Home » That intrepid “real news” organization, MSNBC


That intrepid “real news” organization, MSNBC — 17 Comments

  1. That is just TOO funny! “Yes sir, we’re getting our directions from the White House, thank you very much!”

  2. You know, the more I see these clowns in action, the more it comes home to me: the same bozos we knew in the high school pep club are now running the world.

    YUP, we’re doomed!

  3. Ace has taken to referring to this new, unprecedented level of deference to the Executive Branch as the “Head-Pat Media”. Crap like this makes it really hard to dispute that assessment.

    Good puppy. Good, good puppy. Have a treat.

  4. The whole thing has become surreal.
    It is beyond parity.
    And the media wonders why only 25% of the population believes them any more.

    Just incredible.

  5. This is yet another reason Fox News has swamped the combined ratings of CNN and MSNBC by 47%.

    Yep, the writing is on the wall. Any day now Obama is going to turn America into a collectivist state complete with gulags and death camps.

    Anyone who knows history can see this coming.

    I for one welcome our new Obamaist overlords…. I’ll change my pseudonym to obrien and it will be all right.

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  7. How Sad that the White House has staff sitting, watching news and sending out emails in an attempt to control the spin. They spend more time trying to keep their egos from getting bruised than they do leading.

  8. The lickspittles in the MSM give new meaning to obsequious. It makes one wonder if Obama stopped short whether they could see the light.

  9. It’s probably Obama himself, realizing that his natural role in life is TV newsreader, watching to gain experience.

  10. Dear Obama,

    Can i get emails from you?

    I would love to reply with some economics lessons….

    A loving and concerned American,


  11. The whole thing has become surreal.

    and what happened in germany and russia was not surreal?

    ya guys are learning now in real life what i tried to explain many many ways before.

    by the way, the kind of interuption you see in this video, was a staple in russia. but not so polished. that is every classroom, every tv station, every radio, had a member of the peoples union (soviet) watching and insuring that what was said was correct…

    that is, that box was to show you and the other tv people that they ARE watching and they are DICTATING… and that in the near future, they will do more…

    so the question for the news is, whose side are you on

    you are starting to learn the source and the odd meanings of the soviet jokes… but just starting..

    “from article “hammer and tickle” article not book – Communism is the only political system to have created its own international brand of comedy. The standard interpretation is that communist jokes were a form of resistance. But they were also a safety valve for the regimes and jokes were told by the rulers as well as the ruled–even Stalin told some good ones

    ‘Is communism a science?’
    ‘No. If it were a science, it would have been tested on dogs first.’

    What is the difference between the two newspapers “The Truth” and “The News”?

    In “The Truth” there is no news, and in the “The News” there is no truth.

    sounds familiar?

    What nationality were Adam and Eve?

    Most certainly Russian! Only Russians can run about barefooted and bare assed, without a roof over their heads, where there is only one apple for two and nevertheless cry out that they are in paradise!

    “No my friend, we will not live long enough to see communism, but our children… poor children.”

    sound familiar?

    arent we worried as to the burden on our children, maybe enough not to have them?

    Q: Is it true that the Soviet Union is the most progressive country in the world?
    A: Of course! The life was already better yesterday than it’s going to be tomorrow!

    the people knew… only a few pretended to believe. the rest, were surviving.

    i am trying to mostly focus on jokes as to the news

    Q: What is more useful – newspapers or television? A: Newspapers, of course. You cannot wrap herring in a TV

    Five precepts of the Soviet intelligentsia (intellectuals):
    1. Do not think.
    2. If you think – do not speak.
    3. If you think and speak – do not write.
    4. If you think, speak and write – do not sign.
    5. If you think, speak, write and sign – don’t be surprised

    Some jokes ridiculed the level of political indoctrination in the educational system of the Soviet Union: “My wife has been going to cooking school for three years.” / “She must really cook well by now!” / “No, they’ve only reached the part about the Twentieth CPSU Congress so far.”

