Home » Obama, Iran, and reading the tea leaves


Obama, Iran, and reading the tea leaves — 2 Comments

  1. Glenn,

    Sorry for the long comment. And yes it ties both the prize and Iran together. Heh.

    Obama receives the Nobel Peace Prize. Peter Beinart believes the committee “…clearly likes what Obama is trying to do: on nuclear disarmament, climate change and Middle East peace–and so, in a “preemptive” strike, it’s giving him the award…”

    The AP notes that the prize could not be for a substantive reason since “…the Obama presidency … has yet to yield concrete achievements in peacemaking.”

    Many believe the committee has succumbed to the Obama cult of personality.

    I suggest the reason for the award is deeper. All right thinking Europeans know that the single greatest danger in the world today is the US. Obama has kneecapped the US both domestically and internationally. For that reason alone he received the prize. But there is more the committee gets a twofer.

    Domestic Kneecapping
    Obama’s policies domestically are a disaster and have crippled banking, insurance and financial institutions. Nationalizations to protect unions, stimulus that is not, and policy after policy (cap and trade, health care, stimulus II, etc.) seemingly designed to destroy small business and control and tax large business has all but stopped economic recovery and guaranteed a jobless or job decreasing recovery once it comes. Finally, Obama has engineered the near total collapse of the dollar and US financial stability — we are the third world now.

    International Kneecapping
    Internationally Obama spends his time backslapping tyrants and snubbing and ignoring friends. He expends time, effort and energy on trivialities while ignoring the serious issues. He sits on the UN Security Council and turns it into the gassy platitude hour. Even high school kids treat mock UN with more respect. France is shocked by Obama’s naiveté. Russia is appeased, Poland and Eastern Europe are set adrift and Obama acts as if this is how foreign policy is done. We meet with Iran giving substance to their claims that they only want nukes for peaceful purposes.

    For kneecapping the greatest danger to world peace Obama received the Nobel. But the committee also knew it could manipulate Obama through his vanity. By giving him the completely undeserved prize they could push this keenly indecisive man into doing nothing regarding Iran and likely North Korea. After all, the Nobel Peace Prize winner would not unilaterally bomb a sovereign nation.

  2. Obama receives the Nobel Peace Prize. Peter Beinart believes the committee “…clearly likes what Obama is trying to do: on nuclear disarmament, climate change and Middle East peace–and so, in a “preemptive” strike, it’s giving him the award…”

    The AP notes that the prize could not be for a substantive reason since “…the Obama presidency … has yet to yield concrete achievements in peacemaking.”

    Many believe the committee has succumbed to the Obama cult of personality.

    I suggest the reason for the award is deeper. All right thinking Europeans know that the single greatest danger in the world today is the US. Obama has kneecapped the US both domestically and internationally. For that reason alone he received the prize. But there is more the committee gets a twofer.

    Domestic Kneecapping
    Obama’s policies domestically are a disaster and have crippled banking, insurance and financial institutions. Nationalizations to protect unions, stimulus that is not, and policy after policy (cap and trade, health care, stimulus II, etc.) seemingly designed to destroy small business and control and tax large business has all but stopped economic recovery and guaranteed a jobless or job decreasing recovery once it comes. Finally, Obama has engineered the near total collapse of the dollar and US financial stability — we are the third world now.

    International Kneecapping
    Internationally Obama spends his time backslapping tyrants and snubbing and ignoring friends. He expends time, effort and energy on trivialities while ignoring the serious issues. He sits on the UN Security Council and turns it into the gassy platitude hour. Even high school kids treat mock UN with more respect. France is shocked by Obama’s naiveté. Russia is appeased, Poland and Eastern Europe are set adrift and Obama acts as if this is how foreign policy is done. We meet with Iran giving substance to their claims that they only want nukes for peaceful purposes.

    For kneecapping the greatest danger to world peace Obama received the Nobel. But the committee also knew it could manipulate Obama through his vanity. By giving him the completely undeserved prize they could push this keenly indecisive man into doing nothing regarding Iran and likely North Korea. After all, the Nobel Peace Prize winner would not unilaterally bomb a sovereign nation.

    Mark Sherman

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