Home » Will the thin blue line in Congress hold?


Will the thin blue line in Congress hold? — 10 Comments

  1. I email my congressman on a regular basis since the inauguration. Being a New Englander also, that means my rep is also a Democrat, but he also is fairly moderate, so I hope that if he gets enough feedback from his constituents, maybe he’ll hold that thin blue line.

  2. Both of New Hampshire’s reps (Paul Hodes and Carol Shea Porter) are behind Pelosi and the president. Both are unimpressive party hacks – that’s all they are. I am ashamed of their representation. Both are liberal-Left.

    The president’s budget will go through, I am sure of it. There will be some modifications, but he and Pelosi will get most of what they want, which is very, very bad for America.

  3. The picture looks just like a substitute teacher we had in fifth grade sending me to the principal’s office. Just as chilling now as it was then. Must have caught her on the cusp of a new botox go-round. Wow! Gonna have to REALLY check for monsters under the bed tonight if I want to get any sleep!

  4. Since Pelosi is from San Francisco (I won’t repeat some of the different names we guys have for San F_ _) I think a lot of Americans resent that place having such power over the rest of America. Most of America is not at all like San Francisco. Thank God.

    I wonder if the residents of the Bay Area know how much contempt the rest of the country feels for them?

  5. The answer is in the Senate. Kent Conrad, Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, has declared the budget DOA. The Bayh caucus, 14 Democrats and Lieberman, have made strong hints that they understand the overreaching and won’t support it. I am quite optimistic that the Obama domestic agenda will be stopped dead in its tracks. It’s the foreign policy that scares the beejesus out of me.

  6. br549: Sorry, but you have misinterpreted the sound of the California Nancy bird. Drop the capital “C” from each “Cuck,” drop the small (o) from the first “Cuck, and then replace them with capital “F’s.” Then put a small “y” in front of each “oo.” This will more accurately reflect the song this particular bird is singing to you and all other Americans.

  7. I email as many blue line types as I have relatives living in their states so I have valid addresses and zip codes (in case there’s a filter to kick out non in state residents). I have the time and I know my relatives don’t mind. I hope and pray these senators and congressmen fully understand the damage they will be doing if they sign on to such unsustainable budget spending.

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