Home » Obama the betrayer: part III


Obama the betrayer: part III — 99 Comments

  1. But Lamb is no child.

    Someone who abandons their human born free will and independence of judgment to a god or man created messiah is not a child?

    On the contrary, I believe many of the cannonfodder on the Left have so abdicated their rights. They have sold themselves into slavery, they didn’t need us. They have their own idols they worship.

    They betrayed themselves first and foremost, when they gave up the human free will they were born with and the family that raised them to utilize that resource.

    Zombies and vampires and other monsters that have given up on their humanity, can never again return to what they once lost. They threw away the path of salvation. It would take a divine miracle to save them. Unfortunately for them, Obama and the Leftist alliance were not that miracle.

    What they will learn is that the power they invested in the idol will destroy all of us, even those that wished to preserve their human soul and free will from external (gov) influence.

    What they will learn is that humanity, once given up or destroyed, is not so easy to regain in their lifetime. Nature, the world, and time itself is not so naive and soft as that.

  2. wow, I stumbled on this sight while fact checking the “Bette in Spokane story” ( the anti-obamacare rant the GOP used for its SOTU response). I never comment but, I’ve got to ask; how does someone with your education publish some nonsense like this? I understand why the white 50 year-olds, living in their mother’s basement rant like this – but not someone like you. If your dream is to be the next Ann Coulter, and make money “ginning up” the idiots everyday, Ok. I can respect that – but really!

  3. While I might have some sympathy for Lamb’s physical condition (lupus is a horrible disease), I have exactly zero sympathy for her sense of betrayal. She was willfully ignorant. A lot of people like me tried to warn her of what the impact of O-care would be, but she opted to believe in unicorns and elves gliding off the tongue of Obama. Reality didn’t matter. All that matter was what Obama said because it was magical. Well, turns out that reality refused to comply.

    So these people are angry and feel betrayed? Good. My only hope is that this betrayal will open their eyes. However, I know far too many who forgive Barry by saying “But he meant well!!!”

  4. N-Neo: We need to thank Marty for supplying a pluperfect poster example of the Obama Supporter/Voter.

    I’m adding his post to my daily: CANNOT Possibly Make This S*** UP!!

  5. It’s usually in the fine print. This is a familiar theme used by car salesmen to get people committed to driving their dream car off the lot and not understanding that they are going to be paying twice what the car is worth and they have blown their budget for the next six years.

    Kind of like putting a lot of people into homes they can not afford, promising them the good life and then blaming the bank when it crashes down on their heads.

    There should be a disclaimer that people are required to sign before they listen to a politician that says, “Verbal representations and claims are not valid or to be trusted, only the fine print in any bill passed by congress and signed by the chief executive will be used in the implementation of this bill.”

    Maybe it is time for people to grow up and acknowledge that we do indeed reap what we sow. Of course I do remember talking to older Germans when I lived there in the 1960’s and they would often say that Hitler really was good for the country until WWII. He gave them jobs and prosperity they would tell me and then when the war started things began to turn bad. I was too polite to reply that it was only when they started losing and got the crap bombed out of their cities that they realized their leadership was not very good.

    When we are taken in by a really good con man it is hard to admit that we made the mistake in believing him in the first place and sometime we double down thinking things will get better. I did that once about 30 years ago when I had a salesman get my company to ship $10K worth of merchandise to what turned out to be phony accounts. When I called him on it he convinced me that everything would be fine, there was just a glitch in their payment system and I shipped another $10K before I acknowledged that I had been taken by a con man.

  6. It’s not Obama that is the source. People should have been saying about the Leftist alliance in 2008, what some were saying about Obama. But I never heard it directly put in the way it should have been. Not until 2013 at least. Then people began to feel the proper emotions and have the proper reactions.

    Because they finally were convinced by the Left, that it wasn’t just some fluke election by dumb nuts on the Democrat plantation for black boy prince over there. It was something much larger.

  7. @ Marty–
    This blog is not a “sight” it is a site. I just adore liberal “fact-checkers.” I often wonder, do their babies suck taqiyya instead of milk from mama, or is it possible that they’re truly this deluded?

    Marty beings by launching a spate of ad hominem fallacies: that if the author of this blog was old and white still living with mommy then her argument–thus presumably discredited–could be summarily ignored.

    However Marty condescendingly grants her the benefit of the doubt on these particulars. Of course, tellingly, we can see what sort of person we are dealing with when Marty admits that he can “respect” hypocrisy.

    On a more personal note it’s my opinion that Marty probably simpered and closed his eyes while he typed that Ann Coulter part. See South Park Season 10 episode 2 “Smug Alert,” for a meticulous characterization of “this” type of liberal.

  8. Why the sense of betrayal?

    1) Obama was a feel good candidate, supposed to absolve America of its original sin of racism. You can practically hear the stifled cries among the electorate of “but it wasn’t supposed to be this way!”

    2) Shelby Steele brilliantly dissects the psychological phenomenon of racial manipulation in his book “White Guilt: How Blacks and Whites Together Destroyed the Promise of the Civil Rights Era”.

    3) Obama is and always has been a con man. He recognized early on in his own words that he’s a blank screen on which people of vastly different political stripes project their own views.” (I think of him as “The Mule” in Asimov’s trilogy.)

    4) People feel betrayed in part because they belatedly realize that they fell for a series of Big Lies. (This buttresses Neo’s earlier post that Obama can count on the msm to not report his falsehoods.) People wanted to believe; they couldn’t believe that someone could and would lie so brazenly (The Audacity of Dope); nor could they believe that media would cover up things, until the cognitive dissonance became too great to bear.

