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The wheels of Benghazi justice… — 14 Comments

  1. “Strangely enough, that publication date is Election Day, 2014. I wonder who’s plan that was? Seems to me it would have been better to bring it out prior to that.”

    But to bring it out on Election Day, inoculates Sharyl Attkisson from the charge of publishing a tome designed to influence an election. I well imagine Attkisson is writing more for the longer term, and not for any partisan advantage, describing pitfalls faced by *serious* journalists (are there any left, other than Attkisson and maybe a handful more?).

  2. It’s not just a cover-up to obstruct justice. It’s a criminal conspiracy to transform America into a Marxist/socialist State by any means necessary. As insurance against failure, the left is simultaneously creating and facilitating conditions that are designed to result in the destruction of America.

    The American left is as much an enemy of America as is ISIS.

  3. Berghdahl. Benghazi. The Border. My god, there’s so many, you can alliterate them.

    And just of the three above, which one is the worst?

  4. Hussein O’s election isn’t in 2014. That’s what people don’t get about the Left. It’s not a political party like the Democrats. It’s more like a military alliance, an axis of evil.

  5. They used to say “it’s not the crime, it’s the coverup.” In this case I’d say both crime and coverup are pretty reprehensible.

    We still don’t know the size and shape of the underlying crime. I have a strong hunch it’s enormous. I’m looking at Obama’s complete misunderstanding of the nature of the threat in the ME, specifically ISIS in Syria and Iraq, and his stubborn insistence on remaining in a state of ideologically-fueled ignorance of the true state of things, as confirmation of my hunch.

    There was no spontaneous “Arab Spring.” It was a long planned Muslim Brotherhood operation. The MB has been usurped in a lot of places since then by even more extreme Islamic supremacists. They miscalculated their level of control. But more importantly, Obama misjudged things on an even more massive scale.

    In one of the emails the WH was forced to release concerning the talking points, one of the goals they hoped to achieve with those talking points was to spin this “To underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy.”

    Naturally we can state with confidence that assault on our embassy was just one of the earlier visible, bloody consequences of the broader policy failure. ISIS being one of the more recent. This policy wasn’t just a failure, it was a betrayal of this country. And I predict with a high degree of confidence that Obama and his minions committed serious felonies in pursuit of that traitorous policy failure.

  6. There are reports Rodham pulled the Blackwater guards of the ambass. and then commissioned the video itself.

    Which is why they were able to immediately blame the video later, they had planned on it.

    Given how dumb the Regime is on most things, talking about “I didn’t know”, the fact that they knew immediately about the video was telling.

  7. I’ve read pretty credible accounts that the maladministration had been linked to the video producer and yet others — going quite a ways back.

    In sum: he and his buddies were deniable assets that were trying to establish street cred within the fanatic community.

    If so, this would be entirely consistent with a clandestine op.

    One must imagine that the CIA has been trying to penetrate the fanatic crowd with any number of players — turned or otherwise.

    As for the CIA, like other intelligence services, many of their successful ops look like Hogans Heroes scripts. And they actually do work.

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