Home » We are all creepy ass crackers now…


We are all creepy ass crackers now… — 39 Comments

  1. Honky, cracker. Cracker, honky. Intended insults that don’t bother me at all. Maybe that is “white privilege”?
    Cracker cracks me up. Ritz crackers, Saltine crackers, Georgia cracker. Crackah, crackah, crackah.
    And, si se puede, again. I’m teaching myself Spanish.

  2. Can we safely say that Paula Deen is a creepy ass cracker?

    Crackers/rednecks/honkies are last group left in America that can be safely pilloried, no?

    Pile on!

  3. More interesting are the stories that this is a black thing that white folks don’t understand. A convenient excuse for why this woman is not suceeding in life. She cannot speak so that 80% of Americans can understand her, carry her self so that she is treated with respect by the same 80%, and understand the seriousness of what she is involved with.

    If Trayvon was worried he didn’t ask her to call the cops, fire department, EMS or his family. It’s sad but our elites make us all complicit in the tragedy.

  4. “But why does none of this surprise me? ”

    ‘Cause you’re creepy-ass *jaded*, neo!

    That’s why . . .

    [ s m i l e ]

  5. Let’s expunge “cracker” and vote up “whigger”… but only us whytefolks kin use that thar word.

  6. Oops, I’m later to the party. It seems there is already a word “whigger.” Shoulda known.

  7. What White People Don’t Understand About Rachel Jeantel

    Why Black People Understand Rachel Jeantel by Christina Coleman

    withouot realizing it they are basically saying that black people are liars and that their culture is so different the laws dont apply and white middle class men can never understand (then tell you they understand white middle class mens thoughts intimately), and that its implied that since blacks lie (including the author) that its good to just believe them.

    the whole thing is implied, they never actually get to what they are implying, nor do they ever talk facts, but they are riling up the base, and its obvious they think that blacks are stupid, or else why give them such a story thinking they will believe ?

  8. oh, i forgot to add the funniest saddest part (cant figure out which), is her idea that the ghetto talk is a different language and that they did not get a translator for the woman.

    ie. can you imagine how much MORE a farce it would be if the court acted out the scene from airplane..

    excuse me stewardess, i speak jive

    with subtitles so you can understand black language

    (what horrid women those two are and they do not realize that they are more racist than the racists of the past, who at least knew what they were)

    this is an example of what she things is another language (not a dialect)

    Elaine : Its a damn good thing you don’t know how much he
    hates your guts.
    Jivemn2 : Mnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
    Attndnt : Can I get you something?
    Jivemn2 : S’mo fo butter layin’ to the bone. Jackin’ me up.
    Attndnt : I’m sorry I don’t understand.
    Jivemn1 : Cutty say he cant hang.
    Woman4 : Oh stewardess, I speak jive.
    Attndnt : Ohhhh, good.
    Woman4 : He said that he’s in great pain and he wants to know
    if you can help him.
    Attndnt : Would you tell him to just relax and I’ll be back as
    soon as I can with some medicine.
    Woman : Jus’ hang loose blooood. She goonna catch up on the`
    rebound a de medcide.
    Jivemn2 : What it is big mamma, my mamma didn’t raise no dummy, I
    dug her rap.
    Woman4 : Cut me som’ slac’ jak! Chump don wan no help, chump
    don git no help. Jive ass dude don got no brains

  9. When excellence gets you derided by some of your peers, going along with the affirmative action path is an easy way out. Just look at how some accomplished black people are called names. Condoleezza Rice, Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, Walter Williams are all said by some as not “black enough”. Dare to rattle the race-based hustlers and they will try to make you regret it.

  10. None of this is a surprise to those in the “Deep South”, who are used to these -ahem- females, with their hairdos (often bizarre, but always lacquered immaculately in place) and their nail-salon talons, always at least 1 cm long and reinforced against breakage. Like the Chinese mandarins of long ago, whose long fingernails signified they were above any menial task, and indeed prevented them from tasking, even to not being able to blow their own noses.

    They are almost always fat. Occupy handicapped parking spaces as a (God?-given) right.

  11. One look at Zimmerman and you know he’s Hispanic in appearance. In his case, both Martin and Jeantel’s use of the term ‘creepy a** cracker’ refers to class, not race. To be racial, the correct term would have been ‘redneck cracker’ but Zimmerman doesn’t look white.

    Of course Jeantel and Martin are/were racist. Leftist/liberals have been preaching and indoctrinating generations of non-whites into the racist meme that America is an irredeemably racist society. Most non-whites have embraced that meme because its a convenient excuse for their lack of success. Rather than face the consequences of a rejection of the three interrelated values necessary for success; i.e. education, a strong work ethic and familialism, it’s much easier to blame ‘racist oppression’.

