Home » Suicide bombs in breast implants?


Suicide bombs in breast implants? — 9 Comments

  1. Another reason to keep the muzzies geo-politically segregated — ensconced in the hell-holes of their own making.

  2. We should isolate or quarantine the islamic world – economically and physically.

    And the West should deport non-citizen muslims who want sharia and jail for life muslim citizens who want sharia for sedition and treason.

    religions shouldn’t get a pass for committing or advocating genocide or slavery.

  3. “The problem is another reason why we should be using behavioural analysis as the primary detection method to screen people at airports.”

    I partially agree. First you intelligently profile. 84 yr old white, black, asian, hispanic and native american grandmothers do NOT commit acts of terrorism. Secondly, any Muslim male is initially, a potential threat. That is when you use behavioral analysis to narrow your search.

    You also include Muslim women and males of every race in second stage behavioral analysis to prevent ‘anomalies’. Muslim women suicide bombers have occurred and the ‘unholy grail’ of jihadist terrorists is a blond, blue eyed jihadist Muslim.

    There are also reports of jihadist activity in S. American countries. It’s just a matter of time before they recruit Hispanics and black Muslims are an obvious field for recruitment.

  4. “Behavioral analysis” is not primarily racial or ethnic.

    The Israeli’s use behavior analysis profiling and it has worked for 40 years. We are so addicted to PC we refuse to do what works. Death by 10,000 cuts.

  5. Neo:
    I do not read anything in GB’s comment that suggests primacy of race or ethnicity in behavioral analysis. Au contraire.

  6. Ferreting out terrorist bombers begins with profiling. Religion, ethnicity, sex, age, intel input, and the final screen – behavioral analysis. Yes, such a system may miss finding the needle in the haystack. Our present screening system is far from foolproof. Moreover, it’s disgusting to me that our present system starts with the assumption that EVERYONE is a potential terrorist. Then it uses random screenings (gropings, x-rays, and luggage searches) of every fifth person or so regardless of their ethnicity, sex, age, or religion. And there is no behavioral analysis. This system is insulting, inefficient, clumsy, and far from foolproof. It also creates inviting target opportunities for bombers to get in the huge lines and detonate their bomb before ever getting to the screeners.

    A free society is very vulnerable to terrorist attacks. It is easier to defend ourselves if we but name the enemy, use intelligent profiling and add behavioral analysis to our defense efforts.

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