Home » The Anchoress isn’t ordinarily…


The Anchoress isn’t ordinarily… — 21 Comments

  1. No election outcome, no quick national financial solution, would be as welcome as the final gasp of the MSM. Their complete collapse would mean more for this country politically, socially, and culturally, than anything else I can think of.

  2. The MSM coverup for Obama is frightening, because it has less to do with Obama than with us: they support Obama because they think diversity in the White House is *good* for us. They’re looking out for our mental health! What we might *think* doesn’t matter: it isn’t the patient’s job to prescribe the type and dosage of the medication.

    Of course the NY Times hasn’t yet achieved its ambition of being the western Pravda (newspaper of record indeed). But it’s distressing to see how many journalists and politicians have agreed that news of Obama’s non-career of moneyspending on para-Marxist causes is harmful to public morality and therefore not “fit to print”.

  3. And congress wanted to give ACORN much more money in the first bail out bill. That cat was let out of the bag on purpose. By whom and why is not yet clear.

    It can’t happen here. It can’t happen here.

    It IS happening here.

  4. Every story that is coming out has Obama giving money(earmarks) to people who donated to him… every story has unsavory links…

    nothing is as it seems it seems.

    He is fighting to block release of his BIRTH CERTIFICATE? His college records? His scholarly papers? Why?

    I would think your birth certificate would be offered up without any question whatsoever.

    What? Is he afraid of being Palin-ized? Or does he have something to hide?

  5. The birth cert, even if that turned out to be a real story (which I doubt) would be only a technical disqualification. It might hurt Obama, but it would split the nation further if it were used. I am far more concerned about the general abdication of the press. It is quite similar to 1998 and the ignoring of facts related to the various Clinton scandals. I stated at the time “All I want is for Clinton to be made to stand in the well of the Senate and answer questions under oath.”

    That’s all I want now. No running out the clock with evasions, no avoiding direct press questioning, just Obama sitting and answering questions, much as Supreme Court nominees are required to do.

    I didn’t see it then, and we won’t see it now.

  6. From the Anchoress

    …with an Obama victory and a Democrat sweep, the press will – within a year or so – once again be “the only game in town.” And with no reason to do so, they will not even pay the barest lip-service to opposition opinion. Hell, they barely do, now. They will become the monolithic monopoly which acts as the trumpet for the Glorious Government of the People’s Republic of America – or, if you like, Pravda West.

    Which jives with what I said in a comment to one of your posts about Biden lying in the debate, back on 10/3,

    I suspect that part of the motivation for much of the left-leaning mainstream media fighting tooth and nail for the democrats rests in the hopes that if the democrats win not only the Whitehouse in November, but also a veto-proof majority in Congress that we will see a revival of the Fairness Doctrine (how Orwellian) and some form of Net Neutrality Act to effectively gut the free flow of information and opinion that the internet has provided. The hope being that the gate-keepers will get to retain their jobs and return to their glory days of influence.

    Yes folks are angry, angry because we are perhaps (and I say perhaps because the votes haven’t been counted yet) watching an election being stolen. I don’t like it any more than anyone else here.

    While I’ve tried to sway those who will listen and be optimistic and not quit until the voting is finished, the cold empty feeling of defeat has been slowly seeping in and this subject has been on my mind lately (along with no small amount of cabernet, at the moment). We write and are indignant as we should be at what is transpiring. Some few morons go out and do stupid things like attack people or places.

    But I look at the organization and commitment, yes commitment, on the left and I have to wonder what have we really done politically compared to those on the left who have made the long march through our institutions, the courts, education, etc. with community organizing and grass roots activism. They have done it with the fanaticism of religious converts. (Don’t lecture me about our troops. I know the great things they have achieved, but I’m talking about the political front here at home.)

    What have we done to go into communities and try to get people registered? To get them to polling places to vote? To persuade them to our point of view? (Granted many were cajoled and coerced by the left, but you get my point.) I’m simply asking?