    Some never will admit it to themselves; others turn their disillusionment and disgust at being duped into feelings of betrayal and anger.

  9. @ Jack

    Or it could be that “Marty” is really “Mitsu” – the spam bot, upgraded or reprogrammed.

    Or “Marty” works for “Centers for Progress”, like a lot a hit and run spamers, just doing his job.

  10. While I agree that these people share the blame for their situation having believed Obama despite information to the contrary being available (and crowds of angry citizens confronting their Congressmen constantly in the news drawing their attention to it), there’s still the fact that Obama lied about the ACA.

    He didn’t just make intentionally vague promises, or gloss over the details, he made many statements that, had he been a businessman, he could be charged for fraud:

    “If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”

  11. Victims of con artists rarely describe their hardships as betrayal. They say “We were duped”. Use of the term “betrayal” means that they still believe that Obama was honest making his promises and only later changed his mind. Only when people got understood that the man was totally phony from the beginning, there will be awakening from this spell.

  12. “Ymarsakar Says:
    February 4th, 2014 at 9:52 am

    But Lamb is no child.

    Someone who abandons their human born free will and independence of judgment to a god or man created messiah is not a child?

    On the contrary, I believe many of the cannonfodder on the Left have so abdicated their rights. They have sold themselves into slavery, they didn’t need us. They have their own idols they worship. ….

    Yes, Lamb’s opinion piece in the Post indicates that she betrayed the principles and cause of liberty and constitutional government.

    She betrayed the sacrifices of our ancestors, our heritage of political freedom, and the futures of those to come.

    She knowingly betrayed it all in return for a promise of special privileges to gained through the so-called promise of the individual mandate. Special privileges which supposedly would accrue as the result of a boundary breaking but legally codified and government enforced ability for her kind to to siphon off the life energies of others for her particular use and benefit; to take from those whose only crime was the misfortune of being healthier while sharing a political space with her. What is the fascist formula that the IRS finds so dear? An individual shared responsibility provision?

    And now this puling traitor is bemoaning the fact that her treason has misfired, and she has been played for a sap, and she is worse off than before she sold her – and our – liberty?

    And who is she whining to?

    This is all too, too rich.

    I’m in a mood to say something like “F8ck the amoral weak and all the stupid with, them since their only aim in life seems to be to destroy the happiness of everyone who comes into contact with them” but that would probably be going overboard a bit.

    After all … well, there must be some reason not to say it.

    I just can’t think of one right now.

  13. there’s still the fact that Obama lied about the ACA.

    Those who achieve enlightenment and humanity must automatically know how to recognzie evil and false truths.

    The fact that people cannot do that, is evidence that they have sunk lower than children. Children has yet to have the resources and the opportunity to make a decision: slave or human. The voters have decided. They decided to regress back even further than the child, into one cell organisms.

    Not being able to tell reality from fiction, mirage from reality, is a crippling disease, a maiming as great as not having a human brain, a human heart, or eyes to see. Ironically, it is self inflicted. Nature and God did not inflict that maiming and crippling on them. The voters and citizens said to the Demons and Devils, “Come, I offer you my soul, give me the DIVINE GIFT YOU PROMISED”.

    Mephistopheles: We accept your soul and free will, and we will provide you what we guaranteed.

    ELamb: I tried your product out for a bit, and I don’t like it. I want to return it and get my soul and will refunded.

    Mephistopheles: You must take us very lightly. Who do you think we are, Walmart? We aren’t Walmart. No refunds.

    If you make a mistake and put your face in a pot of blue fire thinking it’s marshmellows, guess whose fault that is when your eyes burn out and you become a monster to everyone who sees you? Either you are responsible for yourself via your soul and judgment, or you are a plaything and TOOL of some external force. Tools don’t get to say, “well, sh, I don’t like it, do it my way”.

  14. Ms. Neoneocon, I know why you hide you face behind the apple. You can’t be proud of the work product you are putting out. Read these comments very closely. With your obvious writing talents, this is what you engender! But I understand. There is money to be made in ranting! Look at Rush Limbaugh, his 2008 contract with Clear Channel was for $400 million, over 8 years, with a $100 million signing bonus. Could Rush ever present a balanced discussion on any of the issues he presents? No, his listeners would jump over to Hannity for their daily fix of nonsense. So, balanced discussions are impossible. It’s a shame.

  15. Marty is ignoring us, I see. He thinks we are beneath his notice, that Obama’s IRS, SWAT, and federal death squads will take care of us without him having to address us individually.

    Boy, will he be surprised.

  16. He must think we are puppets of Neo, that we are only allowed to speak as she commands. That if he targets her, like they did Palin, the rest of will shut up.

    Interesting theory for a sub-human monster.

  17. Sacrificial Lamb.
    Not really. Actual sacrificial lambs don’t have much choice in the matter. Lamb, and millions of others, made a choice to not heed the warnings because the warnings were (1) difficult to think about, (2) like totally not cool. They were lazy and entitled and could not be bothered to think. In their defense, nobody taught them HOW to think, just WHAT to think. They’ve been raised on a steady diet of dependency propaganda all their lives, supposedly protected by “consumer advocates” and failed to ever question authority, unless the authority was in the private sector and/or was conservative.

    Of course, if this was a corporate con, the consumer protection lawsuits would be epic. But then if this was a corporate con it would never have been launched in the first place.

  18. It’s a lot of fun to listen to a slick-talker tell you how much better your life will be if you just take the step and buy into the new xyz program, that he or she is selling.

    My father was born in 1903 and worked his way up from a kid living on a hard-scrabble farm where his mom had to trade eggs for food, through college and later a master’s degree and he had a lot of wisdom.

