Home » Obama: again with the exhaustion


Obama: again with the exhaustion — 16 Comments

  1. Well, what he had going for him was an image, that yes-we-can spirit of hope and change. Image is good, as far as it goes. It’s part of leadership.

    But if even that is eroding, what’s left? I have not been the only voice here crying “empty suit” for a long time.

  2. Obama: “Get something done”

    How about capital gains rate reductions.

    Corporate tax rate reductions

    Improving the chances of the private sector expanding and thriving.

    Obama: “I found this deficit when we showed up”
    Crowd: Applause

    So let’s exacerbate that problem???? Geez!!! Was that a sound and logical argument for more debt Obama? no.

    Obama: “Particularly if they are going to middle class and working families”

    Me: Do middle class and working families employ others? No. Sure Middle class and working families should keep more of their money (if they pay income taxes) – but the investors and companies that employ need confidence that their investments will bring about profit. Jobs are created by employers. Tax rate reductions need to go to corporate and capital gains rates.

    Dear liberal,

    We are all in this together. In order to get out of it together we need to work in cooperation. We need to hear the SOUND economic theories that have been proven. We need this economy to expand.

    We do not need the government to pick the winners and losers.

    That has companies sitting on the side lines, reducing costs, waiting to see what the government does, etc.

  3. Kind of reminds me of Monday morning quarterbacks.

    It’s easy to criticize when one is not in the game, and that’s exactly what Obamma’s career for the past couple of years has been about.

    Criticizing Bush while not really being in the game on account his non-stop campaigning didn’t really leave him much time to lead in the Senate or really end up knowing very much about what was going on in current events.

    Now we all get to see what happens when a lightweight ends up rising to his level of incompetence.

    This can really end up ugly.

    The sad part is, those of us who DIDN’T vote for this guy are going to still end up suffering through the same *national malaise* as the useful idiots who were overcome by tingles in the leg, fainting spells in the presence of The One, and a general Obamaphoria during the election cycle.

  4. I never understood why people fell for this snake oil salesman. Peter principle indeed. But many smart, educated friends of mine did.

    Like Althouse, many of them thought he ‘kept his cool.’

    Well, the only thing I saw was a boy who didn’t know what to do and simply kept quiet, until the storm du jour blew over. Most storms do. Speaking is silver; silence is gold. So most of the time just not saying anything makes you look cool. Of course if you don’t have clue and you don’t say anything you also look cool.

    Obama deserves what he’s getting. Too bad he’s taking the rest of us with him.

    Again: he looks like a lost boy.

  5. Here’s the difference between a poseur and an achiever:

    Does anyone think Sarah Palin would be exhausted after 2 1/2 weeks? Heck no!

    She’s been an achiever all her life – at an achievement level few humans attain or operate at. In terms of energy and stamina: POTUS would be just another thing for her. She would relish the fun challenge of it. And she’d still be changing Trig’s diapers and having non neurotic sex with Todd.

    Does anyone thing Sarah Palin’s staff would be exhausted after 2 1/2 weeks? Heck no!

    She’s managed people before. She wouldn’t say or believe this stupidity: “We’ll keep up the pace of our campaign.” Anyone who lives in the real world understands campaign pace is designed to dump 1000 exhausted campaign workers into their bedrooms for weeks after the election.

    The White House is not a lesser pace, but it’s a different pace, b/c you don’t want to work people for 6 months and then dump them off for 2 weeks of sleep. Palin has self discipline. She would work consistent hours – partially for herself and partially b/c she would not be a fool about the needs of her staff.

    Palin is just one example. There are many persons with records of achievement who understand how to manage themselves and their staff. You could substitute any of them for Palin (i.e. Mitt Romney, Bobby Jindal), and they would run an excellent White House. Barack Obama is not a person whom we can count on to run an excellent White House. He might pull it off if he’s adaptable and willing to learn from his mistakes. But that is not the way to bet.

  6. Like Althouse, many of them thought he ‘kept his cool.’

    Sullenburger kept his cool. The One? not so much. I won isn’t a reason for anyone to support any given bill.

