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Biden speaks — 8 Comments

  1. Biden has since walked his statement back. Sad. Reminds of when Lieberman ran with Gore and reversed several of his own positions so as to support Gore’s position.

    Biden does pass the “have a beer with him” test. Though I would never vote for him, I would be honored to have a beer with Biden. We could chat about which sports teams he actually supports – unless he, ya know, got mad and challenged me to a contest of IQs, then brought in the Delaware State Police to work me over. So, maybe a beer with Biden is not such a good idea after all. Like Biden walking back his opposition to the McCain email hit piece: I’m walking back my former willingness to drink beer with Biden 🙂

  2. @gcotharn – The statement “clarifying” Biden’s comment on the ad came from the Obama camp. So apparently, Biden isn’t the one doing his own backtracking. Which means you can still have a beer with him.

    Unless he decides to plagiarize the re-explanation from Obama’s handlers…

  3. I love his mistake with couric… what an ass..

    saw the vid this afternoon..

    he goes on about how the people follow leaders that know what they are talking about (or something close to that, i dont have a transcript).

    then after that he then says:

    When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the princes of greed. He said, “look, here’s what happened.”

    too bad that hoover was president and people didnt have tv sets yet.

    (there were units like the octagon, but they were novelties)

  4. found link to story… with the complete text.
    its the same interview that biden made his comment that is the subject of this thread.

    yet no one calls him on his crash comments.


    “Part of what being a leader does is to instill confidence is to demonstrate what he or she knows what they are talking about and to communicating to people … this is how we can fix this,” Biden said. “When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the princes of greed. He said, ‘look, here’s what happened.'”


    and on what Neo noted, Biden turned 180 degrees around on that after they showed him the ad. so he didnt actually make that comment as anything he believes, he heard the issue, thought that his comment would win support, then found out what the party line was, and converted.

    He was apparently commenting on a commercial he had never seen. At least that’s the spin now.

    In a late night email from the Obama camp, a new Biden statement emerged.

    “I was asked about an ad I’d never seen, reacting merely to press reports,” Biden explained. “Having now reviewed the ad, it is even more clear to me that given the disgraceful tenor of Senator McCain’s ads and their persistent falsehoods, his campaign is in no position to criticize…”

    and on the subject of typing…

    of course the reports never mentioned that McCains hands are not functioning properly since his vacation at the hanoi hilton. his wife types, and they work together.

    McCain did once describe himself as computer “illiterate” and dependent upon his wife for computer assistance, but there’s more to the tale than that.

    Assuredly McCain isn’t comfortable talking about this — and the McCain campaign discouraged me from writing about this — but the reason the aged Arizonan doesn’t use a computer or send e-mail is because of his war wounds. – blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2008/09/why-doesnt-mcca.html


    “I read my e-mails, but I don’t write any,” McCain told Fortune magazine in 2006. “I’m a Neanderthal — I don’t even type. I do have rudimentary capabilities to call up some Web sites, like the New York Times online, that sort of stuff. No laptop. No PalmPilot. I prefer my schedule on notecards, which I keep in my jacket pocket.”

  5. Given how little press this seems to have gotten, and to how little anyone seems to care that the Veep candidate is trashing the Top of the Ticket, one might conclude that the Dems have stopped listening and are simply bowing and cheering. That makes it very hard to reach them with reason.

  6. I’ve also heard that Biden has said that Hilary would have been a better VP pick than him. There are rumors floating around that he’ll quit, citing health reasons. Then they figure Obama will pick Hilary. It won’t happen, of course, because Obama is not capable of working with any woman as number two, let alone Hilary.

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