    In the mid-50’s we drove two hours to do to the state fair and we had not gone too far past the entrance when we stopped at a booth where a man was selling pen sets. They were in a presentation box and there was fountain pen, mechanical pencil and a ballpoint pen and they looked great.

    We stopped to listen to him tell us, mom and dad and my younger sister and me how we would do much better in school if we had these wonderful writing instruments. His story went on and on about how these were a $50 value but his company had set up at the fair, not to make money but to help with the education of children.

    Sis and I were enthralled to hear how much better we would be able to write our papers for school and how the mechanical pencil would help us with math and how we would be able to write letters with the fountain pen.

    My mom and dad just watched us and when the salesman started to wrap up his pitch we turned around and jumped up and down and told dad that we really needed these pens and how they were such a good deal that would help us the rest of our lives with their life time warranty.

    Dad totally surprised us by taking two ten dollar bills out of his pocket since he never gave into our pleas for stuff like this. He asked us if we really wanted to buy the pen sets and if we really needed them. Of course we said yes and then he told us that $10 was all he had to spend on each of us the rest of the day at the fair so there would be no rides and no candy. He then asked us if we really needed the pen sets and we were sure we did and we told him that they would be so good for us.

    The result of our decision is that we spent the rest of the day at the fair looking at exhibits and farm animals listening to the kids on the rides and watching kids eat cotton candy. Then we started on the ride home and while I was working with my pencil it fell apart.

    Within a week the ball point pen quit working and it was an off brand so I could not get a refill and the fountain pen was so cheap it never worked. The gold finish tarnished and the before the remains of the sets got shoved in a drawer my dad ask us what we thought about our purchase since we already had pens, pencils and fountain pens.

    We told him we did not understand why he let us buy the sets and why we had to drive a long distance and miss out on the rides and asked him how he could treat us that way. I still remember his reply.

    Dad explained that he wanted us to know that just because someone tells you a great sales story it does not mean that you are being told the truth and some people will tell you lies and take advantage of you. He also said that he knew that the sets we were buying were junk but we had to learn that lesson for ourselves. Furthermore our day spent not riding the rides and eating state fair stuff was the price we paid for making our decision to believe a salesman’s pitch.

    It too a bit longer for that to sink in but since I was nine years old I have been skeptical when a person starts pouring on the smooth talk about what they are willing to do for my benefit and what a bargain I am getting for a reduced price or for free.

    I am ever so thankful I had a father like mine and he was great for all of us four kids he and my mom adopted years ago. Up until he died in his 90’s he was interested in listening to us and offering advice when asked and he always understood that some lessons had to learned the hard way. Otherwise with out paying a price or earning an outcome a lesson had little meaning.

    And that is why I tell my grown children to be skeptical of any politician regardless of parties and question their motives and look for the hidden trade offs and pay offs which are always part of power and politics when the slick-talkers are going to solve our problems and we will live happily ever after.

  19. ” Ymarsakar Says:
    February 4th, 2014 at 12:43 pm

    He must think we are puppets of Neo, that we are only allowed to speak as she commands. That if he targets her, like they did Palin, the rest of will shut up.

    Interesting theory for a sub-human monster.”

    “Now now, let’s not get extreme … ” said this pot to the kettle.

    Seriously, the fact is, as most of us know, that the left cannot really argue principles, and don’t generally nowadays even claim that they can.

    They are on their own premises they imagine, engaged not in a process of discovery of right and ordinate principles, but of visionary creation, and human molding.

    What’s to argue over? Who likes vanilla and who likes chocolate? You say “liberty”, I say “tomato”.

    Neo however has the bad taste to speak bluntly, and some of her commenters do the same, or more.

    Now this is permissible if you are at MSNBC, but a disgrace if you are a blogger with an admitted political viewpoint.

    And look at how much money Rush Limbaugh makes … why, what else need be said?

    Understand better?

  20. Obama is not merely a betrayer, he is a traitor.

    That he will never be charged, much less convicted, changes the truth not at all.

    He is intentionally pursuing policies both foreign and domestic that are purposely designed to destroy America. If that does not qualify as treason by an American President, then nothing short of abetting armed invasion or nuclear terrorist attack qualifies.

  21. “Truth is mighty and will prevail”–the most majestic compound fracture of fact which any of woman born has yet achieved. For the history of our race, and each individual’s experience, are sewn thick with evidences that a truth is not hard to kill, and that a lie well told is immortal.

  22. Don’t bother to respond to Marty. Notice how it doesn’t respond to anything you say? It’s just a Dem spambot.

  23. I will never forget how this low life currently in the Oval Office threw his OWN GRANDMOTHER under the bus, essentially calling the poor dead woman a racist (although the poor old dear probably couldn’t help herself, being Caucasian and all). He is a traitor to his own family. Can we be surprised how much he hates the rest of us?

  24. I’ll tell ya what else is easily killed.

    “Now now, let’s not get extreme … ” said this pot to the kettle.

    Of course, DNW. But I’m only at 85% filter right now.

    I’ve rarely gone below 50% filters here.

  25. So is Marty a real person, or is someone here trolling the rest of us? I will admit to knowing some people like him, so it’s certainly possible he’s real, but his comments resemble almost a parody of what someone thinks leftwing gobbledygook sounds like.

