Home » Those five Taliban? Why, they’re just pussycats…


Those five Taliban? Why, they’re just pussycats… — 40 Comments

  1. Yep it took them a few days but MSM is falling inline. This article, NYT ran one about how bad “the platoon” was with a couple sentences about the “deserter” though they refuse to call him that. Now the deserter is telling about how he was tortured … and baby with MSM run with that!

  2. Oh and Candy(i got your back O) Crawly actually asked John McCain “is your life worth more than a deserter!”

    He should have said … I can’t believe you even ask that. It shows how far you will go to defend Obama at any cost and you call yourself a journalist! You are no more than a political hack for the Obama administration.

  3. My sister mentioned the scandal this week. All she knew was Obama got a soldier back, and some people were upset.

    It was clear she didn’t know, didn’t want to know, and didn’t care. The story has saturated the media, and it was just noise that she was barely aware of. If she reads anything, it will be the Sunday paper with its whitewash of the affair.

    She always votes. It’s her civic duty. She voted for Obama both times.

  4. jack:

    Crowley’s question is even more disgusting because of this:

    In 1968, [McCain] refused a North Vietnamese offer of early release, because it would have meant leaving before other prisoners who had been held longer.

  5. TFitz:

    See my “ADDENDUM II.”

    A lot of people just hear the news as blah-blah-blah noise. The huge number of controversies and scandals has actually made it easier rather than harder for Obama in the sense of a lot of people tuning them out and lumping them together. After all, it takes time to learn about this stuff, and it’s demoralizing and exhausting. A lot of people would rather not take up that burden. Hillary Clinton knew that when she asked what difference it made. And as the administration and MSM proceeds to attack each one with lies and distortions, and people accept those lies and distortions as truth (even if they only read the headlines and get a rough idea of it), they are more inclined to dismiss future controversies as just more brouhaha that is probably being blown up by Republicans anyway. So tune out; no need to pay attention in the first place.

  6. She always votes. It’s her civic duty.

    That’s what the storm troopers said about doing their jobs.

    No where was the option “stop Obeying Evil” ever considered, except by a few special individuals, the 3%.

  7. So tune out; no need to pay attention in the first place.

    That’s why it is necessary to shock, damage, and pile on the critical damage, for people will not change without torment to make them change.

    If they do not have an internal power driving them to the Truth, then they must receive an external power that gives them a motivation just as strong.

    That can be easily done by getting the Left to kick their head in too, via false flag ops.

  8. Neo,

    You don’t even have to reach back to cite to our betrayal of South Vietnam. Look at what’s happening in Iraq currently. Does anyone here care? Does anyone care to care?

    As I’ve said, if they could spin the Iraq mission, with its long open-source background and priority importance, then they can spin anything.

    In the narrative contest of the activist game, the narrative is as plastic as needed, the truth is just a competing narrative, and narrative is elective truth.

  9. I’d like to say I’m surprised, but there really is no depth the MSM will go to protect Obama.

    Bookworm posted a photo of one of these “harmless” old Taliban leaders smiling as he posed in front of 5 or 6 heads. Just heads.
    But yeah, no worries that they’re free….

  10. My uncle (my blood relative) and my aunt (his wife) are as conventional as conventional Republicans as it gets. They are salt of the Earth, warm and generous people, and my uncle is one of those guys who worked and saved and invested “shrewdly,” meaning as safe as could be with some well-researched small risks thrown in.

    They voted for BO with a flush of pride and confidence that America was taking a step forward. Their attitude was very much one of starting over and everyone respecting every one else as a fellow American.

    They went to France on tour soon after BO’s election and they came back speaking with pride about their group entering a French restaurant and getting a standing ovation from the French patrons.

    What they saw as glorious in the restaurant I interpreted a different way.

    My uncle respects my opinion and I gave it to him before the first election, and it has only been recently he has said he wished he had listened to me. He actually repeated what I had told him, which at the time he treated with benign regard merely.

    My aunt and uncle are very intelligent and wonderful people, but it has not been their role in life to regard others sceptically, or to seek out scams and cons, power plays and hidden hatred.

    They realize now they were tricked, and also realize the damage has been done, with more to come probably. Their realization comes from their basic decency and regard for the truth.

    They have enough experience from the old time world to recognize finally what is going on, how their hope was betrayed and why.

    For other folks, a couple decades and especially more younger than my aunt and uncle, there is little or nothing to draw upon.