    Stalin’s ghost appears to Obama in a dream, and Obama asks for his help running the country. Stalin says, “Round up and shoot all the republicans, and then paint the inside of the White House blue.” “Why blue?” Obama asks. “Ha!” says Stalin. “I knew you wouldn’t ask me about the first part.”

    and the jokes fit us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Graham gestures towards the Orwellian notion of the joke as “a tiny revolution.” Jokes were an essential part of the communist experience because the monopoly of state power meant that any act of non-conformity, down to a simple turn of phrase, could be construed as a form of dissent. By the same token, a joke about any facet of life became a joke about communism. There have been political and anti-authority jokes in every era, but nowhere else did political jokes cohere into an anonymous body of folk literature as they did under communism. With the creation of the Soviet bloc after the war, communism exposed itself to Czech and Jewish traditions of humour–mutating viruses to which the system never developed the right antibodies.

    Communist jokes were a way to criticise and outmanoeuvre the system, but they were also something more than this. They comprised a secret language between citizens–membership of a club to which the government was not invited (or so they thought).

    i may not convince you, but i can give you the language of survival… humor…

    Historian Roy Medvedev looked through the files of Stalin’s political prisoners and concluded that 200,000 people were imprisoned for telling jokes, such as this: Three prisoners in the gulag get to talking about why they are there. “I am here because I always got to work five minutes late, and they charged me with sabotage,” says the first. “I am here because I kept getting to work five minutes early, and they charged me with spying,” says the second. “I am here because I got to work on time every day,” says the third, “and they charged me with owning a western watch.”

    life under communism becomes surreal because they have inverted the mind material relationship… they have chosen to believe the mind model over empiricism… so their sadistic inventions by incompetents to solve social problems (which our outside the sphere of government), ended up creating a kafkaesque world and reality for those inside it.

    imagine 20 years from now where the cargo cultists have solved all manner of problems without any concious understanding of operating principals and such,… they are gods, beacuse they believe that their first idea, is the right one, no matter how bad or unworkable it is.

    the differences in level of persecution towards enemies of their ideas is now only tiny… it has only reached the level of extreme annoyance and comedic…

    here are some more “anekdot” to make you laugh (i hope before they make you cry).

    Why have the newer models of TVs been equipped with screen wipers, similar to the windshield wipers on a car?

    Because people are frequently spitting at the screen.

    Is it possible to live on your salary?

    Don’t know, didn’t try.

    ‘It will be even worse!’ cries the pessimist.

    ‘It can’t get any worse,’ the optimist answers.

    just to show, here it is again in russian

    – Будет еще хуже! – говорит пессимист.
    – Хуже уже не будет, – отвечает оптимист.

    ‘Comrades!’ – Obama addressed the people by radio. ‘I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that for the next seven years we shall eat only shit! The good news is that it will be plentiful!

    Obama meets with his analyst:
    During a meeting with a psychiatrist:

    ‘Doctor, I have different personalities: I think one thing, I speak another, and I do a third.’

    ‘So? That only proves you are quite normal!’

    what you guys are seeing is how it works.
    THATS why so many in the know are nervous…

    The seven miracles of the Soviet Authority:
    1. There is no unemployment, yet nobody works.
    2. Nobody works, yet the Grand Scheme is carried out.
    3. The Grand Scheme is carried out, yet there is nothing to buy.
    4. There is nothing to buy, yet there are lineups everywhere.
    5. There are lineups everywhere, yet everyone has everything.
    6. Everyone has everything yet everyone is dissatisfied.
    7. Everyone is dissatisfied, yet everyone votes ‘Yes’.

    Why did the Supreme Soviet decided to invade Afghanistan?

    They decided to begin alphabetically.

    Is it possible to buy an honest person?

    To buy one is impossible, but to sell one is possible!

    What is democratic centralism?

    It’s when everyone together says, ‘yes’ and when everyone individually says, ‘nay’.