  7. I read in several of the gushymags that he or Rahm intended to keep the West Wing staff working 6a to midnight. Yeah, they’re probably tired. And tired people make mistakes.

  8. Obama is not a leader. Since he’s blaming the Republicans for the deficit, I wonder if he understands that the Democrats have controlled Congress for all but 12 years out of the last seventy or so?

    And the deficit is not precisely the problem. It’s how this Porkulus Bill sets up spending for the future. The overwhelming amount of this money is spend after 2010, and the overwhelming majority of the money is pork and not economic stimulus to create jobs. And government does not create jobs. The private sector does. Government sector jobs are WORK programs, and actually take money out of the real economy.

    As a professional investor I see that we are now back in the 1970’s. Pre-Reagan. And that this is by design. Some very powerful people inside and outside this country have decided that the United States is now to be remade in the image of a Euro-socialist economy. Most American voters, particularly young ones, believe that we should transition to socialism. They have their day now, and so they and their elected leaders and representative will be held to account for the results.

    Obama, the Democrats, and their voters now own it all. They will live or die by it. No one is going to believe their cock and bull story that the Republicans are to blame if it all goes to shit. I know they want credit for it, if it goes well. But if it all goes to shit they should own up to THAT result too.

    But these are kids who were raised to believe the fiction that they can evade the consequences of their choices and actions.

    Sorry, life doesn’t work that way. It’s time to grow up and face the world as adults.

  9. I said months ago they made this thing happen intentionally before he got elected. They sure didn’t want it to happen after.

    After listening to Specter on Hannity today, and catching some of what was said on Gretta’s show on Fox last Friday, neither house or senate knows what to do, except duck direct questions. They feel compelled to do something, so they are doing the usual. Throw money at it, hope for the best. And pork it ti the hilt during the process.

  10. Pingback:Bent Notes » Blog Archive » Hey, TCM, aren’t those workouts supposed to be putting some pep in your step?

  11. Reminds me of my 14 year old daughter. Like BHO, she’s never had a real job, but she has an excuse…she’s 14.

    Got her soccer referee license and then discovered that to make money she had to work..like maybe 3 games in a row, and then she was exhausted. 🙂

    How could BHO not be exhausted? That’s what happens when one has never held a job. Wonder what he will be like when there’s 1000’s of American causualties after the next terror attack.

  12. What gets me is the tone of these recent speeches. He’s so whiney. Heck, it’s downright un-Presidential. I don’t even remember Carter looking so out of place in the office. Of course, the arrogance doesn’t help either. The stimulus is a spending package- ‘what did I think a stimulus package was?’. I thought perhaps it might actually contain some stimulus for the economy, and not just bureaucratically wasted make work that grows nothing in the economy.

  13. I love reading Comments!

    Obama has always struck me as an immature teen. He whines. Whenever he criticizes someone, he does so indirectly. He mocks. He wants to entertain his followers. Ever notice that when he makes a joke, he laughs nervously at himself….sort of to say: that was a joke, get it? I think he REALLY needs to feel loved. (which, considering his backround — i.e. during his youth, when his mother moved him to a new “world” when she married a new man, then sent him “away” (usually how a child interprets it) to go back and live with his grandparents….j makes some real sense. That’s my amateur take).

    Now, tho, most of the adulation is conditional: his actions will have consequences, and people turn on a dime when their lives are effected negatively. Ten yrs. or so from now, maybe longer, should be interesting to see how he will be viewed in retrospect; especially the phenomenon of his campaign and his wild appeal to so many people.

    And I agree w/ Douglas: I’ve been fairly foaming at the mouth at his doom and gloom pronouncements of late — which neo noted in a post. He began that during campaign, and after September he really ramped it up — which I think absolutely had an effect (negative) on the economy. Scaring people is exactly the wrong thing to do in a recession as it exacerbates conditions and causes people to do things that make conditions worse. But this “you will be in a recession or Depression forever if you don’t do what I want — i.e. the “stimulus” is maddening. Not to mention obnoxious and absolutely non-leader-ish!

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