  11. Neo,

    I don’t mean to be unduly optimistic here, but whenever the issues of detainees, GTMO, tribunals, criminal trials, transferring these scumbags to the US or letting them go, or even EITs have come up, Obama, the left, the anti-war side in general, have always been on the wrong side of the American people, and hemorrhaged support, at least on the controversy at the time, until there was a change of subject.

    Especially when the topic is the released Taliban commanders, Obama and his spinners won’t be able to play their usual game. You can’t convince the population that Taliban commanders are “harmless” or ” rehabilitated” even if the NYT, LAT, or wire services are trying the damnedest to give aid and comfort to our enemies in order to save Obama some grief.

    Plus, the usual “brick wall” of the permanent bureaucracy isn’t holding on this one. Leaks from the DoD world, along with the IC, are coming fast now, and they’re barely even bothering to tow the party line in public. It falls to hacks like Kerry to spin their position, and justify it, in public.

    We saw this with KSM, and the attempt to hold his trial in NY. They got burned bad, tried to play the delegitimization game on their opponents, and failed, having to scurry away wit one of their first “pivots” to the economy. Only now, there’s no undoing this one. Those Taliban commanders are gone, and we’re not getting them back. This is a self-inflicted wound that will continue to fester to our glorious Commander-in-Chief.

  12. Those 5 terrorist would still be in Gitmo if they had uttered a word of skepticism about global warming.

  13. Eric: Neo, You don’t even have to reach back to cite to our betrayal of South Vietnam. Look at what’s happening in Iraq currently. Does anyone here care? Does anyone care to care?

    Not that I disagree with you Eric, but Neo’s portrayal of the entire Viet Nam era from her perspective (in her Mind Change series) is amazing and pitch perfect. I say that as someone a little younger (I think) but who went through the same period and was also very influenced by the politics of Viet Nam, although from a very different perspective.

    I would have opposed Neo at the time but I could not write a more perceptive portrayal and analysis of the times.

    Viet Nam is a perfect allusion to what is going on now for a variety of reasons described in the series. The various particular mind-sets (there are a number) are so similar.

  14. At the risk of being advised to take Maalox before further posting, one other thing – – about pessimism and optimism.

    It probably comes down to one’s expectations with respect to convincing the population or expecting the population to “get it.”

    Look at Neo’s series (and do not skip the part about therapy, it is highly relevant) to see how an assessment can be made of this question.

    The other part comes down to the cultural levers. I believe there are tens of millions of folks in this country who get it perfectly well, or who will get it (as with my aunt and uncle, above).

    But they really do not count in the grand scheme of things because they are swamped by the soviet style culture we have. What exactly do you think is going on when the word “tranny” is a cause for poltical repression, let alone the word “niggardly?”

    The question is whether the present tide in the affairs of America, 1917 style, in the efforts of the Left, hoping there is a flood, will lead on to fortune.

    I don’t think anyone knows. The difference is, the Left is in a position to take the flood (if there is one) and we are not.

  15. Tonawanda,

    What’s happening in Iraq our reaction to it is what is going on now. No allusion needed.

  16. It’s funny that the Times thinks that their time in Gitmo might change the Taliban members. Regular criminals rarely change why would religious fanatics?

    Oh, there undoubtedly will be some who do change. Just as some liberals change, but for the most part people are to tied to these philosophies to do so.

  17. My Gawd… The Candy Despicable Crowley vs. McCain quote takes the proverbial cake. You loathsome piece of pig phlegm: May you populate the guest quarters in a Taliban stoning pit for that query, B’Yotch. Leaves me breathless with Fury. Is there ANY molecule of a moral compass hidden up your flabby-corpulent backside, Candy Puerco??

    IF I had the pleasure/responsibility of being King for a Day, I’d send a whole lot of bombers to the Afghan-Pakistani border regions loaded to the gills with Fuel Air Explosives: Remember ‘The Highway of Death’ in Iraq near the end of Desert Storm?? Baa-Daa-Bing!!

    And, that would just be the start of my day. ((-:

  18. So long as it isn’t Democrat children put in harms way, the LEft has no reason to care. Hussein doesn’t care about vouchers, he has his two daughters in private DC schools, safe from the masses. Hillary’s Chelsea is on the campaign trail talking about more “anger” being needed to fight for social justice. YOu think any of those will be impacted by 5 Taliban commanders in the ME?

    In a normal democracy, which is merely 1% deciding for the 99% what the majority thinks, you need public support to back political and military and economic actions or sustain them.