  26. Obama, like all con-men, know human nature has never failed to head the warning “if it’s too good to be true, it probably is”.
    You can’t say that nobody warned them. This isn’t a case of everyone being fooled, it’s a case of expecting something for nothing. I can sympathize to some extent with the sick and the elderly who voted for this, but I’m also entitled to be pissed off at them because one day I and my children will be at the mercy of this awful legislation. They weren’t thinking at all about who was going to pay, or how it worked, or listening to any other proposals or arguments against the bill. They voted for the biggest package of goodies and when they didn’t get them, they blamed the con-man.
    As you say Neo, we were all betrayed, and to large extent, by those who supported this program and voted for Obama, with only their immediate self interest at stake. Their children, their grandchildren, their neighbors and everyone else who would be affected weren’t factored into their vote.
    I suppose someone will argue that they were fooled into believing everyone would be better off, but that isn’t why most people voted for Obama – they voted for him because he promised them something of personal value or interest. Now everybody is worse off, but it’s mostly the same people who are whining about it. They got health care, but it wasn’t free – they have to pay for it — a lot.. But they wanted FREE health care.
    Once the class of people who expected free health care get it, either by goverment subsidy or otherwise, you won’t hear the media running stories about the people who get stuck with the tax bill. Everything will be fine again.

  27. ” Ymarsakar Says:
    February 4th, 2014 at 1:30 pm

    I’ll tell ya what else is easily killed.

    “Now now, let’s not get extreme … ” said this pot to the kettle.

    Of course, DNW. But I’m only at 85% filter right now.

    I’ve rarely gone below 50% filters here.”

    Rereading my own first comment, the misplaced commas, the missing words, and I can see that I was typing through a bit of a red haze myself … LOL

  28. “I will never understand why a man with that history was ever trusted by anyone”

    IMO because those that feel betrayed did not expect that they were the one’s who were going to be impacted by Obama’s policies in money or in kind. It’s okay to create a new invoice that you must pay, but it should be cost free to me.

    We think Lamb feels betrayed, imagine how Peggy Johnson must feel (Obama will “put gas in my car and pay my mortgage”).

  29. Yep.

    As long as the ‘1%’ was paying the bill for everyone, then it was all good. Problem is, they forgot 99% = 99 x 1%.

  30. Until Marty spelled it out, I had no idea that Neoneocon was a multimillionaire raking in the big bucks from online readers. 😉

    This part of Lamb’s essay really gets me:
    “I’ve had to take a second job in order to pay for my ObamaCare plan. Given my health problems, the physical and emotional drain that this puts on me is difficult to bear. It’s also made it much more difficult for me to care for my ailing mother, who depends on me for help.”

    So she CAN afford the ObamaCare plan. It’s just that it has a personal cost to her. That’s the way it should be, if you’re happy to make other people pay.

    Personally, I work too many hours to get a second job at this point. But by late summer I’ll need to get a cushion of some sort.

  31. Marty’s name-calling, ungrammatical, cliche-filled but content-free posts are so laughably stereotypical of the worst features of liberal “thinking” that I can’t help suspecting that s/he’s a Moby. But just in case s/he’s real — are people like this so lacking intellectually that they don’t realize that insults aren’t arguments? Or are they so arrogant that they think WE won’t see that there’s no substance in their arguments, and that we won’t understand what it means (and to lay it out for Marty — it means there’s no substance in your thinking.) Or are they just nuts?

    In my own poll, I’m voting for all three.

  32. Prior to ObamaCare, I bought my health insurance through CoverTN, a program run by the state of Tennessee. The coverage was perfectly suited to my unique medical condition. It offered me low premiums, a low deductible and low co-pays for my regular trips to doctors and specialists. This plan was perfect for someone with my unique medical condition and limited financial means.
    My plan was canceled last fall. According to the regulators behind ObamaCare, it was a subpar plan that should no longer be sold to consumers. Another 16,000 Tennesseans on the same plan were similarly dumped. Many, like me, liked their plans and wanted to keep them.
    -E Lamb

    If they liked their plan, why did they want the government to take it over? Because they thought Obama would pay for it instead of the 50 dollars they were shelving out each month? They sold their souls and Americans into slaves, for 50 dollars a month?

    Is that more or less than what Benedict Arnold got from the British…

    Or were they feeling guilty and said, “well, what if every poor American, black and colored, could get this kind of healthcare?” Let’s have government force the states into compliance, that’ll show them how it is done.

  33. Oldtexan, your father was wise.

    My niece, a hard working girl since she was 14, went to a party with people people she did not know well. She left her purse on a bed, and sure enough, someone lifted $30.00 from it. My sister could have easily replaced that money, but decided against it. She reasoned that it was a very cheap way to teach her daughter a valuable lesson about who to trust..

    Somehow I get the feeling that a lot of those now crying foul never learned their lessons.

  34. The majority of therapists, psychoanalysts, or psychologists are Democrats or Left leaning.

    A psychoanalyst needs a senior psychoanalyst to debrief and psychoanalyze the primary patient care giver, because even listening to crazy stories will make a person crazy over time. Hasan said that he was suffering PTSD (guilt) because he kept listening to the stories of soldiers sent to him (he was a psychologist) for PTSD. That, I thought, was a pure element of truth. He would get guilty hearing about how Americans were blowing up and eviscerating Hasan’s buddies, Islamic Jihad. That most likely motivated him to purge himself of these feelings via the reward of Jihad and Heaven.

    There are other corruptions and malfeasance that can occur between patient and (therapist) doctor. From violence, to sex, to some kind of co-dependence relationship.

    While the field of psychology and therapy wouldn’t be my answer for sociopathy, it is a field of knowledge that anyone can take part in and learn from. Just realize that they, like most authorities, have their own agendas, which aren’t necessarily in your benefit.

