Home » RIP: Shirley Temple Black


RIP: Shirley Temple Black — 18 Comments

  1. Not to mention the fact that she is pictured three times (THREE!) on the cover of The Beatles’ Sgt Pepper album.

  2. This is simply the most unmitigated sad news I’ve heard this year so far. She always struck me as what a good role model an actor/celebrity ought to be; a good example in life & work. That & her natural good cheer means we have lost something very good in this world.

  3. “On the good ship
    its a sweet trip
    to the candy shop
    where bon-bon’s play,
    on the sunny beach
    of peppermint bay
    Lemonade stands,
    crackerjack bands,
    fill the air,
    and there you are,
    happy landings on a chocolate bar.”

  4. I actually thought she was already dead so was surprised when I read the news this morning. (But I can’t I would ever be “sad” at someone in their 80s, who lead a remarkable, rewarding life, dying. It’s the fate of everyone.)

    More than a couple of times a year I have to consult “dead or alive” websites since there are always people that I thought were dead who weren’t, or the other way around. They are always previously famous people from my parent’s generation (which this falls under).

  5. I remember reading that Bill “Bojangles” Robinson said she was the best darn dancer: he only had to show her a tap sequence once, and she would imitate it, flawlessly.

    I was sad to hear she’s gone. One year younger than my dad. :-(((

  6. Lovely lady and the most talented child actor. And those adorable dimples. Very special!

    Sad news.

  7. While shopping for DVDs of old movies [mostly 1950’s] largely to amuse the folks, I read up online about a few of the old time Hollywood stars. Mostly, in order to see if their filmographies gave me any good ideas for additional purchases.

    One remark I came across somewhere was that Kirk Douglas, I think it was, was the last surviving so-called “golden era of Hollywood” star.

    As of 6 months or so ago there were several females of that era still alive as well. One of whom was the pretty much overlooked Eleanor Parker. You might have seen her as a kid on TV. You know, as that really good looking chick playing the mail order bride in the bizarrely entertaining Heston potboiler about rampaging “marabunta” down in the Amazon jungle?

    Anyway, I had completely forgotten about Shirley Temple. I thought she had passed on a decade or more ago. She’s not only a 1940’s or early 50’s star, but one dating back to the 1930’s.

    It doesn’t seem possible for anyone else appearing in movies in the 1930’s to still be alive … unless it was some infant used for a cradle shot, or a child extra.

  8. She was truly incredible. I hope the do a lot of reruns of her works so that today’s kids get a glimpse of what childhood can be.

  9. And let’s not forget Kudos to her parents; parents who were PARENTS to their children instead of seeing Shirley as a lottery ticket to be used for all she was worth.

    For all Shirley Temple’s success I do believe that her parents (especially her mother) deserve a lot of credit for raising a wonderful daughter.

    Beside, Shirley Temple has a fun, tasty drink named after her!

  10. Ok this eliminates one distinct possibility.

    Neo is not Shirley Temple posing as a much younger woman.

  11. Shirley Temple was a staple of my childhood. Was always impressed with the way she transitioned form Hollywood to “real life.”

    May her family be comforted in this time of loss by an outpouring of admiration and love from all her many fans. RIP.

  12. RIP.

    I’m Gen-X but great is great. The iconic child star Shirley Temple impressed as much in the late 20th century as she did in the early 20th century.

    The transition from child star to grown-up star in Hollywood has always been an unlikely leap, then and now, and it’s too bad in her case.

    In her last films, Temple was a pretty – and sexy – young woman. Perhaps because I’m not as fixed on her child image as audiences were at the time, I would like to have seen more from Temple as a grown-up actress. But her transition to grown-up actress was cut short before it could play out.

  13. “some people were initially convinced she was a midget”

    Well, apparently she had an adult mind her whole life. An amazing person.

  14. I am very fond of The Little Princess: Shirley Temple, backed up by Cesar Romero, and Arthur Treacher! It can’t lose!

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