    That America today is, despite all its faults, by far the least racist society in history is an inconvenient truth for the left’s agenda.

    But truth is the first casualty upon ideology’s altar.

  12. I am currently reading Bruce Bawer’s The Victim’s Revolution: The Rise of Identity Studies and the Closing of the Liberal Mind. Bower does a great job of tracing the rise of victims in academia and highlights lots of the blather that passes for informed discourse today.

    Doesn’t anyone know that children have to be socialized, ie, taught how to speak, read, and write, taught the difference between a bird and a car, shown how to use a toilet, and told that they shouldn’t poop on the carpet? This girl’s ignorance should make every educator in the country want to hide in shame.

  13. Another one I heard during my three years of residing in a minority neighborhood was “white bread.”

  14. They are afraid that blacks may riot if Zimmerman is aquitted. Why are they not afraid that whites may riot if he is convicted. I suppose because it is not white conservative behavior to riot and loot. Therein lies the difference. And why is it acceptable for blacks to be racist? I just dont get it. The left will play this like a violin.
    A Georgia white man who saved a black child from drowning, just died from the injuries he sustained helping her. Obama will never call his family or wish he had a son like him. The black communty will not call him a hero. Sad times.

  15. I was a little surprised to learn that apparently white southerners no longer have a monopoly on racism. “White looking Hispanics” are also guilty it seems.

  16. There is some disagreement about what was meant: “creepy-ass cracker” or “creepy ass-cracker.”Althouse provides some information on the second possibility:

    Urban Dictionary has some definitions of “ass cracker” that predate this trial:

    1. ass cracker…
    One who not knowing the code or combination to a particular slice of ass is nonetheless able to get inside the ass…

    2. Ass Cracker…
    One who engages in anal sex.
    That wanker is an ass cracker.

    3. Ass Cracker…
    A term used to describe a man with a large enough penis, to brake the anus of the woman or man he is having anal intercourse with.
    “Damn, his’s cock is so big, he is definatly an ass cracker!”

    The word “creepy” makes special sense if you reinterpret the “ass” to go with “cracker.” Martin said a man was following him, looking at him. He might have thought Zimmerman was a man out looking for sex and was watching him for that reason. What conversations had Martin had in the past with Jeantel about worries of this kind. She “had to think it might have been a rapist.”

    Althouse goes on to point out that the second definition may explain why Trayvon Martin went after Zimmerman:

    Why didn’t Martin take Jeantel’s advice and run home? The rapist/ass-cracker theory makes sense of Martin’s decision to go after Zimmerman. If he saw Zimmerman as a sexual predator, he might think confrontation was a good idea or even an important step: These creeps in the neighborhood need to know that I’m not their prey. It’s not enough to run inside daddy’s house. My manhood must be established here and now or I can’t walk free around here anymore.

    I would imagine that Trayvon Martin would have had no hesitation about calling a white a “cracker,” which would not rule out the first possibility, but this alternate explanation is something to consider.

  17. When I first read this article I thought it was so ridiculous it could only be satire. I looked through the author’s archives… its not.

  18. crazy ass cracker fully translated would something like

    why is a man in the dark in the rain following me
    he must be crazy… i can see hes white… he must be busting my ass following me

    with busting my ass being an earlier form of breaking my balls, which means giving someone a hard time.

  19. and i just realized WHY you guys dont get it.
    the separation is between ass and cracker, not crazy, and ass.

    Crazy Ass

    Ass Cracker

    its not the second, its the first..

    like that is one crazy ass dude..
    (And he is white, so a cracker).

    blacks who act white are oreos
    indians who act white are apples
    and on and on, with newer terms

    there was once a crim where the police asked for help, they could not understand the notes and what they meant.

    i wrote a letter explaining that the writing was cell phone abbreviated slang text… it made no sense to someone who never saw it, almost like a code. but in fact, they were basically saying what they were doing, including the idea of killing someone as reflected by the numbers in the note.

    i never got a reply…

    crazy ass dick
    A complete and total weirdo, a C.A.D., a McKenna, or a Jessica. Crazy ass dicks are very common around town, everone wants to be one, but watch out, there are many wannabe crazy ass dicks!

    crazy ass kraut
    Crazy germans that drive gay purple cars

    Crazy ass ninja

    the last described as:
    Lobsters, as seen being held up by grinning Crazy Ass Crackas in the L.L. Bean catalog. a catalog full of crazy ass crakas for crazy ass crakas

    <bcrazy ass cracka
    A cracka that is crazy. Perhaps the cracka has led a sheltered life or watched too many episodes of Friends and finally cracked.

  20. Gringo,
    I’ve lived in the south for 60+ years and 37 of those years in Florida. I’ve held a variety of jobs including working in a correctional facility for 6 years. I have never heard the term ass cracker used in the context that Althouse suggest.