    There were verified stories and accounts of how regressive hypnotists or therapists, most of them Leftists in philosophy and training, turned Vietnam war veterans returning from the front into social monsters and rapists, because they kept droning into their head every day that the war was a monstrosity, America was evil, etc. There were also similar stories and accounts of hypnotists implanting false memories of child rape into the heads of women, and instigating those women into accusing their fathers (the patriarchy) of child molestation.

    That worked out real well, when the women found out that they had destroyed their daughter-father relationship and trust based upon false memories, years later. The Left’s weaponized field trials, I called them.

    Resistance to suggestion, hypnosis, and Authoritarian Commands is related to psychology, but it’s not easily imparted by psychoanalysts. You, yourself, have to do it, by yourself, for yourself. The training cannot be easily applied externally, since it is easily the same as brainwashing.

    Aftermath Survival website article also doesn’t cover socially useful sociopaths. That’s a glaring weakness in the overall field of knowledge.

  35. I have no sympathy for anyone “betrayed” by Obama.

    They were not “betrayed”. They joined the crime syndicate where certain Americans get to steal from other Americans.

    And the Big Boss cut the grabbers out of the deal!


    Justice for them is getting screwed.

  36. Mike. They get what they deserve. Problem is, we get what they deserve.
    My remaining hope is that those who voted for it get what they deserve first, so that I can point out to them that they voted for it.

  37. Marty:

    Perhaps the most amusing of the many amusing things you said is the idea that I blog for the big bucks.

  38. Marty is using the Alinsky method. Always belittle your opponent. Accuse him/her of things that are calculated to demean/diminish him/her. Never engage on the issues. Always make it personal. Whenever you see a comment like that you know you are dealing with an acolyte of Alinsky. The best advice is to ignore them because their only goal is to stir you up and try to confuse you.

  39. Years ago, before Obama’s first election, I saw a couple of black writers–John McWhorter was one and I’d recognize the other if I’d had another cup of coffee–on the issue of “first black president’.
    They mentioned that the first black MLB player was Jackie Robinson.
    Implied was that it was FREAKING JACKIE ROBINSON.
    Not a utility infielder with a .122 avg and a drinking problem.
    Which they hoped wouldn’t be the case. But they weren’t smiling much, talking about it.

  40. I used to have my own thoughts.

    But that was before I became a passive drone of the rich and well connected billionaire blogger neoneocon.

    Thanks for the Russ Lit, ap!

  41. neo-neocon Says:
    February 4th, 2014 at 6:46 pm


    Perhaps the most amusing of the many amusing things you said is the idea that I blog for the big bucks.

    Well, to be fair, neo, you do have that Amazon link.

  42. Richard A, in a zombie apocalypse that is sort of the problem. All the fools that didn’t arm themselves properly, get killed by zombies and turned. Then they go after the rest of us and it’s that “extra one” that we can’t kill due to reload times or lack of 360 degree cover, that gets us. All the time.

  43. neo writes, “The bell doesn’t just toll for Lamb; it tolls for all of us. It tolls for all of us when a politician as smoothly deceptive as Obama is in charge. It tolls for all of us when too many Americans are naive enough to believe him. It’s not just Lamb’s problem; it’s everyone’s.”

    As you (neo-neo) and the overwhelming majority of us know, but I think it bears underscoring, it wasn’t just Obama-the-deceptive-politician.

    It was enablers throughout the left and the Democrat Party (and the mainstream media, but I am redundant there). It was many, many people who either ought to have known better, and/or who in fact *did* know better — but it was what needed to be done to advance The Agenda. If it was *just* The One, all this could never have been pulled off.

  44. I would change “smoothly deceptive” to “compulsively lying”. He did not need to be smooth to ride the wave created for the First Black President.
    Ah well. Joe Biden had it right the first time.

  45. It is good to see to see people like Emilie Lamb start to wake up and even better to see her get what she voted for. Ditto for the unions. What bothers me is I have been hearing stories of various groups people abandoning the Obama cult almost since his election in 2008. And still he polls well above 40%, is adored by millions, the MSM protects him and the Republicans seem powerless to undo, or at least stop the damage.

    A quick (and rare) visit to my Facebook account or any liberal website convinces me the majority of this country is still delusional. While many in this country may be disappointed in Obama, they have not changed their basic impulse to want more govt paid for by other people. I don’t see people waking up to the dangers of big govt. They just want it administered better.

    In 2016 the unions and Emilie Lambs of the country will line up to vote for Hillary. I don’t see that changing unless, like an alcoholic, we hit bottom. We have a way to go to the bottom yet.

  46. Simone de Beauvoir, speaking of why women clung to subordinate status, said it was because that status “exempts them from the risks and decisions of history-making.”

    Something similar is operating in the Liberal Birdbrains.

    My niece, an otherwise reasonably intelligent young woman, was indignant over Thanksgiving that anyone would say an Obama voter was “a fool.” And opined that everyone is entitled to an opinion. Parroting her pinko instructors, she said, “Everyone is entitled to their point of view.”

    Even a foolish one.

  47. OldTexan, I read your comment to my father. He says that’s what his parents called “an expensive lesson.”

  48. Wonderful story, OldTexan. Marty should take notes.

    As far as why Owebama was able to lie with impunity and have those lies believed by so many hook, line and sinker, my opinion is that Owebama leads a carefully scripted Cult of Personality, the dangers of which are no longer taught in school at any level; ignorance is not bliss. Just look at Bill O’Really making the comment at the end of the ‘interview’ (more like a Lewinsky if you ask me) that Owebama’s heart is in the right place. That’s a Cult of Personality right there for all to see. Owebama’s heart is an evil heart, and is never ‘in the right place’ for the good of this Country or its People. But when someone like O’Really falls for the Owebama Cult of Personality, it shows how easy such a Cult of Personality is to achieve and how successful it can be with the right ‘personality’ as the focus. Of course, dealing The Race Card from the bottom of the deck didn’t hurt Owebama, either.

