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Is the Nairobi mall standoff over? — 10 Comments

  1. As with so many things these days, in the absence of a relatively uncorrupted, fair, hard-working, and diligent news media we will probably never know or have anything like a full set of clear and uncontested details/facts about this terror attack, because too many interests do not want such concrete and solid information to emerge to their detriment.

  2. Kenya’s President Says Mall Attackers Are ‘Defeated’

    They did give out mars bars to a couple of kids, one of which called them a bad man…

    on the whole, western liberals are probably happy given their ideas of Christianity vs other religions

    on the flip side, Salon has a wonderful article up on how the GOP is fighting a race war which inst about race, but is…

    GOP launches race war to boost the 1 percent
    From Newt’s epithets to the gutting of food stamps, Republicans try to unite white people to serve a hideous agenda


    Which connects to:
    Matt Drudge’s disgusting race war awareness campaign
    In the world of the conservative proto-blogger, “urban” teenagers everywhere are terrorizing the nation

    Which connects to:

    and a Columbia Sikh professor with a broken jaw wants to teach the thugs that ganged up and attacked the wrong class by mistake. note that we know this was not a gang of whites, or else we would know the names, where they lived, a line up of photos, and so on..

    Sikh Professor Who Wrote About Hate Crimes Gets Attacked by Teens
    The victim said the group of teens shouted “Get Osama” before punching and kicking him

    you can see a video of the “teens”

    anyone remember “Darfur”
    what happened to that?

    guess what they found out about the victims that made them turn attentions elsewhere…

    Boston Globe columnist Fred Jacoby has accused Sudan of practicing apartheid against Christians in what is now South Sudan “where tens of thousands of black Africans in the country’s southern region, most of them Christians or animists, have been abducted and sold into slavery by Arab militias backed by the Islamist regime in Khartoum.”

    is the 10 million Kerry said to stop violence against women in other countries going to be used to send troops to rescue civilian women in Kenya mall?

  3. I’m certain I’m a neanderthal, but my wish is that the Kenyan security services milk any captives for whatever information they’re able to get, slowly execute them. and get rid of their bodies in whichever dung heap is most convenient, preferably one on a pig farm.

  4. Neanderthals from things found took care of their crippled and injured, instead of putting them to death. Because this mercy is why they died out. But I know one thing. Obama isn’t good enough to be a neanderthal.

  5. Neanderthals didn’t die out. They hybridized with Africans. The result was every race outside of Africa. ALL of them.

    The last time I looked it took a man and a woman to start a baby.

    Everyone living has mDNA from Africa. Yet all non-African human races sport Neanderthal DNA.

    The simplest conjecture must be that Africans (the San/ Bushmen) migrated/ escaped from Africa 50,000 ybp (to Yemen) and were waylaid by Neanderthals.

    No African males survived. The babes were taken in hand…

    And we are their descendants.

    All of which indicates that Neanderthals are actually the Northern Race of Humans — and we (non-Africans) are all half-breeds. (!)

    Strangely, it’s the non-Africans that have above average IQ. (globally normed)


    Back in the day, IQ was normed around northern European Whites to be 100. The researchers were trying to help those with LOW IQ. The broader implications of their research were lost on them.

    Wider study has revealed that the global norm for IQ is actually 85-86. There are a LOT of dummies in the Third World.

    (Stinking prenatal nutrition and cousin-marriage are pervasive.)

    THIS is the reason why America has leaped to the top of the global influence standings.


    The first Neanderthal discovered is now known to have brutally advanced gout/ arthritis.

    The idea that this ancestor was dumb was entirely conjecture.

    But the notion has passed into the commons.

    Modern MRI has revealed that everything previously assumed was in error.


    It took centuries, but now it’s known that King Tut died of extreme malaria — almost certainly from his expedition into the Sudan.

    And it’s now revealed that he was practically a Napoleon of his time, conducting major campaigns even as a teen King!

  6. There are a LOT of dummies in the Third World.

    there are a lot of geniuses too…
    bout the same proportions per IQ distribution…

    dont believe me?
    read about Srinivasa Ramanujan and Hardy…

    Srinivasa Ramanujan, a 23-year old shipping clerk from Madras, India, wrote to Hardy (and other academics at Cambridge), claiming, among other things, to have devised a formula that calculated the number of primes up to a hundred million with generally no error. The self-taught and obsessive Ramanujan had managed to prove all of Riemann’s results and more with almost no knowledge of developments in the Western world and no formal tuition. He claimed that most of his ideas came to him in dreams.

    Hardy lived on for some 27 years after Ramanujan’s death, to the ripe old age of 70. When asked in an interview what his greatest contribution to mathematics was, Hardy unhesitatingly replied that it was the discovery of Ramanujan, and even called their collaboration “the one romantic incident in my life”. However, Hardy too became depressed later in life and attempted suicide by an overdose at one point. Some have blamed the Riemann Hypothesis for Ramanujan and Hardy’s instabilities, giving it something of the reputation of a curse.

    unlike Euler, whose e is irational as the man
    he did not become bitter that god did not reveal everything in his “book”… 🙂

    and the Han chinese have a higher than europe IQ, though you would think they didnt by where they live and how they live given situations.

    Sadly, i have methods to show how to do better distributive aportionments to studies of various kinds
    and i have a very simple solution to fermats last theorem that is within the grasp of fermat

    unlike the current winner which requires some wacky and way out there understanding of curves and other special things – my solution is much much easier, and is as elegant as the simple proof of the infinity of primes.

    anyway… my paper may be out soon in PLoS one. we are sending it out this week after more than 6 years of work (convincing others).

    what is this work?

    how about being able to index data “on the fly” or search voluminous data that is unstructured in hours on very basic machinery…

    my employer supressed the work for years given politics of those who are more equal, and gave it back claiming its partly theirs after 5 years of it.

    set up against an illumina sequencing machine (most modern version from that company), what takes more than two days, can be done in under 2 minutes.

    its also a general solution, no a specific one.

    it gives ORDERS of magnitude speed increases..

    so all this IQ, equal, evil if you can, and so on…
    cuts close to my heart as i just turned 49 and am not allowed to bring any of this forwards!!!

    when talking populations, you ignore individuals
    and EVERY population has exceptional individuals.
    even the sub saharan under 80 IQs…

    the problem we have is trying to manufacture them, rather htan find them. and while we search we unseat and keep open a space for them, denying it to someone who could do something, but is the wrong color, the wrong gender, or wrong orientation.

    once again, these others and people like me, we need “fronts”, but the time of Hardy and honor is gone, and the fronts are there to take..

    sorry for the half digression…

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