Home » Thomas Sowell: predictions, 2008


Thomas Sowell: predictions, 2008 — 7 Comments

  1. Thomas Sowell, brilliant and forthright. I’ve been reading him since 1978. Too bad his wisdom hasn’t been incorporated in the policy decisions of our day.

  2. Too bad Sowell is an Uncle Tom. Otherwise, the MSM would pay attention to his books, lectures, and wisdom.

  3. I get your meaning parker. Uncle Tom, if you read of him without programming and with an open heart, you will be crushed and wounded over the injustice upon him and his superiority above it.

    So Dr. Sowell is an Uncle Tom which is a term of respect and depth.

    I prefer to think of Dr. Sowell as a blue whale. It’s hard to appreciate his immensity and depth until you get up close. His song resonates and travels far.

    When you read his works, what is striking is how available but difficult it is. He does not rely on jargon, but somehow you are swept in his wake and think you understand and comprehend. Then, when he levels out, you realize what depth you are in and burble out some bubbles and head for the surface.

    Meanwhile, your life has been enriched and your lungs expanded. It was good swim with Uncle Tom, the blue whale.

  4. Sowell’s like that Douglas guy who started reading and writing when most people thought slaves too racially stupid to do any such thing.

    It burns to know that race eugenics, one of the theological dogmas of the Left, is made into a hollow hypocrisy with the existence of one person.

  5. Obama: “I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”

    Dolly Levi: “Money is like fertilizer. It’s no good unless you spread it around.”

    Obama has been spreading it around his whole life.

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