  49. Most people have never undergone individual or assisted interrogation, psychological manipulation, or psych warfare training. They have no resistance. It’s like a guy in a coma for 30 years, he wakes up and thinks he can run as well as he did before. That’s not happening. No conditioning, no training, and no resistance, means all kinds of weaknesses infiltrate the human mind.

  50. On Marty: “I never comment but, I’ve got to ask; how does someone with your education [1] publish some nonsense like this? I understand why the white [2] 50 year-olds, living in their mother’s basement [3] rant like this — but not someone like you [4].”

    Standard liberal mindset:
    [1] Appeal to credentialism
    [2] Racism and oikophobia
    [3] Elitism
    [4] Appeal to vanity

    Translation:“Class traitor! How can you be encouraging the dirty plebs to revolt against their betters? They deserve what they get for being white and poor! I expected more from a fellow member of the upper crust.
    …Now excuse me, I’m off to winter in Davos.”

    Fuck off, Marty.

  51. On the post topic:

    Obama supports the unions to the extent that the unions have power. But their membership is dwindling, so Obama is throwing them under the bus (getting kinda crowded under there!) when he finds it convenient.

    Ms. Lamb is a delusional liberal. There are many more like her.

    “The bell doesn’t just toll for Lamb; it tolls for all of us.”

    Not exactly. *We* weren’t the ones taken in by Obama’s bullshit. Sure, we’ll all take the hits together as the worst excesses of blue-state extremism are nationalized, but I view this as a necessary evil.

    The pain is necessary to wake up the voters. You can look at it as a down-payment on America’s future.

    And one more thing…Fuck off, Marty.

  52. Beverly

    My niece, an otherwise reasonably intelligent young woman, was indignant over Thanksgiving that anyone would say an Obama voter was “a fool.” And opined that everyone is entitled to an opinion. Parroting her pinko instructors, she said, “Everyone is entitled to their point of view.”

    But you were NOT “entitled to your point of view” that Obama voters were fools!

  53. Remember when Hussein ordered the American people to bring up healthcare on thanksgiving and Christmas?

    The loyal, zombie like legions of the Left obeyed. It’s not like they said, “well, that’s a good idea, let’s do it”. It was more like, “the Omnipotent Hussein Messiah has ordered it, and so shall it be done”.

    It was ridiculous. I couldn’t create a better manifestation of zombie like behavior if I tried, for the masses.

  54. @Ymarsakar

    Yeah. And the funny thing is, the left is supposed to be scared of zombies (hence, all the recent films) because they represent the mindless conformity of consumerism, or something.

    Liberals: independently, unanimously heeding the commands of their masters.

  55. Obama is the man who wasn’t there.

    And as holes in his “narrative” are noted and then slowly filled in, as excised bits of reality are reattached, as connective puzzle pieces are put back in place, as little bits and pieces of information that slowly emerge contradict his carefully concocted origin “narrative”–the story of his life, his ideology, and accomplishments, and his background, family, associations, and history–information that casts them all in an entirely different light, that present an entirely different picture than the one we have been sold leak out, as we start to see other parts of his history outside of those that Obama and the MSM have very deliberately chosen to focus a spotlight on, highlight, emphasize, or to interpret in one particular way, it is becoming more and more obvious that his entire life–as it has been portrayed to us by Obama, and reinforced and defended by a complicit MSM–is just one carefully manufactured and presented “legend”; a carefully constructed cover story, a false life and history of the type created for a spy, and one gigantic lie.

    Why, then, should anyone expect honesty and fidelity from such a person.

  56. Our stream of thinking has enormous momentum that can easily drag people along with it. Every thought pretends that it matters so much. It wants to draw our attention in completely.
    The first step for anyone is to NOT take their thoughts to seriously.
    It’s so easy for people to become trapped in their conceptual prison.
    The human mind in its desire to know, understand and control, mistakes it’s opinions and view points for the truth.
    “The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it and IGNORANCE may deride it but in the end, there it is” Benjamin Disraeli
    Frankly from reading these threads the real question is why did this Marty individual get under ALL of your skin. My guess is because deep down it’s clear you know he is right.

  57. I submit that, given our experience of these last few years under Obama & Co., what were once viewed as “paranoia” and totally unbelievable, nutty “conspiracy theories” have now become merely paying attention, following the information trail, and applying common sense to put the puzzle pieces together in a way that makes sense.

  58. We are all aboard the American megapassenger jet that has been highjacked. They intend to fly it and all of us into Mt Everest. We can’t get to the highjackers because all the LIVs and Libs are in the aisles waving their arms and screaming for more fresh diapers and free drinks.

  59. Keidor:

    Another day, another amusing troll.

    When you write, of truth, “Malice may attack it and IGNORANCE may deride it,” were you gazing at yourself in the mirror, I wonder?

    Speaking of truth, and of ignorance, you are incorrect even on the simple fact of the origin of the quote you offer. It was said by Winston Churchill, not Benjamin Disraeli. See this (speech in the House of Commons, May 17, 1916).

  60. Ha — another content-free comment, most likely from Marty Redux. Keidor apparently takes his or her own “stream of thinking” very seriously indeed, while preaching to others not to do the same. But why would anyone take seriously the thoughts of a writer who, in addition to failing to understand the difference between insult and argument, doesn’t know the difference between “too” and “to,” can’t correctly punctuate the possessive form of “it,” can’t spell “viewpoint,” can’t properly punctuate or attribute a quotation, and can’t match a plural noun to its plural antecedent?