    We’re not in a democracy any more. We’re not a republic either. So all we got left is tyranny, and in tyranny, it doesn’t matter what Hussein is “damaging his reputation”, because he just makes stuff up as he goes along without regard to “reputation” anymore. Reputation is only something people need in a democracy. The only thing a tyranny needs is “getting it done”. And obviously releasing who you want to release is “getting it done”, a fait accompli.

  19. I agree with Ymarsakar: as important as this issue is, many Americans aren’t touched by it. That’s been the case for many issues, for a long time.

    I’m still waiting for the economic disaster. If Obama’s support doesn’t plummet like a stone, then I’ll say that we’re done. I think instead that plenty of people will be forced to pay attention at that point. Forced, very unwillingly…which will just piss them off even more.

  20. Matt…

    Do keep in mind that the same mentality that is spinning for the Wan is ‘in charge’ of making and assessing the polling.

    Posters here are expecting the decline to be somewhat linear.

    This is a categorical logical error.

    The decline of big systems is gradual — then all at once.

    During the crucial phase, cohesion is lost — yet not recognized as having done so until historians revisit the era. (and errors)

    The vast, vast, vast bulk of the public — to include the brightest — have NO POINT OF REFERENCE for major social upheavals.

    This largely explains the complacency — at this time — in liberal Democrat circles. None seem to be aware that Barry is destroying their party… even more quickly than the GOP.

    Barry is reversing FDR, HST, JFK, LBJ… even WJC.

    He’s blowing up the Great Society. That’s what 0-care signifies.

    He’s blowing up SSDI.

    He’s reversing all of FDR’s coalition constructions.

    A voting mandate of gibsmedats and cronyists is unfinanceable.

    I feel like I’m a trite version of Churchill in the 30’s.

    None are so blind as those who can’t bear to see. (it)

    As for the corruption of the Press: Barry is coercing the MSM — don’t you doubt it.

    The NY Times is actually going broke. So is the WaPo. They hope that Barry will grift them some swag when their hour is dire. (He’s done so for Wall Street.)

    Folks, we are looking directly at the new age: digital tyranny.

    Prisons and death camps are obsolete. Total manipulation of the polity down to the laptop and picture phone makes the Gestapo obsolete.

    The brown shirts have been replaced by ACORN and OFA.

    All concerned are essentially criminal organizations that have the backing of their respective regimes. They will never be held to account.


    As for Barry’s end game: severe economic distress ALWAYS results in the dependency class and the cronyists being cut off. They are wealth drains.

    Both sectors are prone to gang warfare when the stash runs out. Thugs for the first, mercs for the second. (c.f. Russian oligarchs.)

    Survivalists should stock up on popcorn and silver coinage.

  21. Barry is also destined to be THE poster boy for repealing AA.

    It’s as indefensible as slavery.

    It’s as racist as slavery.

    All that’s happened is that the ins and outs have swapped places… and none of those living have any guilt for what happened more than a century ago…

    Instead of ‘ending’ the war against extremist fanatics… Barry should’ve ended AA, declaring victory at last.

  22. Jeez, I am surprised there aren’t stories about prisoners getting points towards release for teaching their fellow prisoners the design of IEDs in order that they may defuse them.

  23. “I’m still waiting for the economic disaster. If Obama’s support doesn’t plummet like a stone, then I’ll say that we’re done. I think instead that plenty of people will be forced to pay attention at that point. Forced, very unwillingly…which will just piss them off even more.” Matt SE

    I’m not at all confident that democrats will get the blame should our economic house of cards collapse. Democrats will blame the rich, the GOP, businessmen, corporate greed, all the usual suspects… The MSM will beat that drum incessantly and the sheep will totally but into it. They’ll pay attention all right… to who and where they’re told to look and place the blame. Mobs are not known for their discernment.

  24. They will certainly pay attention. But the Left’s mind control means just that. People will think and do what they are told to think and do. If evil commands them to become SS stormtroopers, concentration camp guards, and park rangers harassing citizens, then that is what they will obey.

    Their God has decreed their orders. And the Christian God is considered either non existent or too weak.

  25. If the left had one-tenth the mind control abilities you suggest, Obamacare would be a smash success, and Obama’s poll numbers would be way over 50%.

    O-care is a turd, remains so, and can only get worse. Obama has been reduced to (seemingly) his hard-core of supporters. He continues to hover at 43%.

    I submit that there is actually a great reservoir of disinterested voters out there. Disinterested, but neither gullible nor stupid…they just don’t pay attention to politics.
    These are the people that will be pissed off when the economy tanks.

