize that truth and justice will not be advocated by the non-Left, because it offends their psychological predisposition.

    Just because, in this case, despite the undeniable moral/legal liability of the Democrat Party, it is too stark.

  13. Mike Says:
    September 24th, 2014 at 4:47 pm

    Mike, this ‘interview’ is a perfect example of why many insist that Mike Savage is a Soviet asset.

    He keeps tearing off onto Assad as an issue…

    When the maladministration is crystal clear: they don’t want to touch Assad.

    As for Barry crossing swords with Putin… ’tis to laugh.


    It’s also VERY weird to hear Savage laud Putin for invading the Crimea — as if this act is going to save Christians from Turks.


    The Turks are not even in this picture.

    In financial terms, Erdogan is in a tight box. The Turkish currency has been on the down elevator for months and months:


    You can Google around, the Turkish lira is off terribly, year in and year out.

    Spengler (PJM) thinks Anakara is toast.

    Turkey is not going to invade North Africa.

  14. blert – Are you aware of the history surrounding these areas; the Caliphate; the Old Byzantine Empire; where the Russian language came from; etc., etc., etc.

    The relative value of the Turkish lira is nothing compared to that; not even a minor fraction of a minor factor.

    There is no substitute for at least a general knowledge of history; not to mention geography. Check out the map. Compare in relative size and border arrangements Russia, Syria, The Old Caliphate.

    Here is the final clue: Obama sides with the Caliphate restorers. I will not be the least surprised in the next year if his “Exit Strategy” from the region is simultaneous with a recognition of a Caliphate as a big country that can take its place in the community of Nations.

    Putin? He is just one aspect of Russia for a thousand years. The New Roman Empire; the 3rd Roman Empire. That is a big part of what Russia thinks it is.

    Obama knows squat. He is a bomb going off; but dumber than dishwater about real things.

  15. American policy is to support the Iraqi government, which is Iranian-backed and Shia.

    There’s no Status of Forces agreement, Hussein killed it after the clowns elected him.

    America’s basically a rogue Regime right now.

  16. I’m glad the SS term has caught on. A profile still needs to be made on the white/black mix of the SS and how it changed for the personal duty rotations of the “close in” details.

  17. Mike…

    A waning currency is THE single most visible and objective measure of economic strength. The Turks have an imploding economy that’s driving most of Erdogan’s policy moves. It’s the primary reason he’s sucking up to the mullahs — at all.

    Given a free hand, he’d love to kick them to the curb. Instead, he’s been caught lubricating their trade, evading the international sanctions regime, and putting no small amount of lire in his own pocket. That latter aspect has got his nation in an uproar. His entire crew is on the griddle. In prior eras, the Turkish military would’ve long since tossed him and his crew out for wholesale corruption.

    Erdogan has done for the Turkish military what Maliki did for Iraq: gutted it. It’s now strewn with over-promoted Islamist lackeys far and wide. That boy’s a sith lord, by golly.

    The true source for the Russian language does not figure big in the calculus of the players. It’s far enough back to make an interesting intellectual study, no doubt. But I can’t imagine any of the players giving it a moments thought. I know that I sure don’t ponder the source of English, German or Latin.

    Over the centuries the Muslim caliph shifted ethnicities. Mo’ didn’t exactly spell out who was entitled to be the caliph — other than he was supposed to be the strongest. There are those who aver that a true caliph has to have blood lineage back to Mo’ — but history shows that Turkish caliphs would have a hard time establishing that connection. Of course, by now Mo’ has gazillion descendants. Considering the state of Muslim records (non-existent) in the centuries after Mo’s death all claims are possible.


    The proximate issue is whether Mike Savage is a tool of Moscow.

    To hear him constantly puff up Putin and to re-write current events — he IS Putin’s tool — I can only pray that he’s getting well paid.

    For such tendentious hectorings absolutely savage his credibility.

    The zany idea that the invasion of the Crimea involved protecting Christians from Muslim Turks — that’s a reach too far.

    Putin seems to have gone off his rocker: he’s permitting staggering numbers of single, military-aged, Muslim males to roam around Moscow! If it was not for the architecture, I would’ve thought the mob videos had been shot in Paris!

    I must say that I can’t imagine how the elites can convince themselves that single, young, Muslim males are anything but a strategic threat to any nation. (That’s a truism for ANY nation, Muslim or kafir, alike.)

    The ummah has ‘hached’ countless young men — who are expendables. They have absolutely no utility at home — or in the home. They only exist to feed the Muslim warrior-economy. They are a direct consequence of polygamy. The gals who could be their wives are back home being nailed by their mother’s generation.

    By Islamic rules, there can only be one outcome for such souls: they must die in jihad. Mo’ was not particular in which direction they were aimed.

    The essential take-away for any kafir is that such Muslim males be kept very, very, very, far away. They can’t destroy what they can’t reach.

    Which makes Putin’s toleration of epic Muslim (retail) invasion a puzzle. The longer those boys are allowed to roam Moscow, the more they become a deep strategic threat.

    It some point, you have to figure that Muslims will import atomic weapons into the heart of Moscow, Volgograd, Saint Petersburg. Then, ka-boom!

    The same tale of woe is also sure to happen across the West.

    With good timing, the Muslims can get the Russians to blame the Americans — and vice versa. With all of the critical leadership dead, the mullahs have to figure the scheme must work — inshallah.

    With a near photographic memory, keeping track of map imagery is not a problem for me. But, I appreciate the suggestion.


    My predictive track record: (just a partial)

    Russian Revolution 1991 — predicted it to the DAY.

    Gulf War I 1990/91 — predicted just about everything – inevitability (First week of August) — casualties — outcome — on and on.

    Gulf War II 2003 — predicted it (1991) the second Bush I terminated hostilities, too obvious. The lopsided ‘contest’ — everyone predicted — except Saddam.

    Falklands War 1982 — predicted invasion beach — and the entire flow of the campaign — to include battle sites — before the British had even landed. Again, too obvious, it was.

    Arab Spring — first known posting to the Web — by blog — months ahead of the leading edge crowd (Spengler, PJM) — ticked off the nations — didn’t miss a one. Again, too obvious, it was.

    Afghanistan Surge — under 0bama — and now it really gets strange — argued with “Old Blue” about the entire campaign. “Old Blue” ultimately acknowledged/claimed to be high ranking staff officer in the US Army — stationed at Bagram GHQ. While he was generally against my recommendations… somehow they ended up becoming the strategic policy of the US Army!

    Water War — drilling for fresh water a critical factor
    Avoiding co-location of any US Army outposts whenever practical (a HUGE British gaff)
    Bisection of that country by placing a corridor of troops straight down from Kandahar — into the hills — right along the water route — which would compel the opfor to come to our military positions.
    Patterning everything on the US Army campaigns in the American west — especially the desert southwest.

    All of the above is actually readable — with some effort — on the Internet — STILL.

    Co-incidence, or something more?

    Don’t even get me started on my economic track record. You’d fall entirely out of your chair.

    Trust me on this: Putin’s morphed into a loser. He’s antagonizing the very folks he needs in his corner. He’s kissing up to his absolute worst enemy: Red China.

    No doubt he feels great.

    So did Hitler in the Summer of 41.

    Then Hell was at his heels.

    At a fundamental level, Russia is not ready to be a super power. She never will be. Climate and geography permanently stunt Russian capabilities.

    Like the Muslims, she’s addicted to attacking her own life-support: the West.

    How nutty is that?

  18. Pingback:new bomb turks interview

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