    Marty yesterday, Kiedor today — what fish in a barrel will show up tomorrow looking to be shot?

  61. Ahhhh
    Benjamin lived in the 1800’s. That would be before Mr. Churchill. Not sure you can do reverse plagiarism. However that’s not the point. Your followers need to move at least slightly to the center so they can see the forest for the trees.

  62. I’ll start taking Keidor or Marty seriously when they can solve what 2 + 2 = in binary is.

    And trinary. Then explain why the first is different from the second. Internet is allowed and calculators are allowed.

    Always test the zombies first. It’s an easy test to do. Just do it away from the drool.

  63. “neo-neocon Says:
    February 5th, 2014 at 1:37 pm


    Another day, another amusing troll. …”

    My guess is that like most bloggers you would appreciate a visit from someone from the opposite political pole who was prepared to make an argument, and to follow the logic where it led.

    However, it has been my experience, (and it has unfortunately become extensive dating as it does back to the nationwide RKBA debate and its attendant natural rights issues) that the left cannot, except upon the most superficial level, marshal and support their arguments for collective responsibility without descent into ad hominem.

    As most of us know, this inability and trend of theirs only stands to reason, inasmuch as ours and their most fundamental assumptions about the role of rationality as an arbitrator of appetites, and the ultimate intelligibility of – or the importance of the principle when addressing – reality, are at extreme variance if not outright antithetical.

    There is no real way to argue principles with a being whose only principle leads it to, in essence, just keep repeating over and over again: “I am the vanguard of human evolution. My desires are self-justifying. When and what I want, you therefore must be harnessed in order to provide”.

    As everyone here knows, tolerance is not enough for them. Your active participation and sacrifice are required. No demurrers accepted.

  64. Keidor
    Benjamin lived in the 1800′s. That would be before Mr. Churchill. Not sure you can do reverse plagiarism.

    Interesting that you do not document your claim.

    I Googled

    “winston churchhill” “The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it and IGNORANCE may deride it but in the end, there it is.”

    I got 275,000 hits.

    When I Googled

    benjamin disraeli” “The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it and IGNORANCE may deride it but in the end, there it is”

    I got 29 hits. [said 223 but displayed only 29- getting rid of dupes.].

    In looking at the 29 Google hits, I found only one which actually attributed the quote to Disraeli: Global News Live. Here are some quotes from that Global News Live:

    Will Obama’s Benghazi Cover-Up Succeed?
    Most Arrogant Man in the World [Obama video]
    Americans do not, and cannot be expected to, comprehend the evil that is Obama.
    The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it and ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.

    Benjamin Disraeli

    Somehow I doubt that our friend Keidor would consider Global News Live a reliable source.

    Like Y says, tell me another one. Or as would be said in Venezuela, Tell me another one about cowboys. Or: “payaso sos.” En serio.

  65. “Every thought pretends that it matters so much. It wants to draw our attention in completely.
    The first step for anyone is to NOT take their thoughts to seriously.”

    THIS is what I like in trolls. Personify Thought itself as an attention-grabbing troll, then tell us to ignore it. After all, we’re taking the act of thinking too seriously (!?!) when Truth (personified) will reveal itself.

    I’m just curious who writes Truth’s talking points – are they allowed to take their thoughts seriously?

  66. MissJean:

    If you take thoughts seriously, things may become seriously bad. If you take seriously the desire to know, understand, or control life, you might become a human with free will. Consider the horror of that, when all the livestock on planet Earth becomes human and starts rejecting the farm they are on.

    The Left doesn’t want that for us. The Left says that we will be taken care of, if only we don’t take thinking seriously. Just Obey. It’s easy. Don’t think, Obey.

    You don’t need a human mind to know things, to think things, to understand things. They won’t let you have one. If they had to give up their soul, they will want you to join them.

    There’s no need to think. There’s no need to desire understanding or control. When Hussein God speaks, merely Obey. That is all that they need to do. That is all they need desire. That is all they need wish to have. That is all they need to understand. That is all they need to think about.

  67. Frankly from reading these threads the real question is why did this Marty individual get under ALL of your skin. My guess is because deep down it’s clear you know he is right. –Keidor

    A boil gets under my skin and irritates me, too. That doesn’t mean either that it’s healthy, that I should ignore it, or that it should even be represented on my body in the first place.

    Hmmm! Boil v. irritating truth —- I think I’ll go with boil on this one.

  68. Well, that settles it: Disraeli lived before Churchill, so he was certainly the author of the quotation. There’s no need for any actual documentation of when and where he said it; he lived first, and that’s enough. By that logic, I would point out that Keidor’s still wrong — Jesus lived before Disraeli, so HE must be the one who said it. Whoops, nope, Moses lived before Jesus, so it must have been Moses. No, wait, it was Adam. No, I know, it was God!

    Reasoning skills like this go a long way toward explaining why Keidor’s so eager to stop other people from thinking.

    Others before me really have this covered, but nonetheless, here are seven pages of Disraeli quotations from a site called “Brainy Quotes,” not including Keidor’s quotation:

    And here’s the first page of the same site’s quotations from Winston Churchill. You won’t have to scroll very far down:

  69. Two things about ‘Marty’ and ‘Keidor’:

    1) They believe their own bullshlt (just like President If You Like Your Plan believes his own B.S.);

    2) They vote, probably multiple times.

  70. The reason that Marty et al “get under my skin” is that they are demanding to know which I am going to believe, them or my lying eyes. Starting with the election of 2000, when my experience as a Democrat election judge told me that my beloved NPR was lying in my face about “dimpled chads,” (an utter impossibility) I am deeply offended by people who consider themselves my betters, telling me that I am an idiot for believing my own life experience over their elegantly stated theories, insisting that I have been deceived by Fox News. I don’t even have cable!Any further questions, Mart?