    Obama and Dems are solely responsible for O-care. Obama will be blamed for an economic downturn simply because he’s the president; it always works like that.
    I doubt the masses are going to be persuaded it’s all someone else’s fault. But we’ll see.

  26. Matt.
    Before I lose track of my original point, Matt, I think you’ve missed one. Yes, the left is good at mind control, mainly because there are so many people who want it.
    That wouldn’t make o-care a success. Opinion does not shape reality. Opinion shapes opinion about reality. O-care wouldn’t be any less of a failure if everybody believed it’s a terrific success.
    The same is true of his other screwups.

    As to the MSM and the terrs:
    The MSM lies. We know they lie. They flat-out make clearly and objecively false statements and it’s clear they do so in support of leftist positions. Those demonstrable lies swim in a stew of other sins which are not clearly and objectively false. There are the issues not reported. There are the issues downplayed when they ought to be more important. Those are the issues replete with loaded descriptors and phrasing.
    From time to time, these latter issues can be disputed as matters on which people can disagree orwhen context is the issue.
    During the time when nobody but the National Enquirer could find evidence of John Edwards’ campaign shenanigans and fooling around on his sick wife, the NYT had the investigative chops to write a story falsely accusing McCain of an affair with a lobbyist.
    This is a lie.
    Failing to point out that, even with “adjusted” temperature records, there’s been no global warming for going on eighteen years, thus making the models obviously bogus, is an omission.
    The purpose is the same as a lie.

    But it wouldn’t work unless so, so many people wanted to hear this stuff. Maybe, as neo hints, it’s more comforting to be told there isn’t a problem. Maybe it’s to justify one’s choice as to Obama and reality isn’t helping.

    Once in a great while, even the most obdurate lib confrots reality. Then what happens? It’s funny, in a ghastly way.
    Talking about energy with a relation a couple of years ago. –We have to stop using so much oil. We’re about to run out.– There’s the Bakken field, I pointed out. It wasn’t new at the time; the proven reserves were huge and reasonably well known outside the oil biz.
    This woman reads the Wall Street Journal daily and is always wanting to know what the Dow is doing.
    She is not isolated.
    Her response to my point about Bakken: “Not enough”. It was necessary for her point that there not be enough, and so there is not enough.
    Which demonstrates yet again that there is something behind liberal thought and positioning than objective facts.
    And, as neo pointed out in her essays on changing one’s mind, it’s frequently a matter of self-image and tribalism.
    And so, to return to my point, the MSM’s lies are welcome sustenance. The fact that they’re false is irrelevant. They need to be true so they’re true.

  27. Edwards was using his cancer diagnosed wife as a shield in 2004 or so. Portraying the Tragic American boy that can’t help but call Dick Cheney on his homosexual daughter’s behavior and calling Republicans hypocrites, and lobbying for more lawyer union benefits from lawsuits.

    The Left’s research brigade probably got a hint of Edward’s machinations, but they wanted it kept underwraps until past 2008, where it won’t even matter any more to any Democrat’s election success. So the order was given, and the order was obeyed.

    The only way to a convince a Leftist is the same way you convince zealots, fanatics, and true believers. Destroy their belief, first and foremost. Allow doubt and antagonistic hate to be directed towards their authority figures. Then replace those figures with your own. That’s the only way to “convince” true believers or fanatics.

  28. When I wrote before about people only waking up to the true nature of the Left’s power in the last 6-4 years, that’s due to some of what’s been going on in the comments.

    There were plenty of conservatives, Republicans, or patriots floating around, but they often all shared one thing in common. The Leftist alliance, to them, was an extremist group that at worst could be called a political party, so they used political rhetoric and votes to fight that political party.

    This was a far cry from recognizing the true power of the Leftist alliance or even the Democrat party, a founding member of the Left.

    So people are beginning to connect the dots here. Elsewhere, not so much, although there’s been signs that various battle fronts are adjusting their perception of things. So for people who think they are crying out in this Neo Neocon wilderness alone, fear not, other such communities are thinking along the same lines, and some have already acted upon them. All of this qualifies as battle space intel.

    But if you were fighting a political battle, primarily, in the years past, you saw no need for battle space intel. Many would discard such intel as the ravings of mad men and women, too extreme to be considered Presidential, plausible, or believable.

    So those of us that were beginning to research the matter before the common masses started jumping on the band wagon, have quite a head start. Mostly because other people like us had done a lot of work, such as Soviet defectors and people even before FDR’s day. Their information allows the modern 21st C generation to build up a database that’s deeper than their small number of years of experience.

