Home » Jim Cramer gets it—and then he doesn’t


Jim Cramer gets it—and then he doesn’t — 14 Comments

  1. Cramer is lost. He says he’s in favor of all the things Obama wants to do, including raising taxes on the wealthy. He’s just not in favor of them RIGHT NOW.

    If ever he stops and thinks about that position, a light might go on. I’m not holding my breath.

  2. Cramer appears to be a moderate Democrat who also knows finance. What he is learning is that the radicals have truly taken over his party and will brook no opposition.

    I have a close friend and colleague who also is an old style Democrat. I told him a few years ago that the inmates were taking over his asylum. And even though he is very active in the local Dem. party, he told me that they were just making noise and that the moderates would still reign them in. It’s amazing how those on the inside have trouble seeing what to those of us outside can plainly see.

  3. 2 great comments.

    I see the writing on the wall for Cramer…

    his conversion is under way. 🙂

  4. 1. Reminded of left side blogger recently relating that he would, in future, actually search for the truth about issues. For him, it is no longer good enough to merely argue in favor of one’s causes.

    I reacted with laughter and mirth. Yet, at least he had the light bulb moment about searching for truth. Many on the left never will. He experienced the conversation changing and intellectual shifting moment: What am I searching for inside this discussion? Truth? Or validation?

    2. Video of Jack Welch, former CEO of GE, passionately discussing:

    I had cocktail parties this weekend; I stayed in New York. If you even bring up the name Barack Obama and start to go down this [road to criticism] – I love the guy. I think he’s great. I think he has a beautiful family. I think he’s a good man. But these – you bring up a comment about him, and all of a sudden you’re a pariah! You’re not American! You’re a bad guy. If you even bring his name up. My two trust-fund daughters, if I bring his name up in anything other than a glori[fying way]—they don’t have any critical thinking about it: at all!

  5. Jim Cramer is still suffering from cognitive dissonance, he could work his way out of it if he would just go and have a good discussion with Timmy Geithner.

    Jack Welch is priceless, I think he gets it!

  6. My two trust-fund daughters, if I bring his name up in anything other than a glori[fying way]—they don’t have any critical thinking about it: at all!

    Trust funds aside, where do those two work? CNN? Or MSNBC?

  7. Mr. Cramer is about to discover who the free thinkers are. If he doesn’t turn back soon, he will be cast into outermost darkness, and there will be no more TV show and no more cocktails with heiresses.

    Mr. Welch’s anecdote about his daughters illustrates the point that you can’t understand ObamaLove without understanding urban social anxiety. The inauguration induced euphoria because the promise of Obama was to make this anxiety go away.

    Now that they have come down from the high, the acolytes are starting to realize that Mr. Obama is ushering in new anxieties that are immeasurably worse.

  8. I was always willing to give so-called moderate Democrats a pass as meaning well until four years ago when I got to know one far-left Democrat whose circle included one so-called moderate who was active as an influential legislator in my state’s assembly. What I quickly learned was that in this case (and as I suspect, in many others) the difference between the leftist and the so-called moderate wasn’t great at all, and there were no moderates of any stripe left in their circle.

    While I might be accused of assuming a general proposition on the basis of too little experience, the fact is, after that experience, I couldn’t understand how anyone who could actually, honestly claim to be a moderate could be active in any way as a Democrat in today’s party. If Democrat holds any sort of position of power or influence within the party, as far as I’m concerned, it means they’re pretty far left.

  9. Cramer is one of many useful idiots. His strongest feature is hyperkinesis, not $ intelligence.

  10. Yes, recognition of the liberal hypocrisy is the first step on the road to conversion. It may take Cramer awhile to fully commit. I remember what an odd feeling it was to be sitting in my kitchen one morning and angrily saying to my husband….. “They are driving me into the arms of the Republican party!”. Cognitive dissonance, indeed.

  11. “…Now that they have come down from the high, the acolytes are starting to realize that Mr. Obama is ushering in new anxieties that are immeasurably worse.”

    Yes, indeed, Oblio. Those of us who never drank the Kool-Aid in the first place have been going all Cassandra about this all along. To quote Will Smith in “I, Robot” who said, “Sometimes, ‘I told you so’ just doesn’t quite say it”.

  12. Kramer has not begun a conversion. He is typical of those who extoll the virus and are shocked at the disease. He still stands for everything that makes Obama inevitable, except the certain result.

  13. After two big up days, maybe the acolytes are starting to inhale again. There is some thought that yesterday in particular represented short sellers covering up.

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