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I usually don’t get into… — 30 Comments

  1. I try to maintain some respect for the office, even though this C-in-C disrespects it in so many ways. It’s just beyond belief that he insults his military and the citizenry on a regular basis. The man is Despicable.

  2. This is the man who while running for the presidency often refused to wear a flag pin or place his hand over his heart for the anthem. His lack of patriotism or outright proof of love of the USA was apparent from the start. People were blind and foolish to consider this man for any public office.

  3. Whether it was intentional or not, his nonverbal message was perfectly clear. My guess is that it was unintentional and that makes it even more sinister. His disrespect for the military is so deeply embedded in his psyche that he forgot to pay attention to what he was doing, and he inadvertently revealed a profound truth about himself. Poor guy. It must be so hard to always have to be on guard to project an image that is contrary to one’s core beliefs.

  4. eve,

    He doesn’t just disrespect the military, he has no love or respect for the very history of this country. Note this following photo of his foot on the Resolute Desk in the oval office:


    We have gone from a Reagan who, out of respect for the presidency, would not take off his suit-coat in the oval office through a Clinton who could not keep his pants on to an Obama who can not keep his feet off of the historic furniture (a gift from Great Britain, BTW).

    The man is truly a classless individual.

  5. I have to agree with Gringo. One of the things Obama is really good at is the insulting gesture. I wish he was good at some other things, like maybe domestic policy or foreign policy, but there it is.

  6. Note that the latte salute photograph was *not* put out there by the Kochs, or by Faux News, or by Rush Limburger. It was put out there by The White House.

    It is very evident that the White House occupant loathes *our* country, and this is continually made manifest in ways major and minor. For me, the latte salute thing is relatively minor, especially given what he has done / is doing / would love to do to *our* country, but I know it at least borders on major for a lot of people.

    Given the sensibilities of so many for whom it at least borders on major, this incident is emblematic of the casual contempt in which he holds *our* country.

    Speaking for me and a few others, the feeling is quite mutual.

  7. I’d get upset about the latte salute … except that Obama is just behaving in the manner that – sadly – we have come to expect from him.

  8. The brave and the virtuous are sent to the front to die, while the cowardly and corrupt stay back home to take care of the widows and reap the benefits. Such was the case that brought down Western heart in WWI and it hasn’t changed much.

  9. I wish he was good at some other things, like maybe domestic policy or foreign policy, but there it is.

    You act like Hussein is trying to repair American domestic policy. What world do you live in, to make that judgment?

  10. It’s obvious that Obama raised his ‘latte salute’ out of belated obligation. He is incapable of understanding the honor and privilege that receiving a salute from men willing to give, if necessary, their “last full measure of devotion” entails and, in revealing his incomprehension he also reveals his unworthiness of that office. And, the millions upon millions of Americans who will overlook, minimize or make apology for Obama’s serious faux pas and Freudian slip, reveal themselves also to be unworthy of other American’s last full measure of devotion.

  11. Nothing the messiah does to show contempt for our traditional institutions and the essence of core American values should surprise anyone. This narcissistic boychild is beyond the pale.

  12. He is left-handed, though. And he’s busy buttoning his jacket with that hand. I think maybe he’d have moved the cup to his left hand if he’d finished with the buttoning in time for the salute.

  13. Being left-handed, Barry has difficulties.

    He’s carrying the cup in his non-dominant hand…

    Only at the last milli-second he realizes that he needs to use his right-hand to answer their salute.

    Hence, this is merely bad optics.

    His real crimes lie elsewhere — and everywhere.

  14. GB–You are so right about how many of our citizens are unworthy of the sacrifice of those in the military. What is especially galling is that so many are at the top of the heap of “public service”.

  15. I was taught that it was both a duty and a privilege to offer or return a salute. But I also learned that if you were injured or had your hands full it was acceptable protocol to forego a salute although this was discouraged. Obama would have been better served if he didn’t even attempt a salute in this circumstance.

    But really it is his chronic nose in the air arrogance I find intolerable.

  16. Reminds me of the 9-11 memorial dedication in NYC. The video showing Mchelle mouthing the words, ” All this for a flag”.

  17. Note that in the sidebar, ABC’s Ministry of [Mis]Information has another story, titled, “Republicans Try to Cash In on Obama’s Latte Salute.”


    What swine.

  18. KLSmith,

    About Michelle and that flag — a group of hearing-impaired persons believed she actually said: “It’s amazing how they fold that flag.” If you go to the YouTube video, I’ll think you’ll agree with their interpretation. Both the link to the video and the comments of the hearing-impaired viewers can be found here.

  19. My take is that given his background he just doesn’t know any better.

    I think that may be half of it, the other half being he doesn’t like the military because most members are conservative.

    I agree with JJ, the man is despicable.

  20. It’s convenient to dislike Hussein O. But it’s the Left people should pay more attention to these days.

  21. Ok, maybe we should cut bho a little slack. After all, he is the president of all 57 states and commander in chief of the corpse men.

  22. Ann: I’d have to know if they’re conveniently O supporters. She didn’t look real happy to be there, to me. Do you really think someone that wasn’t proud of her country until 2008 actually cares about the flag?

  23. Did you actually watch the video? I have, several times, and it looks to me as if she definitely is saying “fold that flag” at the end. The video is here.

  24. It’s what the Vietnam veterans thought during the war. And afterwards.

    America’s just realizing that all the Leftist sins are coming back to haunt the citizens.

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