    In terms of intellectual knowledge, people who rejected the template that the LEft was evil or organized beyond their conception, could not believe the ancient sources. They saw eugenicists in Germany experimenting with child sexuality and triggering, to be extreme make believe fantasies or myths. They saw Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, as being a normal woman that the pro life crowd is “demonizing” with old news eugenics. You can’t invest real knowledge in yourself, using such conceptions, such fake perceptions. So for those of us that have pierced the Left’s illusion several years or decades ago, we do not need to “mentally adjust” for all the information that is now coming in.

    The normal crowd, the 68% of humanity, do need to adjust. They have to learn that most of what they learned was false, and that many of the things they called crazy or right wing nut jobs, were closer to the truth than people wanted them to be.

    A lot of the future matrix predictions can only be done with wisdom, life wisdom. People can tap the life wisdom of the dead, much as the Left can raise the dead as zombies using necromancy. Learning about the past allows people to predict the future or avoid surprises. Those that are still adapting to the Left’s “changed nature” (which is merely the true nature unveiled), are unable to tap into the vast reservoir of human wisdom and knowledge, because only a few years ago most of it seemed like insanity to people. Their past is clouded, the present is uncertain, and the future is in acid.

    In order to save America, first Americans change change themselves. That means admitting sin and guilt, not outsourcing it or blaming it on others. That means recognizing their own human flaws and their own self deception, as well as their gullibility for con artists and con jobs. This is painful. Often times more painful than merely losing their job.

    Most people ignore the truth because the Truth has costs: it blinds, it makes people suffer to get near it, and when you obtain it, other humans look at you with hate or envy.

  29. The lead time for these political shifts is LONG, too long for the early realizers. We get discouraged in the waiting; the large numbers we need just don’t get it until/unless things blow up in their faces, and by then it is often too late. Obama’s approval rating is still 43%, you say. What???

  30. Keys: Contextual frame and controlling premises of the zeitgeist, culture, norms, stigma, general will, and collective (social) consciousness.

    As a society, we are not only an aggregate of individuals. We are also a social entity that encompasses and binds us and is of nature something other than our selves. A tribe writ large that is more notion than physical.

    Ymarsakar focuses on the individual side of the manipulation by the social entity with his emphasis on interrogation and brainwashing techniques.

    With an activist’s eye, I focus more on the social side, the individual manipulation of social nodes in the machinery of the social entity to manufacture consent – even and especially when the aggregate of individual agreement does not add up.

    The consent of the zeitgeist and general will overlays but is not the same thing as the majority consent of the aggregate.

    Tonawanda also has an activist’s eye and recommends reading Neo’s change series, based on the manufacturing of consent and dissent and then discarding of the Vietnam War, in order to learn the individual manipulation of the social nodes. In addition, I recommend studying the social treatment of the Iraq mission to see the process work in contemporary real time.

  31. Over the years I have developed a specialization or preference for personal interrogation methods, psychological (cold reading) body language ques, and the newly modern engineered field of NLP (Neural Linguistic Programming).

    I was often interested in psychology because human behavior made little to no sense to me. Honesty was always the best policy for me, but I knew people who lied, often for no actual benefit just because they liked doing so.

    I’m not sure when I started reading Neo’s Change posts, but it was probably a few years after 2001.

    But one incident still stays clear to my thoughts, and it’s one that has influenced my views on psychological warfare and manipulation.

    Back a few decades ago, in between 1960 and 1980, Leftist psychologists began using regressive hypnotic therapy in order to “recover memories”. They recovered a lot of memories in several female patients, such as child molestation or abuse. This lead to the female patients testifying against their fathers or family in court, destroying the families. The methods they used wasn’t merely hypnosis, but also projection and displacement of anger unto their families, encouraged by the (brainwashing) Leftist psychotherapists.

    After reviewing my notes on other such Leftist operations, I came to the conclusion that this was no mere coincidence, this was a weapons trial by the Leftist alliance. Similar to how they broke the mental state of returning Vietnam veterans by constantly calling them baby killers, destroying their ability to compensate for guilt, turning them into killers, criminals, and drug addicts. And by “baby killer”, I’m not talking about average Leftists at airports. I’m talking about psychotherapists specifically assigned to these veterans upon their return. Specifically. I couldn’t conclude that these were “coincidences”. I was beginning to suspect something bigger was going on in 2006, due to how effective Democrat propaganda was on the war effort. I wasn’t willing to pile it up on the “incompetence and mistake” heap.

