Home » Harry Reid won’t go broke underestimating the American public


Harry Reid won’t go broke underestimating the American public — 39 Comments

  1. Knowing what the Constitution says has been passé for Reid and other progressives for a long time. Both houses and the President are supposed to produce a budget, which will then be worked out in conference. That hasn’t happened since Obama became President. They don’t care. The Constitution is what they say it is. Period.

    If Reid was featured on the MSM in all his Scrooge-like demeanor, the LIVs might get an inkling of how Sauron-like the progs really are.

    Their rhetoric and name calling are over the top. (Alinsky) They call for the Repubs to live by the rules, but they have no rules for themselves except to destroy the opposition. (Alinsky)

    They are despicable.

  2. Reminds me of this exchange between Pelosi and another impudent reporter:

    Reporter: “Madam Speaker, where specifically does the Constitution grant Congress the authority to enact an individual health insurance mandate?”

    Pelosi: “Are you serious? Are you serious?”

    Reporter: “Yes, yes I am.”

  3. Don’t forget that Reid finds the medical appliance tax horrible (don’t have time to look up the exact quote). But he won’t support its repeal. His brain isn’t functioning. Perhaps Obamacre could set up an neurolical exam for him. Opps, he doesn’t have to get Obamacare.

  4. The Republicans seem to have stumbled on a strategy of funding things selectively and gradually. They can fund popular things like national parks or the CDC while ignoring education, HUD, and such. If the Dems block the popular things, they will be the heavy.

  5. Reid is an odd duck. He grew up in poverty and was a professional boxer when younger. He learned to play the tough and corrupt politics of Las Vegas. His great goal in life is to be the kingmaker (and controller). There was no greater gift to him than the empty-suite that is obama. Remember when he said the Americans would vote for Obama because he was light skinned with no “Negro” accent? That was the true Harry Reid speaking. No prejudice, just power.

  6. As I said on another thread and is essentially the theme of Ross Douhat’s column today, let’s keep the government “shutdown” indefinitely. Conservatives have pushed to reduce the size of government for decades. This is a chance to do just that. Go for it.

    As for Reid and Obama caring whether a little girl dies of cancer in the service of their Marxist agenda, they don’t care. The left doesn’t care how many people are injured or die, they only care about power. After all 150 million people were murdered by Marxists in the last century and today’s leftists NEVER mention it.

  7. I’m not sure the American public’s not knowing much about the Constitution will keep them from seeing Reid as a creepy guy and the Democrats in general as playing a nasty game. I think most, for instance, would find Reid and Schumer’s performance at that press conference in response to that question about saving one child with cancer to be inappropriate, if not callous. Watch as Reid says the Congress has “no right to pick and choose” and Schumer chimes in with “why pit one against the other” and then Reid compares a sick child with cancer with idled workers.

    I think Reid realized this, and that’s why he struck back at the questioner with that arrogant and nanny-esque “To have someone of your intelligence to suggest such a thing means you’re as irresponsible and reckless.” Which, I think, fell flat because that image of a child with cancer remains.

  8. Reid attacking the reporter may have been an error that he cannot take back. He obviously tried. God, what a worm …..

  9. Via Instapundit: ”

    Deeply ingrained in the psyche of every congressional Republican is the government shutdown of 1995, for which Republicans were blamed. While many Republicans now believe the shutdown was a mistake, more think the problem was that the party lost its nerve.

    Former Clinton aide George Stephanopoulos, now host of ABC’s This Week, has validated that view. In his memoir, he wrote that Democrats, until then holding out against the Republicans’ budget-limiting efforts, were close to blinking. “Clinton was grumpy, the rest of us were grim,” until suddenly news came that Senate majority leader Bob Dole and House speaker Newt Gingrich were blinking first. “Whether the cause was hubris, naé¯veté, or a failure of nerve,” Stephanopoulos explained, “the Republicans had blown their best chance to splinter our party; from that point on, everything started breaking our way.””

