Home » Krauthammer on Gaza


Krauthammer on Gaza — 15 Comments

  1. For the left, the gist of it:
    Palestinians in reality, are the aggressors. But they’re always willing to play the victim, which is what the political left loves.
    Israelis in reality, are the victims. But they are proud and resilient, so they make poor victims, and are hence not useful tools for the left.

    It’s all about validating the left’s worldview. Whether that view is realistic or not.

  2. And really, that critique applies to everything: the left is unwilling to see or hear anything that doesn’t support their view.

    Socialism is a failure.
    AGW is a failure.
    Immigration is a failure.
    Weak foreign policy is a failure.
    Unlimited contraception is a failure.
    Radical feminism and the sexual revolution are failures.

  3. Whenever some one says something like they don’t believe in evil, I wonder if they live in a cave. Actually, they don’t have to live in a cave they just need to get all their information from leftist news sites.

    Krauthammer’s piece was good and I had read it before coming here.

  4. lots of things are morally clear…

    the point is to change the facts to make it morally clear in your favor… (call that a sovietism tovarish)

    the future hasnt happened
    the present is going on
    the past remains to be changed…

  5. remember. change the first point of a vector, you change the directino of the line through te point called now and into the future.

    draw a dot… that is the past
    draw another dot, that is the present
    connect the two and extend it, that is a vector into th future

    now, change the location of the first dot
    welcome to the game

  6. “Apologists for Hamas attribute the blood lust to the Israeli occupation and blockade. Occupation? Does no one remember anything? It was less than 10 years ago that worldwide television showed the Israeli army pulling die-hard settlers off synagogue roofs in Gaza as Israel uprooted its settlements, expelled its citizens, withdrew its military and turned every inch of Gaza over to the Palestinians. There was not a soldier, not a settler, not a single Israeli left in Gaza. “ Charles Krauthammer

    In the larger context, apologists for Hamas are not referring to the occupation of Gaza but Israeli ‘occupation’ of Palestine. History and reason are poor propaganda against religious imperatives. Hamas is composed of devout Muslim’s faithfully following the Qur’an’s declaration that once land is part of the Ummah it remains forever so and that it is the religious duty and obligation of every Muslim to fight for that ‘reality’. Islam declares that it is every Muslim’s duty and obligation to, if necessary die for Islam, so using children, women and old men as human shields is simply their duty as Muslims. But their sacrifice ensures that paradise awaits them, so Hamas is actually doing them a favor…

    The United Nations is a facilitator of ‘the cycle of violence’ but not its source.

    The Western left does NOT love the Palestinians, the liberal gullible idiots on the left tell themselves that the Palestinians are the victims but that is just naively accepting the hard core left’s rationalizations.

    The hard core left opposes Israel because they are a foremost supporter and example of national sovereignty. The hard core left supports “transnationalism”, which posits that all conflict in the world is the result of nationalism. A leftist dominated, one world government is the goal of the left.

    Both the left and Islam are allies of convenience, each using the other (thus little conflict) because each assesses that in the short run, the western right is a far greater obstacle to the advancement of their totalitarian goals than is the other.

    IMO, Islam greatly underestimates the left because it incorrectly perceives the left’s gullible “useful idiots” to be in charge due to the liberal bleeding heart being the ‘face’ that the left promotes. A Gandhi is much more sympathetic propaganda, than is a Stalin.

    “the left is unwilling to see or hear anything that doesn’t support their view” because Marxist/Progressivism is a substitute for religious faith. Typically, theology and ideology fiercely resist challenge.

  7. The Left’s religious doctrine defines conflict as being born from humans having free will and beliefs. Thus nationalism or love of country, is part of that belief system that must be replaced in order for the Left to outlaw warfare effectively.

  8. Somebody on these talk shows should just quote the Hamas Charter, http://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp. There’s not a word in it about peace or accomodation. The entirety is about jihad, clearly war inthe context of the Charter, to recover Palestine which belongs to Muslims for eternity since they first conquered it.

  9. The CNN reporter who called the the citizens of Israel scum has been transferred to Moscow…. I’m not sure if that was a rebuke or a reward.

  10. Last I heard, Russians kick out reporters they don’t like from buildings, and then report it as a suicide. But that’s probably only domestic Russian dissidents, foreigners are probably immune.


  11. A lifelong Republican friend of mine, 59 years old, got pissed earlier this week when I brought up the fight; she snapped that she blamed BOTH sides; and when I pointed out that the Hamas goons had started this by firing rockets into Israel, she snapped that the Israelis were to blame for provoking them with the Settlements.


    She’s a bit of a snob and reads the New York Slimes EVERY day, and they’re getting to her — she’s going wobbly. She’s also bought into their slander of the TEA party movement as “extremists” who are all nutso on birth control, etc.

    Just goes to show you how corrosive relentless propaganda can be.

  12. “. . . journalists and other leftists of the west regard the Gazan Palestinians as innocent victims and favored pets.”

    The tie that binds “journalists” and Palestinians (and Whabi-ists) is their shared revulsion and hatred of Western civilization and culture.

  13. Just goes to show you how corrosive relentless propaganda can be.

    Weaklings are weak. By definition, they are mere puppets pulled along by the Strong Willed.

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