Home » And Obama didn’t even get…


And Obama didn’t even get… — 17 Comments

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  2. How weird is it that Obama, reaching for his imagined world of hopey-changey peaceful relations should stumble into another more concrete world of aggressive thugs threatening smaller weaker nations, thus potentially putting the proper fear back into the strategic calculations of the softer European nations of NATO, who’ve been accused of free-riding on the strength of the United States for two or three decades now, and who knows, possibly causing those soft Euros to get off their asses and begin seriously providing for their own defense?

  3. He doesn’t need 30 pieces of silver. The “God damn America/best-buds-with-terrorists” President is happy to do it for free.

  4. To Stphnd’s point, European support for Obama is proof positive that the whole continent is inhabited by morons.

    If Europeans had a scintilla of sense, they’d want an American President who was a badass. Then they could triangulate between him and the bad guys, i.e., play the good cop to his bad cop, all the while being confident in their security.

    By supporting Obama, the nitwit Europeans have done the equivalent of choosing PeeWee Herman or Woody Allen as a bodyguard.

    They don’t want an American President who isn’t a “cowboy?” Well, they’ve got one.

  5. Afterthought: the funny part is that when I lived in Europe, I was alternately excoriated for a) Americans being warmongers, and b) Americans being reluctant to enter WWII, and letting Britain and France fight alone.

    That’s some weapons grade cognitive dissonance.

  6. “If Europeans had a scintilla of sense,”

    What part of moral cowards-appeasement-embracing-dhimmi’s do you not understand? 😉

    “War is an ugly thing but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings, which thinks that nothing is worth war, is much worse. 

    A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing that is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.” – John Stuart Mill

    Does not Mills’ “miserable creature” perfectly describe most of the left in the west?

  7. No, but he did get something. For his betrayal of our allies in Eastern Europe he got the Russians to publish the offer of a secret Iran / Missile Shield deal and make him look like an idiot.

    For his betrayal of Israel he got to abase himself and us in front of a child-sodomizing girl-stoning tyrant.

    For his fawning to Iran he got to be treated like the village idiot.

    For his denigration of America and what it tries to stand for he received a big, juicy raspberry.

    He got a lot and he going to use it to pay off his budget deficits.

  8. Maybe he didn’t get any silver, but I hear from inside sources that Air Force One was packing a few crates of the finest aurgula Europe has to offer.

  9. He went and done it. He took the thirty pieces of silver and sent the Air Force out to St. Louis to purchase pizza pies for a White House party.

    He has no sense of proportion and no sense of history. Thus, we have a high functioning, Harvard-approved retard in the White House, elected by a bunch of dimwits who would not deign to do any due diligence.

  10. I just heard that Obonga has appointed the former swimsuit model, Kathy Ireland, as an economic adviser.

    This White House is more and more resembling the principate of Gaius Germanicus, a.k.a. Caligula. It’s just a bizarre place now.

    Who’s next to be appointed economic adviser? MC Hammer?

  11. Selling out your allies is bad business, and the allies who count are in Eastern Europe. The correlation of forces improves in Russia’s favor, so they will be empowered to push harder next time.

    Foreign policy losses are ahead.

  12. You know, if he was keeping our own personal ability to defend ourselves intact I would say – good for him.

    I’m tired of those countries “hating” us until we are needed to be the shield against an aggressor and Americans die for their freedom. I find it even more amusing given that this is the person they would have overwhelmingly elected and the policy they would have overwhelmingly supported (at least according to their rhetoric). Of course, once reality starts banging at the door those protective wolf-hounds look MUCH better than the actual wolf prowling at their door. They just never believed that Obama would *actually* do this.

    If I’m going to be screwed – and make no mistake I am – then I would rather give the ones screwing *exactly* what they wanted in the whole screw fest. We had the chance to not get screwed – Bush gave it to us post 9-11 – yet the international community would have rather all joined in America bashing as we protected their sorry asses. Now they got what their idiocy wrought and they are dumbfounded as to what to do – they never once even guessed that this would be the course we would take.

    I’ll laugh about their demise as we go down too I guess. Misery loves company. There are really only a VERY few entities I feel sorry for. One is us – nearly 50% didn’t want this. Second is Australia – they have been with us for *every* major engagement. And, well, that is pretty much it. I have some sympathy for Canada and Britain in that their leaders had enough sense to mostly do the right thing, but their populace was overwhelmingly idiots that wanted this too and limited what could have been a decisive blow to simply “meh”.

    There are also some eastern European countries that have (since the fall of the soviet Union) been true allies – Poland comes to mind – but they haven’t had enough history to know if it was simply that their politics almost totally aligned with ours for a bit or if they truly felt like friends and would do a respectable give and take in policy.

  13. The world is a cross between a boxing and a chess match. Proclaiming you are changing it to a feel good game of checkers doesn’t make it so.

  14. Look, there’s no cause for worry.

    Countries don’t really need our nuclear shield; they can build their own.

    Japan, South Korea and Taiwan ALL have the necessary economic, industrial and technical wherewithal to go nuclear; all they need do is make the decision.

    Would Saudi Arabia and Egypt worry about Iran? While they may come up short on the necessary infrastructure, they can certainly finance it.

    Libya already HAD an ongoing program until they aborted it; they may decide that was a mistake and revive it.

    With any luck, instead of always depending on US, we could instead end up with a few dozen MORE players in the nuclear game.

    See!!! Problem solved.

    /sarc off

  15. The liberal approach to law enforcement was tried in the US’s big cities. It failed, big time. Some of those cities have been taken back from the barbarians, others have not. (Though calling them barbarians may be unfair to real barbarians, who are facing people who have not been trained into sheeplehood, and are not punished by government for having the means of self-protection.)

    It should be no surprise that the same approach would fail when tried at the international level. At least, it should be no surprise to those who don’t look at the actual results of their actions, policies, and principles. But some people simply won’t look.

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