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Sebelius steps down — 15 Comments

  1. Is there any currency to the idea that Sebelius went, at least in part, so that the President could put up a nominee who would incite questioning that would allow the Democrats to blow a lot of “War On Women!!!eleventy” smoke?

  2. Funny how having been president of the Walmart Foundation didn’t hurt Sylvia Burwell’s chances in being confirmed for the position of OMB director, and probably won’t for this new job. Now if she were a Republican…

  3. @Ann,

    Does WalMart take money from the Kochs? If so, Burwell is *obviously* compromised and should be hounded about it.

  4. “Sebelius’ public appearances have seemed like an exercise in public humiliation and obvious mendacity, which can’t be easy for anyone to go through except a psychopath.”

    The mendacity was obvious; the humiliation, not so much. She was far from the Nixon v. Rather egregious media assault. Being POTUS and spoken to by Rather in his way, now that is humiliating. (Of course, today the Left wants us all to respect the office. Today.)

    I tend to shy from psychologic/psychiatric diagnoses and labels such as psychopath. They lend themselves to definitional debate; my “psychopath” may not be Neo’s. I prefer common English tags such as “Liar” and “Corrupt” and “Evil”. In Sebelius’s case, she was a liar and a worm, and she will not change out of office. What were the Kansans thinking? Do they think?

  5. Tesh asks:
    Does WalMart take money from the Kochs?

    What an odd question. Why would the Kochs put $ into the Walmart Foundation?

    I have not looked, but rather suspect the Walmart Foundation is being taken over from the inside by the Left, like Ford Foundation was, long ago. How to grow a cancer: start off with one malign cell in a sheltered environment.

  6. I only brought up the Walmart connection because it, like the Koch brothers, is a favorite punching bag of the left.

  7. It’s not a serious question, guys. Just playing the “six degrees of blame” connections game that the leftists play. *shrug*

  8. Whatever her reasons, she gets to leave without having suffered a minute to minute campaign of degradation had her ineptitude been in service to the other party.

  9. Ann
    I only brought up the Walmart connection because it, like the Koch brothers, is a favorite punching bag of the left.

    While Wal-Mart IS “a favorite punching bag of the left,” the anointed one, a.k.a. Hillary Clinton, has served on the board of Wal-Mart.


  10. I suspect she decided to flee the sinking ship once the enrollment period ended. It is amusing that Sebelius forgot to bring the last page of her statement to the press conference. No wonder obamacare is such a bureaucratic disaster.

  11. @ Don Carlos: the Kansans I know (I grew up there) consider Sebelius a carpetbagger. There may have been enough of them to elect her governor at one point, but she’s never been of, for, or about Kansas.

  12. My take: Barry has been hunting for months to find a replacement that could withstand the nomination process.

    The 2014 election cycle has begun.

    “The timing is all.”

    And of the vixen of the hour:

    “O most pernicious woman!
    O villain, villain, smiling, damn’d villain!”

    “You speak like a green girl,
    Unsifted in such perilous circumstance.”

    “Foul deeds will rise,
    Though all the earth o’erwhelm them, to men’s eyes. “

  13. Burwell will sail through the confirmation hearings. She is perceived as a smart, competent, discreet technocrat who has punched all the right tickets: Harvard, Rhodes, McKinsey, Gates Foundation, and OMB. She is a former protege of Bob Rubin. Walmart will help, not hurt her credibility (the Left can sputter all it wants). The Dems see her as a loyal Clintonista (which she assuredly is) and the right sees her as sensible. In sum, too well-connected and credentialed to be denied.

    That is not to say she will be a good HHS secretary. I worry that she is nothing more than a product of her environment, a thoroughly doctrinaire liberal. I see no evidence whatsoever of any independent thought or penetrating insights.

    I happen to have known her before she (formally) entered politics.

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