Home » Chaos and death at a Nairobi mall


Chaos and death at a Nairobi mall — 21 Comments

  1. What’s the current saying? “The extreme Muslim kills you. The moderate Muslim just wants the extreme Muslim to kill you.”

  2. There is no radical Islam and moderate Islam. All Islam is radical. There quran says to kill all non moslems. They are savages. Where is the outrage from Moslems worldwide.( well, why would there be?) Where is obama’s outrage?(duh?) Where is the outrage from the news media of the world.

    I dont get it. After 9/11, I know what they are up to. Why is the world not condemning them. Instead they are bowing to sharia law. For example, non moslem, female teachers in England at a public school for moslems and others are being forced to wear head scarves??!! And this after a British soldier was decapitated by Moslems in London. And Pamela Geller is banned from speaking in England because her speaking the truth might offend Moslems!!??
    And last week in a cafe in Toronto, a fireman died from an attempted decapitation by a Moslem while Canada is not blasting this all over there news.

    ANd we have obama who has infested the White House and our national security with moslems.

    It is them or us. Mene mene tekel parsin, The handwriting is on the wall. I will not bend a knee to moslems. They are a terrorists group and should all be deported back to where they can kill each other.
    Diversity is not our strength. It is our death. I want our American culture back. I want kids in school to learn to sing Yankee Doodle and 15 Miles on the Erie Canal. And why did Geroge Wahington lose his own day on Feb 22 and Thanksgiving is still a national holiday

    Stop the madness and call evil by name. It’s name is Islam.

  3. The usual suspects will trumpet this as a case for gun control (disarming the law-abiding populace). Conservatives (if in name only) who don’t want to rock the boat (think John Boehner, Rick Moran, Charlie Martin) will at most protest that gun control would have done nothing to prevent this, but their mouths will stay plastered when the libscum ask them what the cause is and what the solution would be. Only a handful of conservative bloggers, not reached by the majority couch-potato populace tethered to the neo-Communist propaganda outlets, will point out that Islam is the problem and that the solution lies in Muslim control (a total halt and reversal of all Muslim colonization of one’s nation-state).

    I’m frustrated beyond description at the way right-thinking people are denied their due influence on steering the ship of state by the stranglehold the wicked maintain over the sources of information. The fact that there’s no way to dislodge them that’s both quick enough and legal is the actual dire straits the entire free world is in.

  4. I wonder how that would work, though

    The BBC just reported an Indian man was asked who the prophet’s mother was and, when he didn’t answer, he was shot dead.

  5. If the gunmen had yelled, “All Non Moslems leave. We only want to kill Moslems,” obama would interupt his golf game and show real rage.

    Keep arming those rebels, you fraud in chief

  6. This form of attack is coming to the good old USA. How do I know? Because they do rehearsals in other countries of the attacks they are planning. A successful martyrdom operation in Kenya will give them a big boost in confidence and pride in their success. Think what it could do to the Great Satan.

    During the campaign in 2012, we were told that al Qaeda was decimated. Hah, what a load of BS. They’re on the march – in Iraq, in Somalia, in Kenya, in Mali, in Libya, in Syria, in Afghanistan, in the Philippines, and anyplace else they can infiltrate. Only 15% or so of the Muslims are Islamists, but that is 225 million. That number is a formidable guerilla army.

    Unfortunately, Obama and company will not see this as the threat that it is. To him the real threat comes from the TEA Party.

  7. J.J.:

    I have been expecting it since 9/11. We have been fortunate so far, and I hope our luck will hold out, but I have grave doubts.

  8. I wonder why these attacks don’t happen more. Is it that hard to find people who can shoot, give them weapons, and put them around civilians?

  9. Luck never holds out. All lucky streaks come to an end, and more often than not the streak turns into the Book of Job, badness and misfortune in a cascading stream.

    Odds are that nothing like Nairobi will happen stateside while the bowing, MB-embracing BHusseinO remains in office, but after that, look out.

    BTW, are muzzi prayers only in arabic? All US muzzies pray in arabic? what about ebonics or “The Queen’s” english?

  10. Pingback:Religion of Peace? – Radical Islamists target mall in Kenya | The Americanist

  11. Death toll up to 39 (as of 10:10 EST).

    Their evil knows no bounds: they deliberately targeted a CHILDREN’S Day event. God damn them.

    I’m going to watch football: I need to see something clean.

  12. ” . . . terrorists explicitly spared Muslims, asking people to recite a Muslim prayer in order to prove their religious affiliation.”

    They did the same thing on the attack in Mumbai; it was non-radical Muslims who reported this as they were spared for being able to recite such prayers from their childhood.

  13. Don Carlos,

    “BTW, are muzzi prayers only in arabic?”

    Yep. Islam is Arab imperialism. In the 7th century, most Arabs who got tired of paganism converted to Christianity, and some to Judaism, but having to swallow Arab pride and become part of a Greek or Hebrew culture, respectively, was a big problem, so Mohammed gave them a monotheistic religion that elevated Arabness, complete with an Arabic-language Koran that “can’t be translated” to any other language. Islam and Arab ethnocentrism are inextricably tied; Malcolm X may have fooled himself into thinking there was no racism in Islam, but he’d have been on the receiving end of epithets to make an Aryan Nations member blush if he’d taken part in a majority-Arab prayer group.

    While the Leftists in control of education rant and rave against white, European ethnocentrism in our day as if we were still in the 19th century, they are either blind to, or worse nod and wink at, the deep Arab chauvinism that underlies Islam, and which has driven Islamic invasion armies both military and civilian to “take up the Arab man’s burden” since Mohammed’s time to our day. But it’s you who are the RAAAAACIST if you dare to assert there’s anything imperialist or colonialist in the Muslim appropriation and settlement of increasing parts of the non-Muslim world.

    Islam is imperialism, Marxism is treason.

  14. Bin Laden is dead, Al Qaeda is in ruins, and Detroit is alive….


    In other news, the biggest enemies of civilization are republicans in the House. Film at 11.

  15. this morning, muslims killed 70 Christians attending church in Pakistan.
    I agree with Mike….. and the media is focusing on republicans as the enemy.

    buck ofama

  16. The thing is, if they give you enough time to recite a Muslim prayer, that’s enough time for you to close the distance and destroy them in hand to hand range.

    Let’s see them spray and pray fire all over their allies in CQB.

  17. What I heard from Obama’s whispers was “Let them die, I got to get more golf vacations”.

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