    The Left, in general, provides access to such trial data to their members. So what have they done with this data so far? As far as I can tell, they have produced this, a lighter form of control using mass market hallucination.


    This would explain why single women are more likely to vote Democrat, while married women are not as biased. It’s at least one explanation for one of the factors.

    When I make a judgment about Leftist operations, I am not merely looking at the data set exclusive to one operation. I’m looking at the history as well as possibilities.

    Before 2009, I only had theories and suspicions, which often would sound like conspiracy theories if I made them public. These aren’t things I came up with after 2008 because of Hussein. I was already working on them before.

  32. And in case anyone is not familiar with those hypnotic therapy episodes, almost all the memories recovered were in fact “false” memories.

    Merely by the sound of a voice, the Voice of Authority, women came to believe they were molested by an enemy the hypnotist designated for them.

    There are other case examples, though one can’t really call them Leftist trial operations. Experiments by Milton something, on obedience to evil authority, rendered free of methodology errors by other scientists, addresses the rate at which people obey strangers that have authority but are evil. There are also examples of Stockholme Syndrome and obedience to long term kidnappers, although Patty Hearst is indeed an operation carried out by the Left.

  33. Regarding Neo’s change series: People, including commenters here, liked to accuse Baby Boomer left activists of seeking nostalgically revive their Vietnam War protest heyday in their protests of Bush and the War on Terror.

    Being old enough now to appreciate nostalgia, I don’t doubt that’s partially true – but only partially.

    More relevantly, they were reviving the activist protocol that was proven effective with the Vietnam War. The nostalgic episodic rerun wasn’t the point. The brutally effective process was the point.

  34. Eric,
    Back in the day, dealing with some faith-based lib activists, I got one or two to admit they liked the process. Really were nostalgic for those days. ‘course, they were married now and fooling around on one’s spouse is not entirely a Bad Thing amongst libprots, but certainly not as free as the days of Free Love.

  35. This type of journalism is not, I believe, enduring. It contains within itself the seeds of its own dissolution. For its actuating principle is to attract daily the most vivid attention of a large mass. Its object, therefore, is not to report events in their due relationships or to interpret them in ways that subsequent events will verify. It selects from the events of the day those aspects which most immediately engage attention, and in place of the effort to see life dramatically, episodically, and from what is called, in the jargon of the craft, the angle of human interest. This is highly effective – for a while. But the method soon exhausts itself. When everything is dramatic, nothing after a while is dramatic; when everything is highly spiced, nothing after a while has much flavor; when everything is new and startling, the human mind just ceases to be startled. But that is not all. As the readers of this press live longer in the world, and as their personal responsibilities increase, they begin to feel the need of being genuinely informed rather than of being merely amused and excited. Gradually they discover that things do not happen as they are made to appear in the human interest stories. The realization begins to dawn upon them that they have not been getting the news but a species of romantic fiction which they can get much better out of the movies and the magazines. I think I am not mistaken in believing that the popular press has a transient circulation, that its readers pass through it on their way to maturity, and that it can continue to prosper on its original pattern only while there is a continuing supply of immature readers who have not yet felt the need of something else.

    By Walter Lippmann. Wednesday, February 11th, 1931

  36. But we have to consider the new voters, the democracy, as people are fond of calling them. They have many merits, but among them is not that of being, in general, reasonable persons who think fairly and seriously. We have had opportunities of observing a new journalism which a clever and energetic man has lately invented. It has much to recommend it; it is full of ability, novelty, variety, sensation, sympathy, generous instincts ; its one great fault is that it is feather-brained. It throws out assertions at a venture because it wishes them true; does not correct either them or itself, if they are false; and to get at the state of things as they truly are seems to feel no concern whatever.

    Well, the democracy, with abundance of life, movement, sympathy, good instincts, is disposed to be, like this journalism, feather-brained; just as the upper class is disposed to be selfish in its politics, and the middle class narrow.

    Matthew Arnold

  37. I see that the ‘Served in Viet Nam for 3-months 45-years ago’ Sec’y John Boy Kerry says that criticism and worries of the Taliban Exchange Boys going back to their old ways of butchery is, “baloney”. Ya got that, American Koolaid Drinkers??

    Further, the blond-bespecticaled and always brilliant Dept. of State spokestwerp Ms. Harf says that such ‘recidivist’ behavior by freed bad boys has been vastly reduced by the Infantile Majesty’s administration. Got it??

    Sooooooooooooooooo, rest easy, y’all. The exchange for a deserter/collaborator is All Good.

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