    You would think Rs would be the mire courageous. Turns out we aren’t.

    Should have known we had problems when Sarah Palin shows more guts than any of the boys

    R men should hang our heads in shame. The Dems are tougher.

  10. Hairy Reed is a contemptible thing. They’re all quite aware, even the shrewish Pelosi, that they’re trampling the Law (I well remember her whinny of derision at being asked if she had Constitutional power to do what she was doing).

  11. It doesn’t seem possible that a western state would elect a little weasel like that to represent them. Maybe massive voter fraud, or collective brain damage explain it.

  12. They’ve always been like this, even during the lead up to the civil war. Nothing much has changed except their amount of power.

  13. Reid: I am an aristocrat. I am not bound by the laws that govern lesser beings. When I speak, the peons shut up or else. The livestock will know their place.

    All humans are created equal and that has always been the case for our Ruling Class. However, livestock are not humans. They need not worry about human problems like free will and what they should do tomorrow. All of that will be taken care of for them by our divine hierarchy, our utopia, overseen by the Ruling Class if aristocrats like us.

    So how’s evil looking so far? Did people realize Left + Islam = evil or did they think Democrats=Republicans and Islam=Other, anti Leftist?

  14. It’s real simple:
    Either we hold the line, or we accept the imposition of a fascist totalitarian State.

    We will not get a 2nd chance.

    Like the American general with troops surrounded by Krauts in the Battle of the Bulge who was called on to surrender, and answered, “Nuts.”

  15. It seems that both sides think they’re winning. I don’t think they can both be right.
    The shutdown will probably continue until one side is proven wrong by an objective standard, though I’m not sure what that standard might be.

  16. Even if Reid knew of the ignorance of his statement, that doesn’t mean his willful stupidity shouldn’t be highlighted.

    One thing this “crisis” has revealed is how little most of those pundits and politicians in DC know about how the federal government works when you get down to the basics because the accommodating has failed. This is not new, but now we can get all historical on them and keep bringing up their past as well as America’s past.

  17. Two conservative heavyweights, Thomas Sowell and Jonah Goldberg, seem to be allowing that the defund strategy might not be so bad:



    Now, I’m inferring that assertion, but the following two quotes, one each from Sowell and Goldberg, show it’s a reasonable inference:

    If Senator Reid and President Obama refuse to accept the money required to run the government, because it leaves out the money they want to run ObamaCare, that is their right. But that is also their responsibility.–Sowell

    And while Republicans can be blamed for starting the shutdown, it’s increasingly apparent that President Obama and the Democrats deserve the lion’s share of blame for not only prolonging it, but for making it as painful as possible.–Goldberg

  18. I am amazed that you guys don’t recognize what is openly soviet style governance!
    When Europe does not comply with Putin, what does he have Gazprom do? He basically threatens shutting off things he technically should not shut off. Ie. if you want a sandwich from Hungary, is it ok to stop energy to Hungary for that? Normally no. but you see, they consider themselves “one entity” and so, their energy shipments are not apart from anything else. So, its just convenient to blackmail, lie, murder, cheat, contrive, orchestrate, manipulate and on and on through the theasaurus.

    So what is Obama doing? He has told “his people” that we are going to hurt our bosses and make the bosses suffer. We are going to specifically not follow the rules (like Gazprom) and we will shut things down as we feel whether or not they actually pertain to things. So we will shut down martin luthor king memorial, so we can piss off black people. We will shut down the wwii memorial, despite its independently funded. We will shut down concesssions, even if they do not use park resources, require park support, or anything from parks.

    ie. the people are the enemy of the state — the state has to sqeeze them by the nuts to make them squeal loud enough so that they beg to be slaves and servants if only they woud stop.

    Now. How long ago did I say that this all follows stages and scripts. (they even practice first in other places so you can know what will come!)