  21. artfldgr, Gringo, kaba:

    Actually no, it does not seem to mean that in this case.

    Even yesterday, I read a number of discussions that speculated on the possible two meanings of the phrase. And then I actually watched and listened to the video of her testimony, and listened to the way Rachel Jeantel said the phrase (she said it several times). And at no point did I hear her say it like this: “creepy ASS-cracker.” At every point I heard her say it like this: “creepy-ass CRACKER.” And the attorney said it quite a few times, too, and at all points he said it with the “cracker” emphasis, and she did not disagree or correct him.

    By the way, interestingly enough, I read a long discussion of the evidence in the case (I forget where; it may have been at Legal Insurrection) that mentioned that it was only on the stand that she used the phrase at all. At no time during her multiple depositions and interviews prior to that had she said it. I don’t know the significance of that, although I can think of several possible explanations: she thought it too racist or too obscene (although either is hard to believe, as she didn’t seem shy about other controversial words and phrases she’s used), she didn’t think it important, or she made it up off the top of her head on the spot and Martin never even said it.

  22. I am somewhat perplexed by the efforts expended here on trying to get inside Jeantel’s brain and/or decipher her speech. To what useful purpose?

    I would personally find trying to communicate with cockroaches potentially more productive.

  23. At the news sites, it looks like this has devolved into a white vs. black thing again. What else is new? EVERYTHING ends up as white vs black. And why not? It gives the permanent victim class an excuse for their failures. And then here comes the government with a basket of free goodies to console these poor, poor victims of racism. Housing, food, Obamaphones, medical care, you name it. Which only reinforces their feelings that they are OWED something by society. Then they have their 6.7 children and start the cycle anew.

  24. I guess it probably sounds like I have some kind of monomania about being from the south, because it seems like I open every comment with “I’ve lived in Alabama all my life, and…”

    But it’s relevant. What we think of as general black English now is mostly recognizable to me as the way I heard black people in the country talk when I was growing up. It has a certain amount of overlap with the way poor whites talk. And all my life, in both dialects, I’ve heard “ass” used as a sort of adjective strengthener. I’m talking about back into the 1950s.

    “That’s a sorry excuse.”

    Or if you feel more strongly: “That’s a sorry-ass excuse.”

    Sure sounds to me like she’s using it that way.

  25. In Georgia and Florida, cracker is comparable to redneck. It is usually pejorative.

  26. Kit writes: “They are afraid that blacks may riot if Zimmerman is aquitted.”

    Afraid??!! They are petrified. “They” includes authorities, a good portion of people in general (not just white) and should include sensible blacks historically, rioting in minority communities has resulted in destruction in their own neighborhoods.

    When I heard the testimony about Martin’s use of the phrase “crazy-ass cracker” and the subsequent rationalization by most media pundits in efforts to minimize, or completely deny any possible racism on the part of Martin. However, that didn’t prevent any of those same pundits from sweeping indictment of Zimmerman as racist given his use of the word “punk” alluding to Martin during his non-emergency call to the police.

    I wonder if the prosecution had even a clue that Rachel Jeantel was going to quote Martin’s phrase on the stand. It appears she has selectively edited her recounts of what she heard a number of times. Initially, it seems when the police first picked her up for interrogation, they just happened to bring with them Treyvon’s mother and her lawyer. Supposedly she did not want Martin’s mother to know he said such a thing (as if she had no clue how her son spoke — even when the whole reason he was sent to his father’s was because he had been getting into so much trouble, specifically having been recently suspended from school 3 times!

    Also, maybe I was hearing things, but yesterday when I happened to see a small bitof Jeantel’s testimony, I could have sworn I heard her say that when Treyvon told her about the “crazy-assed cracker” who was following him, she told him that maybe it was a rapist and to run! But he emphaticalle said no! That’s not very indicative of a child” being scared out of his mind to me. Quite the contrary, it sounds to me much more like a mindset toward confrontation.

    Additionally, while watching one cable station, nearly all of the attorney or psychologist pundits spoke at length about how they believed Rachel Jeantel. They made every allowance conceivable for her illiteracy, her having lied numerous times in the past. They concluded that she was telling “her” truth. How much “her truth” comports with “the” truth was not discussed.

    And Jeantel’s visible illiteracy was not attributed to the possibllity that she might not have been a focused student, or had less than stellar attendance but was an indictment of the Miami Dade school system! (Which educated me quite well, thank you very much — though my school(s) were not located in a minority area.

    There are 2 red hot issues involved in thise case:

  27. Rush occasionaly has his black producer, Bo Snerdley(real name?) do a “certified Black enough to criticize Obama” speech. After he gives the speech in english, he gives a follow up translation for the hood.

