Home » Obama: reality may not bite yet, but it seems to be nibbling


Obama: reality may not bite yet, but it seems to be nibbling — 13 Comments

  1. Obama is human.

    The thing that strikes me Neo is that the left seems to have dehumanized conservatives and/or republicans and especially Bush/Cheney.

    They are men who love their country – and so does Obama and are doing what THEY think is best for the country.

    When I meet a negative and judgmental complainer person I immediately want to get out of the room that they are in. I can’t stand it. It sets me off.

    Obama’s had some tough days lately and it strikes me that there was very little accountability or responsibility for his words during the campaign.

    That has all changed.

    Bush and Obama were presidents of all people. While Obama may have the “I won” attitude now. He must understand that there are other viewpoints.

    It all comes down to the ideas/policies/solutions. If what is BETTER for America IS capital gains tax rate reductions or corporate tax rate reductions then it is IMPERATIVE that Obama look at these ideas for the good of the country.

    I would like to see news stories to show that Obama is not just ‘visiting’ with conservatives but ‘listening’ to conservatives.

    Visiting could mean that he is talking to conservatives but not listening.

  2. Bush was vilified and called clueless because he didn’t jump up immediately and start running around like Henny Penny saying “The sky is falling”. If the truth be known (or remembered) it was Bush – against the wishes of his advisers (both civilian and military) who ordered Air Force One back to Andrews so he could get back to the white house and better command and control access. Before all the name calling started I thought to myself how well he handled it. Knowing he had competent people gathering information he took a “very few minutes” to finish reading the story so as not to upset the children.

  3. Fannie Mae Logic Bomb Would Have Caused Weeklong Shutdown
    A logic bomb allegedly planted by a former engineer at mortgage finance company Fannie Mae last fall would have decimated all 4,000 servers at the company, causing millions of dollars in damage and shutting down Fannie Mae for a least a week, prosecutors say.

    So its inside just like Anthrax isn’t?

  4. neo-neocon –

    I don’t know how one could not recall the photo of President Bush on that terrible morning.

    Looking at the Obama photo, however, makes me fearful. Obama is NOT President Bush. I have no confidence in how Obama would handle a Sept. 11th-type event.

    It all makes me miss President Bush.


  5. It is a shockingly similar photo.

    I remember watching the footage early on, and my thought was that he (Bush) chose not to react strongly, in the same way that the paramedics do not rush when the ambulance comes. They are resolute and methodical, and not given to hysteria.

    He had to put on the calm face for the world to see.

    For Michael Moore to have twisted that is, I think, one of the worst things he did.

    And I agree with Deanna.

  6. Marines are trained to keep their bearing. Not to appear panicky or nervous. They’re trained at Basic to avoid the appearance of exhaustion and to certainly never admit it to civilians! I imagine Bush’s Air Force training emphasized similar behavior. Obama is already admitting weakness. Does it make him an inferior man? Certainly more whiney. lol

  7. I’m not sure B Hussein Obama ever hoped to win more than the nomination. I am also not at all sure that he has the country’s best interests at heart. I rather fear the contrary.
    His stress is apparently due to the tax problems his slithering, wormy, craven nominees have had to own up to. He is being found to be the Daleyesque figure sooner than anticipated.
    I wish my country well. That does not mean I wish Obama well.

  8. I think most people would say that they fear the possiblity of National Disaster to occur whith BHO at the helm. Everything that he has done thus far (in only 14 days) shows his inexperience and proves you cannot run a country like he did his campaign.
    Remember how Bush was based over Katrina? Well what has BHO done for any of the people of Kentucky or Arkansas? The answer NOTHING. Hundreds of thousands of Poeple with no power in the midst of record lows (mind you all while Global Warming is the talk of the town) and Just yesterday FEMA shows up to “take a look”. Pathetic!!!

  9. The complaint and opposition to Cheney’s (and by extension Bush’s) uncompromising stand on WOT tactics has too often revolved around the idea that they were unnecessary. In their heart of hearts, liberals believe that we could have gotten the same results without doing anything messy. Their evidence for this is blind faith – their hard-wired belief that if we’re just nice enough, the world will come around.

    The number of progressives who have even asked themselves the question “What if Cheney is right? What if there was no other way?” seems to be rather small. It does seem to be suddenly occurring to the Obama administration. I hope he’s a quick study.

  10. Assistant Village Idiot:

    When you wrote “in their heart of hearts, liberals believe that we could have gotten the same results without doing anything messy,” it reminded me of the Updike quote in his Vietnam essay, here:

    These privileged members of a privileged nation believed that their pleasant position could be maintained without anything visibly ugly happening in the world.

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