    And youc an easily say whats next

    Ie. refusing to send out welfare checks, which then will make the gangs of blacks who on average murder a white guy several times a week, will just riot..
    He is trying to start a riot so that he can say we need assistance, and then ALL those things you guys DON’T want to talk about come into play. Then again, you have to actually add up lots of things, and if the press don’t talk about it, it seems that this crowd is too lost without their dear leader pointing out what to discuss.
    Ok, everyone… its going to be nice. You just keep with your busy work, and you can join us all on “the island”. Of course, we will get the work out of you now, promise you the island later, and deny it to you once the time comes — a really really really soviet way to handle things

    Perhaps you all don’t realize how close the time is…

  19. you all sound like german jews in 1930s
    most of them waited it out rather than leave, fight, oppose, and discussed how they thought the population would notice the bad that was being done to them, and others.

    the polar bear hunting, the knockout game, the targeting asymetrically in law, and busines, and so on, is what they did to the jews.

    and since the western societies were deemed “jew lovers” the racists who seek to destroy all culture (ie. who call their opposition by their own name), treat “lovers” as the same as that loved.

    we focus mostly on the super overt acts of red terror, when the majority of it was a constant weight. like a humid day, hanging over everything in every place.

    while the violence and torture were there, they were not the majority, nor were they the most effective part.

    for the most part, we have the same thing here right now. why wont the WWII vets storm the fences again today? after all, a film of the federal rangers in a fight with old men, would do what to the public view?

    i read your posts and you guys are going to be so suprised because in the bigger scheme of things, your just discussing feng shui chair placement on the titanic. the feng shui part makes it so erudite and fits marxist ideas of the labor theory of value. it must mean something cause there is so much prattle here.

    Fear and propaganda are blunt weapons if used on their own, so Stalin also used rewards. Party members were rewarded for their loyalty and their good service through a system of: higher wages, better apartments, better hospitals, better schools and special shops that stocked better goods than the ordinary citizen’s shops. Non-party people were also rewarded for their hard work with gifts and medals – such as Stakhanovite medals and better apartments for these shock workers.

    Stalin was also the beneficiary of a genunine belief in communism by millions of Soviet citizens. People volunteered in their millions to help in some construction and agriculture projects.

    Programmes of literacy, free healthcare, female emancipation – they were allowed careers, education and the vote for the first time, free education for all and electrification all helped to make communism a popular ideology.

    so, you guys are unfamiliar with any real image of Stalin or hitler. all most of you know is characatures, and as long as reality dont match the “Grotesques” (da vinci) of that, you wont get it till its done.
    [edited for length by n-n]

  20. @artfldgr
    “Lighten up, Francis.”

    An interesting point from an article at RedState: If government is allowed to take over healthcare, the next time there’s a shutdown your doctor will be taken hostage.

  21. artfldgr:

    One again, you make a lot of assumptions about people here, based on your perceptions but not necessarily true. One of them is about what people expect from Obama and what would surprise them. I don’t think most people here would be too surprised at this point by anything, actually.

    And certainly unless most people here were at the WWII memorial, they certainly can’t be blamed for not storming the barricades.

    But your biggest factual error is about the Jews of Germany. Actually, “most” of them left rather than wait it out. And many who waited it out could not leave—either because they were old and ill, and/or poor, and/or because all avenues of escape were closed to them.

    Here are the statistics:

    Increasing antisemitism prompted a wave of a Jewish mass emigration from Germany throughout the 1930s. Soon after their rise to power in 1933, the Nazis negotiated the Haavara Agreement between Zionist authorities in Palestine, which was signed on August 25, 1933. Under its terms, 60,000 German Jews were allowed to emigrate to Palestine and take $100 million in assets with them. Between 1929 and 1939, a total of 250,000 Jewish immigrants arrived in Palestine, mostly from Germany. Of these, 174,000 arrived between 1933 and 1936. After that, the British Mandatory authorities imposed limits on Jewish immigration, which led to clandestine illegal immigration. This wave of immigration was part of the Fifth Aliyah, and saw many Jewish doctors, lawyers, professionals, and professors leave the country.