  28. We thought for sure they’d convict OJ. And they let him loose, and all the blacks celebrated from coast to coast.

    The “whites don’t understand black folks” BS reminds me strongly of Whoop-arse Goldberg saying, of Michael Vick’s animal-cruelty conviction, “You all wouldn’t understand. It’s a Black Thing.”

    Amazing, isn’t it? how even a clever gal like Goldberg (real name, Caryn Elaine Johnson) lays claim to the most horrific behavior as “black.”

    Re riots: I think that if the local blacks riot in Florida, they might find their paleface neighbors not entirely unprepared to defend themselves.

  29. “Re riots: I think that if the local blacks riot in Florida, they might find their paleface neighbors not entirely unprepared to defend themselves.”

    I hope you are right…

  30. Fellow Creepy Ass CRACKERS,

    Two hundred years from now this will still be an issue. With racists like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton masquerading as clergy and using their religious credentials to incite racism and hate, things will get a lot worse before the ever get better.
    If it was up to Obama, Holder, Sharpton, Gates, Wright and Jackson there would be a mandatory adopt-an-African-American federal program. Free housing, food, medicare
    and cell phones for life just isn’t cutting it. Where’s the govt sponsored free luxury automobiles? Do I resent the fact that I have to support these programs ……. well, when I hear their appreciation in the form of all white people are “creepy ass crackers” in our neighborhood I gotta say the programs aren’t working and are a waste of tax-payer money. There’s this old saying about “biting the hand that feeds you” or tries to pull you out of the gutter.

    People like Sharpton and Jackson are aware of the inherent lack of education and ambition of their people and instead of spending their energy trying to heal the racial divide, prefer to exploit their own people for fame and fortune. Could this be because Jesus is largely portrayed as a light skinned middle easterner?

    On another note, do you realize that African kings frequently
    sold and/or traded their own into slavery to the Middle East particular. Long before there was a USA. Black slavery has been going on for many centuries. It also peaks volumes about the races ability to take care of itself. America has become a patsy by allowing ourselves to be sucked into this sense of responsibility for the African condition. And that may speak volumes about the direction we are heading as a country.


    P.S. I sure hope you can’t hear them whining on the other side, I mean after your’e dead. Now that would be hell?

  31. I am glad that not everyone has Lost Their Minds! Why is the FACT that Trayvon didn’t go home, he came back to where George Zimmerman was being ignored. HOW can you say it is okay that Mr. Martin confronted Mr. Zimmerman because Zimmerman was watching him?! It is crazy!! You don’t have the RIGHT to punch someone in the nose and then slam their head against concrete because you didn’t like the way they looked at you! As far as I can tell, again by looking at the FACTS, Trayvon was the only one that had racism in his heart. Mr. Zimmerman was concerned because Trayvon met the criteria of the suspects that had been terrorizing his neighborhood. You wouldn’t know by listening to the media but George Zimmerman also called in about suspicious HISPANIC and WHITE guys in the neighborhood but the media only plays the black calls. DESPICABLE! And so is this article!

  32. I will say this. NONE of the white peoples intentions are to be someone that should be feared, but its the way some white people look when they see a black person. They just stare like its something that a black person did to them for being born. They look at a black person as if a black person HURT THEIR FEELINGS just by walking into a room. White people have a HIDDEN AGENDA toward black people and its WRONG. They know that we are very sensitive because of what we have been put through but yet they continue to whisper QUIETLY about us and talk mess about us as if we don’t have a clue what their talking about. Even if we are minding our own business, you can sometimes see a white person START FROWNING when we come around like we STANK or LIKE WE ARE DISEASES. White people need to get these STEREOTYPES about BLACK PEOPLE out of their system or else there will never be any compromise. BLACKS TRY TO KEEP THE PEACE, but WHITE PEOPLE always try to STIR UP TROUBLE all the time. EVEN THE LITTLE THINGS they do cause some kind of TROUBLE. What are us blacks to do. Sit around and let them stomp all over us and our intelligence, which some think is LIMITED. it dont work like that

  33. I have no idea whether the above commenter is actually black, is actually sincere, or is some sort of troll. On the internet, of course, anyone can assert that he/she is anything one wants.

    But let’s just assume the commenter is sincere, in which case the comment is a good example of a sort of paranoia that can never be reassured and never satisfied. The Civil War’s bloodshed was apparently not enough. The Civil Rights movement and all its victories, resultant laws, court decisions, the welfare system, diversity rules, affirmative action, a black president—none of it, none of it is enough. Nothing could ever assuage or reassure such a person; nothing.

    Racism and prejudice on the part of some individuals—towards blacks, Jews, Asians, hispanics, any particular group you can think of—will always exist. But you need to learn to distinguish the real from what you conjure up in your own mind—and what is a result of your own hostile attitude.

    If in fact you are honestly representing your true beliefs, my suggestion for you would be to get psychological help.

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