    The right, through belief in individual freedoms and the free flow of capital has helped to enable the creation of wealth and prosperity and raise the living standard of all including the poor at home as well as spread freedom abroad, to a level unseen in history. But these efforts are drowned out by the lies and propaganda against capitalism and America.

    Many republicans got elected to Congress using lofty rhetoric about change and corruption (sound familiar?) only to go into a feeding frenzy once they got their turn at the trough. They are as complicit as he democrats in many ways for our current economic troubles.

    I think libertarians/conservatives tend to be more self reliant and individualistic. We rely on our ideas and beliefs to speak for themselves, but they can’t speak for themselves when they are pitted against a hurricane of lies geared to bumper sticker mentalities.

    We are not busting into meetings and confronting the liars and getting in their face, thus attaching a cost to their lying by making it personal like the left does.

    We are not organizing boycotts of those who finance, aid and sponsor these lies. We are not protesting to the advertisers of the venues that peddle these lies. Not in the organized and more massive way that the left has.

    Our candidate (who was not my first choice) has only now at the 11th hour begun to act like he really wants to win. Up to now, he’s been the nice guy who wants to be liked by friend and foe alike, collegial, pleasant, senatorial. Hell I wonder if his campaign has ever really been about winning or is just a vanity campaign. A sop to an old boy at the end of his career like Dole’s campaign was. Where’s the outrage?

    I am not advocating becoming like the left and eschewing all ethics and morality in the quest to win power. That would be a phyrric victory. But it is clear that the left has been hungrier and has been willing to take the longer view. The actions of the left and their allies in the media have upped the ante and unless we are willing to fight back and do what is necessary to win we will not prevail.

    And unless we do fight back, we will see another massive expansion of state power into our lives. We will see the revival of fairness doctrines, net neutering, er neutrality, we’ll see card check campaigns at work and who knows, maybe even human rights commissions to enforce political correctness ala Canada.

    How do we do it? Fight back and stand up for the principals that made this nation great? I’m wondering. Where’s the ACORN for those who believe in America?
    Sorry about the long rant Neo, it’s late, I’m drunk and disgusted, it’s time to go to bed.

  7. Tim P:

    That was a good rant. The problem, as I see it, is that most people who believe in limited government and free-market capitalism are too busy working, earning a living, and creating products and services that are valued by others to worry about getting involved in government.

    But for the left, it’s all about government, politics, and gaining power over others. So naturally they focus their energies in that direction.

    If the left does come to power in America, we may be forced to resort to other means to throw off the chains of oppression. I really don’t see any way around it. I think the Founders would have known what to do. They would have considered it “self-evident”.

  8. There will be a civil war one day if these trends continue unabated. You can’t effectively disenfranchise half the population and expect them to take it lying down. The system is predicated on fairness and balance and when one side is routinely and systematically held to a different standard than the other eventually something (i.e. the social compact) will break. Unless the MSM breaks first. The disappearance of their power to skew things to their liking (versus being an honest purveyor of information) would be a giant step forward for the future of the country and might help restore trust in the system to many who are fast losing it. An election system that isn’t demonstrably free and fair is meaningless in the long run.

  9. What we have is a breakdown of reason and civility. Mob justice and the threat of mob justice is a greater danger than a few people who earn too much money.

    Consider this: there are only 500 Fortune 500 CEOs. Even if you got ten million dollars each from them in taxes (which you won’t) that’s only five billion dollars, a drop in the bucket when it comes to the nation’s budget and the tax burden on the ‘average’ individual.

    The press is supposed to be the guardian. The press is aiding and abetting.

    What would happen if bloggers could get on the various Public Access channels on television? Of course, in some places their lives might be in danger, but it would be a crack in the dam. With good production values (like those on PJM-TV) it might make a difference. And if the local listing actually said “Pajamas Media” people might tune in expecting, well, something else … and stay for the iconoclasm.

  10. Pingback:A Goy and his Blog

  11. Alinskies doctrine and lenins, and stalins, etc… are all the same… win at any cost, even if your the wrong one to be there… if you win, then you must be the right one to be there. merit be damned since merit will not always grant what you want. along with this is the other doctrine of its easier to beg forgiveness than it is to ask permission.