    The United States was another destination for German Jews seeking to leave the country, though the number allowed to immigrate was restricted due to the Immigration Act of 1924. Between 1933 and 1939, more than 300,000 Germans, some 90% of them Jews, applied for immigration visas to the United States. By 1940, only 90,000 German Jews had been granted visas and allowed to settle in the United States. Some 100,000 German Jews also moved to Western European countries, especially France, Belgium, and the Netherlands. However, these countries would later be occupied by Germany, and many of them would still fall victim to the Holocaust. Another 48,000 emigrated to the United Kingdom and other European countries.

    Overall, of the 522,000 Jews living in Germany in January 1933, only 214,000 were left by the eve of World War II.

    Most Jews in Germany were desperate to leave. Some ended up leaving and taking a very circuitous route, too, such as going to various sketchy Latin American countries before coming to the US, etc.. The rules about coming here (and many many other countries) were very, very strict, and many were barred.

  22. One again, you make a lot of assumptions about people here, based on your perceptions but not necessarily true.

    you realize that you have as much ability as i do to devine their mental state, and so, its only an alternative opinion

    but what i am doing is going by what people are focusing on. you know, people talk about what they focus on.

    so if they are focused on dogs, their conversation wont be focused on polar bears.

    their focus is never on the things that actually mean something. its always on the dog and pony bs that actually means nothing.

    when they focus on somethign else, i will assume their brains are working on something else. the idea that they are secretly multitasking ideas they dont know and hiding them is kind of silly.

    when talking to people who do know these things, we waste little time on analysing nothings pretending to be somethings…

  23. “you realize that you have as much ability as i do to devine their mental state, and so, its only an alternative opinion”

    If Art did not get the facts about Jews from a book, then it’s not Enlightened Wisdom from the Ancients, but a personal interpretation then.

    “but what i am doing is going by what people are focusing on. you know, people talk about what they focus on.”

    As opposed to what, talking about things that a slave master wants them to focus on?

    So people considered human have human free will, this means they are Germans or Jews now?

  24. artfldgr:

    Of course my opinion is only an alternative one. But it’s the one I believe to be correct. And in the past, you have made many incorrect assumptions about my own state of mind on things, so I am on firm ground when I speak merely about that aspect of it (which I was not doing in my comment above).

    Plus, of course, there is the other issue–the facts about how many Jews left Germany. I am starting a post on that topic, but it occurs to me that many many people may have misconceptions about that.

  25. In 1933, approximately 9.5 million Jews lived in Europe, comprising 1.7% of the total European population. This number represented more than 60 percent of the world’s Jewish population at that time, estimated at 15.3 million.

    however, poland had the most
    The largest Jewish communities in this area were in Poland, with about 3,000,000 Jews (9.5%)

    and i am recounting family experiences…

    like the US. most people did not have money to immigrate. so the number that immigrated was a small fraction of what was left behind.

    ie. if they knew 10 years earlier that this would happen
    how many MORE would have left?

    but, your focus on that, negates the rest of my argument without refuting it, but by distraction.

    with a total of 9.5 million
    6 million murdered (2 out of every 3)

    that leaves only 3.5 million left

    its my contention that if they KNEW what was coming a lot more would have left.

    are you refuting that claiming that all that left knew what was coming, and so what remained were tehe people who knew and couldnt?

    personally, its my claim that if the 9.5 million KNEW, things would have been different.

    note that in the uprising, the reason the JDL cooperated was that they had not yet found out that they were being exterminated.

    i submit this as evidence that you are not correct:
    When the deportations first began, members of the Jewish resistance movement met and decided not to fight the SS directives, believing that the Jews were being sent to labour camps and not to their deaths. By the end of 1942, Ghetto inhabitants learned that the deportations were part of an extermination process. Many of the remaining Jews decided to revolt.[11] The first armed resistance in the ghetto occurred in January 1943

    it was 1942 and they still were acting as if they were not being exterminated and were just put in labor.

