Home » How can you tell when Axelrod is lying?


How can you tell when Axelrod is lying? — 9 Comments

  1. Recalls Mary McCarthy’s comment about Lillian Hellman, “Every word she writes is lie, including “and” and ‘the’.”

  2. Sorry, it’s only a little off topic. Did you see the video of Andy Richter beating Wolf Blitzer like a rented mule at Celebrity Jeopardy? Wolf doesn’t seem all that bright.

  3. Its in little slip ups like this that we all see that the truth is a lie. that the whole thing is a trumped up lie to quash what remains of the free market and facilitate state control of our lives. you can list the synonyms for that, but its not the land of the free and home of the brave.

  4. What the hell is his actual role in the administration?

    I was unaware that “Svengali” was a Constitutuionally madated cabinet position.

    F&*^er…. Lying sack of lizard s%!#….

  5. “Althouse and I are amazed at the fact that Wolf Blitzer actually managed to ask Axelrod some hard questions.”

    I think CNN has softened its liberal bias in recent years, due to the market pressure of FOX News’ ratings. Same goes for the Washington Post, but for (only slightly) different reasons…

  6. OT

    I’ve coined the term booker to refer to people like me who think Ayers “helped” Obama with Dreams From [the father who abandoned me].

    Google search Jack Cashill and enjoy. Interview on Breitbart yesterday.

  7. OT: Neo, Did you see Jules Crittendon’s post on the WWII museum in Nantick? It sounds like a great day trip that could offer some interesting posts for a blogger who likes to think outside the box.

  8. Here’s some interesting speculation about a Soros/Axlerod axis:


    I heard Axlerod on Morning Joe on MSNBC this past week. After touting the administration’s health care program as the answer to the need for more”competition” among health care insurers, he was asked by Scarborough about why that couldn’t be addressed in part by allowing insurers to sell across state lines. Axlerod stammered and got irritated and wasn’t able to give a direct answer.

  9. The government is the acknowledged leader in paying for results rather than good intentions. All of Congress and its politicians observe this ruthless truth. The very word “politics” communicates transparency and dedication to unbiased measurement and intelligent standards.

    So, of course, all of U.S. medicine will run a whole lot better, cheaper, and faster when these standards are imposed by the masters. We are on the beaches of a new order, ready to migrate inward to a land of rational control. Finally.

    Even if it doesn’t work, we will learn valuable lessons and data. An entire society is not too much to risk in the pursuit of new knowledge. An entire generation of earnings is not too much to distribute in this pursuit of the new man.

    Why is government the ideal director of medicine? Because we see in Politicians a dedication to thoughtfullness, care, and altruism. Their lives are devoted to helping others. Contrast this to Physicians, who have spent half their lives learning complex and expensive procedures, with the intent of charging sick people for their services.

    (/sarcasm /lemmings /amazing-to-believe /how-will-we-save-ourselves)
    The government is the acknowledged leader in paying for results rather than good intentions. All of Congress and its politicians observe this ruthless truth. The very word “politics” communicates transparency and dedication to unbiased measurement and intelligent standards.

    So, of course, all of U.S. medicine will run a whole lot better, cheaper, and faster when these standards are imposed by the masters. We are on the beaches of a new order, ready to migrate inward to a land of rational control. Finally.

    Even if it doesn’t work, we will learn valuable lessons and data. An entire society is not too much to risk in the pursuit of new knowledge. An entire generation of earnings is not too much to distribute in this pursuit of the new man.

    Why is government the ideal director of medicine? Because we see in Politicians a dedication to thoughtfullness, care, and altruism. Their lives are devoted to helping others. Contrast this to Physicians, who have spent half their lives learning complex and expensive procedures, with the intent of charging sick people for their services.

    (/sarcasm /lemmings /amazing-to-believe /how-will-we-save-ourselves)

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