  12. To build on Tim P.’s rant / point… what are we going to do to be more involved?

    So some degree we’ve done what lefties do when it comes to charity. We left it to the experts (like the campaigns). That didn’t work.

  13. As far as bias goes on most of the media sites, I’ll give them this much credit for honesty; they don’t even pretend anymore.

  14. They’re now quoting Soros on the financial crisis. It’s like The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch interviewing Jenna Jameson. Making him legitimate. The fox is now in the chikenhouse.

    What’s Soros saying? The markets are melting down. He must be orgasmic. His dreams are all coming true.

  15. Talk show host Mike McConnel openly wondered why it is Republicans and conservatives dont fight harder. Someone had suggested to him the reason that is true is because who we are and how we conduct ourselves. Democrat politicians start out as activists and union hall delegates and learn to be “in your face” early. Meanwhile, Republicans come up speaking to the Rotary Club. We just dont riot.

    I’ve always thought of the Republicans as being, more or less, the party of responsible adults while the democrats, generally, the party of the petulant teenager. I hope the adults can restore sanity but its difficult when the teenagers claim to know everything and drag you down to their level of discourse in order to “reason” with them. I dont know how we do this when they “own” the means to disseminate information.

  16. So many of above comments echo my own feelings. I’ve felt the anger, the frustration, the disgust — at what I’ve seen for days which have turned into weeks, months, a year?

    But lately, there’s been a slow burn underneath all of that is a slow burn that was submerged but has been growing exponentially. I realized a few days ago that this burn is reserved specially for the MSM. How can this be happening? How HAS it happened? There’s no way to really fight this. These are private enterprises, and despite big ratings losses — much as the NY Times circulation, it continues unabated.

    Like Tim, I try to talk to those who will listen. But fact is, so many people don’t want real information upon which to make an informed decision. It’s this guy, or that guy, and which one they LIKE better. Regarded more as entertainment than serious stuff with huge consequences to the future of our lives. Then, too, I probably am a bit overwhelming, which is a mistake I know (neo wrote an article about pursuading others some time ago), but my frustration about people NOT knowing so many things induces me to try best as I know how to give them real facts. (Then I get back: but I saw this on TV or read that in the papers…….and I know my efforts are wasted).

    McCain…I haven’t quite figured out. I’m guessing he was wagering on the fact that most of the country would be so tired of the divisiveness of the last 8 years, the poison that has been spewed, and miscalculated that the folks would appreciate the noble politician with a code of ethics and morality. Obama initially presented himself this way, too. Holier-than-they (all the others); above partisan politics. And the MSM was only to happy to amplify this imate. Once story after story began surfacing about his long association with a stream of shady (at best) characters, the mask was off and so on the stump he abandoned such pretense. He rightly gauged that if he attacked first, and hard, it would be a distraction from the unsavory details of his recent past, not too mention his lack of experience. Also, he could define McCain negatively by fanning the flames of Presidential hatred and creating a fiction that McCain is another George Bush. (Ironically, one of their few likenesses is their strength of character and love of country — as it is.) (If he is successful, which I fear he might be, would that he receives such treatment in spades — and he very well might, because his acolytes are more the “fair weather fan” type. Their loyalty is not based on principle, but on hatred. And there is no discounting, as well, the power that victimization brings to people — all that’s bad in your life is not your fault; it’s the big bad govt. and those evil greedy guys at the top. This is one lesson he learned well from Reverend Wright.

    Sadly, I have started to feel just what Tim P. said:

    “the cold empty feeling of defeat has been slowly seeping in and this subject has been on my mind lately….”

    But I’ll still keep hoping until the end. Because that is who we are. We believe in our principles and we love our country and appreciate the privileges it affords us, even when imperfect. We believe in good and bad, and right and wrong, and trust that good will prevail. (Much as we believe that bringing democracy to other nations is good, and brings so much to other people). Maybe we’re naive. But that’s who we are. Or that’s who I am. And truth is, I like that part of who I am.

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