  71. gpc31: ”(I think of him as “The Mule” in Asimov’s trilogy.)”

    That works, but if I recall correctly, The Mule deployed freak psychic powers. I don’t attribute as much to Obama.

    From schoolboy literature, I think Obama compares more to Greg Stillson from Stephen King’s The Dead Zone. As I said, Obama is a textbook Max Weber charismatic authority.

    “People wanted to believe”

    That’s the normative power of The Narrative and The Zeitgeist achieved by a Marxist-method activist popular movement. Obama didn’t rise to the Presidency on his own merits. He rose as a charismatic avatar of a victorious Marxist-method activist movement.

    Meaning what?

    Meaning Americans have identified themselves with the norms programmed by the movement represented by Obama. They’ve internalized it. This is about their image of their selves and their community, not merely about Obama.

    The two-step of prying them loose from voting for the Dems *and* supporting the GOP will take more than criticizing Obama or any individual Democrat or any specific issue. It requires prying loose and exorcising the underlying The Narrative and The Zeitgeist that Americans have internalized in their hearts and minds. It requires replacing current politically correct norms with different normative, politically correct The Narrative and The Zeitgeist.

    Changing hearts and minds will require Americans to undertake the praxis of confession and conversion – to change, as Neo talks about her awakening. To teach the teachers. That process will take a lot more than criticizing Obama.

    It will take changing – rebooting and reprogramming – the General Will, the collective consciousness, of We The People.

    Replacing The Narrative and The Zeitgeist and re-setting America’s norms requires countering and decisively defeating the Dems/Left across the social-political-cultural spectrum with a superior insurgent Marxist-method activist popular movement from the Right.

    Again, as long as their The Narrative and The Zeitgeist remain socially dominant, people will be hard-pressed to act against their default, internalized collective consciousness and make the radical leap from rejecting the Dems/Left to internalizing the Right’s preferred norms and actively choosing the GOP.

    Unpopularity of the Dems and Obama doesn’t do the job. If The People don’t take the active 2nd step of choosing the GOP and requesting the Right’s preferred norms, then the Dems/Left win.

    In the event of a draw, the champion retains the title.

    Focusing on Obama the avatar barely scratches the surface of the work the people of the GOP and the Right need to do in order to save America.

    JJ: “Marty is using the Alinsky method. … The best advice is to ignore them because their only goal is to stir you up and try to confuse you.”

    In my activist days, I relished published Alinskyite attacks on my cause because letters to the editor were a specialty of mine.

    My side’s resources were severely limited so I looked forward to using anything that opposing activists added to the arena from their superior capabilities.

    Their Alinskyite attacks were opportunities to use the public attention they garnered. My responses used the Alinskyite attacks as jumping off points to reframe, repeat, and clarify my side’s message to the public and build our movement.

    The way to win a game is not not-playing the game. The way to win a game is to play the game to win. And the Marxist-method activist game is the only social-political game there is.

  72. I envy you all. You have something that makes you feel soooo alive.
    Very lucky. You have 2 more years of Obama to waddle in and babble about and then 8 years of Hillary.
    Have fun.
    Ta ta

  73. Keidor is correct that “to waddle in and babble about” about the situation is insufficient.

    Social action is necessary and only a proper insurgent Marxist-method activist popular movement can be sufficient.

  74. “waddle in”? Perhaps you meant “wallow in”?

    It’s a shame you don’t have anything to make you feel alive. Try thinking for yourself sometime, and — yes — taking your own thoughts seriously. It’s amazing how invigorating that can be. In any event, we aren’t surprised to see you skedaddle without a coherent word in your own defense!

  75. Eric, trying to debate Alinsky disciples is muy difficult. Because they will NEVER, EVER admit or recognize the issues. They always assume a position of moral superiority and deride you for your stupidity, immorality, or inability to recognize the truth. Sometimes the attacks are oblique but often they are frontal and vicious.

    A good example of the technique is Jon Stewart’s Mau-Mauing of O’Reilly’s Obama interview. He mocked Fox and O’Reilly with gusto without ever addressing the issues. Here’s Stewart: “Fox News is attempting to distract us, [and] rather than being a news organization, they are a spite-driven anger machine rooted in a fear that any change in the status quo will inevitably erode our nation’s traditional power structure, leading to internment camps for ‘real Americans,’ powered by solar energy and tacos. Wait! Hard-shell, gay tacos.” Actually, brilliant Alinsky technique.
    See it here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/02/05/jon-stewart-oreilly-obama_n_4730009.html

    What Stewart is doing is what conservatives should be doing. Use humor and mock them mercilessly. But we don’t because we’re actually interested in the issues and believe in our philosophy, not in destroying the opposition.

  76. I see Keidor thinks we will be little happy sheep and obey his Masters the way he does.

    Keidor needs to have an upgrade to his pseudo Turing emulation protocols. He’s missed a critical point about tactics and strategy in war and politics.

    Eric isn’t talking about debating with Alinsky protocols and propaganda, but what Breitbart did with ACORN. Let them draw out their excuses, focus their damage control, and draw attention to the issue with their counter attacks or defenses. Then pull another one on them and watch their house collapse, again.

  77. But we don’t because we’re actually interested in the issues and believe in our philosophy, not in destroying the opposition.

    That only applies selectively to yourself and the like. There are plenty of individual agents in the right conservative movement who are interested in more than politics. They just don’t have as much propaganda access as the talking heads of the Republican party or the average internet social commenter.

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