  26. arfldgr:

    You were speaking of the Jews of GERMANY in your earlier comment, as was I in my earlier reply to you. About them I am correct—the numbers are clear.

    I also think you are way underestimating how many Jews wanted desperately to leave other countries such as Poland and could not. I even personally know of quite a few (or know of them through heartrending letters and stories). The way was barred for many people. And many emigrated within Europe, hoping to stay ahead of the Nazis, but got caught up when the Nazi spread widened and widened.

    The Jews of Germany were able to leave in greater numbers than the Jews of Poland because in general they were wealthier, more assimilated, and better-connected. They were two different types of populations. And yes, of course, there were many Jews (and others) who underestimated Hitler and his evil plans. But from what I can see, it was nowhere near as many as one might think.

  27. Of course my opinion is only an alternative one. But it’s the one I believe to be correct. And in the past, you have made many incorrect assumptions about my own state of mind on things, so I am on very firm ground there.

    yup on your mind
    no on this

    ie. the uprising shows they did not know…
    it happened 10 years AFTER 1933

    if they knew about extermionations coming in 1933
    woudl they have allowed themselves to be moved to the ghetto? disarmed? and wait 10 years before the FIRST uprising?

    if you want, i can put tons more stuff down that you DONT know… because if you did, you would not say what you said.

    the point here is that my contemporaries are very used to my knowing a lot more information, and NOT BEING ALLOWED TO PUT IT FORTH AS ITS CUT FOR LENGTH

    this is convenient, in that your position is basedon more common knowlege, and my position is based on more in depth knowledge that most dont read, and some information is from family, who was their, conscripted, and forced to serve in several different militaries of the time.

    its my point that KNOWING changes behavior
    and that if behavior does not change
    then the person doesnt know, or the knowing does not include the implications

    my exact point was:
    you all sound like german jews in 1930s

    the date in history:
    Massacres of about one million Jews occurred before the plans of the Final Solution were fully implemented in 1942 but it was only with the decision to eradicate the entire Jewish population that the extermination camps were built and industrialized mass slaughter of Jews began in earnest…

    1942 is 12 years after the date i said

    depending on which historian you talk to
    hitler didnt decide to do these things until January 30, 1939 or December 13, 1941

    9 years and 11 years after 1930

    the later date is what Christian Gerlach argues given hitlers the day after Hitler’s private speech, Joseph Goebbels

    Regarding the Jewish Question, the Fé¼hrer is determined to clear the table. He warned the Jews that if they were to cause another world war, it would lead to their own destruction. Those were not empty words. Now the world war has come. The destruction of the Jews must be its necessary consequence. We cannot be sentimental about it. It is not for us to feel sympathy for the Jews. We should have sympathy rather with our own German people. If the German people have to sacrifice 160,000 victims in yet another campaign in the east, then those responsible for this bloody conflict will have to pay for it with their lives

    “The War and the Jews” was then not published until 1943

    it was after this that the final solution was to be put in effect.

    if you want to debate facts i will debate
    but saying i have them wrong, and cutting my points short, while you have control

    well thats like obama… no?
    using unfair advantage.

    By 1943 the wholesale extermination of European Jewry had begun as clearly outlined in two of Himmler’s speeches made to the NSDAP leadership at Posen on October 4, 1943

    the source is wiki on final solution

    of course your also not including the Porajmos…

    but i give up
    your right

    the jews knew they were going to experience the final soltion 10 years before it started, and fewer than 1/6th ran…. 2/3rds stayed knowing full well they were going to end up as oven fodder, lampshades, gloves, book covers, and more..

    personally, i think they are smarter than that
    but have it your way

  28. FDR blocked quite a few Jewish immigrants.

    personally, its my claim that if the 9.5 million KNEW, things would have been different.

    This concept that if people just had the “Knowledge”, that everything would go fine relates to the idea that a person gets “Revealed Ancient Wisdom” just because they read a book and the others are ignorant because they “didn’t read a book”.