    ” Under communism we had money but there was nothing to buy, now we have no money and there is lots to buy”

    Obama plays with his daughter “What will you be when you grow up?”
    “What do we need with two Presidents?”

    Obama is speaking to his aide, “Our press has so much praise for my latest book, I am becoming curious. I think, maybe one day I’ll read some of it myself.”

    Economic justice:
    America is capitalist and greedy – yet half of the population is subsidized.
    Half of the population is subsidized – yet they think they are victims.
    They think they are victims – yet their representatives run the government.
    Their representatives run the government – yet the poor keep getting poorer.
    The poor keep getting poorer – yet they have things that people in other countries only dream about.
    They have things that people in other countries only dream about – yet they want America to be more like those other countries.

    if you look around others have noted how old soviet era jokes are fitting this administration.

    here is another author:
    I never thought I would see socialist contradictions in America, let alone write about them. But somehow all attempts to organize life according to “progressive” principles always result in such contradictions. And in the areas where “progressives” have assumed positions of leadership – education, news media, or the entertainment industry – contradictions become “historically inevitable.”

    even pajamas picks it up…

    hope you enjoyed it…

    This is Armenian Radio; our listeners asked us: “When the final phase of socialism, namely communism, is built, will there still be thefts and pilfering?”

    We’re answering: “No, because everything will be already pilfered during socialism.”

  12. A rising tide of black humor spreading from Russian websites to that country’s mass media, a wave that is frightening many parents and politicians there, underscores that all is not well with Russian society, according to a leading Moscow specialist on the media. In an article posted online last week, Marine Voskanyan, chief editor of the information technology site CRN/RE, argues that this growth of cynical and nihilistic humor suggests that for most Russians, “none of the ideological alternatives on offer in politics, culture, or social life [is] convincing or morally justified.”

    Instead, she continues, the rise of black humor in Russia today suggests just as its earlier rise in other countries at times past that for an increasing number of people there, “everything around them appears to be completely false” and unworthy of their support.
    From Paul Goble post

    I noticed that bakalava followed in the tradition.

    and that jokes are picking up..

    want to make good money… recycle the soviet era jokes into obama jokes.

    here is more on the psychology of it, and how its a sign of our mental imprisonment and frustration.

    [the 70s in america was an era of joke shows, commeidiens, joke albums, etc… remember?]

    in some other countries as well represents an understandable if not entirely happy “reaction to the absurdity and cruelty of the contemporary world in which much that used to be unacceptable is now seen as normal.” By making fun of this, she continues, individuals and groups win “a kind of victory over the absurdity of existence, however illusory such a triumph may be.” But when such humor dominates the situation, it should set off alarm bells because “the destruction of any social system or ideology begins when people start to laugh at it.” The power of such laughter, of course, is well know to public relations specialists and political tacticians. If you can make people to laugh at your opponent, she notes, “you have seriously weakened his position.” But when people are engaging in black humor about the system as a whole, that can be more serious, she continues. In such cases, black humor become more often than not a means of compensating for the lack of freedom, the lack of choices, and the inability of having an impact on life that many people feel especially in times of stress. And the more people feel that way, she says, the more likely they are to tell this kind of joke.

    jokes like this will start to make sense soon…

    Two friends are walking down the street. One asks the other “What do you think of XXX?” “I can’t tell you here,” he replies. “Follow me.” They disappear down a side street. “Now tell me what you think of XXX,” says the friend. “No, not here,” says the other, leading him into the hallway of an apartment block. “OK here then.” “No, not here. It’s not safe.” They walk down the stairs into the deserted basement of the building. “OK, now you can tell me what you think of our leader.” “Well,” says the other, looking around nervously,”actually I quite like him.”

  13. “A teacher asks his class, ‘Who is your mother and who is your father?’ A pupil replies, ‘My mother is America and my father is Obama.’ ‘Very good,’ says the teacher. ‘And what would you like to be when you grow up?’ ‘An orphan.’”

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