    Wisdom doesn’t come from a book, Art. A very large and gross misinterpretation of human knowledge bases.

  29. Okay, if Art’s logic is that if the Jews “knew”, then they would “do it”. Then because the Jews “didn’t do it”, they didn’t “know”.

    In that case, does Art now “know” that English sentences usually begin with capital letters? If he does know, then why does he not do it? If he does not do it, does that mean he doesn’t Know?

    If he thinks knowing and doing are about the same thing and the same level of difficulty, then what happened to introspection and applying self change to self awareness?

    Because Art knows he is smart, like Jews are smart, so if he Knows something then he would Do something. But then how come there’s nothing being Done here.

  30. You were speaking of the Jews of GERMANY

    the jews of 1930 germany
    not the jews of 1941

    got it?

    DETAILS and SPECIFICS are being ignored in the debate so that your point becomes valid. but add the dates, deatils and pay attention to the point as if the year was not put there hanging like a xmas onament for dcration

    1930-33 was the START of hitler like the START of obama… it would be nearly 10 years before he really got rolling…

    so… i was talking about people in a tiny time period
    you erased the time period and then spoke of what specific time

    meanwhile, your not addressing the plint put succinclty

    that the jews of 1930-1933 germany would have done more and more woudl have left if they knew what would happen in 1941 and 1942

    you have not refuted that..

    i personally think jewish people are pretty smart
    and my point AGAIN, is that if they KNEW, not imagined, not thought, not were unsure, not were thinking maybe, or not liking the atmosphere, but crystal ball tardis dr who been there and seen it and come back kind of knew.

    more woudl leave
    more would have vought
    fewer woudl have given up their guns
    and they woudlhave mobilized the world BEFORE not AFTER

    please state yoru case in detail, as the general cant refute the specific.

    see ya next week as i have no time to discuss past history in this detail when the point is to ignore current history and deny that wqhat is going on is the same

    you win
    what is going on is not the same
    obama is not following the techniques of these people
    and we are just as smart and knwlegeable as the jewss who knew they were to be tortured and waited 10 years and did very little.

    [most of what we know of wwii and germany is a colletion of disjointed facts that are never in order. so the dates, times, speeches, and laws, and so on are all imnmportant. as one cant be subjected to the final soltion 2 years before the term was coined in an SA document in 1931. can you? ]

  31. hitler was elected 1933
    my point was jews in 1930s
    (not the late 30s, or i would have said late)

    Jews under the Nazis (1933—1939)

    Passports for Jews to travel abroad restricted did not happen until 1935-36

    the central office for jewish immigration was created in 1939

    final solution was 3 years later..

    and i dont know why you chose ruth bader ginsberg for your point..

    Born in Brooklyn, New York City, New York, Ruth Joan Bader was the second daughter of Nathan and Celia (née Amster) Bader. The family nicknamed her “Kiki”.[2] They belonged to the East Midwood Jewish Center, where she took her religious confirmation seriously. At age thirteen, Ruth acted as the “camp rabbi” at a Jewish summer program at Camp Che-Na-Wah in Minerva, New York.

    if your saying that she has veracity being a daughter of such.

    then i am equal to her being the SON of such!!!
    then there is uncle tali, uncle arthur, uncle meirsvalids, grandmothers, and grandfathers, and so on.

    can you explain to me how her mother gave birth to her in 1933 in brooklyn?

    so she is not even equal to my PERSONAL life…

    German Jewish Refugees, 1933—1939
    The initial response to the Nazi takeover was a substantial wave of emigration (37,000—38,000), much of it to neighboring European countries (France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Czechoslovakia, and Switzerland).

    still less than MOST (have to be more than 50% to be most… or do you have another definition to the words i am using?)

    Most of these refugees were later caught by the Nazis after their conquest of western Europe in May 1940.

    they use MOST the way i do…more than 50%

    Jews who were politically active were especially likely to emigrate.

    Despite the passage of the Nuremberg Laws in September 1935 and subsequent related ordinances that deprived German Jews of civil rights, Jewish emigration remained more or less constant.

    how am i doing here?

    The events of 1938 caused a dramatic increase in Jewish emigration. The German annexation of Austria in March, the increase in personal assaults on Jews during the spring and summer, the nationwide Kristallnacht (“Night of Broken Glass”) pogrom in November, and the subsequent seizure of Jewish-owned property all caused a flood of visa applications. Although finding a destination proved difficult, about 36,000 Jews left Germany and Austria in 1938 and 77,000 in 1939.

    and ie. by that time, we are talking about the jewsd of the LATE 1930s… not the 1930s to 1940… as there was only one year left.

    so PLEASE get your timeline straight

  32. o forgot to put up the link

    the article will detail that most didnt flee till the 1939 and after…

    will you write to the holocaust encyclopedia and give them a hard time. or is that just for me?

    More than 18,000 Jews from the German Reich were also able to find refuge in Shanghai, in Japanese-occupied China.

    they could leave until 1941…
    after that, they could not leave even if they had a place to go… (most didnt given the huge numbers inccrease in late 38 and 39)

  33. arfldgr:

    The link to the article about Ginsburg was a cut-and-paste error of mine. I apparently had that article open at the same time I was doing the research for this thread, and thought I had cut and pasted this reference, and instead the Ginsburg article was linked. I’ve corrected it now in the comment above, to show the proper link.

    Of course Jews in the early 30s, at the beginning of Hitler’s rule, had less of an inkling of what was to happen than they did later. The world also had less of an inkling. And I was responding to what you had written, in which you referenced the 30s rather than just the early years of the 30s.

    The statistics I quoted above are similar to ones I have read in many sources, not just Wiki. Of course more and more people wanted to leave as time went on. But as you can see from the quote I provided, many people had left earlier (for example, 174,000 went to Palestine while they still could, between 1933 and 1936. That is certainly prior to 1939, and represents one third of the Jewish population of Germany, if the figures are correct.]

    And many people were trying to leave and could not. I am presently preparing a post on that topic.

  34. A little-known thing:
    FDR kept Jewish immigration down to (appallingly) low levels, because he did not want to provoke Adolf into defaulting on the $1 B per year ‘reparations’ to the US mandated by the Versailles treaty.
    I disremember the usually reliable source of this.

  35. I suggest that the lack of outarge is either because of general ignorance on the part of Americans or systematic lying by Israel’s supporters. The Jewish-only settlements in the West Bank are illegal under international law (the Fourth Geneva Convention, for example) — not to mention under any reasonable objective moral code. Taking people’s property, whether under cover of war or not, is wrong. The 1967 war was , whose leaders at the time acknowledged there was no threat of an Arab attack. So much for the self-defense claim. Moreover, Palestinian landowners should not be punished for what the king of Jordan did. Follow the links provided in the posts below for details. Mr. Renzulli’s citation of the 1922 Mandate for Palestine can’t be serious. Why would a British act of imperialism count in the matter? The rights of the people of Palestine were ignored by the British from the start. Really, Mr. Renzulli, you’ll have to do better than that.Those interested in the truth, and not propaganda, should read Jeremy Hammond’s brief yet thorough .Mr. Renzulli’s attempt to discredit the photograph fails, as anyone who follows his link will see. Is he denying that Palestinians are being thrown off their land and otherwise oppressed by the Israelis? In urge readers to do some reading and make up their own minds. In sorting out the truth, one would do well to listen to David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister: “Why should the Arabs make peace? If I was an Arab leader I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural: we have taken their country…. We have come here and stolen their country. Why should they accept that?”Am I anti-Israel? I am against forcibly establishing a society/country/government on other people’s property. I am against its making war on its neighbors and subjugating people in the conquered territory. That the government of this society systematically discriminates against its non-Jewish “citizens” (and even against some Jews) only adds insult to injury.

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